3 points always suspended Western Sydney Wanderers FC

over 17 years

Maybe this is a matter of interpretation but there is no doubt that their team is made up of players either released by their current club or available because they were without a contract. Whether you call them cast-offs or not, the fact is these are players for whatever reason not required by their current club. Using Topor-Stanley as an example, everyone mocked him constantly as being shit and now he's a key player in a top team. Or Labinot Haliti.  You say Bridge would have been a high earner at Sydney in 11/12 - I find that hard to believe

Their import recruitment has been very good and the fact they're managed to play with all 6 on the pitch a number of times is sign of that.

They've done a lot of things very well, some of that may be due to some FFA involvement, but in the end I think it's churlish to deny that it's been a really impressive year from them.

over 17 years

tripvincent wrote:

YF should have a recruitment drive


Here's a tip.  Tone down the modding on here and stop everyone slagging off newbies who have a different view to the usual opinions
On probation
over 13 years

james dean wrote:

tripvincent wrote:

YF should have a recruitment drive


Here's a tip.  Tone down the modding on here and stop everyone slagging off newbies who have a different view to the usual opinions

Smart man

Bossi Insider
about 16 years

james dean wrote:

Maybe this is a matter of interpretation but there is no doubt that their team is made up of players either released by their current club or available because they were without a contract. Whether you call them cast-offs or not, the fact is these are players for whatever reason not required by their current club. Using Topor-Stanley as an example, everyone mocked him constantly as being shit and now he's a key player in a top team. Or Labinot Haliti.  You say Bridge would have been a high earner at Sydney in 11/12 - I find that hard to believe

Their import recruitment has been very good and the fact they're managed to play with all 6 on the pitch a number of times is sign of that.

They've done a lot of things very well, some of that may be due to some FFA involvement, but in the end I think it's churlish to deny that it's been a really impressive year from them.

So you mean pretty much every player that doesn't have a transfer fee paid for? There is a big difference between a Lia/Ferrante and a Hypen/Bridge, you have to admit that.

Hypen was fantastic with Perth and was rewarded with a Socceroos cap. He was mediocre at the Jets, but has returned to his best under Popovic. I can't pull out any figure to prove it but Bridge was a newly capped Socceroo and a highly promising player when he joined Sydney. He wouldn't have been cheap and did sign a new contract whilst with the club.

No one is denying what they have achieved on the field. They have shown clubs how recruitment should be done. The fact they have got so much out of their imports has shown up every other club, apart from maybe CCM (Sutton was an exception to their normally good recruitment).
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

james dean wrote:

2ndBest wrote:

1 bottle in 5 years? That isn't even close to what some of them do.

Which is what?

The point wasn't that we had or hadn't done anything wrong, it's how small things at football matches get blown out of proportion very quickly.  Sam Buckle was on the 6 o'clock news and there was talk of moving the entire fever zone!

Flares every week, reports of fight after games.

I want to like the RBB, but they give off an air of smugness, righteous, and arrogance.
Tegal Fan Club Member #1.5
almost 17 years

2ndBest wrote:

james dean wrote:

2ndBest wrote:

1 bottle in 5 years? That isn't even close to what some of them do.

Which is what?

The point wasn't that we had or hadn't done anything wrong, it's how small things at football matches get blown out of proportion very quickly.  Sam Buckle was on the 6 o'clock news and there was talk of moving the entire fever zone!

Flares every week, reports of fight after games.

I want to like the RBB, but they give off an air of smugness, righteous, and arrogance.

To much accepting everything the media says... 
over 17 years
2ndBest wrote:
james dean wrote:
2ndBest wrote:

1 bottle in 5 years? That isn't even close to what some of them do.

Which is what?

The point wasn't that we had or hadn't done anything wrong, it's how small things at football matches get blown out of proportion very quickly.  Sam Buckle was on the 6 o'clock news and there was talk of moving the entire fever zone!

Flares every week, reports of fight after games.

I want to like the RBB, but they give off an air of smugness, righteous, and arrogance.

