over 14 years
Downey26 wrote:
loyalgunner wrote:
Downey26 wrote:
Jazcobar wrote:
time to drop torres and start n'gog

You know you're in trouble when you say that.

my thoughts exactly

did you see his attempt at a volley in the second half on the edge of the box?
was so lazy, he just carelesly swung his leg and the ball flew high into the stand. That really pissed me off.
Stevie was running, trying to do things all game. torres was an embarasment
over 17 years
I'm looking forward to the Merseyside derby next year.

Liverpool vs Tranmere.
over 17 years
Buffon II wrote:
I'm looking forward to the Merseyside derby next year.

Liverpool vs Tranmere.

No chance.
Tranmere will never get promoted to the championship.
First Team Squad
over 15 years
sanday wrote:

Buffon II wrote:
I'm looking forward to the Merseyside derby next year.

Liverpool vs Tranmere.
No chance.Tranmere will never get promoted to the championship.

We could however be involved in a ground share while we wait for a stadium...
over 17 years
Ok one more and i'm done...

Liverpool's John Lennon Airport has reportedly changed its slogan from "Above us only sky" to "Below us only West Ham."

I'll leave you in peace now.
Starting XI
over 14 years
Jazcobar wrote:
We've been playing like this for over 12 months, it really is no suprise.
If Roy is going to turn things around then some drastic changes need to made.
First thing to do should be getting rid of Skrtel, Poulsen, Lucas and Maxi.
All of them are woeful, which is a shame for Maxi because im sure he USED TO be a decent player.
One thing i noticed was as soon as Babel came on i think the first thing he did was use his pace to get around the fullback and we actually looked dangerous for a second, first time it happened all game. More of this is needed but is not possible with the players at Roy's disposal. Placing all blame on him if unfair (and before you Rafa groupies jump on my back no im not saying Roy is at fault for nothing)
I'm sorry. You're just a moron. Playing like that for the last year? Are you taking the fking piss?
We're 19th, ffs. As bad as last season was, it wasn't anything on this season. We are simply awful. There is NOTHING good you can say about how we're playing. At least we beat Everton last season.
Getting rid of Skrtel? Don't know what your problem with Skrtel is. Maybe he should have a look at Konchesky first. Or Johnson. And Maxi? He never really offers us much except a neat and tidy player. I'd have him in the squad, tbh. But Cole was simply terrible. Forgot he was even on the pitch. Even Babel outshone him.
On Babel, it was pretty obvious that he needed to be brought on earlier. Then again, I thought it was pretty obvious that you actually need to press the ball and not defend so deep. Even Moyes tactically beat us. There wasn't a single player out there whose performance was acceptable. And if Roy doesn't have it at his disposal, why did Babel offer that? He obviously does have players capable. And yeah great, blame Rafa for not signing a pacy winger. He used the full-backs for width anyway, which is why he signed those kinda wide players.
Oh, and as for the drop Torres comment? Maybe he should stop dropping the entire side so fking deep on the pitch and then Nando can get the service and support he actually needs.
Roy is an idiot. Who else can you blame? He's turned Torres- one of the best forwards in the world- into a sh*te Zamora. He's turned one of the best defences in the League over the last five years into one which leaks goals for fun. He's turned the previous midfield pressing machine into one which moves about as much as a fking snail; never mind the passing. He's signed sh*te players. His tactics take the piss out of our club. And his interviews make me want to shoot myself. Please, get out of our club. 
I really thought we would win this game, not gonna lie. We just always beat the bitters and after the boost of our off-the-field issues, it seemed the perfect match. Unfortunately, I forgot how sh*te we were.
I don't expect us to challenge for the title, or even maybe the Top Four. But it'd be nice to see some direction. We just get worse and worse. And Roy doesn't have a clue what to do to stop it. It involves getting out of our club.
Mate, I got up at 1.30 to watch this game, but thats nothing compared to the 3000 fans who sat there and had the piss taken out of them, not only by the Evertonians, but by our own manager.
Just admit we were wrong in sacking Rafa, and that Roy doesn't have a clue. Sacked in the morning? I fking hope so.
And Buffy, those are funny but please leave us to be depressed
Starting XI
over 14 years
Jose's Dog wrote:
Downey26 wrote:
joe cole must be loving decision 
He wanted a new challenge.  Isn't a relegation battle a new challenge?
Roy must be stoked he signed him, tbf. He's carrying our team, is Joe Cole. What a player  90,000 a week, for nothing.
Starting XI
over 14 years
Tbf though, if you wanted Rafa out, you can't really be asking to sack Roy.
Phoenix Academy
about 16 years

"...towards the end of that first half we were beginning to look quite good and then we concede a goal and then the second half really we camp out in the Everton half and we play some very good football but unfortunately we didn't score from it; they did so my immediate thought is how can life be so cruel that we can play as well as that and get nothing from the game?"
I feel sorry for you. .
12ubb3rduck3y2010-10-18 17:07:11
Starting XI
over 14 years
In today's post-match press conference:
'Are you from Denmark?' Hodgson asked (he considers the Danish press too negative).

