Starting XI
over 17 years
monkeyboy wrote:
Lol your sure getting a bite outta these fellas easty
who's doing the baiting and who's doing the biting.  . . . .   
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
about 17 years
monkeyboy wrote:
Lol your sure getting a bite outta these fellas easty
that is the (unintentionally) funniest post I have seen on here
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Ohh come on now Frankie dont get upset that someones not siding with you!
about 17 years
I just can't believe that somebody thinks that you are the one winding people up on this thread, when you keep jumping on hooks with posts like these:
Easty17 wrote:

When have I ever said anything about Lower hutt beeing so good? Never! its got nothing to do with that. Thaught this site was about discussing views and opinions anyway. Whos to say yours is right and mine is wrong? wats wrong with you softies!

Easty17 wrote:
What about all the warfies this and wharfies that?
Or old smart players this and old smart players that?
not having a cry about that are we?
blow me Feverish!
Frankie Mac2007-07-25 13:30:11
Starting XI
over 17 years
I just can't believe that somebody thinks that you are the one winding people up on this thread, when you keep jumping on hooks with posts like these:
Easty17 wrote:

When have I ever said anything about Lower hutt beeing so good? Never! its got nothing to do with that. Thaught this site was about discussing views and opinions anyway. Whos to say yours is right and mine is wrong? wats wrong with you softies!

Easty17 wrote:
What about all the warfies this and wharfies that?
Or old smart players this and old smart players that?
not having a cry about that are we?
blow me Feverish!
we'll soon find out if he trys to swallow that one too. .. .  Or maybe a lesson has been learnt. Mind you the lines are hardly beeing tested, perhaps we should hit some deeper water and leave the sprats to claan up shelfish around the jetty
First Team Squad
about 17 years
i only said that because knowing easty, I know he's probably just stirring some s**t up for the hell of it hahahahaha!
monkeyboy2007-07-25 14:24:31
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
hahahahahahahaha that wasn't that funny
almost 17 years
Easty17 wrote:
Thanks Easty!   
Being the brother of someone who has played in Wellington for a while & is now coaching, he has told me a few stories about the tricks of the trade the 'older' players employ while the brainless young'ns run round in circles...

Edited by Moppers - Yesterday at 3:57pm
Thanks for proving my point and making another brainless call there moppers!
You think because your the brother of someone whos played and coached the game that you can start calling youngsters Brainless? haha, its quite obvious that you know very little about the game and that it is more than likely you who is brainless, thats why I put your post in pink, thats what it deserves! haha.
Easty, it doesn't matter what the sport is, older players are generally wiser & know the 'tricks of the trade' better than the young ones!  
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
a good youngster will more likely b better than a good old player
about 17 years
I always think that a better young player will be better than an old player, but a not better young player will be worse than an old player.
Following on from that, a young player who is worse than an old player, but better than a middle age range player will be less valuable to a team than a middle age range player who is better than a notebook but not as good an embryo who is better than a block of cheese but not as good as monkey that can do 14 juggles.
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
haha gold.... jiz have you ever heard of experience??? it is useful!
Starting XI
over 17 years
At what age is a young player not a middle aged player and a middle aged player not an old player and an old player not an ancient player and at what age are we meant to retire and become a linesman?
Early retirement
over 17 years
...and if a Monkey can do 14 juggles would he get a game for BNU's first team ?
about 17 years
so in his day Roy Keane was a good "older" player, while Michael Carrick was a good "young" player while Keano was still you're effectively arguing that Carrick would be better than Keano.....

stick to 7th form Calculus jiz, if you're even that old yet - and try havin your "own" opinions for once ;)
Barber212007-07-26 15:26:38
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
oh i was looking 4ward to a trip down memory lane on that post barber oh and can you tell me are you a better player now or when you first started coming off the bench for wests
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Yea Moppers for once I agree with you that in most cases an older player is better than a younger one but I just dont agree with people then going on to call young players brainless and things like that!
Starting XI
almost 17 years

Only if he can roll a 'herbal" cigarette at the same time!!

