Wellington Phoenix Women General Discussion and Squad Speculation

about 17 years
Wow if this is the boards after a 5-0 win! The best result in the clubs short history iirc? 
How about cutting the caretaker who came in with 2 mins notice a little slack? We were happy to allow Uffie and others to talk about not having a proper pre-season and so on. And we’re not talking about Terry money bridging the gap. We gotta remember for the Wahinix this is Ricki territory, not more recent days. 

As Phoenix fans we should be a bit one eyed and optimistic. It’s part of the gig. 

Even if the coach changes at the end of the season, if we can’t find any words of support after a 5-0 win that’s fairly poor. If we’d like a different style I think it’s fair to point out we don’t have the technical skills to play out from the back etc, but let’s not just slag the coach off. 
Starting XI
over 12 years
Showtime Nixie
Not sold on Foster all effort but no end product. But can whip in a set piece. I think shes a fullback. But yeah probably get to the point where they ask the players where they want to play....can't get any worse.

when can we look forward to seeing the retraction statement on this one, just wondering.
over 9 years
I think we have seen with Wisnewski last season and maybe Whinham this season, that you need to tread a bit carefully with this sort of stuff. Make sure the players are well supported in that mental health space. Not to say there ain't issues also in the men's game, but the genders are different, and clubs/coaches, fans etc need to realise that.

That ChCh footballer who trolled the Perth Glory ALW player, went way over the line. That stuff needs to be continually called out, and penalties handed down. You'd hope all criticism is fair & measured, but realistically that will never be the case. So players need some support whether they are getting $19K or $19M per season.

and 1 other
about 3 years

"These are not people who are not getting paid much money. These A-League women are making on average about 16k. The men are making approximately 9.4 times this. Female athletes don’t have teams of people protecting their brand and sanity. They are not rolling in the dough either. Be a decent human being and keep perspective on this.
" Calling for anyone’s job mid-season is not the way to go. Coaches and GM’s are professionals. They work their tails off. Unless they are abusive to the players, back off and let them do their job. They have already created immense pressure for themselves."

I dunno, the sentiment of that article is nice enough but it really seems to boil down to treating pro athletes like children rather than pro athletes. Regardless of pay no one is immune from criticism, if I do poorly at my job I'll cop it, and if you want to do a job like being a footballer you have to expect it. With that said all criticism should be fair and measured.

Also the part about not calling for the coaches head because they're professionals is just weird, the fact that they are professionals should mean more scrutiny.

Criticism is part of sports, without it you can't have any expectations or want better.
I agree here, its part of being a professional is critisicm.

But its what encouraging is sensible critisicm. 

Is it the players fault? The systems? The boards fault? Is it an off day or a systematic problem in the team. Most athletes can handle a bad game but lets do it in a way that actually helps the athlete long term. They are peoples friends and family too, theres always a good way to deliver the message

"These are not people who are not getting paid much money. These A-League women are making on average about 16k. The men are making approximately 9.4 times this. Female athletes don’t have teams of people protecting their brand and sanity. They are not rolling in the dough either. Be a decent human being and keep perspective on this.
" Calling for anyone’s job mid-season is not the way to go. Coaches and GM’s are professionals. They work their tails off. Unless they are abusive to the players, back off and let them do their job. They have already created immense pressure for themselves."

I dunno, the sentiment of that article is nice enough but it really seems to boil down to treating pro athletes like children rather than pro athletes. Regardless of pay no one is immune from criticism, if I do poorly at my job I'll cop it, and if you want to do a job like being a footballer you have to expect it. With that said all criticism should be fair and measured.

Also the part about not calling for the coaches head because they're professionals is just weird, the fact that they are professionals should mean more scrutiny.

Criticism is part of sports, without it you can't have any expectations or want better.
I agree here, its part of being a professional is critisicm.

But its what encouraging is sensible critisicm. 