'No, Norway,' replied the visitor.
'Ah, two countries I never want to work in again,' he said.

Gobsh*te. Not fit for this football club.
Starting XI
over 14 years

"...towards the end of that first half we were beginning to look quite good and then we concede a goal and then the second half really we camp out in the Everton half and we play some very good football but unfortunately we didn't score from it; they did so my immediate thought is how can life be so cruel that we can play as well as that and get nothing from the game?"
I feel sorry for you. .
Exactly. He labelled it our best performance of the season, ffs.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Starting XI
over 14 years
El C from RAWK on October 3rd:

Only two possible seeds in the back of our minds sprout to a sacking of Roy Hodgson. One is knee-jerkism. He can't win matches, and the team looks like sh*t. The other stems from looking ahead, extrapolating the current trajectory, and cutting losses, essentially betting that all else being equal - reduced revenue from loss of CL revenue, crippling interest payments, indebted absentee owners, borderline supporter mutiny, potential administration, possible relegation aside - the future is marginally better without Hodgson than with.

Knee-jerkism is a poisonous trait to have, to be sure. Six games into a new managerial reign may indeed be too little time to try, judge, and execute a new manager. Rafa's early results were worse than Roy's are now in some ways - a home loss to Graz versus 5 straight wins to start a European campaign. League results weren't that much better under Rafa in the early days. I'd argue that Trabzon is a tougher result than Anfield. It could get better with Roy here, and not someone else. After all, it's happened that way before.

However, it is my opinion that the best possible outcome for the future of the club probably does not involve Roy Hodgson at the helm of football matters. That much is clear. Even if future results get better, this team cannot evolve into anything substantial. It is too old, it is too expensive, it has too little money for replacements, and it is dangerously unbalanced to the detriment of certain glaring positions.

The competitions by which Roy is judged are at best distractions that will not earn enough for a Torres or Mascherano, assuming that Roy would even know one if he saw it. Those who masturbate to fantasies of a benevolent owner spunking his fortune on making sure you don't have to understand the concept of a viable business may now stop reading. That Graz result was worth a more than than the five UEFA cup results that Hodgson has mastered. A domestic cup run solves nothing. FA Cup prize money - even for the winner - will not pay Joe Cole's salary for the year. Fact.

Benitez prioritized the Champions League because reaching the final is worth about two league titles. First place in the league and seventh place in the league are separated by only 5m quid, or approximately one Christian Poulson. Reaching the final is worth 30m quid, or approximately 3 young Xabi Alonsos, if you got your scouting right. And Roy doesn't do body counts.

Even if we swerve every other potential disaster, this squad is aging, expensive, and will only get older and more expensive under current transfer policy. Just as Roy has no Plan B, Squad B, or Media Cheat Sheet B, his squad is quickly shooting its own future in the foot. Alonso, Garcia and Josemi or Poulsen, Meireles and Konchesky? Hint - the right answer includes a winning lottery ticket worth thirty million quid. We're not even buying the tickets now.

One thing that's striking about the communistic nature of American sport is that once a team knows it's licked, it immediately identifies the youth as either the future of the struggling club, or as bait for funding or replacements, and dumps the longterm contracts of the aging, knowing that results don't matter because there is a basement. If you're gonna lose, you might as well do it with Insua and Lucas instead of Poulsen and Konchesky. It's cheaper and you have two tickets to the Brazil 2014 lottery. Poulsen and Konchesky will be pensioners by the time Lucas and Insua go to Brazil.

But here, the difference in league positions means f**k all in financial terms; it serves only bragging rights. The competition for the top four's lucrative spots is fierce, and we won't get there with Roy's team. City has a bottomless pit of money. Ancellotti's team is a decent bet for best in Europe. United are flailing like King Kong falling off a building, but still own the wild cards. Spurs are borderline settled, with good signings, and are even performing well with injuries. Ged's got a point to prove at Villa, and his donkey's really excited. We on the other hand have Roy Hodgson, who is under mounds of pressure to deliver results in a league that doesn't even count financially, especially considering that winning the damn thing wouldn't even cover a quarter of our interest expense.

