about 15 years
The inference being that because he is not playing, he is not getting paid. in an amateur competition, no one gets paid because its reimbursement for 'coaching kids' (like your ACFC guys do). Quite how he does it being in a different city would be quite a feat.

Thus my post. He can still coach kids while he is suspended and thus get paid.... unless.... (you connect the dots)
Jeff Vader2012-01-22 23:29:24
almost 13 years
A wins a win. Agree it was a crap game to watch really but on a positive we kept trying to play quick 2-3 touch football even though the game started to descend into a farce. A few things, disgusted I didn't get a goal after guiding the ball into the bottom corner with my belly. Fantastic goal by their lad but didn't think it was a freekick, yes poolmister it was me who made the tackle. George got taken off at ht because he was on a yellow and they were worried about him getting another. Good to see Claps score with two quality freekicks, first time I've seen him score one. We hav'nt scored from a set piece in the last two seasons (not counting penalties) and then we get 6 or was it 7? Claps dictated the game when he was on and was subbed as his foot started to stiffen up at ht which was lucky for me as I was due to be subbed as I've been on 3 yellows since I got a silly one against Waitakare. Its surprising how hard it is to try and not make a tackle for 90 minutes Waikato has'nt been a happy hunting ground in the last few seasons so could be a potential banna skin. Despite their result against Auckland we have to be aiming for 3 pts, nothing less. Good to see the young lads getting extended runouts and more importantly getting good ball to build their confidence up. 
almost 13 years

Oh yeah think Jeffs onto it, a wee slip up by Cole. Only he and the board know if he's getting a few bob but even if the amounts are different to ACFC it kind of pours water on us getting annoyed that other teams are paying players.

Starting XI
about 16 years
I think the issue is how much ACFC are paying players and how much they get from pokie money and grants. We all know every franchise is paying at least the odd player.
about 15 years
I don't think its really the amounts that bothers people to be honest. If you can get $70k for playing football in this country, power to you. You are one of the lucky ones that is talented so well played and hopefully it makes you and the game better.

I think what pisses everyone off is that there is such a blatant lie about it and the only reason why they do so is not to jeopardise the 'amateur status' of the competition. It would affect the college eligibility in the US and maybe also the Phoenix/Knights/Kingz. They were granted entry to the A League based on the fact that there is no professional league in NZ.

I would love it if the teams came out and said 'yeah we play our players so what'. I would have no beef with it and the issue would be dead. Its the charade that goes on perpetuating this load of shyte and NZF stoicly saying 'we've got guys on the boards and we can tell you they don't get paid'. Mind you it is run by Glyn Taylor so....

By the same token, I think there is really only a small group of players in NZ that are worth getting paid. Many are, but are simply rubbish footballers so it allows every tom dick and harry that can take a throw in to think they should be paid too..
Jeff Vader2012-01-23 10:13:48
about 15 years

Look for news of another signing for the Dragons before the transfer window closes.

AllWhites822012-01-26 20:03:25
Starting XI
over 17 years
almost 13 years
The camera never lies vimfuego. Obviously person(s) unknown had watched the video and were disgusted that the remarkable skill shown was'nt rewarded to the correct person. Thats probably whats happened. Rumours that they had a scouse accent are just idle gossip.
First Team Squad
over 14 years
If you think getting $500 and a shirt at the end of an ASB season is getting paid then all the Dragons players and reserves are on money.
To be on the bench for most of the season after training 3 and 4 times a week they deserve a few bucks. Rather be on the golf course and the jet ski for me though if thats all it's worth to get splinters.
Well maybe the likes of AC, Terris, Peverley and even the man on the inside also known as Joe could be banking the big bucks.
Starting XI
over 17 years
AllWhites82 wrote:

Look for news of another signing for the Dragons before the transfer window closes.

news please...
about 15 years
poolmister wrote:
If you think getting $500 and a shirt at the end of an ASB season is getting paid then all the Dragons players and reserves are on money.
To be on the bench for most of the season after training 3 and 4 times a week they deserve a few bucks. Rather be on the golf course and the jet ski for me though if thats all it's worth to get splinters.
Well maybe the likes of AC, Terris, Peverley and even the man on the inside also known as Joe could be banking the big bucks.

