almost 15 years
I installed it to my 360 and noticed a slight difference, but f**k me the calendar pisses me off. Soo slow :( 
Phoenix Academy
about 16 years
its slow during the transfer window then speeds up really fast.
almost 14 years
I have created a leage called Hyuandai A league abbrevated name "hab" and want some cool people to play with (im not very good I win sometimes on professional) so if your on xbox live just add me "squirtface"

looking forward to a game!
over 14 years
Down a Goal and down a man with 15 "minutes" to go online against man united. then 2 goals in quick succession by greenie. An i win. amazing stuff.
about 14 years
Right well if people still want some confirmed player stats ( as listed in their profile, some are played "out of position" and show lower, while even some then some are still different for no reason :/)I'll list a few since some of the others seemed a bit weird :
Adelaide United:
Galekovic 67
van Dijk 65
Flores 66
Leckie 59

Broich 70
Kosta with K 59
Henrique 63

Central Coast:
Zwaanswijk 71
McGlinchey 61
McBreen 62

Moss 62
Culina 71
Djite 63
Caravella 63
Minnecon 60

Petkovic 66
Leijer 65
Vargas 65
Hernandez 72
Kruse 61
Thompson 65

Bolton 65
Beauchamp 69
Colismo 67
Skoko 64
Sibon 68

Brockie 59
Haliti 61
Wehrman 63
Kantarovski 59

Payne 58
Akoto 61
Then pretty much sub 60

Coyne 64
Sterjovski 66
Fowler 68

Reddy 63
Keller 64
Carle 68
Brosque 64
Bruno 59

Vukovic 62
Muscat 59
Durante 64
North 66
Lochy 58
Ward 61
Brown 62
Lia 59
Bertos 63
Greenie 61
Ifill 72

Paston 64
Hearfield 57
Siggy 58
MacAllister 58
Daniel 58
Pav 56
Toto 59
Musa 52
Rojas 54
Crowther 53
Diego 57

over 17 years
Having a laugh with Petkovic rating higher than Vukovic, Paston, Bolton, Reddy.
Starting XI
almost 16 years
Azevo wrote:
Not sure if you're using a 360, but installing it to your hard drive can work wonders.

Tegal Fan Club Member #3
over 17 years
Playing the demo on PC. Much better than other Fifa
about 17 years
Pectovic seems a bit high. From what I've seen from him, he's poop. Djite is probably one or two stats too low.
Tegal Fan Club Member #3
over 17 years
over 17 years
I like seeing the stats to see how close they are to what I would rate the players. But it makes no difference if someone is 67 and not 65 or whatever.
almost 16 years
Scottishbhoy wrote:
Playing the demo on PC. Much better than other Fifa

Gets a good review.

Anyone got it on PS2 (is it worth $60+)?
over 14 years
Been a server update and leaderboards were reset. first i was disappointed but then after 3 games (2 wins and a draw) I was better off than were i was before they were reset (15 losses 2 draws 3 wins)
Starting XI
over 17 years
Anyone created/found A-League specific chants out there? I see EA's Forum has removed all the EPL related ones but I was lucky enough to download them before the game released.
almost 17 years
Michael wrote:
Anyone created/found A-League specific chants out there? I see EA's Forum has removed all the EPL related ones but I was lucky enough to download them before the game released.

yea i have made 5 of my own, one with me doing it and the other four recorded and edited from you tube..
sounds pretty mint
Starting XI
over 17 years
over 14 years
Starting XI
almost 15 years
Might have some all whites chants, took some videos at the game trying to get chants so hopefully they come out well
Starting XI
over 17 years
I have to say I think I like fifa 10 better, not to sure why hmmm
Starting XI
almost 15 years
not completely sold on fifa 11. lots of little things that happen during a game that bug me. not too bad though, hasnt stopped me playing for some fairly long periods
Starting XI
about 16 years
The Wii version is a MASSIVE improvement over the previous fifa games. It's now much harder to score, passing is smoother and you shoot with the trigger button rather than shaking the remote. Def worth the money. Just out of curiosity, does PS3/Xbox/PC version have the streets to stadiums mode? This is also very cool.
Tegal Fan Club Member #3
over 17 years
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years

I've only played it a few times but I think its an inprovment of 10'

The game play is much slower, you can't just ping the ball up field and score like 10' you have to hold possession before you make an attacking move. The CPU defending is much sharper. The game is more physical. Transfers are a lot more realistic with teams signing lots of players, thing that use to tick me off in manager mode was when teams would never sign players, you would essentially play the same team year after year which would never hapen in real life. EA have sharpened up on little things as well like headers from corners, injuries, ability to look at other league tables in MM, europa league, stats etc....
Come on next year!
Starting XI
over 17 years
One thing that annoys me when you are playing some one online, You only have 40 seconds to get your team in order and for me it normally takes a minute or two. I guess they have put this in because people have been fluffing around there for ages and other people get annoyed.
Starting XI
about 16 years
On the Wii you can't change the lineup, doesn't really bother me. I've had some pretty good results so far v Man U, Real Madrid, Barca (I was always the Nix). Only annoying thing about online games is it's far too short.
Starting XI
over 17 years
over 14 years
NHpeter wrote:
Ya won't beat me at this game�

PS3 or xbox?
Starting XI
over 17 years
Starting XI
over 17 years
There must be some of you that play on ps3 that want a game?
Starting XI
about 16 years
Or Wii. Shame you can't play between consoles really.
over 14 years
NHpeter wrote:
There must be some of you that play on ps3 that want a game?