Every spot we gain in the league has a delta of practically f**k All, outside of the top four (potential windfall) and the bottom three (utter financial disaster). Roy talks about the former, in a vague and broadly accepted as unattainable goal of "top four". We will not end up in the top four. Anywhere below doesn't really matter as long as it's above the bottom three.

So then what really is point of Roy Hodgson exactly? He's not the one who can sort through the Riojas, picking the rights one to drink and cellaring the rest. The longer he stays here, the more likely it is that he tries to raise money for overpriced aging shot-term solutions by selling what precious Riojas we have left. That is his policy. Insua should be a warning - 8 years younger than Konchesky, and probably makes half as much per week. Seventh place earns about 10m quid in prize money while twelfth earns 7m. We f**k him off for less than a million euros and then send 4 times that amount plus 2 kids to Fulham for a 29 year old journeyman backed up by a disgruntled centreback and a crock who refused a pay as you play deal for obvious reasons.

His transfer policy can't get the basics right. His matchday selections are even worse. Four centrebacks in a loss against a 4th division team with one of them up front, and not a sub until the end of the match.

To top it off, he himself is a steady the ship appointee on a three year deal worth 9m that cost a further 6.5m to hire. A manager on a 3 year contract who has no track record of delivering 3 years of results. His team features a number of new signings on 4 year contracts who have not delivered 4 years of results. A punter would be best off betting on a wilting of the tree, really, as opposed to a steadying of the ship.

If it's instant success we delude ourselves into expecting, Roy is probably not our best bet. That much is clear: there are no instant results, not even a dessert at the end of lunch at Nando's. If it's medium term survivalism we crave, Roy again is not the the answer, because the difference in revenue between league positions isn't even worth the millions of pounds it cost to bring him in. If it's laying the longer-term groundwork for future chess masters, Roy again is not is the answer. He spends on Poulsens when he has Luci.

The Roy Keane saga should a lesson in cutting losses early before they grow too large. The situation we find ourselves in is not one that Roy Hodgson is probably capable to solving. We have enough sh*t to worry about without mortgaging the future for journeymen who aren't delivering results. The longer he stays here, the deeper the hole he will dig for us to climb out of.

The risk of ending up with a geriatric squad on disproportionately large wages that has nothing to play for increases with each passing week. If he can't get the best out of what he has, what use is he exactly? At the very least, if all he's bringing is is sh*t wine to the party, he shouldn't be allowed to pop open the bottles that were stored for 2015.

We should cut our losses now. Kenny Dalglish is a better bet at steadying the ship, both on the pitch and off it.
Starting XI
over 14 years
Michael wrote:
Jeez this place is a bit... heated.

Mmmhmmm. For pretty obvious reasons.
over 14 years
El-Ni�o wrote:
Jazcobar wrote:
We've been playing like this for over 12 months, it really is no suprise.
If Roy is going to turn things around then some drastic changes need to made.
First thing to do should be getting rid of Skrtel, Poulsen, Lucas and Maxi.
All of them are woeful, which is a shame for Maxi because im sure he USED TO be a decent player.
One thing i noticed was as soon as Babel came on i think the first thing he did was use his pace to get around the fullback and we actually looked dangerous for a second, first time it happened all game. More of this is needed but is not possible with the players at Roy's disposal. Placing all blame on him if unfair (and before you Rafa groupies jump on my back no im not saying Roy is at fault for nothing)
I'm sorry. You're just a moron. Playing like that for the last year? Are you taking the fking piss?
We're 19th, ffs. As bad as last season was, it wasn't anything on this season. We are simply awful. There is NOTHING good you can say about how we're playing. At least we beat Everton last season.
Getting rid of Skrtel? Don't know what your problem with Skrtel is. Maybe he should have a look at Konchesky first. Or Johnson. And Maxi? He never really offers us much except a neat and tidy player. I'd have him in the squad, tbh. But Cole was simply terrible. Forgot he was even on the pitch. Even Babel outshone him.
On Babel, it was pretty obvious that he needed to be brought on earlier. Then again, I thought it was pretty obvious that you actually need to press the ball and not defend so deep. Even Moyes tactically beat us. There wasn't a single player out there whose performance was acceptable. And if Roy doesn't have it at his disposal, why did Babel offer that? He obviously does have players capable. And yeah great, blame Rafa for not signing a pacy winger. He used the full-backs for width anyway, which is why he signed those kinda wide players.
Oh, and as for the drop Torres comment? Maybe he should stop dropping the entire side so fking deep on the pitch and then Nando can get the service and support he actually needs.
Roy is an idiot. Who else can you blame? He's turned Torres- one of the best forwards in the world- into a sh*te Zamora. He's turned one of the best defences in the League over the last five years into one which leaks goals for fun. He's turned the previous midfield pressing machine into one which moves about as much as a fking snail; never mind the passing. He's signed sh*te players. His tactics take the piss out of our club. And his interviews make me want to shoot myself. Please, get out of our club. 
I really thought we would win this game, not gonna lie. We just always beat the bitters and after the boost of our off-the-field issues, it seemed the perfect match. Unfortunately, I forgot how sh*te we were.
I don't expect us to challenge for the title, or even maybe the Top Four. But it'd be nice to see some direction. We just get worse and worse. And Roy doesn't have a clue what to do to stop it. It involves getting out of our club.
Mate, I got up at 1.30 to watch this game, but thats nothing compared to the 3000 fans who sat there and had the piss taken out of them, not only by the Evertonians, but by our own manager.
Just admit we were wrong in sacking Rafa, and that Roy doesn't have a clue. Sacked in the morning? I fking hope so.
And Buffy, those are funny but please leave us to be depressed
Lol, nah youre right. We played real well last season. Bring back Rafa.
Starting XI
over 14 years
Starting XI
about 17 years
El-Ni�o wrote:

Roy is an idiot. Who else can you blame? He's turned Torres- one of the best forwards in the world- into a sh*te Zamora. H]

Not wanting to rub in or anything, but Torres definitely helped himself down that path with his World Cup performances.
over 14 years
There not need to have a proper argument about, all you Rafa groupies had your minds made up about the Hodge from the start. Hodgson inherited a team that was already playing like sh*t, since then the team has slipped even more for a NUMBER of reasons.
in saying that i think my favourite bit of rafa's tactical masterclass last season was this team against stoke
Carra       Skrtel      Soto            insua
Degen      masch     lucas   aurelio
                   kuyt    n'gog
Starting XI
over 14 years
chocnut wrote:
El-Ni�o wrote:

Roy is an idiot. Who else can you blame? He's turned Torres- one of the best forwards in the world- into a sh*te Zamora. H]

Not wanting to rub in or anything, but Torres definitely helped himself down that path with his World Cup performances.
Yeah, but tbf, he was never really at full fitness. And how did he play at the Euro's in 2008? He doesn't play well for Spain usually. They don't really play to his style.
Starting XI
over 14 years
Jazcobar wrote:
There not need to have a proper argument about, all you Rafa groupies had your minds made up about the Hodge from the start. Hodgson inherited a team that was already playing like sh*t, since then the team has slipped even more for a NUMBER of reasons.
in saying that i think my favourite bit of rafa's tactical masterclass last season was this team against stoke
Carra       Skrtel      Soto            insua
Degen      masch     lucas   aurelio
                   kuyt    n'gog
THEN HASN'T HODGSON PROVED US "Rafa Groupies" RIGHT? He has a record of 1 wins in 8 games in the League... I could do better with a team like Stoke's, never mind a team that has the quality our squad has in it. "The Hodge"? Yet another reason why he shouldn't be our manager...
I don't get you. We told you. Sacking Rafa is fking stupid because he was the last bit of stability at the club. Never mind the fact that he is one of the best coaches in Europe. Never mind the fact that the club was obviously improving under him. Never mind the fact that the Academy was improving. Never mind the fact that he was working under crazy conditions and being undermined every second week. Never mind the fact that he loved the club and gave his job for our freedom. Then we get this prick sitting there saying the protests were "detrimental" to the team.. well, what's your excuse now, Roy?
Playing like sh*te, but not like this sh*te. Andddddd, it wasn't/ isn't a sh*te team.
Surely, surely, you can see that sacking Rafa was stupid? We said tha no other good manager would come in. We said it. And look? Its happening. sh*te manager with sh*te tactics. Admit it. Otherwise you're even more of an idiot than I thought. Which is getting pretty hard to believe.
I don't even know what to say to that stupid post. At least he doesn't play four fking centre-backs and no left-footed players. Never mind that the man who gave this "tactical masterclass" also led us to wins against Madrid, Barcelona, United, Arsenal, Chelsea, Juve etc etc. But hey. Lets be fair to Roy, he did get us that "famous victory" against Trabzonspor
Do one, la.
over 17 years
Stop fighting you two please. You're supposed to be united.
Starting XI
over 14 years
Buffon II wrote:
Stop fighting you two please. You're supposed to be united.
Naw, nice manners.
First Team Squad
over 15 years
There's a couple of big problems I have with the appointment of Roy:

One, he's never left Fulham. His mindless dribble at press conferences is straight out of the Mid table mediocrity hand book where his audience was used to being beaten and outclassed. Doesn't work at Pool, we're driven by Europe where a CL semi-final loss is frowned upon. Where 4th place in the EPL is considered under par. Continually labeling poor performances as heroic is tant amount to manager suicide on the Red half of the Mersey.

Two, The managers role in the first half of this term should have been a caretaker role. I said from the start I wanted Kenny for this very reason. The club was always going to be sold before Christmas (didn't quite expect the drama however) there was never going to funds made for players or manager so I felt we needed someone to get us through to Christmas. Kenny would (and still is the man I was looking for) Would he have got Cole on free? Who knows. Would Masch have left? Probably. Would Aqua and Insua have gone too? Maybe not. But I'm sure he would have got us through to Christmas with some points.

We now have new owners, we now have some funds, we could have spent the next few months hunting the first tier of European management. The Pelegrini's, Hiddinks, whoever, *name a manager*, that would have provided a long term role at Liverpool. Kenny would have stepped back when that man was found, handed over the keys to the boot room job done. Would we have made the top 4? Maybe not. Top 7 probably. But we sure as hell wouldn't be where we are now.

I've been wondering why the players have lost the spark and at a guess they might just see right through Roy, they know he's out of his league. They can see it with his 'tactics' and his Hick's like swindles.

NESV have some hard choices to make with Roy. I just hope their hard line on winning and getting the 'right people' doesn't come too late in this season.

The question now is; if not Roy, who?
Starting XI
over 14 years
Starting XI
over 14 years
Nah, sorry. I'm just in a bad mood. Taking the piss, how rude. Those are some very valid points regarding Roy. The fact that there is a clause in his contract which means we can get rid once the takeover was complete suggests that it was only caretaker.. If this was the case though, why sack Rafa?
Yeah, still think that King Kenny should get the job until we can find a good manager.
Oh, and yeah. I think that most of them can see through Roy. Only Stevie and Carra feel obliged to defend him cos they helped get Rafa sacked.
El-Ni�o2010-10-18 19:05:58
over 14 years
I do believe we were right in sacking Rafa, taking nothing away from what he did, but he had lost it. He was making mistakes and was uncompromising about changing it, mistakes that Roy clearly learnt nothing from.

Pellegrini was my first choice, but i had all the trust in the world in Roy when he was appointed. What's really pissing me off is seems to be as stubborn as Rafa.

Its so disgustingly obvious things need to change but neither made an attempt to.

I just feel weary about Kenny after that whole Keegan, Newcastle relegation thing. See a few similarities.
First Team Squad
over 15 years
I don't think we can forget a certain Cecil Purslow here either. I'm grateful he got the job done with selling the club but sticking his fingers in football matters is starting to bite us back on the arse.

A point I forgot to make in the previous post: I can't help but feel Roy was a marketing tool for Purslow and Broughton. Someone who was to 'steady the ship' and stay on everyone's good side. Potential owners would see a gentlemen of the game, full of experience and one who would provide stability for the season and maybe the one beyond. Also, this point could have something to do with his out clause in case it all back fired like it is now.

I wondered why Kenny put his hand up so early on in the process and it might just be because he saw Purslow's managerial targets and new none were right for the job.
First Team Squad
over 15 years
First Team Squad
over 15 years
El-Ni�o wrote:
<DIV =post>
<DIV =inner>In today's post-match press conference:

<DIV =inner>�
<DIV =inner>'Are you from Denmark?' Hodgson asked (he considers the Danish press too negative).'No, Norway,' replied the visitor.
<DIV =inner>'Ah, two countries I never want to work in again,' he said.Gobsh*te. Not fit for this football club.

That'll lift Agger and Poulsen's spirits...
Starting XI
over 17 years
Here some more funnies at your expense (and some of ours)
10 Things we learned Everton V Liverpool (Daily Mirror)

Tim Cahill and Mikel Arteta combined to ruin John W Henry's first game as Liverpool owner . But what did we learn?

1) Do you think John W Henry has started looking for the receipt yet?