Where does that money come from, sponsors? Based on the lack of cash in the league I would think not likely. How many teams and kids get levied to keep the team afloat? Is that fair that they have to paid for Joe Blow? Bollocks it is.

If you want to get paid, work harder and be a better footballer. There is no way that players 17,18,19 in a squad deserve cash. You want to get paid, go play in a pro league. This place is not it.
almost 13 years
Jeff you make a valid point but you can't blame the players for taking cash if its being offered. At the end of the day if its a tenner, a tonne or a monkey its gonna make a huge difference to lads that play at our level. However I will say that clubs need to be strong and show a bit more bollucks by refusing to pay players. Most players are playing NZFC not because they actually believe they are going to become professional footballers but because they love the game and want to play at the highest level available to them. It does'nt help when teams in the local leagues are prepared to pay players as well.
Starting XI
over 17 years
It is a great idea Joe, clubs not paying players, and I totally agree with it. It is a tough battle to fight however. Be it new boots, cash, petrol money, they are all payment of some sort and come out of someone else's pockets.

Last year my club had a situation where players wanted money to join (one a canty player) and when we said no, they went somewhere else. And with more and more clubs doing it, it is harder to be so moral.

A recent trip by a mate around Auckland football clubs while on holiday showed they are all doing it, including the women's game, so will there come a point where all clubs in CHCH will be doing it and mine is the one lagging behind?
about 15 years
Hey Joe

I am not getting at the players at all. I think if someone dangled cash in front of me to play football, I'd take it as well - its just I am not worth it. They would be foolish not to take it. I do believe that the majority (you can define that by any % you feel fit) play for the honour of saying I played national league, play in the best league possibly and represent their region. By the same token that some very good players choose not to be involved in the summer league for various reasons (Gareth Rowe springs to mind and Dave Richmond in Auckland) there are some that are there for the cash. It may not be much but I could conceivably imagine a scenario where a player was going to keep in shape over the summer, maybe have some 7 a side, kick abouts, here and there and when the cash comes along, they think 'yeah I'll bank that as I was going to do something similar anyway'

I would rather those funds be put back into perhaps a full-time administrator (at clubs that use volunteers but pay players) or perhaps better equipment for kids, drainage for pitches so that games are not cancelled (more kids I guess), or facilities, perhaps training lights. 'Making the game better for me and others at my club' I suppose you could umbrella it as. If you took basically the top 20 'amateur' players in the country and took it as a given they would earn cash, there would be a truck load going back into the game to make it better. Better infrastructure I think will invariably create better players, much in the similar vein that NZF are putting programs in place to try and up skill the mum and dad coaches/referees to create better players. Unfortunately, as much as there is a massive benefit to our game to do this, I don't think it will happen.
Starting XI
over 17 years
VimFuego wrote:
It is a great idea Joe, clubs not paying players, and I totally agree with it. It is a tough battle to fight however. Be it new boots, cash, petrol money, they are all payment of some sort and come out of someone else's pockets.

Last year my club had a situation where players wanted money to join (one a canty player) and when we said no, they went somewhere else. And with more and more clubs doing it, it is harder to be so moral.

A recent trip by a mate around Auckland football clubs while on holiday showed they are all doing it, including the women's game, so will there come a point where all clubs in CHCH will be doing it and mine is the one lagging behind?

Starting XI
over 17 years
am i being naive when i think that playing for a well run club, offering a good standard of football, first class coaching, great training facilities, good gear and great playing facilities, should be enough to attract good players?
about 15 years
I would love to say you are not reg and that's what it should be but alas in this day and age, its not enough.
Starting XI
over 17 years
reg22 wrote:
am i being naive when i think that playing for a well run club, offering a good standard of football, first class coaching, great training facilities, good gear and great playing facilities, should be enough to attract good players?

Not at all Reg. If you have all of that then you should never need to attract good players simply because you will be producing them. Clubs need to start thinking long term. Short term success based on "buying" players is not sustainable and detrimental to the game. The goal should never be about winning trophies at a local level, it should all be about developing players and coaches with winning as a by product.
First Team Squad
over 17 years
if you can get paid for doing what you love then why not?

