over 13 years

UK Kiwi wrote:

Love to hear " Bruce Hollaway`s"  take on this disaster......Championed the cause which has come unstuck

Are you out there Bruce ??

Waal we might tempt him out of hiberation, of course being a writer he's got good ability to put a good spin on things and may not be contributing due to the forums perceived bias. Previously we've heard from Bruce the hopefull, Bruce the optimist, Bruce the defender, Bruce in denial, resigned Bruce, Bruce Marcel Marce***.

While he should shoulder a fair ammount of critisism along with the rest of the board, both from Melville and WaiFC supporters, he's worked hard over many years for both. He took a giant punt (probably contrary to any common sense) and lost. Of course the biggest loser is Ole

about 15 years

This is an utter disgrace.

1: Declan might well not last long at Ole and if it were me running the shop, I'd jettison him as soon as I could for his 'professionalism'. At least he has guaranteed he will never coach a team in NZ again

2: What are these players thinking? The players that left are marginal at best but they have ensured they won't play in NZF teams because they have just shown no commitment. Very unlikely that any coach picks them in the future, unless they have turned into gun footballers.

At least it did show that Declan only used Waikato for his own personal reasons.

about 13 years

I disagree Jeff  - it's not an utter disgrace.  It's an utter b****y f*****g disgrace.

about 15 years

I heard a rumour yesterday that these kids that Declan has signed have to pay him 15% of any future earnings they make.

over 13 years

Stray Cat wrote:

 Hi Doris,

Good on you for admitting you were wrong and withdrawing your comments because they were completely out of order and based on blind prejudice. We need more posters to do that.

But in your latest post I don't think "logic" is quite the word you are looking for.

You must realise that 2 years ago these players were young even for a youth team (where the age limit was 19 or even U20), depending on what stage of the World Youth Cup cycle we were in.

And the coach of the time, Peter Smith, had plenty of other lads to choose from who were older. You are correct that some of the older lads played outside the franchise. You could hardly blame Adam Thomas for taking up a spot with Auckland City, while Jesse Smith was not wanted - quite rightly in my opinion - by Waikato (I didn't think he was near good enough) but somehow got a gig with Wellington. I think Lissette has really come of age recently - just in time to be out with long-term injury. But two years ago he was certainly not wanted at national league level in Waikato - he had hardly had a northern league game - but he went somewhere he could get a game in summer.

Alexie Campbell-Davies was eligible, was selected and definitley did play for Waikato youth, because he shows up as a goalscorer in youth reports. Not 100 per cent sure on Wallis, but I think he was also selected.

I can't see that any sin has been committed by anyone. Even Declan Edge players most often simply do what is in their best interests without any hidden agenda or unspoken motives.

But happy to be corrected if you know stuff I don't.

Once again, good on you for putting up your hand about being so far off the mark with your earlier comments.


Thought we may have heard from the "fan club"

over 13 years

Thought we may have heard from the "fan club"

about 17 years

So can these guys play for TW? Are any good enough?

about 15 years

Why would you want the off casts from a team lower in the table?

about 17 years

 Hi Doris,

I think you have been shown to be correct insofar as historic statements made by Declan Edge have been in complete contrast to his actions.

I still don't think you can retrospectively argue that Edge was out of order because his kids weren't playing for Waikato when they were 13-14 - that was just weird for any neutral -  But he has most definitely destroyed his credibility on "always being a Waikato man" with his latest actions.

Two things intrigue me.

Why withdraw now? As opposed to immediately after he was sacked. Was it vindictiveness because Waikato suddenly showed they could win with a different approach?

And the second thing is this. The exceptionally slack role by the media. This story has had about 3-4 runs in the media since Edge's sacking, and in no case has the media sought Edge's view, or even reported he didn't wish to comment. Whatever your prejudices, that's pretty lame. Two sides to every story etc.

Starting XI
over 17 years

Doris wrote:

UK Kiwi wrote:

Love to hear " Bruce Hollaway`s"  take on this disaster......Championed the cause which has come unstuck

Are you out there Bruce ??

Waal we might tempt him out of hiberation, of course being a writer he's got good ability to put a good spin on things and may not be contributing due to the forums perceived bias. Previously we've heard from Bruce the hopefull, Bruce the optimist, Bruce the defender, Bruce in denial, resigned Bruce, Bruce Marcel Marce***.

While he should shoulder a fair ammount of critisism along with the rest of the board, both from Melville and WaiFC supporters, he's worked hard over many years for both. He took a giant punt (probably contrary to any common sense) and lost. Of course the biggest loser is Ole

Bruce Almighty is not the loser here, and neither is Edge (he's way beyond losing IMO), it's the players. A misguided attempt to support Edge in this manner does nothing for their or his credibility. No-one is bigger than the game. Kudos to Waikato for making the change and now having to carry on in strained circumstances, Ole academy would be extremely nervous about their newest employee right about now.

almost 17 years

 Hi UK Kiwi,

I am a party to events which have included contract termination, provision of services, and matters of confidentiality. While I generally susbscribe to the modern aesthetic of robust public fan discussion, I am simply not at liberty to comment on issues here at present. I am sure you will understand.

