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about 13 years
Ronaldoknow wrote:
Yeovil wrote:

I get a bit sick of the criticism the board gets, they are unpaid volunteers doing their best and to be most the punters on have no idea how much work is needed just keep an organisation like Southern Utd going.

So they aren't accountable then because they are volunteers? 
Ron I was just about to have a spaz and say the same.  It's a dumass excuse - the NL is our top level of football and we are a proud town with a great football heritage - so it doesn't matter if it's volunteers.  Then I looked at the thread before you and the funds available and all and I felt a bit guilty.  And then I thought nah bugger it. So what if we have no money?  We have a lot of good local talent and we always will.  Give us a coach that engages the local lads instead of this wombat that no-one wants to play for.  Give us a board that has a sharp scots focus - shrewd with money but true to the way the game needs to be played, i.e., no frills - just bloody win..or on a bad day draw..or on a badder day lose but lose with pride and break some noses on the way.  And whatever the result - win, draw or lose - have beer or a whiskey - not an ice bath and a massage and a nice pep talk that tells us we are fucking great and the best team that ever was.  And let's not, when we lose, say gee we played well lads…boy, we are playing better every week even if we did concede 4….  man, in five years we will finish sixth or seventh and we will be playing sexy ffotball.  Let's not do that.  When we lose let's get pissed off and break grannies best china FFS.  And let's tell that coach to fuck off back to Brazil.
Phoenix Academy
over 15 years

Who said they weren't accountable.

I just think some of the criticism is unwarranted. There are plenty of things that could be done better but it seems to me things off the pitch are improving. Yes there is room for a lot more improvement but there has been a lot of over the top criticism on here at times that's unrealistic and not constructive.

I may not agree with Luiz's '5 year plan' but at least there is one.

If people want to make a difference and are willing to back it up with hard work then I'm sure they would welcomed onto the board. Shit  when I turned up to a few AGM's a couple of years ago they were quite open to new ideas and especially some help.

The problem I see is everyone wants to stick the boot in rather than be part of the solution

almost 11 years

at least they won't drop any points this weekend

about 15 years
Brookside wrote:

at least they won't drop any points this weekend

Yes in a holding pattern.

almost 12 years

wow just saw highlights of Henrique's volley goal against Wellington, great finish from the Brazilian. But that through ball over the top was something special. It looks like the centre back has seen Henrique pointing to his chest from a mile away and played it on the dime. Stand and deliver. DOES ANYBODY KNOW WHO PLAYED THAT BALL? what a pass!

almost 11 years
YOLO wrote:

wow just saw highlights of Henrique's volley goal against Wellington, great finish from the Brazilian. But that through ball over the top was something special. It looks like the centre back has seen Henrique pointing to his chest from a mile away and played it on the dime. Stand and deliver. DOES ANYBODY KNOW WHO PLAYED THAT BALL? what a pass!

about 11 years
YOLO wrote:

wow just saw highlights of Henrique's volley goal against Wellington, great finish from the Brazilian. But that through ball over the top was something special. It looks like the centre back has seen Henrique pointing to his chest from a mile away and played it on the dime. Stand and deliver. DOES ANYBODY KNOW WHO PLAYED THAT BALL? what a pass!

Hombre are yoo the senter back that played the ball? Eets a nice ball hombre - ee was under no pressure and eets a ball that all half decent senter backs should be playeeng in the seetuation.  But hombre don't forgeet that senter backs are there to deefend.  There ees no point keeking nice long balls eef you deefend like eediots.  
almost 12 years

Joy sent that ball through

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

The words of a loser...

“We are focused mainly on the quality of the performances at the moment,” he says.

“Unfortunately, people only want to look at the results but that is not what it is about for us. When I took on the job I said that we were not good enough right now but that we have a lot of potential and that I would bring young players in and work with them. In three-to-five years I’m confident we will be able to fight for the title.”

about 11 years

From what i'm hearing Cunningham has been dropped for disciplinary reasons (not sure what for?) is Coldicot injured or just unwanted?

If they lose this week, will Luiz get the boot?

Big Willy signing out.

almost 12 years

Spotted, David Low signing pen to paper outside the Meridian mall for the remaining 2013/14 campaign

almost 11 years
Willy Beaman wrote:

From what i'm hearing Cunningham has been dropped for disciplinary reasons (not sure what for?) is Coldicot injured or just unwanted?

If they lose this week, will Luiz get the boot?

Big Willy signing out.

From what I hear Coldeicott isn't injured, Luiz just didn't pick him. On another note, Matt Joy getting dropped as Captain for another uni player? May as well have a different captain every week so everyone can have a turn like 5 year olds. 

First Team Squad
over 14 years
Football fan wrote:
Willy Beaman wrote:

From what i'm hearing Cunningham has been dropped for disciplinary reasons (not sure what for?) is Coldicot injured or just unwanted?

If they lose this week, will Luiz get the boot?

Big Willy signing out.

From what I hear Coldeicott isn't injured, Luiz just didn't pick him. On another note, Matt Joy getting dropped as Captain for another uni player? May as well have a different captain every week so everyone can have a turn like 5 year olds. 

