The gaming thread - Comps, Consoles, Apps and Board Games.

about 17 years

Anyone planning on getting the new South Park game?

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Thinking about it. But the price tag is putting me off, given the risk that it just may not be any good . 

Starting XI
almost 15 years
Tegal wrote:

Thinking about it. But the price tag is putting me off, given the risk that it just may not be any good . 

played it and finished it. I didnt find it very long at all. At most i did all the quests and exploring i could handle in about 10 hours. It really feels like the tv show. If you enjoy basic RPGS or the tv show I would recomend it. As a south park fan I really enjoyed it
almost 16 years
Junior82 wrote:

I have gone another twenty years but still only have 37 regions.  A very frustrating period as The Egyptians have pushed me out of their patch (but so far have not gone on for Crete and Rhodes), but more importantly the Scipii are pushing back in the South and we have just gone through a real Stalingrad type seige in Rome where a large group of several armies have tried to wrest it from my plucky lads.  I have had to send several supporting forces down from my nearby cities and they are rather  threadbare now.  We have managed to hang on very tenaciously  and currently  I have strengthened the garrison bt there are several more Scipii armies nearby.

I think I have to continue my N African campaign and push through to Egypt.  If my Greek islands hold out I will use them to supply a push into the Greek mainland as it is lighlty held by the Brutii, who are more dominant in the North East where I can just hope to contain their advance and grimly fight them in the streets/trenches.  For now the Egyptians have agreed to not beat me up so hopefully we can kick on to being chums.


Another 10 years has gone by and I am up by ONE region (38) - having lost a few on the way as the Brutii kicked me out of Greece and nabbed some regions in the NE (Germanica).  Then the Scipii rolled me back in N Africa right back to Tingi (Morocco) - blimmin 8th Army all over again.  I gave them a real bloody nose when they tried to take Rome but they massed up again for another attack (took them about 6/7 years to build up numbers) and I absolutely caned the hegemonist pr!cks using my tried and true urban warfare tactics.

The campaign is playing out with me getting over-extended in N Africa and Germanica so I mostly sit tight in the cities.  When Johnny Brutii or Scipii come calling they get a bunch of pila right up 'em.  They don't like that Centurion Mainwaring.  But I can't venture out too much as they have larger armies that trounce me on the open field, although I sense that the Brutii are starting to weaken.

I am BFF with the Egyptians for now which has allowed me to jump back into Greece (Sparta, Corinth and hopefully Athens soon) as this area is only lightly garrisoned. 

However I think the focus for me still has to be the Scipii as having stomped all over them in Rome and Tingi, I can hopefully catch them with low numbers and kick them out of Italy (mainland) and chase them out of N Africa (at least as far as Carthage).  Just need to make sure that I have a decent supply of troops pouring over from Spain to not repeat the same mistake in N Africa and allow them to isolate my forward towns.

about 17 years

Just waiting for some new content for DayZ so downloaded season two of the excellent Telltale game: The Walking Dead. Suffice it to say that things haven't gotten much rosier. Still remains a combo of puzzle solving, decently scripted anime, frights, frantic button mashing and a solid story.

Don't confuse that load of Ben Williams "The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct" game with this Telltale one. Survival Instinct was a tie in/cash in with the TV Show and was god awful. The Telltale is based more on the graphic novels and was the smash hit of 2012, but on Steam it's easy to confuse the two.

Starting XI
over 17 years

Give State of Decay a whirl if your into the zombie survival thing. I enjoy it a lot.

about 17 years
UberGunner wrote:

Give State of Decay a whirl if your into the zombie survival thing. I enjoy it a lot.

Yeah looks great but I got the ported version for PC and it plays like a drunken sailor. Mind you they'd not fixed the controls at that point so I'll see if the ports' been patched since. Like the rescue aspect of it.
Starting XI
over 17 years

I have a wireless xbox controller that I use for my PC so the keyboard and mouse stuff hasn't been an issue for me.

about 17 years
UberGunner wrote:

I have a wireless xbox controller that I use for my PC so the keyboard and mouse stuff hasn't been an issue for me.

Yeah I've thought about it, not sure I fork out for a controller for  one game as I am a keyboard+mouse warrior at heart. Will check the game out though.

edit: Just noticed Rome II Total War has dropped to half price. Someone played it on here Stevo?? Can anyone tell me whats it like compared to the other titles and was it dumbed down as much as people reported?
Early retirement
over 17 years

Think Munk was playing it as well.

about 17 years

Played WOT crashed pretty much every game, which is a pity as I was grabbing MC badges left, right and centre. Oh well may have to leave it till I get a new comp or new graphics card.

almost 16 years

I can see the finish line! I have kicked out everyone from mainland Italy and for some reason the Brutii have thinned out in the east so are currently not a threat.