Hard News wrote:
...and if a Monkey can do 14 juggles would he get a game for BNU's first team ?
almost 17 years
is a gorilla considered a monkey? i may need to work on my juggling.  as we are all throwing opinions in the mix i shall form my own... i think that Easty17 has a point regarding the fact that you cannot replace experience but a measure of a younger player is how quickly they learn from their own experiences as well as playing alongside/against and learning from older experienced players. An "old head on young shoulders" aka Feverish perhaps?
about 17 years
An "old head on young shoulders" aka Feverish perhaps?
shouldn't that be a bald head on old shoulders?
over 17 years
Just wait till I get my comb-over sorted..I'll look like I'm 21 again
almost 17 years
jiz08 wrote:
yea i guess madden and aliaga dont qualify as its the same for rooker and bennet and dawson is there because he can attack and pass jono soles ears pop wen he gets close to the goal


You're an idiot.


Dawson is average. And if he's so good at attacking how many goals has he scored?


How about you ask Brooklyn about Jono Sole's ears popping, his 25 yard cracker seemed to be not a bad piece of attacking. Or even still you could ask Kapiti about his volley.


Still don't think he can attack?? Get some new friends.


Oi wingback4eva...... your an idiot, Yur blatently jono sole, and if your not its boarda line gay hw much u suck him off, does he know u go watch him play every weekend?? theres a difference between scoring a cracker and scoring from a cross you've sliced...
over 17 years
Jono does strike it well in games, it's just at training that he couldn't finish a cheeseburger
over 17 years
BeHumble03 wrote:
jiz08 wrote:
yea i guess madden and aliaga dont qualify as its the same for rooker and bennet and dawson is there because he can attack and pass jono soles ears pop wen he gets close to the goal


You're an idiot.


Dawson is average. And if he's so good at attacking how many goals has he scored?


How about you ask Brooklyn about Jono Sole's ears popping, his 25 yard cracker seemed to be not a bad piece of attacking. Or even still you could ask Kapiti about his volley.


Still don't think he can attack?? Get some new friends.


Oi wingback4eva...... your an idiot, Yur blatently jono sole, and if your not its boarda line gay hw much u suck him off, does he know u go watch him play every weekend?? theres a difference between scoring a cracker and scoring from a cross you've sliced...
You're an even bigger f**ktard then Jiz.
No i'm not Jono, and the reason I see him play every week is because i'm in his team, so yeah i'm guessing he has a fair idea I see him play.
I've also talked up Madden a lot on here, doesn't mean i'm gay with him too does it?
I'm just going to take a stab in the dark here and say your another dips**t young Hutt kid, am I  close?
And thanks for poining out the difference in a shot and a cross, useful information that is.
Its 9.30pm, go to bed. 
about 17 years
Jiz, in all honesty i think im a better player right now than I was when i first started coming off the bench for Wests back in the day. I was a lil quicker back then but nowhere near as "street smart" as I am right now......and back then I was 100% right peg all the time, as you get older you have to adapt and overcome.

So when i was thrust into Left back during the 2001 season at Wests I had no option but to become more balanced in that regard..As you get older the "blinkers" come off and you start to see the game in a wider sense (from a mental point of view), you learn to have your OWN opinions and gain a better RESPECT for the game in general.

When I was coming through age group football, you played club football and then rep football - im kinda glad in a way that the "Fed" stuff wasn't around when I was a youngen - It breeds this weird sense of "we're better than everyone else, we're Fed players" and to me thats pure bulls**t.

I had the fortune of being bollocked by a 16 year old during the season for doing something that, in his opinion, was the wrong thing to do........he's lucky I didn't break his face on the field then and there.

Jiz is a good kid, known him for a few years but some of these other lil pr!cks need to learn respect and humility - and i got a 2-footer thats cocked, locked and ready to rock if anyone wants a lesson.

Starting XI
over 17 years
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Barber21 wrote:
Jiz, in all honesty i think im a better player right now than I was when i first started coming off the bench for Wests back in the day. I was a lil quicker back then but nowhere near as "street smart" as I am right now......and back then I was 100% right peg all the time, as you get older you have to adapt and overcome.

So when i was thrust into Left back during the 2001 season at Wests I had no option but to become more balanced in that regard..As you get older the "blinkers" come off and you start to see the game in a wider sense (from a mental point of view), you learn to have your OWN opinions and gain a better RESPECT for the game in general.

When I was coming through age group football, you played club football and then rep football - im kinda glad in a way that the "Fed" stuff wasn't around when I was a youngen - It breeds this weird sense of "we're better than everyone else, we're Fed players" and to me thats pure bulls**t.

I had the fortune of being bollocked by a 16 year old during the season for doing something that, in his opinion, was the wrong thing to do........he's lucky I didn't break his face on the field then and there.