Is that really such a terrible rap sheet?  Basically, I think it's almost unavoidable.

if you want an awesome atmosphere you basically need crowd made up mostly of a lot of young men acting pretty aggressively probably having taken on a few beers.  You may disagree, but that's the way I see it.  Some of those guys are going to be a bit idiotic - but that's life, there are idiots everywhere.  i don't know how you stop them going along to football matches.  Whenever you get those conditions you're going to have a few flashpoints - you can't praise the atmosphere but ignore that you're going to get a few incidents over the season as a result.  Apart from being a bit intimidating I don't actually see what they've done wrong apart from the flares.

Personally I think the flares are self defeating because it draws attention, but on the other side flares are let off in stadiums all over the world every weekend and it is an extremely rare occurrence to hear of anyone hurt as a result.  It's really not the worst thing in the world

Do they need to be a bit careful, yes.  Are they guilty of anything more than supporting their team?  I don't think so

Woof Woof
about 17 years

james dean wrote:

 Apart from being a bit intimidating I don't actually see what they've done wrong apart from the flares.

There is nothing wrong with flares.
Still Believin'
over 17 years

james dean wrote:

terminator_x wrote:

Interesting stat:

WSW regular season average attendance is only 500 higher than the Nix average during their debut season in 07/08.

Excluding the Sydney derbies they are actually 800 lower!

Granted we had one big attendance in 07/08 at the Adelaide game just before the Galaxy game but I was surprised it was even close considering they won the league and we finished last in 07/08.

Makes me wonder how their attendances might hold up when things aren't going so well.

Part of that though is the fact they have an upwards limit of 20k - they could have sold out twice that to several of their matches.  Plus they've had tremendous away support.

They are an absolute force to be reckoned with.  There's a lot of pretty churlish stuff in this thread, but remember we (Yellow Fever) got LOADS and loads of favourable media coverage in our first year, and we lapped it up the same as they have done.  YF was in the dompost each week pretty much.  In fact it's a sign of how far the club has slipped that the focus on the fans now seems to be on child friendly marches and bouncy castles.

West Sydney have done a great job building a club, team and fan base.  yes they've had some help, and the results mean they've had a lot more people jump on the bandwagon and that shouldn't be forgotten but to come first in your debut year with essentially a team of other teams cast offs, plus Ono, that's pretty awesome stuff.

Not sure why you reacted quite so negatively to my post. I wasn't having a go at WSW or being churlish, in fact I was simply expressing my surprise that their average attendance hadn't been any higher, particularly compared to the Nix debut season, because I had thought that it would be, considering how well they've done.

You are wrong about the sell-outs though. Excluding the Sydney derbies (which did sell out) their next highest regular season attendance was 16,000, which isn't even close.

It does make me wonder just how solid their fan-base is, especially when they are going to find it tough to match the euphoria of this season ever again.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

Midfielder wrote:

2ndBest wrote:
Flares every week, reports of fight after games.

I want to like the RBB, but they give off an air of smugness, righteous, and arrogance.

To much accepting everything the media says... 

Well when you have WSW fans tweeting they they have witnessed fellow fans king hit a father in front of his kid, what am I meant to believe?
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

I'm with Dale on this one. The RBB have set off an average of 6 flares per game, they whined when the FFA finally cracked down on their behaviour, held a silent protest and started all sorts of conspiracy theories about how the FFA were punishing them for holding a silent protest. I'm sure that the majority of the people in the RBB have done none of these things, but their leaders come across as very arrogant and expect to get away with anything. By not condemning the user of flares and violence in the RBB bays and out in public, they have effectively condoned it. 

almost 15 years

It is a stretch to say they have condoned it. Done little to stop it, yes, but they have hardly condoned the actions of the drop kicks they have attracted

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

sthn.jeff wrote:

It is a stretch to say they have condoned it. Done little to stop it, yes, but they have hardly condoned the actions of the drop kicks they have attracted

I know it is a stretch, but the dropkicks that they have attracted think that what they are doing is okay because nobody from within the RBB has said that the RBB want to completely get rid of flares etc. Any sane person knows that this does not mean that they are condoning it (including myself), but the dropkicks are interpreting it that way (which is why I said effectively condoning it).
about 15 years

james dean wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

Yeah but in their first year YF were not marching the streets terrorising regular folk, taking on militant tendencies or letting flares off. What a bullshit post JD

You've got a problem with West Sydney, that much is obvious.  Why I don't know, but your focus on "ethnicity" makes me suspicious.  Undoubtedly they have attracted and will continue to attract a few idiots.  I think that's difficult for them to avoid given the areas from where they draw their support.  I agree they haven't helped themselves with some pretty stupid stuff in the media.  

