Split Personalities
almost 11 years
ol'sole wrote:

Feverish posted  "Capital Football have made a statement saying they are pressing ahead with Reg changes to change the grade structure to 11 teams."

Having not seen the statement, I will take your word for it.   However, IMO changing regulations retrospectively after you have made a cock-up is very dangerous business - where does it end if you get away with it this time.

don't they have a special term for this type of management??????
"we follow best practice"  i think is there phrase they like to use cause it makes people feel the person sounds safe and knowledgeable and is obviously the best for the job…..
sorry but so much of what i am seeing show's bad practice's and foot in it type repairs going on that should not be needed
Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

The worst part about this stupid decision to (so it seems) have an 11-team league this year is that it creates an awful precedent and opens the way for all sorts of spurious claims and counter-claims and lawsuits in future. Are we going to have protests about referee decisions, muddy grounds, too much wind, too little wind (not drying out the mud), teams unable to play at full strength because of injury or university exams, teams unhappy at having to play midweek games at 6pm etc etc. Where will it end? CF simply cannot justify its intervention in this case, or any similar case. By the way we had an 11-team league a few years back after some court ruled that some team (in the Hutt, maybe?) had some sort of case. I recall there was much mumbling along the lines of "never again". To quote Pete Seeger "When will they ever learn?"   

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Classic Snowball Logic. Completely flawless. 

about 15 years

Obviously 2 schools of thought, with comments like "irrelevant waffle" I can well see why you wouldn't bother with the opinion of someone like that. Exactly the same with national politics; Government elected with madate to govern, then some people want referenda left right and centre. Note that the only people that bang on about elected officials actually doing what you elect them to do is those against the decision. I don't know Feverish except from what I read on here but he appears to be a petty, envious little man who on his best day is about equal to Vader on his worst (sorry jeff). While he rabbits on about something as petty as this, his club probably needs a new set of nets or some youth coaches to go on a course, but we should let righteous indignation get in the way of common sense.

No worries. I am sure you will be ok with it when I return the favour in kind :o)
Life and death
over 17 years

On one of your worst days of course.....

over 17 years

for those complaining about the byes, shirley there will be a team from Cap 1 having a bye, as well as team from Cap 2 each week.  Why don't they get together and have some kind of game of football/competitive pub crawl?

over 17 years

Cap 1 v Cap 2 competitive pub crawl starting midday every Saturday at lovelocks 

about 15 years
On one of your worst days of course.....
Of course.
a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years
Frankie Mac wrote:

for those complaining about the byes, shirley there will be a team from Cap 1 having a bye, as well as team from Cap 2 each week.  Why don't they get together and have some kind of game of football/competitive pub crawl?

From what Ive heard of a few clubs they seem more keen to move players into other club sides as opposed to 'friendlies'
almost 14 years

How do the players in the lower grade sides feel about that? They've paid their subs and are now going to get bumped a couple of times a year?

First Team Squad
over 17 years

What happens to the loss of earnings at the bar for teams in Cap 2? Do the teams in Cap 1 that get an extra game kindly donate some towards them?

a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years
Global Game wrote:

How do the players in the lower grade sides feel about that? They've paid their subs and are now going to get bumped a couple of times a year?

Such is the nature of 'reserve' football. Personally i dont have an issue with it, but some may. Cant please everyone i guess.
over 12 years
Global Game wrote:

How do the players in the lower grade sides feel about that? They've paid their subs and are now going to get bumped a couple of times a year?

I play in Cap 2, I already feel the season is too short with 18 games.  Now to find out its going to be even shorter. Not happy at all. 
CF should just stick with 10 teams per grade, end of it.
Early retirement
over 17 years

How about the cost of officials? 

Do the Cap 1 sides pay more for officials as they need them for 20 rounds and Cap 2 pay less for the 16 games they play?

over 17 years
Hard News wrote:

How about the cost of officials? 

Do the Cap 1 sides pay more for officials as they need them for 20 rounds and Cap 2 pay less for the 16 games they play?

Clubs are invoiced per game - so yes.
As far as promo chances go you'd be laughing if you were Cap2. No NW dropping down and only need to come top 2 of 9.
First Team Squad
over 17 years
AJ13 wrote:
Frankie Mac wrote:

for those complaining about the byes, shirley there will be a team from Cap 1 having a bye, as well as team from Cap 2 each week.  Why don't they get together and have some kind of game of football/competitive pub crawl?

From what Ive heard of a few clubs they seem more keen to move players into other club sides as opposed to 'friendlies'

The normal regrading rules will still apply so unless a club is rorting the system, you should not see movement of more than the allowed amount of players.


Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
Teza wrote:
AJ13 wrote:
Frankie Mac wrote:

for those complaining about the byes, shirley there will be a team from Cap 1 having a bye, as well as team from Cap 2 each week.  Why don't they get together and have some kind of game of football/competitive pub crawl?

From what Ive heard of a few clubs they seem more keen to move players into other club sides as opposed to 'friendlies'

The normal regrading rules will still apply so unless a club is rorting the system, you should not see movement of more than the allowed amount of players.


None so blind as those who will not see
Life and death
over 17 years
ChopperNZ wrote:

What happens to the loss of earnings at the bar for teams in Cap 2? Do the teams in Cap 1 that get an extra game kindly donate some towards them?

They should increase their earnings because instead of being out all afternoon playing football, they will be in the bar from lunchtime drinking - win -win
over 17 years
Loftus Road wrote:

I was told by someone who seemed authentic that NW had appealled. If this is not so, my apologies to NW. But in some ways it makes the CF situation worse, in that without an appeal they varied a relegation result.

I was told a  member of the NW board placed considerable pressure on a member of the CF Board, threatening litigation if something wasn't done.
Split Personalities
almost 11 years
Feverish wrote:
Loftus Road wrote:

I was told by someone who seemed authentic that NW had appealled. If this is not so, my apologies to NW. But in some ways it makes the CF situation worse, in that without an appeal they varied a relegation result.

I was told a  member of the NW board placed considerable pressure on a member of the CF Board, threatening litigation if something wasn't done.

i wonder if that hypothetical member or capital football have read there rules that is designed to protect (CF and NZFA)  from possible court action from it's membership?
i would search then quote the rule but i need some sleep as the last few days have been without much and i don't want to fall asleep during the game and end up watching it off tape as it is not the same.....
lets hope eden park gives us the right results
almost 11 years

The plot thickens. Who says there is no underhand corruption or bribery in CF ! Why is it that one club should be protected to this extent ?

The board says "the fundamental concerns of fairness" as their reason for the league re-structure.

Tell me ...where is the fairness for all the other effected clubs across these grades.

My suggestion is for all clubs in Capital 1 and 2 to VOTE for or against the proposed league structure. Let the members decide as opposed to the boards non consultative approach.

Yay or Nay  ?

First Team Squad
over 17 years

Guys just an observation, some of the posts on here seem to me to be getting close to being defamatory especially some of the accusations of corruption and impropriety that are being bandied about.

Nothing wrong with healthy debate based on facts but to me some of you are getting a little ridiculous over this and it could come back to bite you.

Split Personalities
almost 11 years
Teza wrote:

Guys just an observation, some of the posts on here seem to me to be getting close to being defamatory especially some of the accusations of corruption and impropriety that are being bandied about.

Nothing wrong with healthy debate based on facts but to me some of you are getting a little ridiculous over this and it could come back to bite you.

too right teza
hear say could be people telling lies to trap people ,To cover up something or to embellish the truth and is not proof of nothing so should never be the base for debate or argument when any small fact could prove any part of it wrong and then it is all considered wrong and if it is defamatory trouble is on the horizon.
so keep to facts and pointed questions
Split Personalities
almost 11 years
Feverish wrote:
Loftus Road wrote:

I was told by someone who seemed authentic that NW had appealled. If this is not so, my apologies to NW. But in some ways it makes the CF situation worse, in that without an appeal they varied a relegation result.

I was told a  member of the NW board placed considerable pressure on a member of the CF Board, threatening litigation if something wasn't done.

Just did a track back to refresh my memory
capital football stated "no official appeal or complaint "
and rule 17 stipulates "must be made on Club letterhead "
so talk and emails do not count then?
too much cloak and dagger stuff for me in these answers and opinions coming out.
football was so much clean cut in my day?
almost 11 years

Gee does that mean a club who lost points during the season due to a protest NOT on club letterhead is not valid ? I wonder if that protest process should be reviewed. Could further put the cat amongst the pigeons.......

about 13 years

Wait for the CL - CL1 debate.

over 11 years

The following is factual and nothing but fact from the NZF ruling...........

Points from the Cap1 appeal:

1. NZF has the view that had CF followed their regulations then without doubt NW would have been demoted/relegated from capital 1 at the end of the 2013 season.

2. To the extent, it is plain that CF have not followed their own regulations.

3.To have simply directed the consideration of this matter on the basis of it's being a "special case", falls outside the regulations.

4. NZF view, as a consequence, NW should have been relegated from capital 1 and the end of the 2013 season.

5. We emphatically reject the sumbmission of CF that NZF Rule 34.5 is limited in such a way as to preclude NZF considering this matter.

6. The decision not to relegate NW at the end of the 2013 season as required was plainly wrong. It cannot be categorised, as CF suggest, as a "general policy and governance" decision.