Is it the players fault? The systems? The boards fault? Is it an off day or a systematic problem in the team. Most athletes can handle a bad game but lets do it in a way that actually helps the athlete long term. They are peoples friends and family too, theres always a good way to deliver the message

Precisely, being constructive is always the nicer approach. But for that article to suggest not criticizing at all is just weird.

It doesn't say that.  Just had a read of the article and it says:

"Be constructive. Engage with other fans on the subject of how to get their first win of the season. Don’t be a jerk when times are tough and make degrading comments. When Ella Mastrantonio got a horrible comment in her DM she was brave enough to call it out publicly. How many women on teams particularly with losing records have endured these types of terrible comments?"

So it just says don't make nasty comments.

Fair, dead right. I don't really think that's an idea that is going to have a lot of resistance here.
about 3 years
Wow if this is the boards after a 5-0 win! The best result in the clubs short history iirc? 
How about cutting the caretaker who came in with 2 mins notice a little slack? We were happy to allow Uffie and others to talk about not having a proper pre-season and so on. And we’re not talking about Terry money bridging the gap. We gotta remember for the Wahinix this is Ricki territory, not more recent days. 

As Phoenix fans we should be a bit one eyed and optimistic. It’s part of the gig. 

Even if the coach changes at the end of the season, if we can’t find any words of support after a 5-0 win that’s fairly poor. If we’d like a different style I think it’s fair to point out we don’t have the technical skills to play out from the back etc, but let’s not just slag the coach off. 

I'm pretty certain everyone's stoked about the result, we're all hoping it's the first of many.

The discussion is in relation to an article about how to support your team when they're losing, the conversation is framed around that not the most recent performance.
almost 2 years
Showtime Nixie
Not sold on Foster all effort but no end product. But can whip in a set piece. I think shes a fullback. But yeah probably get to the point where they ask the players where they want to play....can't get any worse.

when can we look forward to seeing the retraction statement on this one, just wondering.

Huh? I'm Correct shes a full back and I'm correct in saying shes good at set piece and 95%of the time no end product. The sentence about trying playing elsewhere was in reply to some suggestion that Foster should be upfront.
almost 14 years
Honestly, I don't think if you're getting paid $16K / season you're "pro" in a meaningful sense. 
According to the PFA, the ALW minimum contract for 22/23 is au$20,608 for a 29 week period. So they are semi-pros, none of them are making a living from football at this level.
Honestly, I don't think if you're getting paid $16K / season you're "pro" in a meaningful sense. 
According to the PFA, the ALW minimum contract for 22/23 is au$20,608 for a 29 week period. So they are semi-pros, none of them are making a living from football at this level.
IIRC on a per-match bases the minimum wage is the same for the women as the men, the issue is:
a) the women play less games per season, so that minimum wage is a lot lower even if the per game pay is the same.

b) the salary cap is a lot lower for the women than the men (cap minimum is $315k and max is $450k for the women when compared to the men who have a cap minimum of $2.25 million and a max of $2.5 million - at least according to google) so more players will be on or close to minimum.

The minimum an A-League mens squad costs is more than 7x the minimum an A-League womens squad costs despite there playing only 6 more games.

I couldn't find any information on what players are exempt from the A-League women salary cap but it's probably fair to say that the womens teams usually keep everyone under the cap whereas pretty much all the mens teams will have their highest paid player (or 2 or 3) outside of the cap.
almost 2 years
I think we have seen with Wisnewski last season and maybe Whinham this season, that you need to tread a bit carefully with this sort of stuff. Make sure the players are well supported in that mental health space. Not to say there ain't issues also in the men's game, but the genders are different, and clubs/coaches, fans etc need to realise that.

That ChCh footballer who trolled the Perth Glory ALW player, went way over the line. That stuff needs to be continually called out, and penalties handed down. You'd hope all criticism is fair & measured, but realistically that will never be the case. So players need some support whether they are getting $19K or $19M per season.

Agree the abuse towards Perth player is well over the line.

But fans evaluating a players ability of performance or selection is nothing at all.  No ones being nasty. 

Players need to be educated on professional life to prepare themselves better. I'm sure some sporting organisations do this. 