Do you recall one of the main reasons why they went to a 1 team 1 town model? Because of the ethnic clashes and the problems it created. You can be suspicious all you like, the fact remains, the FFA made the change, not me. For me, I am fixated on that yes because I do believe it should stick that way. Were their problems last year at Sydneys games or at any season at Sydneys game even clost to this magnitude? I think that really answers the question. We might have tried to take the competition forward but off the pitch, its just gone back to the same old and what gets up my nose is that these twats can get away with it. I have no problem with fans that want to get drunk and have raucous fun, hell even a couple of arrests for drunken behaviour but flares will hurt someone, marching through the street and terrorising regular folk, kicking a dad in the head? They used to do it years ago in Scotland with the Rangers supporters......
The fact remains, I still think your post is bollocks.
about 15 years

patrick478 wrote:

sthn.jeff wrote:

It is a stretch to say they have condoned it. Done little to stop it, yes, but they have hardly condoned the actions of the drop kicks they have attracted

I know it is a stretch, but the dropkicks that they have attracted think that what they are doing is okay because nobody from within the RBB has said that the RBB want to completely get rid of flares etc. Any sane person knows that this does not mean that they are condoning it (including myself), but the dropkicks are interpreting it that way (which is why I said effectively condoning it).
And the funny this is they sit there and go 'Oh but you have banned the wrong people, you've got the wrong guys' yet the RBB know exactly who the guilty ones are a refuse to offer them up.
about 17 years

james dean wrote:
West Sydney have done a great job building a club, team and fan base.  yes they've had some help, and the results mean they've had a lot more people jump on the bandwagon and that shouldn't be forgotten but to come first in your debut year with essentially a team of other teams cast offs, plus Ono, that's pretty awesome stuff.
West Sydney's success is down to their recruitment. Popovic identified players that would suit his game plan and Gorman was able to deliver them. I do have questions about Gorman's inside knowledge. He was head of the A-League and was privy to all the details of players contracts. 

To say they were cast offs is a bit of a misnomer. Yes, a number of players were released by clubs to join WSW but they were all certain starters and would have been again this season. Players like Bridge & Hypen would have been some of the higher earners at their clubs, and could possibly why their clubs were happy to let them go. The move has rejuvenated their careers, I give Popovic a lot of credit for that.

Only player that could really be called as cast off, would be Covic. Victory must be kicking themselves for that.

There has been games this season when they have played 6 imports, 4 Current/Former Socceroos and still have 2 Former Socceroos on the bench. They are not this rag tag bunch of State League players people make them out to be.

Yeah, the club was announced before the end of the season. I'm sure Gorman would have been in the ear of players coming off contract, especially those from the area. Of their first 7 signings, 4 had been capped for Australia, another selected in an Australian squad and Aaron Mooy.

And, the thing about the RBB that grinds my gears is not just their macho, intimidating (and often violent) persona, it's their false sense of entitlement.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years
over 17 years

I'm not playing devil's advocate.  I like what they do and I think they're on a really positive track and I find most of the comments on here small minded and petty (see JV above for a perfect example - local rivalries will save the A-League not kill it.  Also, if you think WSW vs Sydney FC is anything like the old ethnic NSL rivalries then you clearly haven't spoken to anyone who knows anything about football in Sydney).  

I think the bad element is massively overplayed in the media - but personally I like my football crowds with a bit of an edge anyway.  I don't want to go along and sit next to a load of mums and kids who don't even know what's going on and couldn't care less about the result.  Of course there is a place for that in every stadium but that kind of atmosphere is what turned me (and many, many others) off watching live sport in NZ - it's organised fun thought up by people who think that "atmosphere" is playing some terrible commercial dance track so loud you can't hear the crowd.  I look at videos from that stadium and it looks like a match I'd like to be at (apart from it being in Paramatta).

