almost 14 years

Kia ora. Other clubs playing under the auspices of FFA use language other than English in their club crest. Kia kaha Nix. 

about 13 years

FFA Board pumping up SL over expansion?

As we reported yesterday, we understand that the FFA Board is aiming to bring forward the decision so they get to make it prior to potentially being turfed-out of office later in September, presumably so Steven Lowy can add it to his list of 'achievements' as Chairman.

almost 14 years

Blew.2 wrote:

FFA Board pumping up SL over expansion?

As we reported yesterday, we understand that the FFA Board is aiming to bring forward the decision so they get to make it prior to potentially being turfed-out of office later in September, presumably so Steven Lowy can add it to his list of 'achievements' as Chairman.

I hope they add 2 (probably 2 wrong ones as they will go for manufactured franchises, stealing players and fan from true football clubs); and then the FIFA normalisation committee adds 2 more straight away later this year; and a 2nd division.

about 13 years
By all means, enjoy the ethnic cuisine but let's at least apply the NCIP consistently

FFA - NCIP - Camouflage or its Club lead 

about 13 years

Blew.2 wrote:
By all means, enjoy the ethnic cuisine but let's at least apply the NCIP consistently

FFA - NCIP - Camouflage or its Club lead 


about 13 years

Crucially, FIFA requested an update on the progress of the matter in time for its rescheduled (FIFA) meeting on September 26.

FFA must give notice for an extraordinary general meeting to put the resolutions forward for adoption no later than September 7.

Australian company law say a minimum 21 Days notice of an EGM.  Taking that into account it is today we should see the Notice.

But will FFA dig a BIGGER HOLE and hold out till the 7th (Aust time) which would make it to FIFA for the 7th 

about 13 years

ACT Chairman asked to stand down for the good of THE Game

He has lost the backing of the ACT’s nine NPL clubs with one club president, Tuggeranong FC’s John Thiele, saying the former lawyer should step aside immediately as he leads Canberra towards towards “isolation and irrelevance” in the eyes of the wider football community.

SBS Full Take on it

about 13 years

Blew.2 wrote:

Blew.2 wrote:
By all means, enjoy the ethnic cuisine but let's at least apply the NCIP consistently

FFA - NCIP - Camouflage or its Club lead 


 Busy day for FFA  Today
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
almost 11 years

Imagine if there was an NZ flag on the nix logo or we renamed to the NZ Phoenix, would FFA blacklist us even further?

about 13 years

RR wrote:

Do We Don’t We 

Do We Don’t We

Upset FIFA - Were Gone Anyway 

First Team Squad
over 10 years

Sancho wrote:

Imagine if there was an NZ flag on the nix logo or we renamed to the NZ Phoenix, would FFA blacklist us even further?

There's Maori text on our logo and a silhouette of the two islands, so if we were truly under the FFA's wing, there's no real reason why we should be allowed to have that over any other of their clubs! ?

Starting XI
over 9 years

Sancho wrote:

Imagine if there was an NZ flag on the nix logo or we renamed to the NZ Phoenix, would FFA blacklist us even further?

think there probably would be a sizable fan blacklist if we renamed to the NZ Phoenix

about 13 years

Behind pay wall so here is the lot

FIFA to sweet-talk anti-reform states as deadline approaches to vote on new power blueprint for football in Australia

SEPTEMBER 05, 2018

FRIDAY is looming as a crucial point in the bitter battle for control of Australian football, as FIFA tries to steer the warring parties to a final armistice.

A series of teleconferences will be held on Thursday as the world governing body seeks to placate concerns of a handful of state associations threatening to torpedo reforms supported by a broad coalition of states, A-League clubs and the players union.

Under the FIFA-defined timeline to reform Football Federation Australia’s annual Congress, and widen its franchise, an extraordinary general meeting must be called by Friday to debate the blueprint put together by the Congress Review Working Group to spread power more widely around the game. Otherwise it raises the prospect once more of FIFA stepping in to suspend Australia’s membership, more than two years after it first directed Football Federation Australia to widen the franchise in its Congress.

The blueprint gives the A-League clubs, the players union and the women’s game more votes, but has been fought against by FFA’s board which claims the plan would weaken the games grassroots and give too much power to the professional side.

FIFA officials are to speak directly with a number of key stakeholders in the next 48 hours including the four state associations who have indicated they will oppose the reforms put forward by the CRWG.
If three of those four vote against the plan at the EGM – likely to be on September 28 - it will fail, and FIFA will be forced to step in – possibly imposing a normalization committee of its own handpicked members to run the game, or simply suspending Australia’s membership.

about 13 years

27 hours until it is not the 7th of September in FIFA HQ - will we see a notice of EGM today.

