3 points always suspended Western Sydney Wanderers FC

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

I also find it hilarious that they keep protesting against the FFA, which means they are protesting against the owners of their club. 

Still Believin'
over 17 years

I've got mixed feelings about the RBB.

A lot of what they do is great, superficially at least.

But they spoil it by being so militant and self-entitled. They seem to think this is the NSL in 1991, not the A-League in 2013. Which is not to say they are actually guilty of everything they think they are being accused of, but that they have the same siege mentality/paranoia that existed among fans back then.

By far their worst crime though, is that they just seem so fucking humourless.

over 17 years

I do have some sympathy with the thing about people getting banned.  I would be extremely gutted if I got banned for 5 years by some security firm and didn't have any right to appeal, or anyone actually have to prove anything.  I do think the A-League are sometimes so desperate to show they won't stand for any "trouble" that they go way over the top from time to time

about 15 years

To me, this is all indirectly linked to the decision to abandon the old NSL in the first place. Same town fan rivalries and the bullshit that came with it. It seems the FFA have not learned. It should be 1 town, 1 team regardless of the size of the town.

Why have they declined the tifo? Because they think it will incite violence or whatever. Have we not seen this before with the Greeks and the Croats in the old Sydney games? The population of Parramatta (without being racist or ethnically stereotyping) fit into that slang term 'guido' as used on Jersey Shore. They are highly passionate people that act first on emotion and think later once that emotion has calmed down. All the bullshit they have pulled in the last 2 weeks fit in with that. They get accused of throwing flares, they have a silent protest. They can't have a tifo, they boycott the concession stands. It just reeks of childishness.

This is going to turn into a train wreck. Mark my words.

about 15 years

james dean wrote:

I do have some sympathy with the thing about people getting banned.  I would be extremely gutted if I got banned for 5 years by some security firm and didn't have any right to appeal, or anyone actually have to prove anything.  I do think the A-League are sometimes so desperate to show they won't stand for any "trouble" that they go way over the top from time to time

You are correct however the funny thing about the 'it wasn't them that used the flares' is that those saying that knew who was and refused to offer the guilty parties up. Its just makes them look even more foolish. The A League would not have to go over the top if there was 1 town, 1 team. They cry wolf far too often.
Still Believin'
over 17 years

Agree with that JD, and I acknowledge my comment above runs the risk of tarring a whole bunch of people with the same brush (I'm pretty sure there must be someone in the RBB with a sense of humour!).

Still Believin'
over 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:
... (without being racist or ethnically stereotyping) fit into that slang term 'guido' as used on Jersey Shore.

Early retirement
over 17 years

terminator_x wrote:

Agree with that JD, and I acknowledge my comment above runs the risk of tarring a whole bunch of people with the same brush (I'm pretty sure there must be someone in the RBB with a sense of humour!).

The use of 'against modern football' while supporting a 12 month old club funded and run by the national body in a plastic league suggests they have no grasp of irony.

over 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

To me, this is all indirectly linked to the decision to abandon the old NSL in the first place. Same town fan rivalries and the bullshit that came with it. It seems the FFA have not learned. It should be 1 town, 1 team regardless of the size of the town.

Why have they declined the tifo? Because they think it will incite violence or whatever. Have we not seen this before with the Greeks and the Croats in the old Sydney games? The population of Parramatta (without being racist or ethnically stereotyping) fit into that slang term 'guido' as used on Jersey Shore. They are highly passionate people that act first on emotion and think later once that emotion has calmed down. All the bullshit they have pulled in the last 2 weeks fit in with that. They get accused of throwing flares, they have a silent protest. They can't have a tifo, they boycott the concession stands. It just reeks of childishness.

This is going to turn into a train wreck. Mark my words.

I think you've managed to be offensive, ignorant and partly correct all in the same post.  

2 teams in a city is what makes the league cut through though - this derby is biggest game in Sydney this weekend in any sport, and it's during the league season.  That's fantastic for the sport

Still Believin'
over 17 years

Hard News wrote:

terminator_x wrote:

Agree with that JD, and I acknowledge my comment above runs the risk of tarring a whole bunch of people with the same brush (I'm pretty sure there must be someone in the RBB with a sense of humour!).