Starting XI
over 17 years

 Yep, think it would be great to be at an away game there for the atmosphere

They are having a stunning first year, good on them as fans.

about 15 years

james dean wrote:

I'm not playing devil's advocate.  I like what they do and I think they're on a really positive track and I find most of the comments on here small minded and petty (see JV above for a perfect example - local rivalries will save the A-League not kill it.  Also, if you think WSW vs Sydney FC is anything like the old ethnic NSL rivalries then you clearly haven't spoken to anyone who knows anything about football in Sydney).  

I think the bad element is massively overplayed in the media - but personally I like my football crowds with a bit of an edge anyway.  I don't want to go along and sit next to a load of mums and kids who don't even know what's going on and couldn't care less about the result.  Of course there is a place for that in every stadium but that kind of atmosphere is what turned me (and many, many others) off watching live sport in NZ - it's organised fun thought up by people who think that "atmosphere" is playing some terrible commercial dance track so loud you can't hear the crowd.  I look at videos from that stadium and it looks like a match I'd like to be at (apart from it being in Paramatta).

I have to laugh. I don't usually have a problem with your posts but you are in lala land on this.

No one has said there is anything wrong to the crowd having an edge. That is so not the issue. The issue is that its the other stuff that comes with it and those acts are dangerous. You can say the media overplays it all you want. On this side of the ditch, we don't get their coverage and it being 'over played' so taking it on face value, they are unhinged. Flares are not safe, king hitting people is not safe, marching the streets and terrorising local businesses (this was youtube, not the media too).... you are putting your head in the sand and ignoring the facts. It has nothing to do with anything else. It has nothing to do with modding on here. It has nothing to do with a bottle thrown in season 1. It has nothing to do with YF and what is done here. It has nothing to do with loud music and namby pamby atmospheres at our current games in NZ. Its back to pure hooliganism and if I read it correctly, you condone it.

Still Believin'
over 17 years

james dean wrote:

I'm not playing devil's advocate.  I like what they do and I think they're on a really positive track and I find most of the comments on here small minded and petty (see JV above for a perfect example - local rivalries will save the A-League not kill it.  Also, if you think WSW vs Sydney FC is anything like the old ethnic NSL rivalries then you clearly haven't spoken to anyone who knows anything about football in Sydney).  

I think the bad element is massively overplayed in the media - but personally I like my football crowds with a bit of an edge anyway.  I don't want to go along and sit next to a load of mums and kids who don't even know what's going on and couldn't care less about the result.  Of course there is a place for that in every stadium but that kind of atmosphere is what turned me (and many, many others) off watching live sport in NZ - it's organised fun thought up by people who think that "atmosphere" is playing some terrible commercial dance track so loud you can't hear the crowd.  I look at videos from that stadium and it looks like a match I'd like to be at (apart from it being in Paramatta).

I think those are fair enough comments, and there is no doubt that a group of around 1,000 fans who are the core RBB have generated a fantastic atmosphere at WSW games both home and away this season. But if it requires a bare-chested man in combat pants standing at the front of the Fever Zone with a mega-phone to generate the same atmosphere at the RoF is that something we would want?

Also, while a lot has been made of their home crowds I think that if you look closely at their attendances they have really been carried by the Sydney derbies and their form towards the end of the season. All good stuff, and exactly what the FFA want, but I think it's far too early to say that they have a locked-down level of support that is financially sustainable yet. If I was an investor I'd still be a bit worried about how crowds might go when they aren't doing as well.

Lastly, there is absolutely no doubt that the RBB see themselves in quite a militant way, and that they use "hooligan" imagery to promote themselves - you only need to look at their website to see that. Their favoured logo image is a supporter with face obscured by a scarf, hoodie or even gas-mask! There are also multiple pictures of flares going off, which doesn't really align with statements made by them about not supporting such behaviour. I like a bit of an "edge" at football games as well but I think it's totally legitimate to ask how much is too much, especially from a group of fans who are presenting themselves in that way. Again, if I was an investor I'd be very interested in hearing from the club how they intend to keep this under control without killing off the fantastic atmosphere.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

The fact that their stadium holds only 20k people helps boost the atmosphere a hell of a lot, even though their attendances haven't been outstanding. That is one thing they have done right, their stadium is a perfect size for their club.

about 15 years

Looking on TV, it looks like a fantastic atmosphere. Would I want to be shoulder to shoulder with fellow supporters cheering my nut off in a capacity ground watching my team? You bet your ass. That's about it though. Term's point of view sums up mine in more polished tones. At the moment, they are unhinged and I just wonder what the FFA and Gorman have lined up because just hoping for the offseason to quell them, probably wont work, especially if they win it all.

over 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

james dean wrote:

I'm not playing devil's advocate.  I like what they do and I think they're on a really positive track and I find most of the comments on here small minded and petty (see JV above for a perfect example - local rivalries will save the A-League not kill it.  Also, if you think WSW vs Sydney FC is anything like the old ethnic NSL rivalries then you clearly haven't spoken to anyone who knows anything about football in Sydney).  