Unfortunately if those two players you mention are having mental health issues due to football reasons - sadly i don't see them being involved in the game for a sustain period of time. Some people just are not cut out for certain positions in sport or other business. That's the harsh reality.

First Team Squad
over 3 years

"These are not people who are not getting paid much money. These A-League women are making on average about 16k. The men are making approximately 9.4 times this. Female athletes don’t have teams of people protecting their brand and sanity. They are not rolling in the dough either. Be a decent human being and keep perspective on this.
" Calling for anyone’s job mid-season is not the way to go. Coaches and GM’s are professionals. They work their tails off. Unless they are abusive to the players, back off and let them do their job. They have already created immense pressure for themselves."

I dunno, the sentiment of that article is nice enough but it really seems to boil down to treating pro athletes like children rather than pro athletes. Regardless of pay no one is immune from criticism, if I do poorly at my job I'll cop it, and if you want to do a job like being a footballer you have to expect it. With that said all criticism should be fair and measured.

Also the part about not calling for the coaches head because they're professionals is just weird, the fact that they are professionals should mean more scrutiny.

Criticism is part of sports, without it you can't have any expectations or want better.

if you hadn't noticed that this is a trend globally in all sports! Professional athletes are speaking about mental health and how constant focus on high performance is burning them out. 10 year ago noone focussed on this, and it was all about winning and athletes quietly disappeared or did something stupid which we all piled onto them because WTF? Turns out these people could well have been struggling with mental health issues, the pressue is massive and to have it constantly on you is tougher than most fans could ever conceive.

Whist its a massive change I think going back to what sport is all about (fun) is key, yes we want our team to be competitive, yes we want them to be passionate about the team/club, but do we want that at the cost of someone's own personal wellbeing? hell no! Coaches/managers being aware of their players well being is crucial, I love seeing teams enjoying themselves at training - you can guarantee that this "fun" which gets filmed isnt the only thing they are doing. I say let the players enjoy themselves, let them find the love of the game and enjoyment that brought them to the sport, because without that we as fans have nothing to support.

Gonna have to completely disagree with you about the fun thing there. If it only becomes about fun you can kiss goodbye to being competitive. Now this isn't to say that you can't have some fun while being competitive but the focus must always be on winning.

If the only point of these women playing is so they can play for "the love of the game" then why should anyone give a shark about them? What's the difference between them and some Sunday socal team? They're just playing for fun too.

Sports are inherently competitive, the world as a whole tbh, there are winners and there are losers and more often then not those that take it seriously are the ones that come out on top. Winning is everything, otherwise what's what's point in being there.

Yes mental health matters but if you can't hack scrutiny then maybe you will have to reassess whether or not you want to be playing at that level. If it's too much perhaps go back to your local club and play for the love of the game. I'm not trying to be an arse by saying that either, they won't be spared criticism regardless of what pie in the sky ideals we have about being nice. People won't be nice, they never have been and that's never going to change.
Tell me you don't understand womens footy without telling me you don't understand womens footy. 
about 3 years

"These are not people who are not getting paid much money. These A-League women are making on average about 16k. The men are making approximately 9.4 times this. Female athletes don’t have teams of people protecting their brand and sanity. They are not rolling in the dough either. Be a decent human being and keep perspective on this.
" Calling for anyone’s job mid-season is not the way to go. Coaches and GM’s are professionals. They work their tails off. Unless they are abusive to the players, back off and let them do their job. They have already created immense pressure for themselves."

I dunno, the sentiment of that article is nice enough but it really seems to boil down to treating pro athletes like children rather than pro athletes. Regardless of pay no one is immune from criticism, if I do poorly at my job I'll cop it, and if you want to do a job like being a footballer you have to expect it. With that said all criticism should be fair and measured.

Also the part about not calling for the coaches head because they're professionals is just weird, the fact that they are professionals should mean more scrutiny.

