almost 13 years

so we're both right? I can live with that

Starting XI
over 17 years

I suppose I should add something being a season ticket holder for the last 4 seasons.

Here's a bit of my stuff.

Signed T Shirt

Signed Hazza shirt.

Burton's Actual playing shirt, signed and gifted to my wife

Top scorer for the season. Urlo's actual playing shirt, signed.

Fat Andy's shirt. You can tell its not his playing shirt by the size :)    (and no sponsors logo on the sleeve)

Home and away season 3

Season 1 and 4

Season 4 supporters club special edition shirt

Season 4 home shirt and knights beanie

Kingz  jacket gifted by Chris Jackson. This was offered to Hardnews and myself after a game. No suprise I was quicker than him.

One in a million
over 17 years

Awesome collection there Nightz

First Team Squad
about 15 years

One of my abiding memories was of SKY TV threatening to sue me...

A player had asked if I could make some highlights of the games he'd played in, which I was happy to do... I then began playing about with some early version photoshop and edit software and made like league tables etc... lumped it all together on a VHS for him, so it looked like a season review that English clubs did at the time... he then came back and said some of the other guys wanted one... sure, no problem... 

I then made the mistake of standing up at a supporters gathering and saying if anyone wanted a copy, just let me know... wasn't taking any money for them, just thought there might be other anoraks like me who'd like the video... anyway, at that same do, one of the other supporters had been winding up a SKY 'employee', who got pissed off and decided to get his own back on us by telling his boss "Milts is selling Kingz videos"... wasn't true of course, but they sure got angry, and I was bricking it as a result...

Happy days :)

almost 17 years

Picked up a Kingz scarf this year in Soccer Scene in Auckland. Must have been sitting there a while with a faded label.

First Team Squad
about 15 years

Afternoon all - with the All Whites playing Western Pride this week, thought it'd be cool to look back at when the Kingz played Eastern Pride... two matches from Season 2 up on the channel - enjoy :)

Kingz Channel:

over 9 years

TBdFSOE wrote:

Afternoon all - with the All Whites playing Western Pride this week, thought it'd be cool to look back at when the Kingz played Eastern Pride... two matches from Season 2 up on the channel - enjoy :)

Kingz Channel:

Gay Pride night!

Didn't 'Timmay' Stevens score 4 in 2 matches, then fail to hit a barn door with the proverbial after that?

over 9 years

TBdFSOE wrote:

One of my abiding memories was of SKY TV threatening to sue me...

A player had asked if I could make some highlights of the games he'd played in, which I was happy to do... I then began playing about with some early version photoshop and edit software and made like league tables etc... lumped it all together on a VHS for him, so it looked like a season review that English clubs did at the time... he then came back and said some of the other guys wanted one... sure, no problem... 

I then made the mistake of standing up at a supporters gathering and saying if anyone wanted a copy, just let me know... wasn't taking any money for them, just thought there might be other anoraks like me who'd like the video... anyway, at that same do, one of the other supporters had been winding up a SKY 'employee', who got pissed off and decided to get his own back on us by telling his boss "Milts is selling Kingz videos"... wasn't true of course, but they sure got angry, and I was bricking it as a result...

Happy days :)

Everyone was being threatened with legal action back then - if you weren't, then you weren't trying :)

I felt like counter-sueing for this dross that the Kingz kept on serving up

over 9 years

My All-Time Bestest Kingz XI

Utts (in his second stint)

JPerry (even though he was average)

Ivan (I recall in the first season he played at LB?)

Roly Douglas



Paco Almendra


Fat Andy

Dennis Ibrahim



The bench


Mauro Donoso (should either Ivan or Roly fail at LB)

Robbie Hooker (I thought about Riki vS, but he was what I'd call a kamikaze defender)

Jacko (I couldn't start with him as he'd be sent off in the first half)

Burts (should really start. but went with Vlahos for some width)


Struggling for a 7th sub......Robbie Middleby? He was dead quick

Early retirement
over 17 years

No Dino Menillo?

over 9 years

Went for Burts instead.......or maybe Dino in for Middleby? But then you lose that pace Middleby offers

I stand by it, no Dino!

Starting XI
over 12 years

I'm trying to remember the name of a player for the kingz. 

Memory is a bit hazy but he was a young Aussie centre back who got a really nasty head injury in a game at Mt smart, maybe the last season they played there.

None of the names in the players list really ring a bell.

I remember him because I was working at Blockbuster in Mt Wellington at the time and he was a customer and we used to talk footy all the time.  Just can't recall his name.

One in a million
over 17 years

Kovacevic played for the Knights. Was it him?

Chant Savant
over 17 years

chopah wrote:

I'm trying to remember the name of a player for the kingz. 