That's not to say i don't have a few opinions. (Just as with the Ross Taylor-Mike Hesson-David White stoush, our football soap opera protagonists often get two-dimensionally cast as either comic book goodies or baddies, when the reality is there are, er, 50 shades of grey, and seemingly inconsistent actions merely reflect responses to the ever-changing football landscape.)

But in the circumstances I will reserve my comments for the next volume of my football memoirs.

Speaking of which, PDF copies of  the 462-page THE WAIKATO CHRONICLES (winner of the 2012 NZ football publication of the year) are still available at $10 from [email protected], and copies of 260-page THE FALL & RISE OF THE NATIONAL LEAGUE (A potted chronology of the twists, turns and conflicting ideas in New Zealand football since 1990) will be available next month.

Hope this helps.

Starting XI
about 14 years

Luis Garcia wrote:

So can these guys play for TW? Are any good enough?

I'd say two of them could, but really if you're TW why would you want to have to deal with Declan. I can't for the the life of me see why these kids would rather go to an academy than play in the national league, I know its not the highest standard but its definitely more followed and probably scouted, do you even play matches at Ole? And potential to work on parts of their game (aka shooting) is gone now that Declan is still coaching them.
almost 16 years

I'm a bit interested in this development.I'm not a Waikato or Edge fan so no axe to grind there. Jazz Jr however has been invited to train with Ole elite juniors next year.Whilst I accept Edge probably has nothing to do with the coaching that far down Ole  , I'm still a bit nervous. From talking to a current Ole coach , Capital Football doesn't recognize Ole as a "club". In fact , Ole doesn't want to be a "club" per se.So I wonder where these kids that Edge is bringing from Waikato are going to get game time.Won't be at Ole , that's clear.Island Bay first team as was the case with Ole last year? YOu can train all you want but I would have thought you learn to play the game by actually playing the game.


Starting XI
over 15 years

 Hi UK Kiwi,

I am a party to events which have included contract termination, provision of services, and matters of confidentiality. While I generally susbscribe to the modern aesthetic of robust public fan discussion, I am simply not at liberty to comment on issues here at present. I am sure you will understand.

That's not to say i don't have a few opinions. (Just as with the Ross Taylor-Mike Hesson-David White stoush, our football soap opera protagonists often get two-dimensionally cast as either comic book goodies or baddies, when the reality is there are, er, 50 shades of grey, and seemingly inconsistent actions merely reflect responses to the ever-changing football landscape.)

But in the circumstances I will reserve my comments for the next volume of my football memoirs.

Speaking of which, PDF copies of  the 462-page THE WAIKATO CHRONICLES (winner of the 2012 NZ football publication of the year) are still available at $10 from [email protected], and copies of 260-page THE FALL & RISE OF THE NATIONAL LEAGUE (A potted chronology of the twists, turns and conflicting ideas in New Zealand football since 1990) will be available next month.

Hope this helps.

Thank you for response Bruce

With Declan I have never seen shades of Grey, only Black and White. In my case I see more in the dark side of this Charismatic Character.

Although I agree with some of his views on the game, his relentless blinkered eye approach and inability to compromise will always let him down. I wish him and his disciples well at Ole and will follow with interest the impact he brings to the academy. 


about 15 years

Hi Bruce

Thank you for the post. Understand you can't say much around the process.

In terms of your opinion and now 18 months up the road, do you have any regrets around chosing to back Edge with what you know now? I know the Noorland brothers and as stalwarts of the Melville club, they have given me their thoughts on it and the 1st team fortunes and how that has gone (and hindsight is a great thing) but it is fair to say, and I have being saying this from day dot, that Waikato football (both at Melville as the 'flag ship club' and the ASB franchise) are probably worse off since the end of Willie's tenure and Declan taking the reigns everywhere. It was telecast when he came in with his kids, whether they deserved to be there or not. The approach had a lot of merit but seriously the wrong front man for the execution.

Away from the process, what's your opinion on how Waikato football moves forward from this disaster. I also see the instant Declan gets out, the board are onside again. That does speak very loudly...

Starting XI
over 17 years

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

 Hi UK Kiwi,

I am a party to events which have included contract termination, provision of services, and matters of confidentiality. While I generally susbscribe to the modern aesthetic of robust public fan discussion, I am simply not at liberty to comment on issues here at present. I am sure you will understand.

That's not to say i don't have a few opinions. (Just as with the Ross Taylor-Mike Hesson-David White stoush, our football soap opera protagonists often get two-dimensionally cast as either comic book goodies or baddies, when the reality is there are, er, 50 shades of grey, and seemingly inconsistent actions merely reflect responses to the ever-changing football landscape.)

But in the circumstances I will reserve my comments for the next volume of my football memoirs.