Jiz is a good kid, known him for a few years but some of these other lil pr!cks need to learn respect and humility - and i got a 2-footer thats cocked, locked and ready to rock if anyone wants a lesson.

Now don't get me wrong, i agree with most of what you've said, that the more time you've spent on the pitch the more experience you have hence the better player you are, however, you're talking about gaining a respect for the game and having your own opinions and then your blowing out at a guy who made his opinions heard when you did something wrong and because he's young your rubbishing him for doing so.
gaining a respect for the game surely incorporates gaining a respect for the young players that play the game with you... well the ones that aren't arrogant dipsh*ts anyway!
food for thought
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Barber21 wrote:
Jiz, in all honesty i think im a better player right now than I was when i first started coming off the bench for Wests back in the day. I was a lil quicker back then but nowhere near as "street smart" as I am right now......and back then I was 100% right peg all the time, as you get older you have to adapt and overcome.

So when i was thrust into Left back during the 2001 season at Wests I had no option but to become more balanced in that regard..As you get older the "blinkers" come off and you start to see the game in a wider sense (from a mental point of view), you learn to have your OWN opinions and gain a better RESPECT for the game in general.

When I was coming through age group football, you played club football and then rep football - im kinda glad in a way that the "Fed" stuff wasn't around when I was a youngen - It breeds this weird sense of "we're better than everyone else, we're Fed players" and to me thats pure bulls**t.

I had the fortune of being bollocked by a 16 year old during the season for doing something that, in his opinion, was the wrong thing to do........he's lucky I didn't break his face on the field then and there.

Jiz is a good kid, known him for a few years but some of these other lil pr!cks need to learn respect and humility - and i got a 2-footer thats cocked, locked and ready to rock if anyone wants a lesson.

Two footed tackle? Dont want you hurting your ankle again Barber hahahahaha
almost 17 years
haha this isnt Soley u tool!

That was merely an observation as Im an independent watcher of the�Champs prem league.

So what are you? an independent watcher or a player? or mayb both? lol make up your mind... you needa chill out and stop using words like f**ktard and dips**t. and umm not to sure about yourself but bed time curfews are 4 children.BeHumble032007-07-27 13:36:17
about 17 years
BeHumble03 wrote:
haha this isnt Soley u tool!

That was merely an observation as Im an independent watcher of the Champs prem league.

So what are you? an independent watcher or a player? or mayb both? lol make up your mind... you needa chill out and stop using words like f**ktard and dips**t. and umm not to sure about yourself but bed time cufues are 4 children.
I've never had a bed time cufues - is it something french?
almost 17 years
about 17 years
maybe my post was mis-interpreted, im all for young players voicing their opinions on the field but theres a level of "right" to do a player growing up i had mainly english/scottish coaches who always talked about "winning the right to play" which means when we go out on the pitch we need to put in the hard work before can go about and do as we please......i think it should be the same in the on-field stakes........before you go shooting ya mouth off you have to earn the right to do so......the example i put forward earlier was refering to a kid who had just started his 4th game if senior football in his LIFE.......nuff said.

almost 17 years
about 17 years
almost 17 years
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Barber21 wrote:
maybe my post was mis-interpreted, im all for young players voicing their opinions on the field but theres a level of "right" to do a player growing up i had mainly english/scottish coaches who always talked about "winning the right to play" which means when we go out on the pitch we need to put in the hard work before can go about and do as we please......i think it should be the same in the on-field stakes........before you go shooting ya mouth off you have to earn the right to do so......the example i put forward earlier was refering to a kid who had just started his 4th game if senior football in his LIFE.......nuff said.

Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
BeHumble03 wrote:
haha this isnt Soley u tool!

That was merely an observation as Im an independent watcher of the Champs prem league.

So what are you? an independent watcher or a player? or mayb both? lol make up your mind... you needa chill out and stop using words like f**ktard and dips**t. and umm not to sure about yourself but bed time curfews are 4 children.
if you're going to make an outrageous statement about someones sexuality without ever having met the guy surely you are expecting some kind of abusive response....haha if you are offended by the language used, just f**k off.
over 17 years
This has been a good thread but I want it back on topic or it will be locked...
about 17 years
I think it would be good to see a Premier League team play some games
*cough, BeHumble03 is a c**t, cough*
Maybe give them a game against a CL team.

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