Leave the 5 year olds to play winning football thanks. Don't coach these young ones to go out and just roll over and let the opposition win. Shame the SU coach can't do similar with his kindergarten kids + a couple.
about 11 years

"It's all about getting the results. I listen to managers all the time talking about the 'project', but the project is you win games or get sacked. End of story." interesting quote from the interim spurs manager

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Picking OU to win 6 nil, this is going to be the start of a 10 run winnig steak!!!!!!!!

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Great win today start of the 10 game streak

about 13 years

Woo hoo we beat the kids!

Thanks God for Andy Ridds.

He stuck one in the net!

Did Master Cunningham ever bet,

That he would ever score?

I ask you, I implore!

Methinks – nah bro, no way!

Not ever, not today.

He’d miss three, four or five,

And in the box he’d take a dive,

But score a goal?  Cummon?

What the fuck was it that he was on?

The Brazilian made it two -

That’s no big deal to me or you,

He’s not a local lad!

And so he’s really not that bad.

I nearly had a coronary

When young Cam Attwood did display

His more aggressive side.

When he was sent I almost died.

And then they pulled one back!

I said, “Luiz is for the sack!”

But we hung on to the end,

And this message our Luiz will send –

I’ve won a game – up yours!

Now give me 15 years or more

I’ll train this team of mine,

To beat the kids, most every time. 

about 11 years

Not one person on this page had a doubt in SU right?? Luiz plan must be working?? There's not a team like the good old Southern United no not one, for there a grand old team  . . .   

Starting XI
over 17 years
OtagoRooster wrote:

Great win today start of the 10 game streak

Congrats to yous guys and further confirmation that having an age group side in the comp makes a mockery of NZF's strategy and planning.
First Team Squad
about 17 years

Not one person on this page had a doubt in SU right?? Luiz plan must be working?? There's not a team like the good old Southern United no not one, for there a grand old team  . . .   

No doubt at all. Next up Waitakere away. Easy. 2 in a row here we come. #InLuizwetrust
almost 11 years

come back to me when we beat one of the franchises

First Team Squad
over 14 years

Not one person on this page had a doubt in SU right?? Luiz plan must be working?? There's not a team like the good old Southern United no not one, for there a grand old team  . . .   

A win yeah ha. Maybe the start of a new era for Southern Football. Hats off to Luiz he can coach a winning kids team so long as they play younger kids.
about 11 years

Jesus- just be happy they won a game! Well done to the team !  One more win  and Luis will be at least as good as  Murry with half the  squad- interesting  - also that under  20 side  is probably better than  young heart 

Phoenix Academy
over 15 years
Ronaldoknow wrote:
OtagoRooster wrote:

Great win today start of the 10 game streak

Congrats to yous guys and further confirmation that having an age group side in the comp makes a mockery of NZF's strategy and planning.

Especially when they take points off Cantebury
Starting XI
over 17 years
Yeovil wrote:
Ronaldoknow wrote:
OtagoRooster wrote:

Great win today start of the 10 game streak

Congrats to yous guys and further confirmation that having an age group side in the comp makes a mockery of NZF's strategy and planning.

Especially when they take points off Cantebury

Hey it's not that difficult, sometimes even you guys manage it :)
almost 12 years

well done team, word has it that the ref was a one sided JAFFA, take the 3 points and run I say

almost 12 years

Southern pushing for playoffs now

almost 12 years

Quote from Morgan Day "we are right in the hunt for playoffs now, with a convincing will yesterday sky's the limit". Morgan went on to say "by the end of the five year plan, when I'm 30 we will be the team to beat". Top words Morgan, well said.

over 11 years
YOLO wrote:

Quote from Morgan Day "we are right in the hunt for playoffs now, with a convincing will yesterday sky's the limit". Morgan went on to say "by the end of the five year plan, when I'm 30 we will be the team to beat". Top words Morgan, well said.

Good onya Lenny.

almost 12 years

No Regan No Mosgiel

over 11 years
YOLO wrote:

No Regan No Mosgiel

Welcome back YOLO

almost 12 years

Just heard word that Welcome Burger © will be replacing Grans Remedy as the major sponser for the 2013/14 campaign. After match functions will now be at Welcome Burger which is located beside Velvet Burger on George Steet. Cheers

over 11 years
YOLO wrote:

Just heard word that Welcome Burger © will be replacing Grans Remedy as the major sponser for the 2013/14 campaign. After match functions will now be at Welcome Burger which is located beside Velvet Burger on George Steet. Cheers

Be interesting to see if anyone has a dig at the "If You Can", free T-Shirt for finishing....

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
YOLO wrote:

No Regan No Mosgiel

Mosgiel are looking at doing a swap deal with Dunedin Tech, Matt Joy heading over to the plains with Day/Coldicott heading to Culling...
Good trade?
almost 12 years

Gannon, Joy heading to Mosgiel will be the day pigs fly

almost 12 years
YOLO wrote:

Just heard word that Welcome Burger © will be replacing Grans Remedy as the major sponser for the 2013/14 campaign. After match functions will now be at Welcome Burger which is located beside Velvet Burger on George Steet. Cheers

imagine a Luis burger with some Brazilian sauce   
almost 16 years

I heard SU had a team bonding session at R&A over the festive season.

Any word on how it went?

about 11 years

Tech about to announce new signings in the next few weeks, one highly controversial

almost 12 years

Tech about to announce new signings in the next few weeks, one highly controversial

Jeremy Christie.

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Heard its hands Horner 

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