I think the bad element is massively overplayed in the media - but personally I like my football crowds with a bit of an edge anyway.  I don't want to go along and sit next to a load of mums and kids who don't even know what's going on and couldn't care less about the result.  Of course there is a place for that in every stadium but that kind of atmosphere is what turned me (and many, many others) off watching live sport in NZ - it's organised fun thought up by people who think that "atmosphere" is playing some terrible commercial dance track so loud you can't hear the crowd.  I look at videos from that stadium and it looks like a match I'd like to be at (apart from it being in Paramatta).

I have to laugh. I don't usually have a problem with your posts but you are in lala land on this.

No one has said there is anything wrong to the crowd having an edge. That is so not the issue. The issue is that its the other stuff that comes with it and those acts are dangerous. You can say the media overplays it all you want. On this side of the ditch, we don't get their coverage and it being 'over played' so taking it on face value, they are unhinged. Flares are not safe, king hitting people is not safe, marching the streets and terrorising local businesses (this was youtube, not the media too).... you are putting your head in the sand and ignoring the facts. It has nothing to do with anything else. It has nothing to do with modding on here. It has nothing to do with a bottle thrown in season 1. It has nothing to do with YF and what is done here. It has nothing to do with loud music and namby pamby atmospheres at our current games in NZ. Its back to pure hooliganism and if I read it correctly, you condone it.

Jeff out of interest which countries have you watched football in?  this isn't a pi$$ing contest, I just want to understand the context that makes you accuse these people of being "hooligans".

You say that those fans are "marching the streets" and "terrorising people".  If that was the case don't you think there might have been some reports of problems after last weekend when more than 10,000 people marched through Parra on the way to the game? Do you think the cops and the A-League would even allow them to march if that was the case? Don't you think over the entire season there would have been more problems reported than one idiot who hassled a couple of Sydney FC fans?  I think you need to get a grip.  
about 15 years

You are right it's not a pissing contest so have zero idea why you raised it. Most of the posts here don't condone what they do so its not just my opinion. What countries I have watched football in is completely irrelevant. Focus on the issue.

Do you condone what they do? It's pure and simple yet you don't answer it. Do you think it's acceptable to light flares in the stands? Do you think it's acceptable to walk the streets and terrorise businesses and their patrons? Do you think it's acceptable to king hit people?

Your inability to slam it makes you sound like one of them.

Starting XI
over 17 years

RBB dont condone it, not sure where that comes from

"The Red and Black Bloc wishes to distance themselves from the incidents that occurred during the pre-game march through Church St Parramatta.

A video has emerged on 2GB's website of an incident that took place last weekend and The Red and Black Bloc wishes to deny it's involvement in the incident that took place, and condemn those who were involved. These individuals do not represent the Red and Black Bloc, our views, our support nor our sport. These are not regulars of the support base.

It has become apparent that a minority of fans partaking in the march for the Sydney derby last Saturday night were more intent on participating in anti-social behaviour to families dining pre-game, rather than passionately supporting their team, which the march represents. The Red and Black Bloc does not promote anti-social behaviour and actively attempts to eliminate it from our fanbase. Anti-Social, rude, violent and illegal behaviour is not tolerated at any time in the Red and Black Bloc fanbase, march, functions or matchday.

The Red and Black Bloc’s matchday march is a tradition down to the stadium, and that all of the club’s fanbase are invited to join in. The march has had involvement from children, the passionate fans, and even older members of the community. The surrounding businesses have all enjoyed our march and it is a facet of the matchday atmosphere.

The Red and Black Bloc wishes to apologise to the Sydney FC fans tormented by the minority who joined in on the march at the Sydney Derby, and wishes to express our deepest sorrow for the anti-social behaviour they were a victim of.