I don't agree with payments at a local level, I think its a joke anyone would pay to win the MPL, but if the ASB prem can be semi pro then all the better in the long term for the competition. But if NZF is going to allow payments in it then it needs to regulate it to avoid the haves destroying the have nots and warping the competition.

I agree with Jeff Vader, if its going to stay an amatuer comp the money is better off going to grass roots footy. I would love to see more grounds with floodlights in chch, or artificial fields etc.
Starting XI
about 16 years
VimFuego wrote:
It is a great idea Joe, clubs not paying players, and I totally agree with it. It is a tough battle to fight however. Be it new boots, cash, petrol money, they are all payment of some sort and come out of someone else's pockets.

Last year my club had a situation where players wanted money to join (one a canty player) and when we said no, they went somewhere else. And with more and more clubs doing it, it is harder to be so moral.

A recent trip by a mate around Auckland football clubs while on holiday showed they are all doing it, including the women's game, so will there come a point where all clubs in CHCH will be doing it and mine is the one lagging behind?
Halswell doesn't and wont pay players. It's hard enough breaking even every season let alone paying players.
about 15 years
Fundamentally, it needs to stay amateur if you want to secure the American college route for anyone that plays at that level (a good but not overused development path) and I understood the licence into Australian football was granted on the basis that we had not professional league here. Does making the league here in NZ professional potentially derail the Phoenix?

I agree entirely with you Ronaldoknow but one of the best run clubs in the country in Central/ACFC also pay their players and that outfit is basically psuedo-professional. It only exacerbates the issue because other clubs try to keep up so buy in their players.
almost 17 years

Hello there.

As a long-time northern premier league club chairman I would like to add an administrative perspective to this discussion.

Of course I would prefer it if there was no need to reimburse players for costs associated from playing at a competitive level, because it would, in some cases, allow more money for facility development (which my club has been working very hard on for the past 3 years).

However there is more to the equation than that in the real world, and you have to be prepared to battle on two fronts.

If, for example, a club has ground signage hoardings, which, for the sake or argument, bring in $17,000 a year in money or contra, that only works as a sports advertising concept if you have a product which people want to come and watch.

If there is no on-field product, the notion of advertising around it soon falls flat. So for the economic model to work, you need to be prepared to invest a portion of your income on having a "product" to sell.

If you use, say $6500 of that advertising hoarding income to ensure you have a product to do justice to the advertising, then the club (or the game as a whole) is still a whole lot better off. In other terms, this is no more or no less than the cost of "servicing" a sponsorship agreement by giving something in return. The game as a whole is a net beneficiary.

Indeed, if we hadn't had sports advertising income predicated on having a product to put before people, I'd be prepared to argue our $170,000 investment in facilities last year would not have been possible.
Besides, if you want players to train 3-4 times a week - which is surely an ideal - you inevitably reach a level where, as they get older, you have to remiburse them for their time and input.

Attaining a situation where we can afford to reimburse players should be a goal of the game. Our longstanding goal can�t be just to be as amateur as we can, can it? Doesn't work. In my opinion we need to be striving towards something which takes the game forward.

When it was formed Waikato FC had a mission statement which said the ongoing aims of the club included wanting to raise the level of active support for our first team so that running costs can be met by gate takings. To that I would add raising the level of active advertising support so that player costs could be met from sports advertising, just as it is in the semi-professional game elsewhere.

Hope this helps the understanding of readers here. Paying players is not necessarily a bad thing, Indeed, if kept in proportion it can even be a good thing.
Incidentally, in a slightly related financial topic, here was a time when there was good sponsored prizemoney in the northern league but it was discontinued by request of the national body after it was perceived to have been causing economic distortions in the game: ie, prizemoney for a regional league but nothing at national league level.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Wow, now we've got Bruce and Vader in here, that Waikato FC thread must be boring.

Whatever way you bring your money in (advertising hoardings as you have said, or raffles, or whatever) it still messes up the playing field as ultimately, the richest clubs get the best players. I'm a hippy at heart and wonder if we can't all just get along?!?!

