Things that make you go hmmmm

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Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Junior82 wrote:

Plumber?  Sounds about right for the hourly rate.  Call out fees vary but that is in-line (maybe towards the high end but I think we paid somewhere like that last year).

Will need an Electrician, it won't turn on. Just looking for quotes atm, that is what a friends places charges. Normal guy that repairs stuff for our landlady isn't replying to her phone calls, so she has given me the ok to look elsewhere. It died Friday, we starting to run out of clothes.
Handwashing ftw.
Bossi Insider
about 16 years

$110 flat rate + cost of parts via F&P's Customer Care! Rung up to find out authorised repairers in Upper Hutt, and they said they do it themselves up here.

Bossi Insider
about 16 years

Bleh, $110 to get told your washing machine is stuffed and gotta get a replacement. Get a cash back voucher for some of it, if we buy a new F&P one to replace it.

almost 16 years

Dunno about the washing machines, but the F&P dishwashers are minging.

Starting XI
about 17 years

Junior82 wrote:

Dunno about the washing machines, but the F&P dishwashers are minging.

But, you're not supposed to wash your undies in the dishwasher!
almost 16 years

Of course not.  I use my Armitage Shanks washing machine.  Goes through the wash cycle really quickly and I'm always losing socks.

Not Boyd
over 16 years

Harlem Shakes? Can't make up my mind on them...thoughts?

almost 16 years
almost 16 years
Starting XI
over 17 years

 Islamist militant Mokhtar Belmokhtar 'killed in Mali'

This guy has already been killed six times. Well, the Algerian press have reported him dead that many times in the last fifteen years...

Bossi Insider
about 16 years

Rung up last Monday to get some Census forms, they said they would send me out some. Envelope arrived today. No forms just an envelope to send the forms back to them. Even better, that envelope is useless because they took off the plastic covering on the seals and folded it sideways sealing it.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

I got yelled at for not being home when the lady came to drop off census forms. Then again when she came to collect them she said I'm never home, got out a map of the area she has to cover "it's a pain in the ass having to revisit houses when you're not home"

"I'm not sorry for having a life. It's a pain in the ass having to fill out these forms"

Starting XI
over 14 years

The guy came around to drop ours off at 10am on a Saturday morning and was like "You're the first house in the street where someone is home" - I live in a cul-de-sac with about 30 houses in it, mostly families. We had just got home from grocery shopping, I was really not surprised no-one was home, or didn't answer the door. (He was nice enough) 

Though ours got picked up with ease about the same time on Saturday. We tried to do it online, but our codes didn't work.

As for the empty envelope, I would send the return one back empty with a note "I completed the form you provided me with"

almost 17 years

do it online, we did, easy as.

Phoenix Academy
over 15 years

 Coming through immigration/customs/biosec at Auckland airport last week I saw a typed A4 page, sellotaped to a screen, saying that if you didn't want to be filmed for some TV thing called Border Security you should say so to those filming. It was in English only. I'd just come off a flight where I'd guess most of the passengers would struggle with English.

So, I thought I'd ask where the Chinese, Korean and Japanese signs were. (I think the three flights just in were from Korea, HK and Japan.)

That went down well. It was made clear to me that my questions were not welcome. Well now.

Starting XI
about 15 years

Tegal wrote:

I got yelled at for not being home when the lady came to drop off census forms. Then again when she came to collect them she said I'm never home, got out a map of the area she has to cover "it's a pain in the ass having to revisit houses when you're not home"

"I'm not sorry for having a life. It's a pain in the ass having to fill out these forms"

Someone at our house requested a Privacy envelope for our census forms. Was told "but I'm not going to look at the forms" before agreeing to one. LULZ

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Yeah, we asked why didn't she just drop the envelope off instead off continually coming back if it was so annoying. She didnt respond. I get a feeling a lot of them do the job so they can be nosey and read them. Scary thought. 

tradition and history
over 17 years

turkiye wrote:

 Coming through immigration/customs/biosec at Auckland airport last week I saw a typed A4 page, sellotaped to a screen, saying that if you didn't want to be filmed for some TV thing called Border Security you should say so to those filming. It was in English only. I'd just come off a flight where I'd guess most of the passengers would struggle with English.

So, I thought I'd ask where the Chinese, Korean and Japanese signs were. (I think the three flights just in were from Korea, HK and Japan.)

That went down well. It was made clear to me that my questions were not welcome. Well now.

Silly me, I thought English was the main language spoken not only in NZ but the world.
almost 16 years

Leggy wrote:

turkiye wrote:

 Coming through immigration/customs/biosec at Auckland airport last week I saw a typed A4 page, sellotaped to a screen, saying that if you didn't want to be filmed for some TV thing called Border Security you should say so to those filming. It was in English only. I'd just come off a flight where I'd guess most of the passengers would struggle with English.

So, I thought I'd ask where the Chinese, Korean and Japanese signs were. (I think the three flights just in were from Korea, HK and Japan.)

