over 13 years

has dome got an 8 week clause in his contract?

If he has Christ can Rob use it

almost 14 years

There's a few details of the press conference on twitter mainly that Rudan hasn't signed anywhere else and won't sign anything until after the season but moving within Australia is more reasonable for his family than moving internationally, he also want's to return to the Phoenix at some point.

almost 17 years

maybe waiting for his kids to have flown the coop and then he'll come back - assuming we survive....

The better Barnes
almost 13 years

theprof wrote:

maybe waiting for his kids to have flown the coop and then he'll come back - assuming we survive....

That crossed my mind when I saw the comments as well
almost 17 years
maybe just wait for the stars to align correctly, if he takes the WU job for a couple of years, we get a new manager for next season and extend once survival guaranteed and then we hire him back?
about 14 years

Three years from now, the jilted bride will be sitting by the phone, knowing he'd be back one day.

over 17 years

I hope the new coach whoever they are is successful and decides he wants to stay for awhile.Therefore no need to consider having Rudan back at all.

over 17 years

In 3 years time, Rudan's messiah sheen would've worn off and we probably won't want him back anyway :)

I don't care who's coaching us as long as we, still you know, exist and stuff.

almost 11 years

He won't be back, that's way too many stars to align. As a nix fan I feel cheated, promised so much and delivered but then walked. He's a good coach and he also seems like a good person but we're allowed to feel broken about this because for the first time in a while even with deadline approaching we we're so good now we're not even sure the club will survive past next year. 

Australians aye, just can't trust em..

Life and death
over 17 years

Rudan apologies I accept,and his reasons. Would still be gutted if he signs in Melbourne though.

over 6 years

Whats done is done. Judging by his presser, his heart is in two places - Wellington and with his family in Sydney. Your family is never worth putting second. A job is temporary, your family is permanent. You can earn more money in your life but you can't earn more time with loved ones. 

Fire up, support the boys and lets cheer them on in our first finals appearance for some time and enjoy the ride we've had so far this season!

and 3 others
almost 17 years

yeah, now I'm just sad that he couldn't make it work with his family - I get it and appreciate his apology. Still gutted but I'm over being mad. Just wish he could have left the announcement till after the season finished.

Will be epically miffed if he does sign for WU.

Not Elite enough
over 17 years

He won't be coming back to the Nix, even if we do survive. That can be filed under 'Say all the right things and don't piss them off even more while we've still got games to play'. I'm mildly disappointed he hasn't dropped a "It's not you, it's me" in there somewhere yet.

about 17 years

I don't like it but I have to accept it. A half finished project, Timing absolutely at the wrong time. Other factors were that the Nix were for the most part, playing some of their best football ever. He brought pride and effort back to the team as well as a hardline of either shape up or be shipped out and the players and fans responded in kind. This is absolutely gutting for the club and for the fans.

Having said that, I have spoken with Mark Rudan several times. I always felt him to be honest, straight talking and yet engaging. Hence, how I am feeling. Not betrayed or lied to. Yes, he might have known it was going to be a tough 2 years, but at the end of the day, family first and as he has found out, the strain was telling. I appreciate the club tried to offer a package that would have brought the family over etc but I can understand the education part of his reasoning.

Thank you Mark Rudan, you have shown that this club can potentially foot it with the big boys, given the right leadership and encouragement, I hope that the club continue to move forward. Would I have Mark Rudan back here in the future? Well, if the Nix have one after the end of next season - in heart beat. I like his way and attitude.

and 5 others
about 17 years

After angsting like everyone else about the setback to the Club as Phoenix fans after such a promising year, after today's interview I find myself solidly in the 'understanding and sympathising' camp. 

I think taking on the challenge of coaching a 'family-distant' team when the kids were at the highly volatile teenager stage was just too hard. For any (good) parent you know that its not always about you - the situation of the whole family is the priority. Given that they couldn't be convinced that Wellington might be a worthwhile option there isn't much else he could have done. I totally get that. Maybe its a few lessons learned for Mark Rudan early in his coaching career. I guess the true test or what he means to the team and what his legacy here is might come through in the next couple of games. If the team comes back strongly from the unfortunate Brisbane performance and perform creditably then its alright (even if we don't win everything). We all shake hands and move on. Hopefully whatever he has galvanised the team with is something that endures beyond his presence. 