Oh, and Vader, Central's under 15 Nike Cup team got beat today in CHCH.
almost 16 years
thanks Bruce and Jeff
really good to hear some perspective from other parts of the country.

about 15 years
HT Waikato FC Canty United 2 (Kamo x 2)
about 15 years
FT Waikato FC 0 Canty United 3 (Kamo 2, Clapham)
First Team Squad
over 14 years
Good to bag 3 more points and the ACFC lads allowing the points gap to close.

Looking to see what this new guy Daniel Glozier plays like if he gets on the pitch next weekend.
When did he leave his previous club as he has not been in the squad of 18 players used for that clubs 27 games during the english season.

Funny world at times and how small it can be. Have a friend who went back to UK to visit family over the holidays. He went to Aberdeen and watched a couple games then went to see a cousin in England and got invited to go watch the team his cousin is manager of. So I asked what club that was and his cousin is Darren the manager of Frome Town, Darren Whites ex english club.
First Team Squad
over 14 years
AllWhites82 wrote:

Look for news of another signing for the Dragons before the transfer window closes.

So it's Michael White, another bench warmer then?
about 15 years
reg22 wrote:
AllWhites82 wrote:

Look for news of another signing for the Dragons before the transfer window closes.

news please...

Michael White has moved back to Christchurch
about 15 years
poolmister wrote:
AllWhites82 wrote:

Look for news of another signing for the Dragons before the transfer window closes.

So it's Michael White, another bench warmer then?

Maybe but not a bad bench warmer.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Plenty of Mainland clubs out to sign him too.
about 15 years
VimFuego wrote:
Wow, now we've got Bruce and Vader in here, that Waikato FC thread must be boring.

Whatever way you bring your money in (advertising hoardings as you have said, or raffles, or whatever) it still messes up the playing field as ultimately, the richest clubs get the best players. I'm a hippy at heart and wonder if we can't all just get along?!?!

Oh, and Vader, Central's under 15 Nike Cup team got beat today in CHCH.

Uh... Why would I care that Central got beaten? Do you think I am a supporter of that club?
about 15 years

Hello there.

As a long-time northern premier league club chairman I would like to add an administrative perspective to this discussion.

Of course I would prefer it if there was no need to reimburse players for costs associated from playing at a competitive level, because it would, in some cases, allow more money for facility development (which my club has been working very hard on for the past 3 years).

However there is more to the equation than that in the real world, and you have to be prepared to battle on two fronts.

If, for example, a club has ground signage hoardings, which, for the sake or argument, bring in $17,000 a year in money or contra, that only works as a sports advertising concept if you have a product which people want to come and watch.

If there is no on-field product, the notion of advertising around it soon falls flat. So for the economic model to work, you need to be prepared to invest a portion of your income on having a "product" to sell.

If you use, say $6500 of that advertising hoarding income to ensure you have a product to do justice to the advertising, then the club (or the game as a whole) is still a whole lot better off. In other terms, this is no more or no less than the cost of "servicing" a sponsorship agreement by giving something in return. The game as a whole is a net beneficiary.

Indeed, if we hadn't had sports advertising income predicated on having a product to put before people, I'd be prepared to argue our $170,000 investment in facilities last year would not have been possible.
Besides, if you want players to train 3-4 times a week - which is surely an ideal - you inevitably reach a level where, as they get older, you have to remiburse them for their time and input.

Attaining a situation where we can afford to reimburse players should be a goal of the game. Our longstanding goal can�t be just to be as amateur as we can, can it? Doesn't work. In my opinion we need to be striving towards something which takes the game forward.

When it was formed Waikato FC had a mission statement which said the ongoing aims of the club included wanting to raise the level of active support for our first team so that running costs can be met by gate takings. To that I would add raising the level of active advertising support so that player costs could be met from sports advertising, just as it is in the semi-professional game elsewhere.

Hope this helps the understanding of readers here. Paying players is not necessarily a bad thing, Indeed, if kept in proportion it can even be a good thing.
Incidentally, in a slightly related financial topic, here was a time when there was good sponsored prizemoney in the northern league but it was discontinued by request of the national body after it was perceived to have been causing economic distortions in the game: ie, prizemoney for a regional league but nothing at national league level.


I don't see why you 'have' to reimburse them as you said. Its not a job, its a sport.

I look it like this. 'We have this team that plays in this league here. If you want to play in this team, this is what comes with it. If you can't commit to that, then you don't play in this team' Thats pretty much how most sports teams work.