Yeah PSN Jarrod17
about 17 years
Even in this game the referees are crap!
The opposition look at you or run near you, they get the ball like taking candy from a baby, you look at the opposition and the referee will give them a free kick. I've never seen so much pushing and shoving off the ball from an opposition and the ref does nothing.
The game AI is crap, players on your team keep running into you when you try and move forward whether in sngle player or two player co-op mode. "Get out of the f**ken way AI" is a common shout.
When my nephew and I play on the same side against the XBox 360, we get these problems. It's like your own AI players cant read the flow of the game and run around like headless chickens, none ever seem to do any tackling or intercepting or passing. Icluding in single player mode.
When we have turned the "AI to player change" down to nil the stupid AI still changes you without you wanting to change. We missed a lot of goals when the AI has pulled that stunt. WTF EA, sort the friggen thing out.
This game could or should be that if you choose one player only, the rest of your team works around it and carries on. And as we all do, choose to change players, then let us change to who we want to by using our directional keys. Stop trying to guess as you usually ending up cycling through half the friggen team to get to the player.
When playing the game on your own, in defence and you hoof the ball up the middle of the paddock as in an emergency type clearance, why does the ball end up going out instead of straight up the middle? Another bug!
I was so hopeful yet a tad disappointed with these faults. As I said, instead of worrying about cutesy trick moves for certain players, EA, should have gone after making the game AI more friggen intelligent whether it be on your own team or the opposition.
And sort out the friggen referees, they of A League standard.
Ps: Have you noticed that when a ball breaks loose off a player it always perfectly lands for the AI opposition 98% of the time. even in a pinball cluster around the center circle. I  mean it falls perfectly for them. On the odd occasion it falls your way, they're there and tackling you before you even know it. This happens in single player or co-op 2 player.
Lonegunmen2010-12-11 17:06:30
about 17 years
Starting XI
over 17 years
Good call.

Especially agree with every "50/50" ball landing in the oppositions path.

I also find the game ALWAYS ends when I get the ball. I actually did a little experiment one weekend to see whether this was me just being one-eyed and wrote it down. But in about 25 games 22 of them ended when I got the ball.

I also find the when you play Chelsea, your players start doing stupid things. Your shot vs goal ratio is about 100:1 while there's become 1:1. (Usually their only shot in the entire game and it comes on the 89th minute)

Strangely enough I can put the difficulty on legend and beat Arsenal 2-0. Yet I move it to semi-pro and play Chelsea and struggle to score.Michael2010-12-11 23:15:00
Starting XI
over 17 years
Michael wrote:
Good call.

Especially agree with every "50/50" ball landing in the oppositions path.

I also find the game ALWAYS ends when I get the ball. I actually did a little experiment one weekend to see whether this was me just being one-eyed and wrote it down. But in about 25 games 22 of them ended when I got the ball.

I also find the when you play Chelsea, your players start doing stupid things. Your shot vs goal ratio is about 100:1 while there's become 1:1. (Usually their only shot in the entire game and it comes on the 89th minute)

Strangely enough I can put the difficulty on legend and beat Arsenal 2-0. Yet I move it to semi-pro and play Chelsea and struggle to score.

Too much Fifa for you
about 17 years
Michael wrote:
Good call.

Especially agree with every "50/50" ball landing in the oppositions path.

I also find the game ALWAYS ends when I get the ball. I actually did a little experiment one weekend to see whether this was me just being one-eyed and wrote it down. But in about 25 games 22 of them ended when I got the ball.

I also find the when you play Chelsea, your players start doing stupid things. Your shot vs goal ratio is about 100:1 while there's become 1:1. (Usually their only shot in the entire game and it comes on the 89th minute)

Strangely enough I can put the difficulty on legend and beat Arsenal 2-0. Yet I move it to semi-pro and play Chelsea and struggle to score.
And with their one shot they score - usually the winner! On Friday, I spent 85% of the time (in professional mode) camped in the Leicester City goal box, I hit about 25 shots at their goal, they had a ten man defence and won the game 2-1 and of course they broke in the 89th minute to score their winning goal. Their goalkeeper must have had a player rating of 99%, pulling off miracle save after miracle save.
Which brings me to another criticism. How can you play aginst teams in the championship - Burnley, Hull, Coventry etc, whom you are beating say 2-0. They score a goal and then for the rest of the game play like they are possesed by Brazilians? And their tackles are almost perfect everytime. Only on the extremely rare occassion they might get a card and you might even score a penalty. Mostly they just too perfect.
I wish someone would do a game fix patch to fix these issues. The game just needs tweaking. I really hope EA now concentrate on the above complaints rather than some new for example, Wayne Rooney wonder move or celebration - I really don't give a f**k at watching his celebration or his cutesy move.
I just want a game that plays fair to both sides and is consistant to both sides. That way if I lose , I can handle it.
 An intelligent AI on both teams, no more Zombies on my side and no more perfect players on the opposition side.
Lonegunmen2010-12-13 18:35:10
Starting XI
almost 15 years
agree with those complaints, i reckon the gameplay is about the worst ive seen from a fifa game for some time
Starting XI
about 16 years
someone really needs to convince me to buy this, I still go on fifa 10, can't justify paying $100 or $90 for this yet.
about 17 years
Stay with 10 and think about buying 12.....if they've addressed the problems mentioned above.
Starting XI
about 16 years
Lonegunmen wrote:
Stay with 10 and think about buying 12.....if they've addressed the problems�mentioned above.

If theres one thing EA is good at, it's giving a big "F U" to the community.

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