2) Despite their love of The Beatles, it'll be a Rolling Stones song echoing round Liverpool fans' heads as they look at the table: 19th Nervous Breakdown.

3) To show their support, Liverpool have offered the Chilean miners free tickets for the rest of the season. So far, 28 have asked to go back down the hole.

4) So what does NESV stand for? 'New England's Shrinking Valuation'? 'Need Equivalent Scouse Vidic'? 'Never Emulate Shankly's Vision'? Or just 'Now Everton Seem Viable'?

5) Awful first 30 minutes. The only highlights were in Phil Neville's hair.

6) Thanks to FiveLive for this stat: Liverpool have won more court cases (2) than Premier League matches (1) this season. It's a shame Roy Hodgson couldn't have put Lord Grabiner on the bench as he seems to be the only person with a clue how to get the Reds a result.

7) Best in-stadium joke: Glen Johnson was left out of the Liverpool team because of an inunction... that Hodgson took out to prevent him playing.

8) Does David Pleat know something we don't? During his commentary he referred to "Sammy Lee, another inbred Liverpool player"?

9) Prediction of the season so far - Steven Gerrard, August: "Lionel Messi can do some amazing things, but anything he can do Joe Cole can do as well, if not better. I really fancy him for player of the year this season."

10) Yanks out, anyone?

over 14 years
giddyup wrote:

5) Awful first 30 minutes. The only highlights were in Phil Neville's hair.
8) Does David Pleat know something we don't? During his commentary he referred to "Sammy Lee, another inbred Liverpool player"?]

Just LOL at 5.

Oh my david pleat is a tard, so funny when he said that though
Starting XI
over 14 years
Jazcobar wrote:
I do believe we were right in sacking Rafa, taking nothing away from what he did, but he had lost it. He was making mistakes and was uncompromising about changing it, mistakes that Roy clearly learnt nothing from.

Pellegrini was my first choice, but i had all the trust in the world in Roy when he was appointed. What's really pissing me off is seems to be as stubborn as Rafa.

Its so disgustingly obvious things need to change but neither made an attempt to.

I just feel weary about Kenny after that whole Keegan, Newcastle relegation thing. See a few similarities.
That's more like it. A bit of reasoning (or maybe I've just calmed down a bit?). I can see why you'd believe we made the right choice sacking Rafa- although I don't agree with it, I see the reasoning behind it.
It was hard though, because people who felt Rafa shoulda stayed said that nobody good would replace him- such as your Pellegrini's of the world.
Yeah, Roy is as stubborn as him, but also doesn't have half the tactical brain. Which is making for a pretty lethal combination...
But anyways, we can argue all we like about Rafa, he's the past and we have to focus on Roy now, as depressing as that is...
over 14 years
If I was torres I'd be getting pissed off as well! Playing him alone up top with very poor service won't have most strikers doing cartwheels!

Not looking good boys, was having a look at the next 3 upcoming prem fixtures.....blackburn (h) bolton (a) chelsea (h) can't sit back and feel confident about any of those! Based on how well we play against teams starting with the letter b I'm not looking forward to these games!
Starting XI
over 14 years
robags wrote:
If I was torres I'd be getting pissed off as well! Playing him alone up top with very poor service won't have most strikers doing cartwheels!

Not looking good boys, was having a look at the next 3 upcoming prem fixtures.....blackburn (h) bolton (a) chelsea (h) can't sit back and feel confident about any of those! Based on how well we play against teams starting with the letter b I'm not looking forward to these games!
First Team Squad
over 15 years
By Rory Smith - Daily Telegraph