This 'need to reimburse' is bollocks and just makes it worse. If a kid makes Melville U15 and trains twice a week, and Waikato U15's and has to train twice a week, does he get reimbursed as well or at the very least, the parents for the running around? They don't because its he cost of being involved. The cost of playing football is worn by the players because that's what is required to be involved. Don't like it? Don't play the sport or at that level.
First Team Squad
over 14 years
Jeff Vader wrote:

<span lang="EN-GB">

Hello there.As a long-time northern premier league club chairman I would like to add an administrative perspective to this discussion.

Of course I would prefer it if there was no need to reimburse players for costs associated from playing at a competitive level, because it would, in some cases, allow more money for facility development (which my club has been working very hard on for the past 3 years).However there is more to the equation than that in the real world, and you have to be prepared to battle on two fronts.If, for example, a club has ground signage hoardings, which, for the sake or argument, bring in $17,000 a year in money or contra, that only works as a sports advertising concept if you have a product which people want to come and watch.If there is no on-field product, the notion of advertising around it soon falls flat. So for the economic model to work, you need to be prepared to invest a portion of your income on having a "product" to sell.If you use, say $6500 of that advertising hoarding income to ensure you have a product to do justice to the advertising, then the club (or the game as a whole) is still a whole lot better off. In other terms, this is no more or no less than the cost of "servicing" a sponsorship agreement by giving something in return. The game as a whole is a net beneficiary.

Indeed, if we hadn't had sports advertising income predicated on having a product to put before people, I'd be prepared to argue�our $170,000�investment in facilities last year would not have been possible.


Besides, if you want players to train 3-4 times a week - which is surely an ideal - you inevitably reach a level where, as they get older, you have to remiburse them for their time and input.

Attaining a situation where we can afford to reimburse players should be a goal of the game. Our longstanding goal can�t be just to be as amateur as we can, can it? Doesn't work. In my opinion we need to be striving towards something which takes the game forward.

When it was formed Waikato FC had a mission statement which said the ongoing aims of the club included wanting to raise the level of active support for our first team so that running costs can be met by gate takings. To that I would add raising the level of active advertising support so that player costs could be met from sports advertising, just as it is in the semi-professional game elsewhere.

Hope this helps the understanding of readers here.�Paying players is not�necessarily a bad thing, Indeed, if kept in proportion it can even be a good thing.


Incidentally, in a slightly related financial topic, here was a time when there was good sponsored prizemoney in the northern league but it was discontinued by request of the national body after it was perceived to have been causing economic distortions in the game: ie, prizemoney for a regional league but nothing at national league level.

BruceI don't see why you 'have' to reimburse them as you said. Its not a job, its a sport. I look it like this. 'We have this team that plays in this league here. If you want to play in this team, this is what comes with it. If you can't commit to that, then you don't play in this team' Thats pretty much how most sports teams work. This 'need to reimburse' is bollocks and just makes it worse. If a kid makes Melville U15 and trains twice a week, and Waikato U15's and has to train twice a week, does he get reimbursed as well or at the very least, the parents for the running around? They don't because its he cost of being involved. The cost of playing football is worn by the players because that's what is required to be involved. Don't like it? Don't play the sport or at that level.

Sounds easy but when you have clubs paying players more to play in the MPL [approx A bag o sand] than they get at ASB level. How does that help the clubs that don't pay players stay competitive? Look at the players or coaches that have played/coached for 3 or more clubs in almost the same number of years.
Most players play to win cups and trophies or be in the mix and not fighting relegation. If clubs are paying then pay the loyal ones not the money grabbers that shift for a greeny or 2 per game.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Jeff Vader wrote:

VimFuego wrote:
Wow, now we've got Bruce and Vader in here, that Waikato FC thread must be boring.

Whatever way you bring your money in (advertising hoardings as you have said, or raffles, or whatever) it still messes up the playing field as ultimately, the richest clubs get the best players. I'm a hippy at heart and wonder if we can't all just get along?!?!

Oh, and Vader, Central's under 15 Nike Cup team got beat today in CHCH.
Uh... Why would I care that Central got beaten? Do you think I am a supporter of that club?