The use of 'against modern football' while supporting a 12 month old club funded and run by the national body in a plastic league suggests they have no grasp of irony.

Well, that at least one of them has no sense of irony.

But yeah, there's no smoke without fire. They simply can't deny they are at least partly responsible for the problems they face. I mean look at the imagery below. Promoting yourself like that while also whining continually about persecution from security is a bit rich.

Still Believin'
over 17 years
about 15 years

Well I apologise. I was not trying to be offensive as such, more illustrate a point. I am happy to retract it but I was hoping people would see past the blatantness to see the point.

Ignorance, yes I will cop to that. I just recall seeing all this crap on the terraces in the old NSL and most of it came down to same town ethnic rivalries. I'm not suggesting that is the case in this instance but then they went to this 1 team 1 town model to remove that. Why are they disallowing the tifo, because they are worried it will incite something. Had this tifo been requested for a game against any other team in the league, I bet my hat it would not be an issue. Its an issue because of cross town rivalries. With all the good stuff that is going on with the league, stupid fans is one they do not need so in some respects, they really should have thought about this before granting another licence in Sydney.

I agree that its fantastic for the sport but over the last month, rightly or wrongly, the RBB are being a massive drag on this league and they really should check themselves and quickly.

about 15 years

terminator_x wrote:

Another one...

What's the message here? Munich '72? Black Panther? WW2 Nazi? This really is so poorly thought out and taking supporting a football team so far to the other extreme. This lot are bordering on a disgrace.
over 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Well I apologise. I was not trying to be offensive as such, more illustrate a point. I am happy to retract it but I was hoping people would see past the blatantness to see the point.

Ignorance, yes I will cop to that. I just recall seeing all this crap on the terraces in the old NSL and most of it came down to same town ethnic rivalries. I'm not suggesting that is the case in this instance but then they went to this 1 team 1 town model to remove that. Why are they disallowing the tifo, because they are worried it will incite something. Had this tifo been requested for a game against any other team in the league, I bet my hat it would not be an issue. Its an issue because of cross town rivalries. With all the good stuff that is going on with the league, stupid fans is one they do not need so in some respects, they really should have thought about this before granting another licence in Sydney.

I agree that its fantastic for the sport but over the last month, rightly or wrongly, the RBB are being a massive drag on this league and they really should check themselves and quickly.

This could just as easily be the FFA getting their knickers in a twist over nothing.  Just because they ban it doesn't mean there was going to be a problem.  I actually struggle to see how a TIFO display is going to cause trouble at a football ground.  They can be idiots, doesn't mean the FFA is right.

about 15 years

That's correct. I could be an over reaction and I struggle to see it too unless the design has been reviewed by someone else after the fact and they have gone 'hold up a sec'. I think this is the FFA being proactive for once whether its heavy handed or not.
Consider the stuff with the flares, then the silent protest, do you really think the RBB are ones to stand in the stands, golf clap and go 'jolly good game this'? I think their actions in the last 2 months have shown their (as Term puts it) miltant right of self-entitlement. That opinion piece that was posted is just laughable and I guess sums up where they think they are.

Bossi Insider
about 16 years

Earlier this season they were 'banned' from all these kinda things, but seems the club didn't follow thru on it. The problem with pull over displays, is it allows flares to be done without being able to prove who did it. They have brought all the issues onto themselves with their behaviour.

Still Believin'
over 17 years

I now have the inside story on this.

The RBB submitted a tifo design that was 58008 in massive numbers.

The FFA initially thought it was a bit weird but OK.

Only later did they realise that the RBB were going to display it upside down.

Still Believin'
over 17 years

Another one...

This one I actually like...

I'm surprised they don't seem to have done Dennis the Menace yet though.

about 15 years

terminator_x wrote:

I now have the inside story on this.

The RBB submitted a tifo design that was 58008 in massive numbers.