7. To that extent, we uphold the appeal.

8. CF Rule 31 provides the basis for the clubs to challenge the lawfulness of any board resolution (including a provision for negotiation or mediation and, ultimately, arbitration).

9. Those remedies are still open to the clubs.

10. We therefore find that although the CF decision to disregard its own senior playinmg regulations 2013 was wrong, there is no basis for us to address the issue of the as-yet-promulgated 2014 regulations. That is an issue which need to be taken up by the clubs in accordance with CF rules.

over 11 years

Now to address the latest notification from the CF Board dated 29 January 2014 regarding the Capital 1 situation.

Rule 31 of the CF regulations can and will apply to any further action by clubs for the 2014 season allowing them to challenge the Boards resolution on this matter.

a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years
Teza wrote:
AJ13 wrote:
Frankie Mac wrote:

for those complaining about the byes, shirley there will be a team from Cap 1 having a bye, as well as team from Cap 2 each week.  Why don't they get together and have some kind of game of football/competitive pub crawl?

From what Ive heard of a few clubs they seem more keen to move players into other club sides as opposed to 'friendlies'

The normal regrading rules will still apply so unless a club is rorting the system, you should not see movement of more than the allowed amount of players.


Yep, but we would still rather do that. Have a rest weekend, get some lads down who could do with a run, not worry about injuries for another week which always seems to be an issue
Stage Punch
about 17 years

Now to address the latest notification from the CF Board dated 29 January 2014 regarding the Capital 1 situation.

Rule 31 of the CF regulations can and will apply to any further action by clubs for the 2014 season allowing them to challenge the Boards resolution on this matter.


Sounds like there is a bit of a two-pronged approach in play. Official appeals to NZF, and clubs trying to work with CF to get the 2014 league structure put back to 10 team leagues.

Just on the defamation point that Teza brought up, anyone who feels they have been defamed by a post can email me at [email protected]. We'll make sure there is a robust process followed. 

I don't want anyone to feel they can't say what they think because of some mysterious potential defamation threat.

Teza, remember that truth is an absolute defence to defamation. So is voicing an honestly held opinion.

Everyone else, remember that defamation is posting things which are not true about someone, and which makes other people think less of that person.
First Team Squad
over 17 years

Guys we are in Cap one this season so give it up and get on with preparing yourself  and your players, wasting all this energy trying to re litigate the matter is counterproductive.

 Some of you need to concentrate on sorting your own internal club problems out instead of riding out on this crusade for an imagined injustice.

This whole saga is getting sad, the continued unsubstantiated accusations and finger pointing from a few posters (who should know better) against Cap Football and NW (with absolutely no proof presented) also makes me wonder about some peoples real agendas here. 

almost 11 years

Agenda = Justice for penny pinching points during the season ( by questionable CF process some suggest ).

 Live by the sword sorta stuff....

More importantly common sense or using CF statement - "the fundamental concerns of fairness". Why should one club be accommodated at the expense of all others.

First Team Squad
over 17 years
RetiredLefty wrote:

Agenda = Justice for penny pinching points during the season ( by questionable CF process some suggest ).

 Live by the sword sorta stuff....

More importantly common sense or using CF statement - "the fundamental concerns of fairness". Why should one club be accommodated at the expense of all others.

So you want some sort of revenge against teams who gained points from other teams who broke the rules? Is NW the only club you seek to bring to justice or are you going to hunt down all teams who won protests?
 I hope when you read back your post you will realise how ridiculous it is.
Also please expand on your statement about 'questionable process' I'd like to understand why the process was questionable?

almost 11 years
Teza wrote:
RetiredLefty wrote:

Agenda = Justice for penny pinching points during the season ( by questionable CF process some suggest ).

 Live by the sword sorta stuff....

More importantly common sense or using CF statement - "the fundamental concerns of fairness". Why should one club be accommodated at the expense of all others.

So you want some sort of revenge against teams who gained points from other teams who broke the rules? Is NW the only club you seek to bring to justice or are you going to hunt down all teams who won protests?

 I hope when you read back your post you will realise how ridiculous it is.

Also please expand on your statement about 'questionable process' I'd like to understand why the process was questionable?

How about you help us all understand why NW should stay in Capital 1 when finishing in the relegation zone ?
First Team Squad
over 17 years
RetiredLefty wrote:
Teza wrote:
RetiredLefty wrote:

Agenda = Justice for penny pinching points during the season ( by questionable CF process some suggest ).

 Live by the sword sorta stuff....

More importantly common sense or using CF statement - "the fundamental concerns of fairness". Why should one club be accommodated at the expense of all others.

So you want some sort of revenge against teams who gained points from other teams who broke the rules? Is NW the only club you seek to bring to justice or are you going to hunt down all teams who won protests?

 I hope when you read back your post you will realise how ridiculous it is.

