Woof Woof
about 17 years

edward l wrote:

Back to the footie, do you think TW will struggle against the new look Waikato.

about 15 years

edward l wrote:

Make that 1/3 and take off those who qualify for citizenship via length of time or relationships and we down at next to nothing. 

But being a community club  (i.e. we really do represent the community, we really do have lunch together at the clubhouse)  there is no need to rush around changing passports, unlike a professional club.


Back to the footie, do you think TW will struggle against the new look Waikato.

Oh I do not deny your club spirit sir. Its very strong. My issues with your club are well documented. More around the premise of being a good honest coal face grass roots football club when you have more imports than the other 7 (and throw in the Phoenix too) Premiership teams....
over 13 years

At the risk of being shot down for my lack of local football knowledge - when if this seasons OFC?

Early retirement
over 17 years

 Don't think it's known.  The format is up for discussion at the OFC Conference this weekend.

Starting XI
over 17 years

alireggae wrote:

At the risk of being shot down for my lack of local football knowledge - when if this seasons OFC?

never assume you know less than those who are running the game
First Team Squad
over 13 years

Looking forward to the derby on Sunday, havnt been to an ASB Premiership game before. 

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Hard News wrote:

I'd need to back and review but pretty sure you have shown symptoms.

Are the Phoenix killing the game in New Zealand?

Is anyone who supports the Phoenix a traitor to NZ Football?

Is the ASB Premiership better than the A-League?

Do you believe in a conspiracy that NZ Football fund the Phoenix with money and rob the ASB Premiership?

If you answer yes to any of those then you are showing knitting tendancies.


Bloody hell, I can feel the guilt welling up. Is there a rehabilitation programme I can enroll in? Will I ever get to heaven or am I condemned to en eternity of knitting and listening to JV explain why all NZ football is shyte.

Just a minute, isn't that last symptom a bit too close to the truth? ACFC has to  pay NZF $60,000 each season to compete in the ASBP and a sizeable portion of any O League winning funds from Fifa for nothing in return. Does the Phoenix have to pay anything to Frank and his cronnies?

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

In fairness to that, you say he had an outstanding game, I didn't think he really did much. You are fan/stalwart/supporter, I'm just there to watch the football. I thought Jason Hicks was far better than him although he should be given a little more freedom to roam rather than be told to stick to the left flank.

Jordan, Young, Danko, Exposito, Urlo. They are not in any way the same type of player and scored more than a few so I disagree that he is exactly the type of player you need up front. In my opinion, he offers little other than trying to be a hardman and gob off at everyone. I have leveled that same accusation at Bale in the past too but this year, he is focussing on playing football in the 2 games I have seen and looks really good. Imagine how Dickinson would be if he chose to do the same...

Just a minute JV, how does "I'm just there to watch the football" square with your blanket condemnation of everything that happens on the field at Kiwitea Street, in fact on every ASBP ground, as 'insipid crap". Surely watching football actually involves opening your eyes as well or am I missing something?

Phoenix Academy
almost 14 years

I'm a neutral in the whole  ACFC/Phoenix wank wank thing.  And that's not a bad post Trueblue  - good job son.

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

terminator_x wrote:

Have you ever referred to the Phoenix as an "Aussie" team?

Do you consistently fail to see the irony of referring to the Phoenix as an "Aussie" team while your own team is stacked with Spaniards?

Do you believe it is actually impossible to support both ACFC and the Phoenix?

Do you feel a little bit dirty every time you need to come on the Yellow Fever forum simply to find someone to talk to?

Yes? Definite knitter.

Oh no, sob, this is appalling. Now you have me feeling unclean. I'm going to have to make a trip to Fred Taylor park and plead with Rex Dawkins to heap abuse on me.


By the way, the Yellow Fever forum is actually quite entertaining.  

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Toffeeman66 wrote:

I'm a neutral in the whole  ACFC/Phoenix wank wank thing.  And that's not a bad post Trueblue  - good job son.


Gee thanks Toffeeman66, usual fiver's in the post.

Starting XI
over 17 years

 Big Derby today at Fred Taylor. Does it cost to watch or free?

over 17 years

Pretty sure its $10 entry.

Starting XI
over 17 years

 Probably the last time I waste my money on that rubbish. Looked like a decent crowd though

First Team Squad
over 13 years

Good day out for a tenner, good crowd too

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

NHpeter wrote:

 Probably the last time I waste my money on that rubbish. Looked like a decent crowd though

I'm glad you are such a devoted local football fan who appreciates these are mostly players who have to hold down full time jobs to pay the bills. It really pisses me off when so called supporters of the game indulge in sweeping dismissals of ASBP playing standards. If you actually knew anything about the game you'd have appreciated some good play as well as tolerated the below par stuff. I'm glad you're not going to waste your money on watching another ASBP game, this league doesn't need another negative deadbeat on the sidelines. You're probably a miserable bastard anyway. 