This summer just gone, I bought a car. I don�t want to reveal the manufacturer, but it was one of those old, revered badges that always make you turn your head on the road. True, they�ve not produced anything desperately brilliant for the last 20 years or so � other than one model which overperformed completely despite being tested against more expensive motors � but there�s still a lingering respect, a residual gleam to the name.
Anyway, I got this car on the cheap, to be honest. It had been going really nicely until the previous summer, 2009, and had actually seemed to be getting better with every service since he�d bought it in 2004. It was running beautifully a year ago, the guy who sold it to me told me. Firing on all cylinders. Literally, if a metaphor can ever be literal. It was going faster than pretty much anything else around it and with an effortless grace, too. Moved up through the gears really nicely. Still wasn�t the best car around, but a bit of tweaking in the engine and he�d have been flying, though definitely not literally.
The problem was that, last year, he�d had to get some parts exchanged. He�d not had the money to go to the official dealer � which are always overpriced anyway, he said, and he was spot on, or at least he would have been if this wasn�t a metaphor � but he�d had to change the fuel injection, because it wanted to bring its kids up in Spain, wasn�t a fan of high tax rates and they�d had a few disagreements anyway. He�d bought a new one, a fancy Italian one, but he wasn�t quite sure where it would work and how soon he could get it fitted. He�d upgraded the driver side rear tyre, too, but that seemed like a sensible move, what with the homegrown regulations the DVLA had brought in.
Sadly, though, it didn�t quite work. When he first drove the car after coming back from holiday in 2009, it spluttered a bit when he turned the ignition on and it just couldn�t get going. Every time he thought he was getting somewhere, a piece fell out, or broke, or tore an adductor, and it started struggling again. He said he�d made a few mistakes along the way, too, including telling some of the more important parts that they really should start behaving like important parts and taking it to Reading, while he had a bit of a habit of driving through potholes.
So I bought it off him. I replaced some of the parts, too, though I kept hold of the most important ones, even if one had to leave because its wife couldn�t settle here. The ones I bought were all of my own choosing, though, even if I did accidentally buy two fanbelts but forget to mend the steering wheel. The guy who sold it to me said it maybe wouldn�t be able to get up to 100 miles an hour without major, expensive surgery, but that it should certainly be capable of going fast enough to get it to Europe, though probably not the nice bits. Now, though, it just won�t go at all. It�s barely moved for the last couple of months. I�ve driven it very badly, none of the parts are working and I�ve put a couple of them in the wrong place. The passenger side rear tyre, for a start, is completely bald. It�s a diesel engine, but I�m running it on petrol, just to see how it goes.
Yet, to be honest, I think it�s the previous owner�s fault. I mean, how can I expect to drive it well when it wasn�t perfect in the first place? If he�d left it in a better state, I wouldn�t have had to buy all those new parts, which just don�t work. True, he wouldn�t have sold me the car, but that�s by the by. Of course, it�s a bit of a puzzle why a car that could do 70mph last year can only do 19 now, but that strikes me as being because of the changes he made two years ago, not the ones I made this summer, or the way I�ve put the car together. Definitely. It�s his fault. I�m doing the best I can, under the circumstances, really.
First Team Squad
over 15 years
News just surfacing that Frank Rijkaard has resigned from Galatasaray. *Insert LFC rumours*
Not Boyd
over 16 years
I think Roy is out of his depth but it does seem like he was only ever a stop gap measure. There was list of 5 I read we were supposedly looking at yesterday.... Pellegrini, Guus Hiddink, Martin O Neil, Roberto Di Mateo and someone else I can't remember.
More dramas to come following a massive upheavel I think.
Also do you think that Torres is starting to look for his next club? It seems that he isn't that interested at the moment. I know we have been playing crap and that is soo frustrating as a striker but he doesnt have his usual fire.
First Team Squad
over 15 years
I doubt Torres will want out yet. He'll know that Roy will go before he does.
First Team Squad
about 17 years

Woy is a hack, tactically inept and completely out of his depth with us. Not really that unexpected though, given he was essentially brought in because he was a soft touch, would tow the company line etc...

He belongs at the type of club that would see him in a tracksuit on the sidelines with his initials emblazoned on his breast in big, obscene letters.
As for Rafa, I wish people would get off his d!ck already. He played more than his fair share in our current mess, particularly regarding transfers.
Rafa's gone, Woy sucks, deal with it.
The only way from here is up. Literally...
Milky Pisswit2010-10-19 09:54:22
First Team Squad
over 15 years
Finally some sane blogging. No idea who the guy is, someone off RAWK:

The Job

People talk about the job like it�s 1959 and we�re praying for a Bill Shankly to come in and rebuild the club from top to bottom. This club reached the quarter-final of the Champions League and finished second in the Premiership as recently as May 2009, or less than eighteen months ago. That is a stonewall fact. Since then, Alonso, Hyypia, Arbeloa, Keane, Riera, Benayoun, Insua and Mascherano of that squad have left, the likes of Cole, Meireles and Johnson have come in. It�s not as strong, it�s a squad of players that reflects the lack of investment on the playing side of the club over the previous year and a half, but it contains a first eleven good enough to compete at the right end of the table, some promising youngsters and a few fringe players that perhaps the right man could galvanise. This isn�t 1959 and Liverpool F.C. is not in the second division. It has a quality squad of players and new owners who have suggested that they�re here to win. Let�s get all of that out into the open first.