Also please expand on your statement about 'questionable process' I'd like to understand why the process was questionable?

How about you help us all understand why NW should stay in Capital 1 when finishing in the relegation zone ?

Easy,  the Capital Football board made the decision after considering all the information including the circumstances surrounding BNUs game against Miramar and feedback from NZ Football. 
 Now you tell me about the 'questionable process' you say protest decisions were made under last season?
about 11 years

No, no, no, no! How does the club of protest succeed even in protest against protest. Sad of so state of game, that such disrepute of spirit of competition. Sad, sad, sad, so sad. I cry for my cousins of conscience. I weep for my brothers of arms. Football is not winner this day of shame. 

First Team Squad
over 17 years

No, no, no, no! How does the club of protest succeed even in protest against protest. Sad of so state of game, that such disrepute of spirit of competition. Sad, sad, sad, so sad. I cry for my cousins of conscience. I weep for my brothers of arms. Football is not winner this day of shame. 

If you have an accusation to make then stand up and make it in front of the appropriate people don't hide behind a message board like a coward.

about 11 years

Oh such relief. I just talk to key administrator local of game and have good news: new league proposal. Because of unhappy situation teams of number in Cap 1 division, any club in relegation 2014 can protest and be let to stay in 2015 league. So faces of happy, next year we have 14 teams and keep increase to cut of 38 teams, when league be size of Premier in Inglaterra. Then players have lots of games to become so good. I have joy again. Rejoice my friends for justice and love. 

Also may have proposal of team that lose game can protest and get points, but also even team who lose of points on protest can protest of protest and get points again with bonus called "protest bonus points".  New table propose with champion decide by most wins of protest. Apparently no protest on the protest proposal, as no consultation proposed and decision in private. 

Yay, yay, happy hola. 

Split Personalities
almost 11 years
Teza wrote:
RetiredLefty wrote:
Teza wrote:
RetiredLefty wrote:

Agenda = Justice for penny pinching points during the season ( by questionable CF process some suggest ).

 Live by the sword sorta stuff....

More importantly common sense or using CF statement - "the fundamental concerns of fairness". Why should one club be accommodated at the expense of all others.

So you want some sort of revenge against teams who gained points from other teams who broke the rules? Is NW the only club you seek to bring to justice or are you going to hunt down all teams who won protests?

 I hope when you read back your post you will realise how ridiculous it is.

Also please expand on your statement about 'questionable process' I'd like to understand why the process was questionable?

How about you help us all understand why NW should stay in Capital 1 when finishing in the relegation zone ?

Easy,  the Capital Football board made the decision after considering all the information including the circumstances surrounding BNUs game against Miramar and feedback from NZ Football. 

 Now you tell me about the 'questionable process' you say protest decisions were made under last season?

question how dose the circumstances of the Brooklyn VS Mirimar game have anything to do with this whole situation????

i think this is a separate matter and has been ruled on and is accepted and is not being disputed by anyone so is now closed.

So what are the Circumstances, to make the Capital football board consider the Circumstances of this closed ruling, and then cause the Capital Footballs board to make the initial decision it did of 11 teams? As it seems there first statement of reason is not acceptable  as the NZFA ruling seems to show.

The one bit i understand is the changing of the rules because the NZFA told them they were free to do so at the end of the judgement they made.

And the last question is why would someone what to thank someone for the consideration/decision on a matter/case when you have no matters present for considering ?

Perhaps the answers lie in the minutes of the board meetings as this discussion to have 11 and 9 team leagues must of been done at a meeting?

As for QUESTIONABLE PROCESS for protests i think it is pretty clear as to what officially is required by way of paper trail in the rules when it comes to a official protest being made and executed by all parties involved.

You can testify too this by looking at how you executed your protest on university of which NZFA confirmed under appeal was to the rules as laid out for 2013……

i think Retired lefty was meaning he didn't know exactly what these rules were and that if many others also didn't know the finer points of the process there could be a chance of this process becoming a bit of a mess maybe ?

Woof Woof
about 17 years

Oh such relief. I just talk to key administrator local of game and have good news: new league proposal. Because of unhappy situation teams of number in Cap 1 division, any club in relegation 2014 can protest and be let to stay in 2015 league. So faces of happy, next year we have 14 teams and keep increase to cut of 38 teams, when league be size of Premier in Inglaterra. Then players have lots of games to become so good. I have joy again. Rejoice my friends for justice and love. 

Also may have proposal of team that lose game can protest and get points, but also even team who lose of points on protest can protest of protest and get points again with bonus called "protest bonus points".  New table propose with champion decide by most wins of protest. Apparently no protest on the protest proposal, as no consultation proposed and decision in private. 

Yay, yay, happy hola. 

This made me LOL so hard.

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