Speaking of which, PDF copies of  the 462-page THE WAIKATO CHRONICLES (winner of the 2012 NZ football publication of the year) are still available at $10 from [email protected], and copies of 260-page THE FALL & RISE OF THE NATIONAL LEAGUE (A potted chronology of the twists, turns and conflicting ideas in New Zealand football since 1990) will be available next month.

Hope this helps.


Look forward to the Fall and Rise of the National League when it's published.

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

UK Kiwi wrote:

 Hi UK Kiwi,

I am a party to events which have included contract termination, provision of services, and matters of confidentiality. While I generally susbscribe to the modern aesthetic of robust public fan discussion, I am simply not at liberty to comment on issues here at present. I am sure you will understand.

That's not to say i don't have a few opinions. (Just as with the Ross Taylor-Mike Hesson-David White stoush, our football soap opera protagonists often get two-dimensionally cast as either comic book goodies or baddies, when the reality is there are, er, 50 shades of grey, and seemingly inconsistent actions merely reflect responses to the ever-changing football landscape.)

But in the circumstances I will reserve my comments for the next volume of my football memoirs.

Speaking of which, PDF copies of  the 462-page THE WAIKATO CHRONICLES (winner of the 2012 NZ football publication of the year) are still available at $10 from [email protected], and copies of 260-page THE FALL & RISE OF THE NATIONAL LEAGUE (A potted chronology of the twists, turns and conflicting ideas in New Zealand football since 1990) will be available next month.

Hope this helps.

Thank you for response Bruce

With Declan I have never seen shades of Grey, only Black and White. In my case I see more in the dark side of this Charismatic Character.

Although I agree with some of his views on the game, his relentless blinkered eye approach and inability to compromise will always let him down. I wish him and his disciples well at Ole and will follow with interest the impact he brings to the academy. 


Never trust a man who wears yellow sun glasses!

Phoenix Academy
almost 13 years

My comments on the latest installment in the saga. Mass player exodus. Sigh. 

Starting XI
about 14 years
about 13 years

Yep looks like a great win...

Starting XI
about 14 years

Declan's possession tactics are looking more ridiculous by the minute, 8 goals in two games compared to about eight in ten.

about 13 years

But also playing the players in correct positions helps ...

about 15 years

I guess it shows Declan for what he really is - a crap coach.

over 16 years

Well done Cossie. Have shown Declan right up. Great to see Elliott Collier get a run today too. Well done to the lads who have put a tough week behind them. Looks like the stars from Declan's camp will not be missed at all. Good riddance to them I say. 

Starting XI
about 14 years

I'm bloody excited to report on a winning team finally, I know so far its only been the worst two teams but we couldn't have performed much better in those games, looks like now we'll beat competitive with the likes of Wellington/Hawke's Bay etc

about 13 years

Funny how Hobson couldn't get a game with Declan  , now he's totally controlled the  game according to otago reports...he and eder are a good mix... 

Margetts playing more central... Seems To have helped turner.......

over 13 years

My comments on the latest installment in the saga. Mass player exodus. Sigh. 

Wrong about one thing - Never a good man
over 13 years

Interesting to see this club advertising for players. I thought with the current squad topped up with local youth players the bases would be covered (apart from injuries perhaps). Last years plug re: local talent, was admirable however the loopy in charge was only interested in promoting his own.

over 17 years

WaiBOP United - catchy!

Starting XI
over 17 years

"who are you playing for this year chap? rangers? city?  united? wanderers? rovers?"

"i play for waiBOP"

fark me

about 13 years

reg22 wrote:

"who are you playing for this year chap? rangers? city?  united? wanderers? rovers?"

"i play for waiBOP"

fark me

ROFL - may as well call then Wai-diddly-diddly-boop-beep-bop

almost 15 years

NatPevin wrote:

reg22 wrote:

"who are you playing for this year chap? rangers? city?  united? wanderers? rovers?"

"i play for waiBOP"

fark me

ROFL - may as well call then Wai-diddly-diddly-boop-beep-bop

over 17 years

Are the random caps compulsory?

Starting XI
about 14 years

God thats gonna be hell annoying to write, might have to come up with a nickname. Terrible name but good initative. 

over 17 years

Potential for chant on Unskinny Bop

almost 15 years

N-Bomb wrote:

God thats gonna be hell annoying to write, might have to come up with a nickname. Terrible name but good initative. 

The Hansons?
over 17 years

Terrible name, surely we come come up with something better then that. 

Also I believe that Hamilton/Waikato and Tauranga/Mount need their own teams as was the case until about 2000.  I'd be unhappy as someone involved with footie in the BOP seeing my federation supporting a Hamilton team based team with no games in Vegas/Mount etc as is the current case.

about 15 years

Right... Considering there are 2 teams in Auckland, you want 2 for the Waikato when your current one has historically always sat at the foot of the table? Where do Tauranga sit in Northern League again? 

Its the same pie in the sky that Wairarapa are floating. They'll only bastardise players from Manawatu/Wellington/Hawkes Bay. Why thin the talent pool?

There is merit for playing games away from Hamilton however...

almost 15 years

Declan to take his band of  young followers to Tauranga establish a team and win the league!

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