The Red and Black Bloc is a strong believer in self-policing of the support group and is actively working toward creating a fun, passionate environment for the Wanderers supporters to experience. The Red and Black Bloc were able to work successfully with security in removing several supporters involved in anti-social behaviour at the match.

The Red and Black Bloc are actively attempting to identify the individuals involved in the pre-game march incident, as well as investigate further incidents relating to the FFA’s hired security company, Hatamoto, and a separate incident involving an unprovoked attack from one of the stadium’s security staff.

The Red and Black Bloc are very happy to announce that the members of the community who benefitted from tickets donated by the Red and Black Bloc community enjoyed the match between Western Sydney Wanderers and Wellington Phoenix, and hope that these fans will become Wanderers for life.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Yet the RBB have photos of flares all over their website, and have a gas mask in their logo. The culture they have set up is attracting the drop kicks who terrorised the cafe on the way to the game, and rather than saying "Yes, we recognise that we have a problem, we are going to work with FFA to try to fix it", they say "that had nothing to do with is" regarding flares and the violence, and accuse FFA of treating them unfairly when they get certain privileges taken away from them. 

While their words say that they don't condone flares etc, their actions say something completely different.

Starting XI
over 17 years

 You dont know what they are doing really though behind the scenes

As a legitimate fan club I expect they will sort that out. A repeat would be worrying, no more would mean they are on top of it

Passion and identity attract all sorts initially, it is how they go from here

about 15 years

Ok. Lets play this out a little for the sake of devils advocate. The Phoenix fans march to the stadium. A bunch, whom are not YF posters, start terrorising the Wellington locals.

What do you think the reactions of the club, YF exec, the posters on here and also their actions in seeing this, would be?

I got a bit of cash that says you, me, Patrick, Term and other regulars would denounce it, and if the police were involved, finger the people that did it. It would be momentarily asked/speculated 'Did the YF cause this?' of which the answer would be no because we don't organise marches, protests or anything that's not I guess 'friendly' or detracts from the image of the Wellington Phoenix.

Call it namby pamby but that's the difference between us and them. They can say 'They have nothing to do with us' but again, when those people got banned for lighting the flares and said 'Its not them, you got the wrong guys', they were not offering up the guilty parties as they knew EXACTLY who they were.

One of the things that happens when you form an official supporters group, is that by association, you end up taking on board the responsibilities for the actions of those that are not tied into that official group. Why? Because public perception lumps everyone in together as a supporter of that team here. That may well be the case with the RBB, but I don't see them being proactive about it other than 'well its not us'.

I'd also add to this, I don't see many people going 'Ooohhh I hope WSW win this weekend to complete the fairy tale' because from what I can tell, most people think their fans are tossers and thus, tars the image of the club and are knobs by association. People would rather see CCM win (also Wee Mac factor as well)

about 15 years

If on a Fever Friday or the keepie uppie thing that happens that is organised by the YF, if some complete cocks turned up in yellow and black and started going mental and doing dumb ass shit, would the YF folk stand back and say 'That's not us, nothing to do with us. We distance ourselves from them'


Anyone that thinks that can go stand in the corner by themselves.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

If on a Fever Friday or the keepie uppie thing that happens that is organised by the YF, if some complete cocks turned up in yellow and black and started going mental and doing dumb ass shit, would the YF folk stand back and say 'That's not us, nothing to do with us. We distance ourselves from them'


Anyone that thinks that can go stand in the corner by themselves.

This kind of happened in Auckland, a bunch of Aucklanders dressed in Fever gear who we had never met before started causing trouble at The Fox after the game (punching each other etc.). Rather than just saying "We don't do that, it's not us", we showed the bar staff who were causing the trouble, and they were removed from the premises. Hell, some of us even helped clean up the broken glass on the floor. Rather than just standing back and saying 'It's not us', we were proactive in helping to stop it.