The main issue for us has always been our future in the league anyway, and I think our fears about that are what is driving the passioned response to this (for us) unhappy resolution of Mark Rudan's obvious dilemma. All we can do is turn up on Sunday (hopefully in decent numbers) and show our support for all concerned. 

about 14 years

To be honest I would not expect Rudan to be a laid-back, hands-off, absent father, judging by the type of a coach he is.

U Turning
over 14 years

Fine press conference today and totally accept where he is at. Just hope the players respond this weekend. We deserve a home final, but so do Rudan and the players. I'll be yelling for them all.  

First Team Squad
almost 6 years

Presser makes it all the harder to take tbh. What could have been.  I still find the timing ridiculous, that's probably my only issue with this all. It leaves far too many doors open and he should have known that news like this has the tendency to derail. 

He had to do what he had to do, I don't feel the rage I've felt for the past couple of weeks.  But it could have waited until the end of the season, or as someone else mentioned, announced wayyyy earlier.

Anyway, time to move on, hopefully the team (and he) can put in a performance on Sunday, one to remember for the right reasons. I don't want to remember this team for the wrong reasons. There have been some epic highs this season.

over 17 years

while I have a little more sympathy after that presser, main thing I took from it is he’ll be signing for Western United before start of next season.

Also he brought his family to Wellington over Xmas, way to sell it Mark!

Phoenix Academy
about 10 years

Yeah, look, I was one of those giving Rudan a hard time on Friday arvo and over the weekend. That's what grief and disappointment can do to you. 

And, as others have mentioned, the reaction is all tied up with the license issues and long term certainty for the club. Without that going on, I'm sure there would still be disappointment at Rudan's call, but nowhere near the same level.

He's a good guy, I think - like us all, just trying to make his life work. And, we've all made sharkty calls on that front. 

Coaches are temporary, clubs are permanent (even when they're not!).


First Team Squad
over 17 years

I made some mean comments, not that he knows me or would of read it, but I take it back. He's made some mistakes but I think he's a good guy and not the new Judas. I wish him well.

First Team Squad
about 11 years
over 17 years

I think Mark gets why some of us made the comments we did and he undertsands our passion for our club. After seeing that interview i understand why he HAD to make the decision he did and while i dont like it im accepting of his reasons.Good luck for the future Mark and selfihly i hope you dont take the WU job.

Starting XI
over 7 years

Honestly I'm only mad because of the timing of his announcement after what, two or three months of hard speculation? Also if he goes to Western I'll be pissed. But, totally understand where he's coming from and am just as confident for next season (maybe not this season, though - again, timing Mark).

over 17 years

After watching what seems to me a very honest press conference from Rudan, I just can't hold his decision against him.  Family has to come first, and if they can't or won't move to Wellington (I really don't understand why this is such an issue for so many), but are to Melbourne, then it just has to be.  Not happy to see him go, the way it happened, or where it leaves the club, and if he ends up at WU I will very much hate them, but I can understand where he comes from.

Starting XI
about 7 years

If anyone watches that and still thinks it's just a front and he's taking our best players with him to WU, they're an idiot. That was 40 minutes of a man torn between two things that he loves and is passionate about, albeit one significantly more (understably). He was 100% apologetic and honest throughout and you could see how genuine he was when talking about how he wished it could have been different. Please can we not boo him or call him Judas on Sunday, he really doesn't deserve it. Thank you for all you've done Mark, I hope you're in Wellington again at some point in the future. 

and 10 others
Starting XI
about 12 years

He was like the overexcited kid who wanted living the dream, but not thought it through.

almost 14 years

I wouldn't want to air that much personal information publicly. It would have been embarrassing and painful and you've got to respect him for doing it. The only reason I can think is he's doing it for the club because he knows how his departure could be quite damaging at a very sensitive time.

over 17 years

Was sad to watch that.Like the end of a dream that didn't work out.

If anyone has a chance on sunday they should give Mark a hug and thank him for what he has done.

Please don't abuse or boo him. 

Phoenix Academy
over 7 years

I am prepared to give Rudan the benefit of doubt. I dont like the way the whole thing was handled and I think there is more going on in the background. Questioned on what his future will be Rudan said he "had not signed anything" but you can bet there have been talks going on with other clubs. You have to admire his openness about his personal situation. He is either the real deal or the best actor in the world.

From a football perspective he was a breath of fresh air. He took a broken club with a mash of old pros and young kids and got them playing some of the best football we have seen. He was open and passionate and took us all on a great ride. His press conferences were a treat.