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

michaelme wrote:

Good day out for a tenner, good crowd too

This. Not that I was at the game. 

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

michaelme wrote:

Good day out for a tenner, good crowd too

Really appreciate this comment michaelme. With far too many small-minded whiners on the sidelines (see NHpeter above) it's time we appreciated how hard our largely amateur players work. It's not the friggin' EPL and many of the players have to train at night after a day's work but they play with their heart and soul. That's what local football is all about.



Starting XI
over 17 years

i've always enjoyed the nzfc/asb prem simply because you normally get a good game with both teams committing players forward, whereas most pro teams only attack with 3-4 players at a time

sure, the standrard is lower than the a-league, but the entertainment factor  is usually higher in my experience

Starting XI
over 17 years

 Lol take a chill pill True Blue. If you didn't like what I said then ignore it, I have been to plenty of ASB prem games and have rather enjoyed it. But I thought today was rubbish. Ref also liked to blow his whistle a lot, Which didn't help the flow of the game.

As for the miserable bastard, You got that spot on mate :P

about 15 years

You guys aren't allowed to say that stuff. Trueblue will get angry and turn green that you dare cast a stone on the mighty ASB Premiership.

I went and watched this and the 1st 40 was all Waitakere. They should have been 4-0 up after 20. Its ironic that Jake Butlers 35y screamer that stayed 4 feet off the ground the whole way was in some respects harder to slot than the 30 odd chances that were missed (and in some respects, a 5 yard tap in). The equaliser came against the run of play and the remaining 50mins was evenish.

Auckland played their customary 5 ESOL players and were at full strength sans Berlanga and Pritchett. Waitakere made them look like chumps so they have either switched off this league with an eye to Japan, or that 6th ESOL player is the real difference for them. Some NZ depth...

Coombes played one of his more controlled disciplined games I have seen in this league and the midfield of him, Mulligan and Butler dominated ACFC. Feneridis, Reira and Koprivcic were spectators and never got in the game at all. Danny Robinson might have had to make 1 save, Spoonley close to 20. The front 3 for Waitakere looked far more effective than the front 3 for ACFC. A few of the ACFC players went down soft expecting freekicks but I think the ref got it pretty much spot on and they needed to stop rolling around like pigs in shit cause you will not get stuff like that in Japan. Dickinson took all of 10mins to blindside someone. Disappointingly, Ivan played better when he was on a card cause he then had to focus on actually playing football and not remonstrating with the ref or holding Krishna. The Irish guy Brian Shelley should really be sent home along with the Japanese LB for ACFC.

The boy that played at RB, Daniel Saric. I know some people have big raps on him but he was rightfully dragged at the half as Ryan de Vries made him his bitch. The crowd was not as big as previous derby's - someone made a comment that there was a parade on that might have made that the reason why people stayed away. Either way, it was a nice sunny day but if you never went, it was not $10 you would have missed spending. Not a game of football that these 2 teams usually put in and was only better than the televised game 2 weeks ago due to the fact that both sides could string 5 passes before giving it away. At the very least, I can see why there are no Kiwi strikers promoted from the Premiership to the Phoenix making their mark. 2 offside goals and another 25 shots for Waitakere including a few easy tap ins were missed.

I think if I was a supporter watching this, I would expect ACFC to get their asses handed to them in Japan based on this performance. No real football of any cohesion (sans passing it around the back 4) and against better opponents, they will get slaughtered. Spoonley is the only one and perhaps Exposito that can come away with any respect as they were the only players (Spoonley more so) that turned in a good 90.

As for the assertion that these boys hold down full-time jobs, you really need to stop peddling that snake-skin oil True Blue. The club has how many imports (of which another 3 did not play) and you are telling me that they hold down full time jobs like the rest of us? Pah!

over 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:
Spoonley is the only one and perhaps Exposito that can come away with any respect as they were the only players (Spoonley more so) that turned in a good 90.

Thought Tade did quite well when he came on.

Starting XI
over 17 years

nice write up jeff, as always good analysis

about 15 years

Tade might have played well. I can't say I noticed him but that was not cause of anything he did or did not do. He is a nice footballer but like Sean Lovemore, more like a 20 min footballer. Great as an impact player and is dialed up and always produces. Give him a full 90mins and he drifts out of it for very long periods (the same accusation made at Brockie)

Thanks Reg

almost 12 years

Auckland City will be more than happy with a point because they got battered to be honest.

