Things that piss you off...

Starting XI
over 15 years

Hard News wrote:

Fractured wrist.

No football or cycling for a month.  FML.

We won`t ask how you fractured your wrist ???????

Early retirement
over 17 years

If only it was an exciting story of heading downhill at a million miles an hour on the bike.

Fact is it was making a save while filling in in goal at indoor football.

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

Barbequeuing alone... Jimmy Maloney style?

about 17 years

 Telecom - Cocking up my increase in my Broadband package thus dragging out the fantastic dial-up speeds I'm experiencing for another 24hours with "sorry it can only be done overnight'. Ok they did apologize for the 'error' in changing my broadband package, but said they still could not do it any earlier. Needs to be "overnight".

Why does it take "overnight?" Are there Gigabyte Pixies working away that only come out during darkness?

I'm genuinely interested? Do the other companies have this "overnight" policy or can they wack on an extra 20 gigs quicker? If they can they have my business.

Starting XI
over 14 years

With Vodafone, I increased mine and there was instantly another 20GB on my cap. No idea what this overnight business is. Seems a bit of a crazy thing to me. 

Maybe it is something to do with the throttling down of the speed, but surely that doesn't "Only happen overnight" Otherwise when someone knew they were close to their cap they could just download through til overnight at top speed gaining buckets of extra data. So who knows.

about 17 years

JonoNewton wrote:

With Vodafone, I increased mine and there was instantly another 20GB on my cap. No idea what this overnight business is. Seems a bit of a crazy thing to me. 

Maybe it is something to do with the throttling down of the speed, but surely that doesn't "Only happen overnight" Otherwise when someone knew they were close to their cap they could just download through til overnight at top speed gaining buckets of extra data. So who knows.

Seems all a bit archaic to me. I've emailed them, but of course I can't get a reply cuse my xtra account times out because of dial-up.No immediate online help unless you wade through the packages and my telecom pages.

Torpedo 7 has someone online that you can talk to immediately - it's a clothing/bike company not a telecommunications giant.

Will certainly be closely looking at other providers when this runs out. The fever forums are pretty much the only thing I can access straight away.
over 13 years

'assists' when used in reference to football - as in - "he scored one goal and had three assists"... WHAT?!?!?!

When did this sort of nonsense lingo start to creep into football?... Save it for the basketball. In football we pass or cross the ball.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

About the same as measuring who got the last touch before the ball went into the net. 

over 17 years

57 year old pervert deputy principles getting 10 months home detention

Starting XI
over 14 years

Tegal wrote:
About the same as measuring who got the last touch before the ball went into the net. 

Haha Ice Hockey, the last touch by the team who scored gets credited with the goal, even if someone from the defending team puts it in the net. Been some hilarious ones (Google Marty Brodeur 2013 goal for example)

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

JonoNewton wrote:

Tegal wrote:
About the same as measuring who got the last touch before the ball went into the net. 

Haha Ice Hockey, the last touch by the team who scored gets credited with the goal, even if someone from the defending team puts it in the net. Been some hilarious ones (Google Marty Brodeur 2013 goal for example)

That is amazing. Hilarious stuff!
Starting XI
over 14 years

patrick478 wrote:

JonoNewton wrote:

Tegal wrote:
About the same as measuring who got the last touch before the ball went into the net. 

Haha Ice Hockey, the last touch by the team who scored gets credited with the goal, even if someone from the defending team puts it in the net. Been some hilarious ones (Google Marty Brodeur 2013 goal for example)

That is amazing. Hilarious stuff!
I love Hockey, but that sort of thing is just silly. Though another record for Marty :D
almost 16 years
almost 17 years

 sad but necessary

almost 16 years

Never really liked Ken Barlow (smug, conceited, liberal, hypocrite).

Must be something at the Rovers Return since he's following on from Kevin Webster and Rolf Harris.

almost 16 years
Woof Woof
about 17 years

I'd say something here, but don't want to appear too insensitive.

tradition and history
over 17 years


Never really liked Ken Barlow (smug, conceited, liberal, hypocrite).

Must be something at the Rovers Return since he's following on from Kevin Webster and Rolf Harris.


Far too liberal for me as well, prefer the fascist type.
almost 16 years

Leggy wrote:

Far too liberal for me as well, prefer the fascist type. 

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Garage getting broke into. Saw someone hiding in elderly neighbours yard, called cops thinking they were going to break into her house, turns out he'd already broken into our garage. 

Starting XI
over 15 years

Tegal wrote:

Garage getting broke into. Saw someone hiding in elderly neighbours yard, called cops thinking they were going to break into her house, turns out he'd already broken into our garage. 

Scum! Get caught though?
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Had dogs and cars out. Couldn't find em. No prints either. Bastards indeed. 

Starting XI
over 15 years

Scum! Good spotting by yourself anyway, probably saved your neighbours from getting ripped off too.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Yeah well, my concern was more for them when I called the cops. Didnt for a second think we'd been broken into until the cop told me!

Starting XI
over 15 years

Might have been baseball bat time if you had have known? Revenge is a dish best served with a bat.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

The f*ckers broke in again. 2 windows broken this time. We had moved anything valuable inside this time though (a really expensive bike got taken last time). 

Pretty stupid hitting the same place twice. You could even say...they weren't the sharpest tools in our shed....