I have switched to ship production and blockading the Scipii ports which has helped me move back in to N Africa.

The Brutii might still push me out of Greece, but that is now not a major area as I can make ground in N Africa and Germanica/the east.

Less than 10 regions to get in 90 years. Feeling confident...

about 17 years

What's taken you so long??!!!

Fired up DayZ - looting a town only to be mauled by a pack of super zombies.

Basically if you shoot one you'll get mobbed, I wasted around 40 rounds trying to clear my way out of the town).

Around 5 spawn around you as soon as you fire. They now have this super leap attack which is a right pain in the arse, (how a zombie chick in a pink skirt can leap 6 meters in the air I'll never know), stupidly high-powered vision and you have to run for ages to lose them.

I know it's alpha but some of these Z's need to be dialed back a bit.

Crazy times no wonder lots of people have f*cked off from the servers.

(better log in again).

almost 16 years
ForteanTimes wrote:

What's taken you so long??!!!

Fired up DayZ - looting a town only to be mauled by a pack of super zombies.

Basically if you shoot one you'll get mobbed, I wasted around 40 rounds trying to clear my way out of the town).

Around 5 spawn around you as soon as you fire. They now have this super leap attack which is a right pain in the arse, (how a zombie chick in a pink skirt can leap 6 meters in the air I'll never know), stupidly high-powered vision and you have to run for ages to lose them.

I know it's alpha but some of these Z's need to be dialed back a bit.

Crazy times no wonder lots of people have f*cked off from the servers.

(better log in again).

It took me a while to build up a fleet to be able to maintain blockades. Also with so many regions to administer (45) it takes me 15 mins each turn. That's before any battles.

My assasins are rather naff mostly and are in constant turnover.

Sounds like you should avoid zombies if possible. Can you hook up with other players (like Daryl in The Walking Dead)?

about 17 years

Yeah there are other players and they are usually a lot more dangerous than zombies. Currently though I'm out in the wilds, skirting the major towns but there is a new military base that has appeared north West of the North East Airfield - I need to check it out, (I just do), but it will be filled with psychos and zombies.

about 17 years


Blizzard have the Xpack out for Diablo 3. Reviews suggest it's made D3 into the game it SHOULD have been, more like D2.

Christ I've got a half marathon in a couple of weeks....

Do I have the willpower?????

almost 16 years

Junior Football starts next weekend.  Seriously unfit for reffing (as usual)...

about 17 years
Junior82 wrote:

Junior Football starts next weekend.  Seriously unfit for reffing (as usual)...

So what you are saying is buy it FT?
almost 16 years
Junior82 wrote:

I can see the finish line! I have kicked out everyone from mainland Italy and for some reason the Brutii have thinned out in the east so are currently not a threat.

I have switched to ship production and blockading the Scipii ports which has helped me move back in to N Africa.

The Brutii might still push me out of Greece, but that is now not a major area as I can make ground in N Africa and Germanica/the east.

Less than 10 regions to get in 90 years. Feeling confident...

48 regions now so very close. BUT:
  • I am about to be dumped out of Greece (Sparta, Corinth and Athens held by skeleton forces only).
  • The Brutii have finally massed up in the east and are destroying my field armies (which are well equipped and large).
On the plus side I have rolled on through Sicily - light but stubborn resistance - and have secured another city in N Africa, so not far away from laying siege to Carthage.  My fleets are mostly able to deal to the Brutii and Scipii navies and I control most of the ports in the western Mediterranean (up to Italy and currently clearing out the Adriatic and Ionian seas) so can cut off the Scipii supply routes.
This weekend for sure...

almost 16 years
ForteanTimes wrote:
Junior82 wrote:

Junior Football starts next weekend.  Seriously unfit for reffing (as usual)...

So what you are saying is buy it FT?


Yes (buy two copies).

almost 16 years
Junior82 wrote:

48 regions now so very close. BUT:

  • I am about to be dumped out of Greece (Sparta, Corinth and Athens held by skeleton forces only).
  • The Brutii have finally massed up in the east and are destroying my field armies (which are well equipped and large).
On the plus side I have rolled on through Sicily - light but stubborn resistance - and have secured another city in N Africa, so not far away from laying siege to Carthage.  My fleets are mostly able to deal to the Brutii and Scipii navies and I control most of the ports in the western Mediterranean (up to Italy and currently clearing out the Adriatic and Ionian seas) so can cut off the Scipii supply routes.