Memory is a bit hazy but he was a young Aussie centre back who got a really nasty head injury in a game at Mt smart, maybe the last season they played there.

None of the names in the players list really ring a bell.

I remember him because I was working at Blockbuster in Mt Wellington at the time and he was a customer and we used to talk footy all the time.  Just can't recall his name.

Nor can he now

Chant Savant
over 17 years

Rusty Dunks wrote:

My All-Time Bestest Kingz XI

Utts (in his second stint)

JPerry (even though he was average)

Ivan (I recall in the first season he played at LB?)

Roly Douglas



Paco Almendra


Fat Andy

Dennis Ibrahim



The bench


Mauro Donoso (should either Ivan or Roly fail at LB)

Robbie Hooker (I thought about Riki vS, but he was what I'd call a kamikaze defender)

Jacko (I couldn't start with him as he'd be sent off in the first half)

Burts (should really start. but went with Vlahos for some width)


Struggling for a 7th sub......Robbie Middleby? He was dead quick

No Caravella?


over 17 years

Loving this thread sadly never got to any games in Auckland but did go to all games played in Wellington.As an aside probably went to more Newcastle KB United games as my in laws went to all games and i went along every time we visited which in those days was often.

Starting XI
over 12 years

Kovacevic played for the Knights. Was it him?

What's his first name?

about 17 years

chopah wrote:

Kovacevic played for the Knights. Was it him?

What's his first name?


He's still only 28

Starting XI
over 12 years

chopah wrote:

Kovacevic played for the Knights. Was it him?

What's his first name?


He's still only 28

Na wasn't him, did some more advanced googling and found Michael Cartwright, that's him.

about 17 years

What did you guys think of Gerard Davis? I always thought he was an underrated solid if unspectacular player.

Early retirement
over 17 years

chopah wrote:

Na wasn't him, did some more advanced googling and found Michael Cartwright, that's him.

Cartwright's Mrs was ridiculously hot.

End of message.

Starting XI
over 12 years

Hard News wrote:

chopah wrote:

Na wasn't him, did some more advanced googling and found Michael Cartwright, that's him.

Cartwright's Mrs was ridiculously hot.

End of message.

Fudge I knew there was a nagging reason I remembered him.

Starting XI
over 12 years

Did he ever play again after leaving the Kingz... from memory that was a bad head injury he suffered.

One in a million
over 17 years

What did you guys think of Gerard Davis? I always thought he was an underrated solid if unspectacular player.

I always thought he was skilled, but he didn't seem to have as much impact as what I would have expected.

First Team Squad
about 15 years

Afternoon all.  I figured with the Nations Cup on, we could reminisce through some Oceania players from the NSL days - so 3 new clips on the channel, see if you can spot Esala Masi, Batram Suri and Commins Menapi

Enjoy :)

over 17 years

This thread is great

Early retirement
over 17 years

You found that U-20s game Milts?

First Team Squad
about 15 years

I have it, but random old format and I need to get the machine repaired to transfer them - unless anyone on here owns a Digital 8 camera I could borrow??

over 9 years

Saw there was a new match v Gippsland on the site (latterly Eastern Pride)

Found this on the 'net -

But just as the mines and power stations had built Morwell and its Falcons, they would also bring forth their demise. Premier Jeff Kennett ordered the privatisation of the SEC, crippling the region.

Fine players such as Bobby Despotovski, Eddie Krncevic, Esala Masi, Adam Griffiths, Sean Douglas and Mehmet Durakovic came and went. Frank Arok took to the dugout in 1996 and discovered a young lad named Archie Thompson. But debt mounted and the coffers dried up.

By March 2001, the club was ready to be wound up. We gathered for a game against the finals-bound Parramatta Power, knowing the club's pulse was almost flatlining. Nobody was getting paid and we were effectively volunteers. Somehow we won 2-1 that night. The social club after-party went on forever; all knew it was over. A week later the youth team was sent to Canberra and got beaten 7-1. The club never played another game. It was a tragic way to end. The club had given the community so much.


over 9 years

When the A-League started....sorry....when the A-League was being developed, was there any outcry from the existing clubs? Not the Kingz or the Knights or whatever the hell we were called at the demise of the old NSL, but by the likes of Sydney United, South Melbourne, Brisbane Strikers etc? Was there a process for clubs/franchises to enter the A-League, like there was/is for the ASBP? I imagine some club committees were privately quite glad to avoid the expense of being in a national competition, while publically putting on a pretense of being outraged?

Early retirement
over 17 years

At the time most of the 'ethnic' clubs expressed interest but no one thought they would be allowed in.  Although the hypicrisy of Brisbane Lions backing the roar when they were an ethnically dutch club did cause some raised eyebrows and angst.  