Starting XI
over 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

You guys aren't allowed to say that stuff. Trueblue will get angry and turn green that you dare cast a stone on the mighty ASB Premiership.

I went and watched this and the 1st 40 was all Waitakere. They should have been 4-0 up after 20. Its ironic that Jake Butlers 35y screamer that stayed 4 feet off the ground the whole way was in some respects harder to slot than the 30 odd chances that were missed (and in some respects, a 5 yard tap in). The equaliser came against the run of play and the remaining 50mins was evenish.

Auckland played their customary 5 ESOL players and were at full strength sans Berlanga and Pritchett. Waitakere made them look like chumps so they have either switched off this league with an eye to Japan, or that 6th ESOL player is the real difference for them. Some NZ depth...

Coombes played one of his more controlled disciplined games I have seen in this league and the midfield of him, Mulligan and Butler dominated ACFC. Feneridis, Reira and Koprivcic were spectators and never got in the game at all. Danny Robinson might have had to make 1 save, Spoonley close to 20. The front 3 for Waitakere looked far more effective than the front 3 for ACFC. A few of the ACFC players went down soft expecting freekicks but I think the ref got it pretty much spot on and they needed to stop rolling around like pigs in shit cause you will not get stuff like that in Japan. Dickinson took all of 10mins to blindside someone. Disappointingly, Ivan played better when he was on a card cause he then had to focus on actually playing football and not remonstrating with the ref or holding Krishna. The Irish guy Brian Shelley should really be sent home along with the Japanese LB for ACFC.

The boy that played at RB, Daniel Saric. I know some people have big raps on him but he was rightfully dragged at the half as Ryan de Vries made him his bitch. The crowd was not as big as previous derby's - someone made a comment that there was a parade on that might have made that the reason why people stayed away. Either way, it was a nice sunny day but if you never went, it was not $10 you would have missed spending. Not a game of football that these 2 teams usually put in and was only better than the televised game 2 weeks ago due to the fact that both sides could string 5 passes before giving it away. At the very least, I can see why there are no Kiwi strikers promoted from the Premiership to the Phoenix making their mark. 2 offside goals and another 25 shots for Waitakere including a few easy tap ins were missed.

I think if I was a supporter watching this, I would expect ACFC to get their asses handed to them in Japan based on this performance. No real football of any cohesion (sans passing it around the back 4) and against better opponents, they will get slaughtered. Spoonley is the only one and perhaps Exposito that can come away with any respect as they were the only players (Spoonley more so) that turned in a good 90.

As for the assertion that these boys hold down full-time jobs, you really need to stop peddling that snake-skin oil True Blue. The club has how many imports (of which another 3 did not play) and you are telling me that they hold down full time jobs like the rest of us? Pah!

Well said Jeff
Starting XI
over 17 years

Buffon II wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:
Spoonley is the only one and perhaps Exposito that can come away with any respect as they were the only players (Spoonley more so) that turned in a good 90.

Thought Tade did quite well when he came on.

Thought the same, But when on attacking runs he didn't relese the ball quick enough or he had no one to give it to
over 13 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

You guys aren't allowed to say that stuff. Trueblue will get angry and turn green that you dare cast a stone on the mighty ASB Premiership.

I went and watched this and the 1st 40 was all Waitakere. They should have been 4-0 up after 20. Its ironic that Jake Butlers 35y screamer that stayed 4 feet off the ground the whole way was in some respects harder to slot than the 30 odd chances that were missed (and in some respects, a 5 yard tap in). The equaliser came against the run of play and the remaining 50mins was evenish.

Auckland played their customary 5 ESOL players and were at full strength sans Berlanga and Pritchett. Waitakere made them look like chumps so they have either switched off this league with an eye to Japan, or that 6th ESOL player is the real difference for them. Some NZ depth...

Coombes played one of his more controlled disciplined games I have seen in this league and the midfield of him, Mulligan and Butler dominated ACFC. Feneridis, Reira and Koprivcic were spectators and never got in the game at all. Danny Robinson might have had to make 1 save, Spoonley close to 20. The front 3 for Waitakere looked far more effective than the front 3 for ACFC. A few of the ACFC players went down soft expecting freekicks but I think the ref got it pretty much spot on and they needed to stop rolling around like pigs in shit cause you will not get stuff like that in Japan. Dickinson took all of 10mins to blindside someone. Disappointingly, Ivan played better when he was on a card cause he then had to focus on actually playing football and not remonstrating with the ref or holding Krishna. The Irish guy Brian Shelley should really be sent home along with the Japanese LB for ACFC.