Interesting thoughts on The Insider

[QUOTE] Gyfox 

So FIFA will sweet talk the so called "recalcitrant" Feds to pass the voting structure and then when the report comes in from the A-League review working group it will require a change to the constitution because the current constitution gives responsibility to run the League to the FFA. At that stage the "recalcitrants" will have 24.44 votes between them plus 4/9x3 votes from the Women's Commission giving them a total of 25.77 votes which is enough to vote down the required changes to the constitution to let the A-League operate itself under license from the FFA. Discuss. [QOUTE]

[Quote] Crimsoncrusoe

@Gyfox  Ok I'll bite.

If the congress changes,then veto only applies to a change to the congress.The new congress would be approved along with an independent A-League.The structure of the independent A-League requires a simple majority.
No seperate vote is required for an independent A-League as it's included in the CRWG proposal,should it be approved.
Over to you..... [Quote]

[QUOTE] Gyfox

Currently the constitution gives management of the A-League to the FFA. To change that requires a 75%+ vote of the congress. The CRWG proposal recommends the development of a new governance structure for the professional Leagues but the detail of it won't be known until the to be established new working group submits its proposal to the FFA Board. At that time the Board will need to call an EGM to consider the report, its recommendations on it and will be in a position to table the required changes to the constitution for approval by the congress. [QUOTE] 

[QUOTE] Gazprom 2.0

But seriously. The womens vote isn't divided like that as I read it. The 3 women nominated have 1 vote each.

Recalcitrants would need to control 1 of them.

How the Feds nominate the 3 would be the key [Quote]

about 13 years

Rebel Boycotts Teleconference with FIFA

REBEL STANDS ALONE - BOYCOTT FIFA intervention. Is the Normalisation committee and exclusion from FIFA on its way. 

about 13 years

I'm taking this as a Australian Government agency is wading in on FIFA

Sport OZZZ dives in - but no reason given - Just towing Lowy Line

about 13 years

I do understand the 6th was yesterday but the big PR machine is slow to roll

Here Comes FIFA Boots in Hand

about 13 years
about 13 years
about 13 years

.Shoot out at The SL Corral looming

Sport Australia say some of CRWG recommendation are claiming they go against their principles of good governance.

They are said to be releasing specific details later next week, with no reason given for the delay in outlining their concerns.

Little Stevie been in their ear.     Input from Sport Australia are noted in the CRWG report! 

about 13 years

Sport Australia visit FFA HQ and Lowyis surprised by their letter and did not ask for it

almost 14 years

FIFA won’t give 2 rats about Sport Oz, for all intents and purposes a government agency, wading in. FIFA have a pretty consistent track record of how they deal with government interference. 

Now we have a date #votelowyout

about 13 years

"Two resolutions will be put forward at the EGM on October 2, one establishing a new Congress with more votes for the A-League clubs, the players union and the women’s game, and the other creating a body to oversee a new independent model for the A-League."

The 2 resolutions will be interesting reading

about 13 years
about 13 years

The Never Ending Story

FFA Congress

Well. We have a few days away* and all hell breaks loose because of Sport Australia's intervention in the FFA Wars.

To recap for those who missed the drama, the CEO of Sport Australia, ex-netball chief Kate Palmer, wrote an email to football's state member federations last week to let them know that Sport Australia had a few "concerns" ($) with the Congress Review Working Group; concerns they will share in detail in another communication due this week. Our view on this is simply that it is an extraordinary intervention from a public servant and would not have been done without either (a) Ministerial knowledge and approval, or (b) Ministerial direction.

Back to today's news and Ray Gatt reports that FIFA is "closely monitoring" the situation but hasn't got any further comment yet. Gatt notes that FIFA traditionally does not take kindly to "political interference" of any kind.

As we foreshadowed last week, there's been some activity in Canberra with the local clubs calling for a meeting with Capital Football's president, Mark O'Neill, to discuss their concerns with his attitude towards the FFA Congress reforms. As we have written about extensively, O'Neill is famously one of the most devoted backers of the current FFA Chairman and board and has indicated he will vote against the recommendations of the Congress Review Working Group. 

about 13 years

Back soon - 2 October 2018 at 2pm.

almost 14 years

And strong rumour FFA will bring FORWARD the announcement of additional 2 A league clubs, before 2 October EAGM.

about 13 years

[quote=Global Game]

And strong rumour FFA will bring FORWARD the announcement of additional 2 A league clubs, before 2 October EAGM.

Covert Agent pumping it along
But can he be relied on. Another jurno has approached a few tenders and they say NO.

Starting XI
almost 15 years

Blew.2 wrote:

[quote=Global Game]

And strong rumour FFA will bring FORWARD the announcement of additional 2 A league clubs, before 2 October EAGM.