Since then that fight has gone on a whole new tangent.

May I introduce you to the NCIP:

Chant Savant
over 17 years

The NSL as a whole was ineffective due to the collective incompetence of its club owners. All the FFA have done is taken the incompetence away from the clubs and turned up the incompetence levels to 11!

One in a million
over 17 years

C-Diddy wrote:

The NSL as a whole was ineffective due to the collective incompetence of its club owners. All the FFA have done is taken the incompetence away from the clubs and turned up the incompetence levels to 11!

That all smacks of incompetence!

over 17 years

Where does the saying "smacks of" come from? 

How can something "smack of" something?

Woof Woof
about 17 years
paulm wrote:

Where does the saying "smacks of" come from? 

How can something "smack of" something?


Pronunciation: /smak/

verb [no object] (smack of)

flavour of; taste of: the tea smacked strongly of tannin
View synonyms

presence or effects of (something wrong or unpleasant): the whole thing smacks of a cover-upGet more exampleshint at, have overtones of, have a suggestion of, have the air of, give the impression of, have the hallmark of, have the stamp of, resemble, seem like;

smell of, reek of

View synonyms

noun (a smack of)

flavour or taste of: anything with even a modest smack of hops dries the palatetaste, flavour, savour

archaic relish

View synonyms

trace or suggestion of: I hear the smack of collusion between themtrace, tinge, touch, suggestion, hint, scintilla, impression, overtone, air, suspicion, whisper, whiff

View synonyms


Old English smæc 'flavour, smell', of Germanic origin; related to Dutch smaak and German Geschmack.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

el grapadura wrote:

paulm wrote:

Where does the saying "smacks of" come from? 

How can something "smack of" something?


Pronunciation: /smak/


[no object] (smack of)

flavour of; taste of: the tea smacked strongly of tannin

View synonyms

presence or effects of (something wrong or unpleasant): the whole thing smacks of a cover-upGet more exampleshint at, have overtones of, have a suggestion of, have the air of, give the impression of, have the hallmark of, have the stamp of, resemble, seem like;

smell of, reek of

View synonyms


(a smack of)

flavour or taste of: anything with even a modest smack of hops dries the palatetaste, flavour, savour

archaic relish

View synonyms

trace or suggestion of: I hear the smack of collusion between themtrace, tinge, touch, suggestion, hint, scintilla, impression, overtone, air, suspicion, whisper, whiff

View synonyms


Old English smæc 'flavour, smell', of Germanic origin; related to Dutch smaak and German Geschmack.

This is clearly copied straight out of Encarta...
over 11 years

What did you guys think of Gerard Davis? I always thought he was an underrated solid if unspectacular player.

I always thought he was skilled, but he didn't seem to have as much impact as what I would have expected.

He was good at the Confed Cup in France 2003. Played v Japan and v Colombia for sure, which was a great game (notable for Raf's howitzer strike). Probably played in that final bad defeat in Paris 0 - 5 v France, and that ended that.

almost 10 years

What did you guys think of Gerard Davis? I always thought he was an underrated solid if unspectacular player.

He was the type of player who did the simple things really well. Technically very tidy and always seemed to have time to work out his next pass. He was also a very intelligent guy, when he quit football I believe he moved into banking.

I remember at a Kingz training at Mt Smart Stadium watching Kevin Fallon giving him a gobfull of abuse. I dont remember what it was for but it was all spiteful stuff about him having some clever degree that didnt make him a decent footballer. I remember this because after training Mark Burton told me he wanted to leave and hated Fallon.

One in a million
over 17 years

AlfStamp wrote:

What did you guys think of Gerard Davis? I always thought he was an underrated solid if unspectacular player.

He was the type of player who did the simple things really well. Technically very tidy and always seemed to have time to work out his next pass. He was also a very intelligent guy, when he quit football I believe he moved into banking.

I remember at a Kingz training at Mt Smart Stadium watching Kevin Fallon giving him a gobfull of abuse. I dont remember what it was for but it was all spiteful stuff about him having some clever degree that didnt make him a decent footballer. I remember this because after training Mark Burton told me he wanted to leave and hated Fallon.

Sad to hear about that kind of cr*p
Starting XI
over 17 years

AlfStamp wrote:

I remember at a Kingz training at Mt Smart Stadium watching Kevin Fallon giving him a gobfull of abuse. I dont remember what it was for but it was all spiteful stuff about him having some clever degree that didnt make him a decent footballer. I remember this because after training Mark Burton told me he wanted to leave and hated Fallon.

I witnessed the same carry on when they were training at Millennium one day. My kids couldn't believe what they were hearing as they had been to a coaching season that Gerard had taken and really liked him.

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