Starting XI
over 15 years

FFS really?? Windows aside, almost worth it for that pun though, puntastic! Well played sir.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

All they nicked this time was a crappy old stereo that we were planning on getting rid of anyway, and the food out of our freezer. 

The thought of them breaking in, finding nothing, then resorting to rummaging the freezer is pretty hilarious, and well worth the price of their admission. 

about 17 years

Tegal wrote:

The f*ckers broke in again. 2 windows broken this time. We had moved anything valuable inside this time though (a really expensive bike got taken last time). 

Pretty stupid hitting the same place twice. You could even say...they weren't the sharpest tools in our shed....

A lot of burglers do this apparently, they wait for you to replace all your nicked stuff and hit your place again.
Starting XI
over 17 years


 NZ has done this before and it has not made a jot of difference.  This is last week - Reports that six Papuan protesters were killed by police

NZ police to train in Indonesia’s Papua region again

Posted at 16:38 on 16 April, 2013 UTC

New Zealand’s police training in Indonesia’s Papua region is set to recommence in September under an aid allocation of 2 million US dollars.

The new three-year programme extends New Zealand’s role training in community policing as the first foreign police force to be invited into Indonesia’s remote eastern region.

New Zealand ran similar programmes in Papua between 2008 and 2010.

Operating on a rotational basis, two New Zealand police officers will be stationed in Papua, running a Training for Trainers programme to develop community-based approaches to police work in the heavily-militarised region.

An ongoing separatist conflict has been simmering in Papua for decades but New Zealand’s ambassador in Jakarta David Taylor says his government respects the full territorial integrity of Indonesia.

However Mr Taylor says all parties should work together to negotiate solutions for the issues in Papua.

tradition and history
over 17 years

dairyflat wrote:


 NZ has done this before and it has not made a jot of difference.  This is last week - Reports that six Papuan protesters were killed by police

NZ police to train in Indonesia’s Papua region again

Posted at 16:38 on 16 April, 2013 UTC

New Zealand’s police training in Indonesia’s Papua region is set to recommence in September under an aid allocation of 2 million US dollars.

The new three-year programme extends New Zealand’s role training in community policing as the first foreign police force to be invited into Indonesia’s remote eastern region.

New Zealand ran similar programmes in Papua between 2008 and 2010.

Operating on a rotational basis, two New Zealand police officers will be stationed in Papua, running a Training for Trainers programme to develop community-based approaches to police work in the heavily-militarised region.

An ongoing separatist conflict has been simmering in Papua for decades but New Zealand’s ambassador in Jakarta David Taylor says his government respects the full territorial integrity of Indonesia.

However Mr Taylor says all parties should work together to negotiate solutions for the issues in Papua.


Have you worked out that this has being going on for years. It is an ethnic problem and is not going to be solved any time soon.
Starting XI
over 17 years
tradition and history
over 17 years

dairyflat wrote:

 An ethnic problem? How so?

This is worth a read. - West Papua - a history of betrayal.

Because West Papua are ethnically Melanesians and Indonesians are mainly Asian, although there are over 300 ethnic groups in Indonesia.
Also Indonesia is a Muslim  country  where as Papua is mainly Christian. Work it out.
Starting XI
over 17 years

 West Papua was colonised by the Dutch. When the Dutch left, naturally enough, the Papuans thought they'd get independence. They were treated abysmally and absorbed into what is now Indonesia. 

It is not a matter of ethnicity nor a matter of religion. It is simply a matter of wanting their land back.

tradition and history
over 17 years
dairyflat wrote:

 West Papua was colonised by the Dutch. When the Dutch left, naturally enough, the Papuans thought they'd get independence. They were treated abysmally and absorbed into what is now Indonesia. 

It is not a matter of ethnicity nor a matter of religion. It is simply a matter of wanting their land back.

Indonesia was ruled by the Dutch as well. The fact is that the points I made are relevant, plus the fact that there is copper,gold and lots of oil to be found. This is probably the main reason for the problems.
Starting XI
over 17 years

Leggy wrote:

Indonesia was ruled by the Dutch as well. The fact is that the points I made are relevant, plus the fact that there is copper,gold and lots of oil to be found. This is probably the main reason for the problems.

The area that is NOW Indonesia was run by the Dutch. Indonesia didn't exist until 1949.
The FreeportMcMorRan mine is probably the largest copper and gold mine in the world.
The reason for the problem is that the region of, what was then, the "Dutch Territory of West New Guinea' never underwent de-colonisation. Unitil the Dutch turned up it had never had anything to do with Java.

Bossi Insider
about 16 years

$100 for a ten minute check up at the dentist!

Starting XI
over 17 years

$100 for a ten minute check up at the dentist!

OucH! :(
almost 15 years

dairyflat wrote:

$100 for a ten minute check up at the dentist!

OucH! :(

Fark..... do you have abnormally large teeth? An extra set? Did you sink your Gnashers into the dentist?
tradition and history
over 17 years

sthn.jeff wrote:

dairyflat wrote:

$100 for a ten minute check up at the dentist!

OucH! :(

Fark..... do you have abnormally large teeth? An extra set? Did you sink your Gnashers into the dentist?

That is not too bad. I had a filling last week, was in the chair about 20/30 mins.    $350.

Things that piss you off...

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