Criticism is part of sports, without it you can't have any expectations or want better.

if you hadn't noticed that this is a trend globally in all sports! Professional athletes are speaking about mental health and how constant focus on high performance is burning them out. 10 year ago noone focussed on this, and it was all about winning and athletes quietly disappeared or did something stupid which we all piled onto them because WTF? Turns out these people could well have been struggling with mental health issues, the pressue is massive and to have it constantly on you is tougher than most fans could ever conceive.

Whist its a massive change I think going back to what sport is all about (fun) is key, yes we want our team to be competitive, yes we want them to be passionate about the team/club, but do we want that at the cost of someone's own personal wellbeing? hell no! Coaches/managers being aware of their players well being is crucial, I love seeing teams enjoying themselves at training - you can guarantee that this "fun" which gets filmed isnt the only thing they are doing. I say let the players enjoy themselves, let them find the love of the game and enjoyment that brought them to the sport, because without that we as fans have nothing to support.

Gonna have to completely disagree with you about the fun thing there. If it only becomes about fun you can kiss goodbye to being competitive. Now this isn't to say that you can't have some fun while being competitive but the focus must always be on winning.

If the only point of these women playing is so they can play for "the love of the game" then why should anyone give a shark about them? What's the difference between them and some Sunday socal team? They're just playing for fun too.

Sports are inherently competitive, the world as a whole tbh, there are winners and there are losers and more often then not those that take it seriously are the ones that come out on top. Winning is everything, otherwise what's what's point in being there.

Yes mental health matters but if you can't hack scrutiny then maybe you will have to reassess whether or not you want to be playing at that level. If it's too much perhaps go back to your local club and play for the love of the game. I'm not trying to be an arse by saying that either, they won't be spared criticism regardless of what pie in the sky ideals we have about being nice. People won't be nice, they never have been and that's never going to change.
Tell me you don't understand womens footy without telling me you don't understand womens footy. 

My partner plays at a reasonably high level and I have quite a few friends that play either central or national league womes football, I also watch a shark load of games in person every year, but sure I don't understand women's football.

My partner agrees with everything I've posted too but I'm sure she doesn't understand women's football either. 

Not everyone  will have the same opinion,  thats ok. 
Starting XI
over 12 years
Showtime Nixie
Showtime Nixie
Not sold on Foster all effort but no end product. But can whip in a set piece. I think shes a fullback. But yeah probably get to the point where they ask the players where they want to play....can't get any worse.

when can we look forward to seeing the retraction statement on this one, just wondering.

Huh? I'm Correct shes a full back and I'm correct in saying shes good at set piece and 95%of the time no end product. The sentence about trying playing elsewhere was in reply to some suggestion that Foster should be upfront.

Was in relation to the no end product comment after two assists in the weekend.  But you do you.
almost 2 years
Finally found someone in a yellow shirt on a couple of occasions! All of a sudden she's a quality footballer Chopah? Lets hope so but time will tell.
almost 17 years
to be fair to Foster alot of her set pieces are placed where they need to be as far as creating a scoring opportunity, there just hasnt been an attacker good enough to make anything of that chance.
almost 2 years
I have always said she can whack in a dead ball. But from open play she's been well below par in her passing and crossing. After 9 games she now has 2 assists....long may it continue.
First Team Squad
over 3 years
Screenshot_20230129-001111_Chrome.jpg 58.4 KB
Not sure if these numbers are fully up to date, but just wanted to appreciate that our fans are currently getting behind our A-League Women team more than anyone else in the league - I don't live in Welly so haven't been this season, but big ups to the folk turning up to support this team week in week out (even despite the on-field struggles at times), I'm sure the girls appreciate the support and that it helped them to their maiden win last weekend. 

Also shoutout to Little Corner of Yellow and Flight of the Nix - you guys are bloody awesome 💛🖤💛🖤
and 1 other
Starting XI
over 10 years
Don't wanna be Debbie downer but the numbers are skewed by week 1..

Hopefully without week 1 we still stay up there.

The struggles is what makes a game like last weekend so much sweeter.  When out women win the league one day I can look back and say I was at their first home game ... And then at some subsequent hidings, then there when we thrashed Canberra.  It's what being a sports fan is about.