That went down well. It was made clear to me that my questions were not welcome. Well now.

Silly me, I thought English was the main language spoken not only in NZ but the world.

Woof Woof
about 17 years

Leggy wrote:

turkiye wrote:

 Coming through immigration/customs/biosec at Auckland airport last week I saw a typed A4 page, sellotaped to a screen, saying that if you didn't want to be filmed for some TV thing called Border Security you should say so to those filming. It was in English only. I'd just come off a flight where I'd guess most of the passengers would struggle with English.

So, I thought I'd ask where the Chinese, Korean and Japanese signs were. (I think the three flights just in were from Korea, HK and Japan.)

That went down well. It was made clear to me that my questions were not welcome. Well now.

Silly me, I thought English was the main language spoken not only in NZ but the world.

Starting XI
over 17 years

Junior82 wrote:

The above is an ad for an online Spanish language school.
tradition and history
over 17 years

UK Kiwi wrote:

Just got the photo today Leggy

There she is holding my present  (In the Red )

The things I do to get the "Real Girl".......Or at least think she is !!!!

Go on Leggy try the dark side as a travel destination

Am going to Thailand in June, any messages?

almost 16 years

Belgian scientists falsify sensational GMO and Roundup study

On 19 September 2012, the French researcher Gilles-Eric Séralini and his colleagues published a sensational study which, in his opinion, gave clear indications that genetically modified crops and Roundup are dangerous to health. Media across the world picked up on this report and published disturbing photos of rats with enormous tumours. Scientists reacted with shock and immediately criticised the study. A scientific analysis conducted by scientists at the Flemish Interuniversity for Biotechnology (VIB) demonstrate that the research design of Séralini et al. contained fundamental shortcomings that preclude any sensible conclusions from being drawn. In other words, the statements that Séralini made about the health effects of GMOs and Roundup were baseless. Moreover, the research shows signs of selective interpretation of the findings or a misleading representation of these, which is contrary to prevailing scientific ethical standards.

Source: Flemish Interuniversity for Biotechnology
Starting XI
over 17 years

Powershop say  "Our intention is to use popular themes (eg. Gangnam style, gay marriage) and recognisable figures to provoke thought."

almost 16 years

It provoked a giggle from me.

Starting XI
over 17 years

 In a DROUGHT, and car wash businesses (without recyclable water units) are able to keep operating???



Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Of course they are. It's their business. Should commercial kitchens shut down too? Workers just go home and not earn wage? Blame the people using the car wash I guess. 

Starting XI
over 17 years

Tegal wrote:

Of course they are. It's their business. Should commercial kitchens shut down too? Workers just go home and not earn wage? Blame the people using the car wash I guess. 

At what point, I wonder, would the car washes get shut down? Hmm...
over 17 years

Probably when people stop using them.

Starting XI
over 17 years

Buffon II wrote:

Probably when people stop using them.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

At what point does any business that uses water get shut down? Business being open is vital, that is peoples jobs and livelihoods. Peoples gardens however aren't so vital, hence the outdoor water ban. 

Maybe if people stopped using the car washes, they'd see no point in being open, and close. Then you'd be happy (at the expense of those who work there, and own the car wash).

Also the article says that service stations are voluntarily shutting their car washes down at times. 

So don't really see your point. 

Starting XI
over 17 years

 My point. Car washes are not a priority in a drought situation.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

No. But business is. 

Starting XI
over 17 years

 OK, even if prioritising that business negatively impacts on our water position?

The other thing that strikes me is the perversity (right word?) of it.
If a motorist uses , say, ten litres of water to wash their car in the driveway they are offending.
If a motorist uses ten litres at the local car wash they are not offending.  
Very much, for me,  a hmm....   situation.

Friend just chucked in his ten cents worth 'surely in this case we all have a moral duty to do our bit? After all, we are all in this together."

More hmm....

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

And they are doing their bit. They're shutting it down every second day. 

That's exactly what it is, prioritising. There probably would come a point where business would have to be shut down, but clearly that would be a last resort, AFTER the outdoor water ban. At the moment we are only at the outdoor water ban stage.

I do see the hypocrisy in your above example though. Fair point. But I hope you also see what I'm trying to say. Either way, an interesting discussion. 

almost 16 years

Industrial users on rural water takes get shut down or have to reduce activity (based on environmental limits rather than water supply availability for human health/minimum requirements).

Starting XI
almost 17 years

I think the worse thing is that sports grounds are totally banned from watering (forcing pratices inside), but golf clubs aren't. Especially when accompanied by "The club's 1200 members had largely stopped washing golf clubs and shoes". ummm

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Golf Clubs are protecting a pretty major asset. And the livelihood of their entire club. They have also cut down on their water use, as much as they can. I believe they are mostly just watering greens.

It would however look pretty bad for councils to water grounds. 

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

A 'swim shop' has just opened up in alicetown as we head into autumn/winter. At least I've never noticed it is possible that I'm just very unobservant...

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Things that make you go hmmmm