The boy that played at RB, Daniel Saric. I know some people have big raps on him but he was rightfully dragged at the half as Ryan de Vries made him his bitch. The crowd was not as big as previous derby's - someone made a comment that there was a parade on that might have made that the reason why people stayed away. Either way, it was a nice sunny day but if you never went, it was not $10 you would have missed spending. Not a game of football that these 2 teams usually put in and was only better than the televised game 2 weeks ago due to the fact that both sides could string 5 passes before giving it away. At the very least, I can see why there are no Kiwi strikers promoted from the Premiership to the Phoenix making their mark. 2 offside goals and another 25 shots for Waitakere including a few easy tap ins were missed.

I think if I was a supporter watching this, I would expect ACFC to get their asses handed to them in Japan based on this performance. No real football of any cohesion (sans passing it around the back 4) and against better opponents, they will get slaughtered. Spoonley is the only one and perhaps Exposito that can come away with any respect as they were the only players (Spoonley more so) that turned in a good 90.

As for the assertion that these boys hold down full-time jobs, you really need to stop peddling that snake-skin oil True Blue. The club has how many imports (of which another 3 did not play) and you are telling me that they hold down full time jobs like the rest of us? Pah!

I've never in my life heard such a tirade of negativity. How on earth is New Zealands own national league ever supposed to progress when it has 'supporters' like this? So what if the standard is not up to the EPL, La Liga or even the A-League? Give me Auckland City with it's sense of local community, identity and soul any day.

Come on City!!!
over 13 years

It makes me so angry that there are football 'fans' out there that feel so negatively towards our own national league and are so quick and willing to lay into it at the drop of a hat. So what if some of the players don't have full time jobs? The players do plenty of fantastic work in the community with kids in schools etc. My eldest son for one loves the fact that the players are so accessible - he gets his picture taken with the players, shakes their hands after the game etc. What that does for his enthusiasm for the game is immeasurable and something that he couldn't get from watching an EPL or A-League game on the TV - imagine getting to talk to Ivan Vicelich, the All White legend, week in, week out as a kid!  Auckland City FC is the most welcoming, friendly club I have ever known  - I don't think I've met any supporter or anyone involved in the club who is not welcoming. It's great to watch Ivan Vuksich helping put the goals away at Kiwitea Street one week then shaking hands with Sepp Blatter the next.

I don't give two hoots whether the quality is not up to that of the EPL. Quality doesn't come anywhere close to making up for the excitement of watching your local team play and watching players putting their heart and soul into it.

Come on City!!!

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

JV just summed the game up. Don't be so precious. 

Woof Woof
about 17 years

In case no-one has noticed, Auckland City's opponents in the Club World Cup are now known - the new Japanese champions Sanfrecce Hiroshima. The winner goes on to play the African champions Al Ahly from Egypt.

Sanfrecce Hiroshima squad is mainly filled with local Japanese players, with a couple of Koreans on the books and the former Dinamo Zagreb player Mihael Mikic.

over 13 years

el grapadura wrote:

In case no-one has noticed, Auckland City's opponents in the Club World Cup are now known - the new Japanese champions Sanfrecce Hiroshima. The winner goes on to play the African champions Al Ahly from Egypt.

Sanfrecce Hiroshima squad is mainly filled with local Japanese players, with a couple of Koreans on the books and the former Dinamo Zagreb player Mihael Mikic.

Indeed - hopefully televised game.
Woof Woof
about 17 years

They usually are, so hopefully there'll be no break with tradition this time around.

about 15 years

Tegal wrote:

JV just summed the game up. Don't be so precious. 

I had the same thought. Mind you, look who he supports so...
over 13 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Tegal wrote:

JV just summed the game up. Don't be so precious. 

I had the same thought. Mind you, look who he supports so...

You surely can't deny that there was an undercurrent of 'I hate Auckland City and the ASBP is shit' in your summing up.
over 17 years

He might not like City, but his analysis of the game was pretty fair i thought. It was a pretty average game considering they are the top two sides in the country, and had Mully buried those two piss easy chances Waitak would have won comfortably.

almost 16 years

alireggae wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

Tegal wrote:

JV just summed the game up. Don't be so precious. 

I had the same thought. Mind you, look who he supports so...

You surely can't deny that there was an undercurrent of 'I hate Auckland City and the ASBP is shit' in your summing up.

Ali - meet Mr Hook, Hook - Ali.
Later JV can introduce you to Mr Lineandsinker.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Too small (minded), better throw him back in the water. 

(This 'insult' was purely for pun purposes only - take no offence Ali, I don't mean it really)

Starting XI
over 17 years

hey guys, vader's welcome to present his view of the match.  i for one, being stuck in wellington, appreciate the run down.

others should feel free to come onto these forums every saturday afternoon to present their own run down

it's all good info

and there are no rules saying that we have to agree with everything that anyone says, even if they are the (former) dark lord of the sith

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