This weekend for sure...

It all happened very quickly and without any fuss.  Carthage fell without any effort - almost anti-climactic.  I've ended up continuing world domination and the Egyptians turned on me during the week.

So far they have been easy to swat off - heaps of armies, but now they are very ineffective.  The Brutii are also going through a weak phase so I am steadily rolling them out of Greece.

Might need to start another campaign and play as the Brutii or other.

about 17 years
Junior82 wrote:
Junior82 wrote:

48 regions now so very close. BUT:

  • I am about to be dumped out of Greece (Sparta, Corinth and Athens held by skeleton forces only).
  • The Brutii have finally massed up in the east and are destroying my field armies (which are well equipped and large).

On the plus side I have rolled on through Sicily - light but stubborn resistance - and have secured another city in N Africa, so not far away from laying siege to Carthage.  My fleets are mostly able to deal to the Brutii and Scipii navies and I control most of the ports in the western Mediterranean (up to Italy and currently clearing out the Adriatic and Ionian seas) so can cut off the Scipii supply routes.

This weekend for sure...

It all happened very quickly and without any fuss.  Carthage fell without any effort - almost anti-climactic.  I've ended up continuing world domination and the Egyptians turned on me during the week.

So far they have been easy to swat off - heaps of armies, but now they are very ineffective.  The Brutii are also going through a weak phase so I am steadily rolling them out of Greece.

Might need to start another campaign and play as the Brutii or other.

I've said before I find the Brutii the best to play Romanwise just because if you can twot the Greeks you'll win quite easily.

Been playing a lot of Warthunder as I've decided not to go D3 Xpack route just yet. Completely loving WT at the moment.
almost 16 years
ForteanTimes wrote:

I've said before I find the Brutii the best to play Romanwise just because if you can twot the Greeks you'll win quite easily.

I'd like to try my hand at the Britons.  Larging it up with the Inter Ceaser Firm would be fun.

about 17 years
Junior82 wrote:
ForteanTimes wrote:

I've said before I find the Brutii the best to play Romanwise just because if you can twot the Greeks you'll win quite easily.


I'd like to try my hand at the Britons.  Larging it up with the Inter Ceaser Firm would be fun.


The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Been playing a lot of Warthunder as I've decided not to go D3 Xpack route just yet. Completely loving WT at the moment.
hows the stability? Im guessing good..
I struggle with air combat -kinda enjoy loading up the I-16 with rockets and strafing in  ground strike missions
about 17 years
Munk wrote:

Been playing a lot of Warthunder as I've decided not to go D3 Xpack route just yet. Completely loving WT at the moment.

hows the stability? Im guessing good..

I struggle with air combat -kinda enjoy loading up the I-16 with rockets and strafing in  ground strike missions


All very stable at present. Yeah it's funny at Vickmeist who was better than me at WOT struggled with the air combat side of things of WT as well.

 I'm no ace but I always put in a good shift and mix bombing, ground attacks, (yeah rockets rock), with ground unit defense or covering the bombers on their missions. I also throw in a good dogfight with the Spitfire Mk. Vb/Trop.

I'm researching an extra bomber as in most maps it's crucial to destroy the enemy bases. I'm just getting to know my planes well and I'm noticing that British planes are not as popular as the USA or Russian planes. Going to spend tonight having a read.

I get the odd Nvidia issue with crashes but nothing like WOT. Battles usually take about 30seconds to get into and lag is not an issue either.

about 17 years

Bombing in WT.

Bombing is integral to many maps/missions in the game. It's really fun and challenging and you can win a mission by having players who know how to bomb.

Currently they've nerfed the XP/damage and placement in the team for ground unit/base destruction in WT which means that not many players are picking their bombers and some folk have ditched them.

Crazy as unlike Arty in WOT Bombers are totally part of the game and accepted by everyone.

I know they'll fix this but ffs it's frustrating at the mo when you help win a mission but only end up ranked 12th in the team.

about 11 years

Any idea when they are going live with ground forces in WT mate?  I stopped playing WoT a few months back to try out Path of Exile which has since dominated my time but I must admit I'll take a peak at tanks in WT when (If?) it is finally released :)

Early retirement
over 17 years

I'm still tanking (my win rate and the game).