I know this is only a minor example compared to what has happened in West Sydney this season, but I know that the principles shown by the Fever guys there would translate directly to incidents such as the hypothetical ones you raised JV. Would the RBB do the same? From what I have seen this year, I highly doubt it.
about 15 years

You have given my point a perfect example Patrick. Thank you.

almost 15 years

patrick478 wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

If on a Fever Friday or the keepie uppie thing that happens that is organised by the YF, if some complete cocks turned up in yellow and black and started going mental and doing dumb ass shit, would the YF folk stand back and say 'That's not us, nothing to do with us. We distance ourselves from them'


Anyone that thinks that can go stand in the corner by themselves.

This kind of happened in Auckland, a bunch of Aucklanders dressed in Fever gear who we had never met before started causing trouble at The Fox after the game (punching each other etc.). Rather than just saying "We don't do that, it's not us", we showed the bar staff who were causing the trouble, and they were removed from the premises. Hell, some of us even helped clean up the broken glass on the floor. Rather than just standing back and saying 'It's not us', we were proactive in helping to stop it.

I know this is only a minor example compared to what has happened in West Sydney this season, but I know that the principles shown by the Fever guys there would translate directly to incidents such as the hypothetical ones you raised JV. Would the RBB do the same? From what I have seen this year, I highly doubt it.

Just a bunch of Narks... School Prefects..... Hall Monitors...lol
tradition and history
over 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Ok. Lets play this out a little for the sake of devils advocate. The Phoenix fans march to the stadium. A bunch, whom are not YF posters, start terrorising the Wellington locals.

What do you think the reactions of the club, YF exec, the posters on here and also their actions in seeing this, would be?

I got a bit of cash that says you, me, Patrick, Term and other regulars would denounce it, and if the police were involved, finger the people that did it. It would be momentarily asked/speculated 'Did the YF cause this?' of which the answer would be no because we don't organise marches, protests or anything that's not I guess 'friendly' or detracts from the image of the Wellington Phoenix.

Call it namby pamby but that's the difference between us and them. They can say 'They have nothing to do with us' but again, when those people got banned for lighting the flares and said 'Its not them, you got the wrong guys', they were not offering up the guilty parties as they knew EXACTLY who they were.

One of the things that happens when you form an official supporters group, is that by association, you end up taking on board the responsibilities for the actions of those that are not tied into that official group. Why? Because public perception lumps everyone in together as a supporter of that team here. That may well be the case with the RBB, but I don't see them being proactive about it other than 'well its not us'.

I'd also add to this, I don't see many people going 'Ooohhh I hope WSW win this weekend to complete the fairy tale' because from what I can tell, most people think their fans are tossers and thus, tars the image of the club and are knobs by association. People would rather see CCM win (also Wee Mac factor as well)

Many might think some of their fans are tossers, but I hope that they do win as TP has taken a bunch of average players and turned them into winners.
about 15 years

sthn.jeff wrote:
Just a bunch of Narks... School Prefects..... Hall Monitors...lol

Well yes I was a prefect many many moons ago...

about 15 years

Leggy wrote:

Many might think some of their fans are tossers, but I hope that they do win as TP has taken a bunch of average players and turned them into winners.

Haven't we discussed that its a bit of a myth that they are average players? Without looking, can't remember if its this thread or the player speculation in the other group but they are not just bitsa's.

I don't want them to win purely because it will give their lot licence to continue with this crap next year. Like the ends justifies the means.


First Team Squad
over 12 years

Don't recall a clamour, from here, for us to sign any of them.

tradition and history
over 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Leggy wrote:

Many might think some of their fans are tossers, but I hope that they do win as TP has taken a bunch of average players and turned them into winners.

Haven't we discussed that its a bit of a myth that they are average players? Without looking, can't remember if its this thread or the player speculation in the other group but they are not just bitsa's.

I don't want them to win purely because it will give their lot licence to continue with this crap next year. Like the ends justifies the means.


Elrich,Topor-Stanley and Mark Bridge are three that come to mind straight away. Can't be bothered looking up old threads, but Topor-Stanley came in for a lot of bagging - even HN reckoned he was a 'donkey' There are quite a few more guys that fall into that category.
To me that proves that TP is a very good coach and that is why I hope they win. I don't think they will win, but we will see.
Bossi Insider
about 16 years

yellowsite wrote:

Don't recall a clamour, from here, for us to sign any of them.

The bulk of them were under contract at other A-League clubs.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Not playing for Brisbane roar = an average player, to leggy. And HN thinks most Australians are donkeys!

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