Hot damn I love this club.  COYN!
and 1 other
over 9 years
Big wraps. Got a real chance to play herself into the Ferns WC squad over next few weeks. Plus friendlies against Argentina & Portugal in Feb.

See her uncle Mark Foy played for AWs in 3 games.


Yet despite having signed on amateur terms she’s still using up a coveted full roster spot within the squad. The club have gone out of their way to ensure she’s a part of this season’s squad and they’ve done so because Milly Clegg is the best centre forward prospect that this country has produced in at least a decade. Not since Amber Hearn, the Football Ferns record goal-scorer, have we seen a number nine as pure as Clegg come through. And perhaps not even then.

But her emergence is a very notable thing because, dunno if you realise this... the Football Ferns don’t score a lot of goals. And one of the main reasons they don’t score a lot of goals is they don’t actually have very many top level pros who play in creative positions. Lots of defenders. An abundance of goalies. But creative midfielders and forwards? Nah not so much.

Amber Hearn played 125 times for the Footy Ferns and scored 54 goals. She retired after doing her ACL just prior to the 2018 World Cup and it’s safe to say that the Ferns have never adequately replaced her. 
almost 2 years
Big wraps. Got a real chance to play herself into the Ferns WC squad over next few weeks. Plus friendlies against Argentina & Portugal in Feb.

See her uncle Mark Foy played for AWs in 3 games.


Yet despite having signed on amateur terms she’s still using up a coveted full roster spot within the squad. The club have gone out of their way to ensure she’s a part of this season’s squad and they’ve done so because Milly Clegg is the best centre forward prospect that this country has produced in at least a decade. Not since Amber Hearn, the Football Ferns record goal-scorer, have we seen a number nine as pure as Clegg come through. And perhaps not even then.

But her emergence is a very notable thing because, dunno if you realise this... the Football Ferns don’t score a lot of goals. And one of the main reasons they don’t score a lot of goals is they don’t actually have very many top level pros who play in creative positions. Lots of defenders. An abundance of goalies. But creative midfielders and forwards? Nah not so much.

Amber Hearn played 125 times for the Footy Ferns and scored 54 goals. She retired after doing her ACL just prior to the 2018 World Cup and it’s safe to say that the Ferns have never adequately replaced her. 

A prospect sure but a long way to go to be anywhere near Hearn level. Hearn was class...big/strong - could play short or in behind. Score with both feet and great in the air. She would die in the box. Don't see Clegg much like that but best we've got so hopefully gets the right people around her......i'm just not sure players get that these days here in NZ. Clegg wants to get over to the US asap.
Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
Does Wendie Henderson-ex fern and nz assistant coach still live in Wellington? Would be interesting if she applies for the Women’s team coaching job for next season? As a forward she has skills that would help with goal scoring which we have struggled with these last two seasons.
almost 2 years
NZF and HPSNZ put the coaches in place - depends If Wendy has been on their coaches pathway group, which i believe she hasn't in recent time. There will be no outsiders getting roles like this until NZF bite the bullet. 

Just like very little ex footballers in the male game go into coaching, its very similar with the women. After playing people stay well away that's why we end up with book coaches or fans of the game taking sides at all levels- they should be referees but they get to be coaches in NZ. Its a fault of NZF not getting ex players that play national league etc into coaching. 
Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
With ten countries chasing wwc qualification in NZ at the moment, this surely is a superb opportunity to lock in a couple of import spots for the Nix next season? signed on a 2 year contract so the opportunity to get a transfer fee for them would be great. Will be some gems to be discovered I’m sure. Someone along the lines of the Chilean player who was at Victory.
over 9 years
Unused sub
With ten countries chasing wwc qualification in NZ at the moment, this surely is a superb opportunity to lock in a couple of import spots for the Nix next season? signed on a 2 year contract so the opportunity to get a transfer fee for them would be great. Will be some gems to be discovered I’m sure. Someone along the lines of the Chilean player who was at Victory.