Covert Agent pumping it along
But can he be relied on. Another jurno has approached a few tenders and they say NO.

I just want to know if the Nixs are dead men walking still?. Well they are but bring on independent A-League.

about 13 years

The Wgtn Phoenix has the support of the current owners, I believe (opinion only)

If the Clubs get control and pay the FFA a commission then I think we are safe

If the Lowy backed group even without him get back in we may be in trouble for siding with the other HAL clubs against FFA

All we can do wait and see. 

FFV: The group demanded an overhaul of the way football is run in Australia, opening up congress to clubs, players and women, with a pathway for seats for fans and NPL clubs too, and allowing the A-League to spin off and set up its own administration.

Was this in the letter of meeting request?

First Team Squad
almost 17 years

Blew.2 wrote:

The Wgtn Phoenix has the support of the current owners, I believe (opinion only)

If the Clubs get control and pay the FFA a commission then I think we are safe

If the Lowy backed group even without him get back in we may be in trouble for siding with the other HAL clubs against FFA

All we can do wait and see. 

FFV: The group demanded an overhaul of the way football is run in Australia, opening up congress to clubs, players and women, with a pathway for seats for fans and NPL clubs too, and allowing the A-League to spin off and set up its own administration.

Was this in the letter of meeting request?

We will only be truly safe when we are granted the same licence the other clubs have. 

about 13 years

Late Friday Sport Australia releases it concerns

In no way is this to be taken as interference (But we have spoken to Stevie) LLTB

Calling all Lawyers - Help

about 13 years
The CRWG mandate

SA: "However the CRWG’s Report provides detailed recommendations beyond this, in ways that do not line up with Sport Australia’s view of best practice governance principles."
FIFA accepted these recommendations as in the best interest of Football in Australia

Congress role in FFA

SA" "The ultimate governance model proposed by the CRWG is, in the opinion of Sport Australia, flawed insofar as best practice governance principles. In short, the CRWG proposed model sees the FFA Congress not only elect the FFA board but also populate Standing Committees to advise the Board. This creates a governance system in which the Board (which ultimately has legal responsibility for the whole organisation) is subservient to advisory committees, the formation of which it is not involved in, and which are not accountable to the Board. This creates risk, compromises the independence of the Board, and restricts the ability of directors to fulfil their fiduciary duties.

The CRWG recommends that certain committees (Compliance Committee, Nominations Committee and Ethics Committee) report to the Congress rather than the Board."

My reading of CRWG report pages 36/37

"Board (sub) Committees In keeping with the Australian Corporations Act, the FFA Board must feel free to create subcommittees relevant to its specific mandate and the functions of the Board. These Board sub committees are not inconsistent with the Standing Committees required by Congress, but the former must acknowledge the roles of the Standing Committees and their function of the Membership and act cognisantly of the needs of Congress."

• Audit & Compliance• Nominations• Appeals• Disciplinary• Ethics committees are listed as reporting only to the Board!

At finding this inconsistency in reporting by Sport Australia I will end my (interested party) summary 

about 13 years
about 13 years

FFA Congress

Sport Australia CEO, Kate Palmer, has now written to FFA's state member federations and A-League clubs to say that their expression of as yet largely unspecified concerns over the governance recommendations of the Congress Review Working Group (CRWG) is not 'political interference' but justifiable because of the $18 million given to football in the past five years. Gatt reports that in her latest letter, the Sport Australia CEO raises concerns remarkably similar to those already raised by the FFA Board and specifically the "exceptionally high number" of 17 standing committees.

Hey Kate! First, to suggest that having standing committees elected by the Congress means the Board is subservient to them completely misses the point. The purpose of the standing committees is for stakeholders to have their advice and opinions heard - something that hasn't happened in the past 15 years. Second, where was Sport Australia (then Australian Sports Commission) a little less than five years ago when FFA's then Chairman passed the chairmanship of the organisation to his son - which had been the plan since at least 2008 - after an alleged 'national search'? Did that not ever raise any governance concerns with your organisation? The answer is: no, it didn't. So why now?

Football Today

about 13 years

The issue for the Members when they vote on 2 October is not to react to the scare-mongering about whether a new FFA Congress may “veto key issues” for football

So, yes, it’s perfectly appropriate for Sport Australia to have a view on issues within a National Sporting Organisation (NSO) where taxpayers’ money is provided, but to borrow from a favourite line from our (current) Prime Minister – Where the bloody hell have you been? for 15 3 years

over 17 years

Thanks again for the updates Bruce.  I love how messy football/politics in 'Straya is, not even the yanks/tin pot African govts. are that screwed up.

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