However Rudan is right. We fans have a right to be disappointed, angry, pissed off. Another season gone and yet another coach lasting only just one season. The same shiite every signings, players that should stay leaving, players arriving that need time to adjust. just another groundhog year at the Nix.

You couldnt help contrasting the two press conferences. Rudan all up front, honest, passionate and then David "I'm only the office boy" Dome....the plastic robot...all flippant, evasive, full of cliches. He's an insult to the fans.. That guy has overseen the four worse years of the Nix's history. How he still has a job is beyond me. Hopefully when we get a new licence Welnix will nudge Dura into the top job. He's got the right sport business qualifications and knows the A-League and the club like the back of his hand. At least we know he wouldnt BS us.

and 1 other
Phoenix Academy
about 10 years

JamesBo wrote:

For those of you who, like me, are suffering from Licence Trauma and Stress Disorder, Rudan offers a particularly soothing view around the Nix's future for a few mins from around 28 mins in the presser. Well worth having this on loop somewhere. 

about 17 years

has dome got an 8 week clause in his contract?

If he has Christ can Rob use it

Bring back Tony P

about 13 years

JC wrote:

JamesBo wrote:

For those of you who, like me, are suffering from Licence Trauma and Stress Disorder, Rudan offers a particularly soothing view around the Nix's future for a few mins from around 28 mins in the presser. Well worth having this on loop somewhere. 

"He said an "inner turmoil" and loneliness gradually built but he only confirmed to his players he was leaving in the hours leading up to last Friday's match against the Roar in Brisbane. The announcement was forced on him by a media leak."   Not a scripted comment from MR
over 17 years

Listened to the whole presser and I really believe that:
A) his reasons are genuine. Talked about his diabetic son and the strain his living abroad has had on his family given his kids' age.
B) The 'I've told the right people' statement was taken out of context. He was talking about discussing his doubts and initial feelings that his future would be back in Aus. Of course he wasn't goint to tell the fans that.
C) some of this comments about how much he'd like to come back, stay friends, that the new coach continue his legacy etc sounded a bit empty - heard those many times when people leave jobs

All in all though I'm glad I heard it from the horse's mouth and believe he has good reasons to leave. The timing could have been better though. Why not wait until the final whistle goes? He could have told management so they could start working on a success plan...

almost 17 years

is it too late to suggest (ask) for a banner saying something along the lines of "We get it Rudes" - after listening to the full press conference my anger has subsided and I actually feel for the guy, several times through that conference he was close to tears. He clearly loves it here and wants to stay but his kids and wife come first - I get it now and hope that when the chance arises we get him back to finish what he started.

He fully expects us to throw shark at him, I think it would be awesome if we do the opposite and send him off in style and class.

and 2 others
about 17 years

Excellent idea Prof.

tradition and history
over 17 years

If anyone watches that and still thinks it's just a front and he's taking our best players with him to WU, they're an idiot. That was 40 minutes of a man torn between two things that he loves and is passionate about, albeit one significantly more (understably). He was 100% apologetic and honest throughout and you could see how genuine he was when talking about how he wished it could have been different. Please can we not boo him or call him Judas on Sunday, he really doesn't deserve it. Thank you for all you've done Mark, I hope you're in Wellington again at some point in the future. 

Easy to jump to conclusions without knowing all the facts. 

I had already guessed that there was more to this hence my no comments. 

about 14 years

number8 wrote:

He was like the overexcited kid who wanted living the dream, but not thought it through.

I think the comment from C-Diddy about a kid seeing a box of Krispy Kreme for the first time (posted in the MC game thread, and referring to YF rather than Rudan) would be particularly apt here.  This was his first major opportunity at a HAL level gig and of course he jumped at it.

over 9 years

Mainland FC wrote:

number8 wrote:

He was like the overexcited kid who wanted living the dream, but not thought it through.

I think the comment from C-Diddy about a kid seeing a box of Krispy Kreme for the first time (posted in the MC game thread, and referring to YF rather than Rudan) would be particularly apt here.  This was his first major opportunity at a HAL level gig and of course he jumped at it.

Understand the analogy, and he may not have fully thought through all the family stuff before taking the job.

But didn’t he turn down the Jets? The Castle being only a 1.5-2hr drive from Sydney.

almost 14 years

When was the Jets offer though?

They were in pretty bad turmoil under Tinkler and even this year they had budget cuts because their new owner is in financial strife.

Wellington is a more stable offering than the Jets.

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