Secret shame last night in that I Aced the Birch Gun on one of my alts.  Mrs. Munk was on the other side.  I didn't kill her.

about 11 years

The large influx of absolute retards on the SEA server back at the end of last year diminished my WoT enjoyment no end, and a couple of my mates also decided to play the NA server to get away from it, so I decided it was prudent to take a break.  I always intended to go back to it but I found that PoE filled the niche and regrettably I haven't as yet made it back to WoT...  The 120+ days of premium acct that I had when I left has just expired so I'd also have to stump up some coin.  Hopefully WT comes out and has some cool ideas for WoT to steal and there will be a compelling reason for me to change back :)

Early retirement
over 17 years

I had a horror run from late last year until about a fortnight ago.  Dropped 1.6% off my win rate.  In the last fortnight all is right with the world and the graph is climbing again. 

Finding my zen and reducing my rage has helped, along with playing more lights for comedy relief.

about 17 years
thatguynz wrote:

Any idea when they are going live with ground forces in WT mate?  I stopped playing WoT a few months back to try out Path of Exile which has since dominated my time but I must admit I'll take a peak at tanks in WT when (If?) it is finally released :)

I had to stop playing WOT due to Nvidia crash problems that occurs 50% of the time I play and I was really pissed off with the customer service Wargaming offered, (took them 6 months to reply to my second ticket). Shame as I really loved the game.

RE: WT. There is a limited closed beta for tanks which I've missed and I've not really up to speed on how that is going, (quite similar to WOT by some accounts but very early days),. Gaijin have reduced the dev team which has got the playing population grumbling as updates have slowed.

Apart from bomber balance WT seems in pretty good shape. Both WT and WOT have something to offer, it's funny how much slower WOT feels but it is more tactical which is what I miss, as I was very much an TD/Arty sort of player hence I've gravitated to Bombers in WT.

But for me I get a crash once every 10 games in WT rather than every other game in WOT and the engine is so much nicer too.
about 17 years

Despite me and Steel Valk shooting down 8 planes each we still lost, just goes to show completing in-game missions is essential.

Protecting the Bombers - Spifire MKV with Halloween decals

Bombing the base in the Welly with Black Cat Decals

Night-fighting over Peleliu, a couple of us died cuse we were enjoying the light display - looked awesome

Getting hit by a searchlight beam in the same map

Leveling up my tier 1 Russian Biplane (I-15), none to successfully, took out the C4.42CN though 

Starting XI
over 17 years

A note about WT ground forces. Tanking is a bit of a bitch. They ramped up the reality factor and its basically about who gets spotted first as a most of the time, tanks are a 1 shot kill. Creates a lot of camping.

about 17 years
UberGunner wrote:

A note about WT ground forces. Tanking is a bit of a bitch. They ramped up the reality factor and its basically about who gets spotted first as a most of the time, tanks are a 1 shot kill. Creates a lot of camping.

You played it yet UG?
I've noticed yesterday they have a $20 tank starter pack as I was put off the the price of the other ones.
about 17 years

Good smack talking in War Thunder

Me: FFS you steal my kill and crash into me

Kah0: You hit my tail

Me: Your arsehattery knows no bounds

Kah0: You need to learn how to fly

Me: Take ur own advice

ADHamilton: Will you both shut the fuck up

Me: Grow a cock

ADHamilton: You people give the WT community a bad name and you need to leave

Me: You don't speak for anyone Vaginaboy

ADHamilton: You all need to grow up

Kah0: Shut the fuck up you're not my Dad

Me: I agree with Kah0

almost 16 years

Just another day in a thread on the YF forum.

about 17 years
Junior82 wrote:

Just another day in a thread on the YF forum.

Yes and that's why it's so epic!
The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:

Good smack talking in War Thunder

Me: FFS you steal my kill and crash into me

Kah0: You hit my tail

Me: Your arsehattery knows no bounds

Kah0: You need to learn how to fly

Me: Take ur own advice

ADHamilton: Will you both shut the fuck up

Me: Grow a cock

ADHamilton: You people give the WT community a bad name and you need to leave

Me: You don't speak for anyone Vaginaboy

ADHamilton: You all need to grow up

Kah0: Shut the fuck up you're not my Dad

Me: I agree with Kah0

loled -would lol again

about 17 years

State of Decay - Now they've sorted out the controls for the PC it is a very good zombie game. If your machine can't handle DayZ give this a go. Highly addictive.

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