Southern Football (incl Southern United) (Part 1)

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over 17 years
The comments were made a guideline for our CL player.
Though I have no club allegience, of the top three I enjoy watching Caversham. Probably for the reasons you have stated.
Would players really chase a title by going to Mosgiel? That seems a strange decision.
Dino102009-02-27 11:40:22
First Team Squad
over 15 years
2005 mosgiel had a bit of money and a few players went there.... needless to say they finished 4th in the spl....
First Team Squad
over 15 years
also the year malcolm fleming got coach of the year 
almost 16 years

OK Sorry for the mix up..I was referring to I think 05 when Mosgiel were hot favorite�s to take the title after Andy "Spartan Warrior" Coburn,Mike eisenhut and Terry Boylan the hottest players at the time met up with Michael abbort,Mcgary,Hore the keeper and rickerby under the eye of 05 Otago coach of the year Malcom Fleming

First Team Squad
over 15 years
almost 16 years

think you mean mosgiel 05 (boylan and eisenhut), mosgiel 06 were woeful. And roslyn 06 ( Boylan and eisenhut)Roslyn 07???? who went to roslyn in 07 to win medals?? its was a young team who finished third...pritty unfounded comment


I was a year ahead of myself I think sorry!Between 05-06 im sure Roslyn did have a run around the club signing the likes of Scoullar,Boylan,Eisenhut,evan and havin a poach a Loyal players such as Horner,scoules and Coburn aswell as for 07 sorry I had my timing wrong


And back to player of the year I think I remember Burgess scoring a hatrick against Henderson In the Cathum cup game so I wouldn�t say burgess went  missing in the big games

thetruthnz2009-02-27 12:33:54
almost 16 years
horseshead21 wrote:
bang on truth
As below 
thetruthnz2009-02-27 12:33:10
Phoenix Academy
almost 16 years
I dont think you can call COburn a loyal player - the guy is at his 3rd club in 5 seasons. Scoullar would play for MacAndrew Bay Netball if they offered him money and I don't think T Horner went to Roslyn did he? I thought he has been at Cavey the whole time?
Exactly my point with the 'power shift' amongst the top 4 with respect to players moving from club to club. I think you have witnessed over the past 4 seasons players making a desperate attempt at loading a team to challenge Caversham. I think now though there are 3 pretty even teams which although still doesn't make a great league at least makes for some great games every now and then.
Mosgiel had a crack at the title in 05 spending a bit of money but failed unfortunately which meant they lost those players they had bought (no not brought) in. Had they won the league they would have been able to make a few additions to the team and could be quite the force today. You could probably say the same about the other two challengers also. I guess you need to take your chance when you get it.
First Team Squad
over 15 years
no denying that. The top four teams in this league are very strong... and its a shame that a number of clubs have backed away from the proposed south island league. From a football perspective this would have been a top league, something like : Nelson suburbs, nomads, halswell, ferrymead bays, Caversham, Roslyn, Tech plus one other... would be a great league. Only problem is $$$$$$$$ I know people claim there is money at roslyn...but can promise you the players dont see any of it directly (well maybe the odd one from year to year got a bit of pocket money )
First Team Squad
over 15 years
Yeah coburn has been across 3 clubs in the past more like 7 years but thats life deal with it. Players have the right to choose.
First Team Squad
over 15 years
also i know there has been a lot of bagging going on... but the competition between the top three clubs is suberb... they are the 4 games in a season a player looks forward to the tech v cavy, tech v roslyn, roslyn v cavy... good stuff
almost 16 years
horseshead21 wrote:
Disagree...... tech have the allegiance with soccer otago.. last season was setup entirely for tech to win the league... and they finished third...woeful really. Tech had Wilson James in their back pocket...
That is the most stupid statement you have come up with yet horseshead. Being so one eyed towards Roslyn you'd be well aware that Wilson James is a long time Roslyn player and supporter so to say that he is in Tech's back pocket is b****.
You've obviously got a chip on your shoulder over Tech and Cavy - inferiority complex maybe???
almost 16 years
gonion wrote:
[QUOTE=horseshead21]Disagree...... tech have the allegiance with soccer otago.. last season was setup entirely for tech to win the league... and they finished third...woeful really. Tech had Wilson James in their back pocket...
That is the most stupid statement you have come up with yet horseshead. Being so one eyed towards Roslyn you'd be well aware that Wilson James is a long time Roslyn player and supporter so to say that he is in Tech's back pocket is b****.
You've obviously got a chip on your shoulder over Tech and Cavy - inferiority complex maybe???
 I agree actually, They start the sason with a 1st round bye then train the thursday night before the chatum cup game against Caversham when all grounds are out for every other sporting side in dunedin excpt Tech but i guess thats just two things im sure there will be more tho
First Team Squad
over 15 years
almost 16 years
Another disapointing season for Otago United!
almost 16 years
Nothing surprising there though ??
Inept board
Unorganised office
Player power money rules the roost
Lack of quality imports
And thats just a couple things
almost 16 years
Im not sure about player power money rules the roost considering i heard the other day no player has been paid what was promised unless thing's have changed since then
almost 16 years
players have been paid , well so Ive heard but It wasnt surprising to here you comment about non payment
I think they are due quite a decent anount at the end the there season aswell , some sort of bonus for losing it guess ??
almost 16 years
Ok sorry i must of heard wrong..Well im not sure how much they get but for time off work/travel/petrol money/food i think it would be unfiar to say they deserve nothing!!
First Team Squad
over 15 years
5k was wat was promised. gd luck seeing that.
almost 16 years
Id say you would have more chance winning the league then the O leagure and collecting the $1 mill!!
But who no's stranger things have happened
thetruthnz2009-03-02 10:22:05
over 17 years
It is great that we have a team... a lot of hard work gets put in by everyone involved with United, from players to the board.
If as been stated the players do get paid that would be disappointing, they should not be paid. I agree helping with kit, food and providing as much support as possible but to pay them cash is wrong. It is not reflected in the performance's.
Time for a new broom on the Coach/Manager front.
Board wise is a difficult one as who is lining up...
Phoenix Academy
almost 16 years
United's problem is simple - they need 3 good imports to base their game around. Every other franchise have imports who are of a standard above the rest of the players that you might be able to find in NZ. Otago has none.
When the players you can find locally who are reasonable and competitive have these outlets who are going to get them out of trouble and score goals etc you are going to find a team that will put games to bed. As of now they have none.
As for the pay issue - I think it is quite a commitment so I have no problem with them receiving a bit of money. I assume this probably only compensates the time and money that they themselves invest. 
Kennedy2009-03-02 11:48:32
almost 16 years