The FFA initially it was a bit weird but OK.

Only later did they realise that the RBB were going to display it upside down.

Seems legit...
tradition and history
about 17 years

 Ono signs for another season.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

FFA hates RBB, so they protest. 

Meanwhile, FFA signs and pays for Ono to play for another season in front of the RBB. 

Makes sense. 

over 11 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

terminator_x wrote:

Another one...

What's the message here? Munich '72? Black Panther? WW2 Nazi? This really is so poorly thought out and taking supporting a football team so far to the other extreme. This lot are bordering on a disgrace.


Methinks he looks more like like Darth Vadar, Vadar.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Tegal wrote:

FFA hates RBB, so they protest. 

Meanwhile, FFA signs and pays for Ono to play for another season in front of the RBB. 

Makes sense. 

This. RBB are just biting the hand that feeds them.
about 15 years

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

terminator_x wrote:

Another one...

What's the message here? Munich '72? Black Panther? WW2 Nazi? This really is so poorly thought out and taking supporting a football team so far to the other extreme. This lot are bordering on a disgrace.


Methinks he looks more like like Darth Vadar, Vadar.

You. What you just did there. I saw it.
Still Believin'
over 17 years

And another thing...

If anybody wants to try standing in front of the Fever Zone wearing combat pants, no shirt and using a loud-hailer they definitely run the risk of getting a cold pie lobbed in their direction by me.

about 15 years

Cold pie? You should boycott the concession stands....

Early retirement
over 17 years

 We're way to lazy for choreography

over 11 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

terminator_x wrote:

Another one...

What's the message here? Munich '72? Black Panther? WW2 Nazi? This really is so poorly thought out and taking supporting a football team so far to the other extreme. This lot are bordering on a disgrace.


Methinks he looks more like like Darth Vader, Vader.

You. What you just did there. I saw it.


Insight. It's a wonderful thing.

Bossi Insider
about 16 years
Starting XI
over 12 years

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

terminator_x wrote:

Another one...

What's the message here? Munich '72? Black Panther? WW2 Nazi? This really is so poorly thought out and taking supporting a football team so far to the other extreme. This lot are bordering on a disgrace.


Methinks he looks more like like Darth Vadar, Vadar.

Is he head of catering?
Starting XI
over 17 years

That video posted above is pathetic and embarassing. You still see people trying to say this is a media beat up and this sort of thing happens every week in League and AFL. No, no it doesn't. The game doesn't want that and it doesn't need it.

almost 15 years

bopman wrote:

That video posted above is pathetic and embarassing. You still see people trying to say this is a media beat up and this sort of thing happens every week in League and AFL. No, no it doesn't. The game doesn't want that and it doesn't need it.

Exactly that would be f***ing terryifying if you were caught in the middle of it.
almost 15 years

The above is a statement released by the RBB following Saturday nights match.

The RBB are a joke. A bunch of self entitled pratts.

The Wanderers club needs top sort its supporters groups out before someone gets seriously hurt.

about 15 years

You kinda think that they really have empowered these 'renegades' through their own actions and logos.

about 15 years

Just checked out their site. Funny how they images of flares etc all over the front page yet they do not endorse that and never partake in that at all.

I am really starting to turn my dislike into a hatred of these guys.

about 15 years

Actually even the twitter feed is even worse. They are unhinged!

almost 15 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Actually even the twitter feed is even worse. They are unhinged!

You are not wrong. It is actually quite worrying? What are the chances of a Sydney Derby in the finals series. It is not hard to see this get out of hand.
about 15 years

I would have thought being an extension of the club, someone would have pulled in one of the main ring leaders and said 'this crap about the flares, and twitter and marching needs to stop'. Telling people to basically stuff off on Twitter... Its really not a good look as an extension of the club

over 17 years

Wont be an away trip i put on the top of my list for next season.Some of them seem to be seriously FKN mad.As long as the FFA and the club allow them to get away with some of the stuff posted on their fan site and twitter things arnt going to improve.

Then again they already seem to be getting away with more.

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