Sigh. Everyone knows you ain't a fan of ACFC, Central, Waikato, Declan, paying players.... Come to think of it, what are you are a fan of? Just having a laff.

I was merely referring to your mention of Central being a pseudo-professional club and that my team beat their Nike Cup team yesterday. And again today, but that's another story.

All goods, as you were.
Starting XI
about 16 years
Another thing to this is, I pay my full subs every year as a lower league player (approx $200) and I travel some distance into Christchurch to play without compensation, so why should somebody else get paid? My job requires that I'll never have the time to play in the MPL even though I would probably make the cut if I tried. We should all be lumped with financially helping our clubs out and happy playing at the level we are for what ever reason we are there.
about 15 years
Oh right  Sorry went over my head. Fair play to your team and well done sir.

Its not that I am not a fan of these clubs, its the general charade and crap that come with it. ACFC are a Spanish club but spout they field an NZ line up and take shots at the Phoenix about their quotas. If they didn't talk sh*t and were real about it, I wouldn't have an issue with them.

Waikato I have no issue with what they are doing but have just asked where this long term benefit is to the region that everyone talks about because no one can tell me.

Declan well.... I heard he again made a bit of cock of himself cock yesterday. 'Some guy has popped up and hit something out of the sky'... well to be fair, that some guy is Aaron Clapham and while I don't think he is good enough for the Phoenix, at least i have respect for the fact he is an All Whites and one of the better players in the league. If he said he wanted to play for Waikato, Declan would talk him up like he was the greatest in NZ. I don't think Declan has respect for anyone except Chris Greatholder and while I don't agree with Keith taking a small crack at him on the website, Declan has made his own nest in that respect. Declan really should learn to shut his hole. I also understand he had his kid chasing Aaron around saying 'who are you? what have you ever done' so again, I just see a walking head case. Bruce writes that Waikato were outclassed and performed poorly, Declan sees it that they were just getting back into it when it went 3-0. Really? Change the lens Bono.

Well done to Canterbury. Looks like they are playing some good football at the right time to get a good run home.
Jeff Vader2012-01-30 09:49:43
about 15 years
timmymadden wrote:
Another thing to this is, I pay my full subs every year as a lower league player (approx $200) and I travel some distance into Christchurch to play without compensation, so why should somebody else get paid? My job requires that I'll never have the time to play in the MPL even though I would probably make the cut if I tried. We should all be lumped with financially helping our clubs out and happy playing at the level we are for what ever reason we are there.
You are exactly what I am talking about Timmy. You can't make the commitment required to play at that level so you don't play (sorry to hear that)

Bruce you have a point about apportioning some part of sponsorship and it looks sound like you said but if you didn't, you then have more money for your club to make it better. There are the mercenaries in Auckland that make their way around but a few of them have largely disappeared in the last year. Mulrooney, Seaman, and yet to add a counter point argument to your thing about paying players Bruce, Waitakere City play a team of young unknowns over the winter (you would see them) and they play ok and get results. There is an example of what I am talking about. ECB largely do the same I think and product their talent inhouse although I think they might have forked over for Milos this year...
almost 13 years
Does'nt surprise me about Bono's comments. He was'nt very complimentary when we beat them 5-0 at our place. Something along the lines that we played to many long balls to score our goals. Its always nice to score great goals after stringing together 20 passes but if a ball is on then surely playing the intelligent pass is more important than playing the nice pass. Is'nt that part of a footballers development, choosing the best option. Anyway I was'nt their yesterday so can't comment to much. It would be nicer to turn the other cheek but thats not really keiths style. So that does'nt surprise me either. Anyway good to hear Michael White coming on board. Looks to be a very good player with pace and an eye for goal. Don't think we should get to carried away both Manawatu and Waikato are teams we should be taking maximum points off. The schedule ramps up now with HB, Welly, Otago and then a hard finish with Waitak and City. Starting next week with HB we should be looking for 3pts but it won't be easy, they turned us over 3-0 at their place, hitting a bit of form themselves and Bill Robertson always seems to up his game against us. However a win puts us on 21 pts and traditionally 20 pts has been enough to get us into the playoffs. Then we can concentrate on clawing our way up the table.

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