Its ok saying that Dino and im sure some of the player�s would be fine with not getting paid but these guys train Tuesday,Thursday and Saturday are away sometimes Saturday night and all day Sunday in city�s around New Zealand leaving at 6am in the morning and getting back late into Sunday night many of them with work/uni or other commitments at 7/8am the morning and you say they don�t deserve to get paid? I no Rugby is a fully professional sport in this country but could you imagine the Otago NPC team being asked to do the same every weekend flying up and back in the same day and then getting a pat on the back when they get off the plane then having to pay to get themselves�s out of the airport carpark and off home.. I don�t think so but yet how many games did they win last year?About 4 if I remember right for a minimum salary of about 20k.So I think for the time they put in they should at least get a small wage with maybe a win bonus plan or something along those lines because im sure the coaches and Board are still getting paid if the team loses so why not the players

Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Training Tuesday at Dunedin Technical - Liam McKinley of University will be there along with Mr. Soccer- the new tech center back pairing

Truth how do you think these two Dunedin (soon to be legends) center backs will do this year?
feedback2009-03-02 12:31:57
about 16 years
who is this Liam Mckinley and why does he have so much hype surrounding him???thoughts plz feedback footyfever2009-03-02 12:32:01
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Liam McKinley has been the brick wall that has been the varsity center of defense for the past 4 seasons.  He is a tall lad who is magnificent in the air and a better ball player than that of John Chisolm.  The pairing between him and Mr. Soccer will be one to keep an eye on in 2009.
almost 16 years
Umm,I dont no against the lesser team of the league they will cope quite nicely but liam and Mr Soccer against a front 3 of the likes of Dugdale,jackson and Fleming or Ant,dalman and keat i dont no if Mckinley is really up for it to the degree that scoullar and chisom were last year.Im sorry to say it but i just dont think Tech will be the side that the oncewere with these 2 leading the back myself personally would but Mr Soccer and Scoullar in the i think he Blair did a sterling job there all season last year.
Obviously u think they will do well Feedback?
about 16 years
Where are you getting these outrageous claims from feedback?? what the news on ross mckenzie, i hear he has been on the piss for the last week solid. will this effect his 2009 Spl season, rumors are he has also attended drug and alcohol councilling for this problem, is this a sign that Ross 'mr auckland soccer" is loosing the plot
almost 16 years
Im sorry feedback but i have sen this guy play on more than 10 occasions and he isnt even going to fill the left boot of J Chisom and that isnt even his kicking foot!
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
I was thinkin schoular would sweep behind these two man marking? Truth...???
almost 16 years
It would be a waste for the amount of real defending Tech is going to do i think?maybe play Scoullar just infront in a deep midfield role with Coburn pushing ahead being the box to box runner. Where do you think Ross 'mr auckland soccer" will be playing up front or on the left because i here Alistair Rickerby is playing and is handy at both these positions aswell thetruthnz2009-03-02 12:48:18
over 17 years
I find your reasonong flawed.
What is the difference between Grant Braes training two days a week and then having a road trip to Invercargill or a weekend trip to Queenstown. Should they be paid?
At what point do you draw the line..
Rugby is a different kettle of fish and cannot be used as a comparrison, football in NZ is a participation sport, rugby has lost touch with this concept. Professional rugby is killing Otago rugby, there is no tie in with local players, players treat Otago as a stepping stone.