The job is the same as it has been for the best part of twenty years since Graeme Souness took a sledge hammer to the place when a chisel was needed, since the club fell from its perch as Manchester United ascended to theirs. It hasn�t changed. It�s been one long winding road back to the top and Rafael Benitez came closer to doing it than anyone. I�m not going to go into the history of it, we all know, we�ll all have our own opinions on his reign. What I will say is that Rafael Benitez and any manager cut from that kind of cloth would come into the job as it stands today, have a look and rub his hands together. Reina, arguably the best �keeper in the world. Torres, arguably the best striker. Gerrard, arguably the best attacking midfielder when he�s on song. A ball-playing defender of huge promise in Daniel Agger. England�s number one right-back, Glen Johnson. Dirk Kuyt, a hard-working, versatile attacking weapon who chips in with his share of goals and assists. Raul Meireles and Joe Cole, two good international players signed by the current regime. Ably assisted by a supporting cast including the solid Slovakian Martin Skrtel, versatile Brazilian Lucas Leiva, lightning-fast Dutchman Ryan Babel, and youngsters like N�gog and Pacheco who could be really good. In addition, two world-renowned youth coaches overseeing the Academy in Rodolfo Borrell and Pep Segura.

The job�s not easy, but it isn�t a total rebuilding job either. If someone manages to pull Roy away from the sockets before he jams that rusty nail into it and completely f**ks the electrics, if the right man to run the football side of things is brought in, is supported financially (and we�re not talking City-levels of cash here), then Liverpool aren�t too far away at all. I fail to see why people think we are. Of course, at the moment we�re second-bottom. Does anyone really think we�d be there under a Benitez or a Pellegrini, a Lippi or a Hitzfeld, even a Laudrup, a Rijkaard or a Deschamps? We�ve apparently gone 180 degrees from Rafael Benitez having sole responsibility for finishing seventh to Roy Hodgson being allowed to abdicate it for his team sitting nineteenth. Smoke and mirrors. This is not to have a go at Roy again, simply to suggest that the team is better than this. Way better. Any new manager is not going to be asked to grab a bucket and start throwing water off the Titanic, nor is he going to be given a pen, a pad and an Ark, then told to find two of every f**king animal. The foundations have been laid, just go and build on them.

The job. Benitez f**king relished the job when he took over, despite the prospect of being outspent by his major rivals. One decent prospect in the Academy (Warnock), maybe a handful of top performers in the first team, we all knew that squad wouldn�t cut it. He didn�t give a f**k, he just got to work. He was hamstrung by an injury epidemic that season too, still finished a couple of points off fourth, reached the League Cup final, won in Istanbul with players like Igor Biscan, Vladimir Smicer, Milan Baros and Djimi Traore playing their parts along the way. Men like Benitez find a way. That�s what we had. That�s what we may have again, if the next appointment is correct. It won�t be Rafa, but anyone who�s made of the same stuff will relish this job, relish finding a way to exploit all the talent at his disposal, the likes of Torres, Gerrard, Meireles, Cole, Agger, Johnson, Kuyt, Skrtel, Lucas, Babel, etc. Is it as good as Chelsea�s squad, or City�s? No. But Benitez took over a squad that wasn�t either and we all know what happened in 2005.

For the sake of all that�s good and holy, do not listen to people like Ronnie Whelan, Alan Hansen or Mark Lawrenson. I don�t know what their motivations are, I don�t care, just don�t be suckered in. We are where we are because our manager is not good enough to motivate his players, get the best out of the talent at his disposal or impose effective tactics. Benitez took largely the same squad to seventh, seven points behind Spurs, with key players like Torres and Aquilani missing large portions of the season. That we�re in the relegation zone is little if anything to do with any lack of quality. When we get a new man in, if it�s the right appointment, the club is situated on a decent platform to push on and try to get back to consistently challenging for honours. The fear that I have, and I hope I�m wrong, is that the appointment will either be flawed, or the current incumbent will be given too long to the point where precious time and resources will be wasted, pushing us back further than we need to go. At a time when things are looking up off the pitch, we now have to hope that our new owners listen to the right people, make an informed decision, and do the right thing. If they do that and a suitably-qualified individual takes the reigns, he�ll be walking into the best situation that any Liverpool boss has inherited in two decades or more. And the job won�t take �300m to carry out, or years and years, or whatever else they�re saying. Just a pinch of time, a tablespoon of expertise, a handful of patience and a large dollop of support.

Let�s just hope they get the right man.

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