A friend of mine believes that Otago should model itself on Southland when it comes to the rugby, make sure you develop and hold onto your local talent and then fill the gaps with players wanting a chance.
Dino102009-03-02 13:00:48
almost 16 years
Grants Braes arnt the pick of the province,Most would travel from 5 minutes away,dont train on saturday's,Dont have to put there social lifes to the side for 4 months because of sunday games every weekend,Here is a great example of the weekend...
Otago left Dunedin from Dunedin Airport around 12 saturday afternoon flying to Wellington because there were no flight's/accomodation in Napier,Got the 7am flight sunday morning to napier played at 1 yes they lost 2-0..Then there flight out of Napier was cancelled had to get a flight to Christchurch then bus to duneidn getting home at 5am this morning with many of them having work at 8am!
If you were doing these sort of hour's at your work Dino you would like to think you would get a little something extra wouldnt you?
over 17 years
What you say has some merit, but overall the expectation that they should receive  money is greedy. I have no problems making travel, training as professional as possible.
I have a major aversion to where the money is coming from, those machines are like cigarettes.
Hawkes Bay is a pain in the butt to travel too at the best of times, for Dunedin it is the extreme example.
We can go round in circles and it is probably a discussion we should have over a beer watching the Phoenix..
First Team Squad
over 15 years
Agree that Mr soccer and mckinley will clean up against the weaker teams in the league, but will get skinned by the cavy fron 2 of dugdale and jackson and the  roslyn front two of ant hancock and dalman. Look for ant hancock to have a big season this year for roslyn 
Phoenix Academy
almost 16 years
Thanks for that Ant.
You sound as though you know quite a bit about Otago Utd�s travel arrangements Truth � a player possibly�.you must be tired today?

Those gambling machines, like cigarettes are obviously detrimental to society etc however they do provide positives such as funding for sport. Christ if it weren�t for that we wouldn�t have any sport in NZ � bring back cigarette advertising and sponsorship I say � people will smoke either way.

Do you think if the money wasn�t invested in the players that it would be put to good use Dino? My thought would be that it would end up in someone else�s pocket completely undeserving of any remuneration.

With the exception of one or two players in the first two seasons of the NZFC no one received a cent. Every other franchise was paying there players in some form or another. Training could be as many as 5 times a week and these guys turned up. So to say they're greedy is completely unreasonable and unfounded.

Kennedy2009-03-02 14:03:27
First Team Squad
over 15 years
Miles off kennedy. Players at NZFC level are not good enuf to be paid its that simple. I know OU players were on 5K this season...  phelan on 60K for the coaches role thats a joke. The money should be used to develop young players in the region.
Phoenix Academy
almost 16 years
Miles off HorseHead. I also know for a fact that they were on - at best - half of that amount (provided they actually receive the money). I am friends with a player and he said he didn't count on the money and was playing because he wanted to. If were to receive something it would be a bonus. Whether they are good enough is out of the question - they are good enough to make the team therefore their commitment is given and they're duly remunerated.
tago Utd is not Soccersouth they're are a separate franchise trying to exist on what means they have. Why would they invest around the region? Isn't that Soccersouths aim? Yes if they could afford it a youth team that would be advantageous - given there was a league for them, however anything beyond this would be unreasonable given the funding.
Kennedy2009-03-02 14:20:06
First Team Squad
over 15 years
may aswell call otago united dunedin tech.... at least some justice prevailed this year and a proportionate number of caversham players made the side. 
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