Agree. Even lowly PNG, might have a stand out with enough raw potential, that they could get to a good ALW standard in a full pro environment. And $NZ20K/season to them would be nice coin.

Guess it will depend what is NZF's involvement with the WahineNix in season 3. They are obviously having a big say to date in player recruitment, with a focus on young Kiwis. I thought the JV was only for the first 2 seasons. May have that wrong.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
Definitely some signs of improvement. Closer losses, more draws and more wins compared to last season. 
hguuyt.png 13.31 KB
Starting XI
almost 6 years
Better for sure. But finishing bottom is not a pass mark. As table position is ultimately what counts in this game (if you are wanting to be competitive). So there will need to be some changes in the off season.
Really enjoyed watching this team tho, especially second half of the season. 
almost 17 years
will be interesting to see what NZ players hang around after the World Cup. Also if the club manage to convince a decent goal scoring VISA striker to play for us.
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
about 3 years

Yeah nah I think we can do a lot better than her tbh.
Starting XI
almost 6 years
At the start of the season I though Lawrence said the main goal was to be in contention for finals football right to the end. I guess somewhere along the way that got downgraded to avoiding the spoon. 
Credit to Lawrence were its due though, she got a few good results and had the team playing better football by seasons end. But a team with 6 or 7 Ferns in it should be doing better.
I feel that the status quo is a bit stuck in its way and too FFDP player focused.  A fresh approach with a new coach might widen the net somewhat. There are a lot of players up and down the country that have not been able to relocate and be involved in FFDP. 
over 9 years
Yes but is that a function of Lawrence being coach (noting she basically inherited the squad of Lewis & her), or because NZF were basically part owners of the team.

The JV with NZF is now finished, so there should be less of a FFDP focus, as the team is now a Nix enterprise solely. Though I think the FFDP program has now relocated from Albany to the NZIS campus in the Hutt??
almost 2 years
Alana Gunn, Sam Wilkinson and Leon Birnie all much better options. Need to take this team to the next level. Can't be getting the spoon every year. I believe with good coaching/educators this team can achieve so much more. I hope the Phoenix make some smart decisions. fingers crossed.
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
I would be fine with Lawrence continuing. After a shaky start, she found something that worked for the team. Not sure there was much she could do about not having a striker that could score goals on the books. The difference between us and the mid table teams really isn't much.
and 1 other
almost 17 years
I agree, hard to judge the coach on the full season when she was literally thrown into the deep end at the start of the season. I'd be keen to give her the next season to plan her squad, have a full pre-season and then judge her on results.
Starting XI
almost 6 years
I would be fine with Lawrence continuing. After a shaky start, she found something that worked for the team. Not sure there was much she could do about not having a striker that could score goals on the books. The difference between us and the mid table teams really isn't much.
There were 2 strikers + 1 other forwards in the squad that have been in Football Ferns camps this year. 4 if you count Robertson that was part of the ferns squad a few years back. 
Add to that the other 4 or 5 players in the squad that have been ferns players this season. 
I think you can judge her on results now, there was enough talent there it just never really clicked. Don't have to wait for another season. 
If she is the best candidate then yes she should get the gig next year. But I think it would be crazy not to take a longer look and see what other option there are out there for coach. Doesn't have to be a NZer either. Aussie coaches have worked pretty well for the men.
Edit. Lawrence has been part of the coaching set up for two seasons now. I don't buy into the talk that she was thrown a squad of players at the last minute that she didn't pick herself. I'm sure she would have had plenty of input into this seasons squad being the assistant to Lewis at the time.

almost 2 years
You should always go for the best coach if that's an option for you and if the timing is right (and it is due to contract running out) and there are options here as stated above. Crazy not wanting to improve your set ups. Can't go around again in last place next season and then say we shouldve got someone in when we had the chance. We have a chance and now is the time.
Starting XI
over 10 years
If we can get a new good experienced coach then that would be awesome.

If we did that though I would like to see Lawrence to stay on and keep developing.

She was dropped into the head coach role at last minute and she developed the team and herself well over the year.
and 1 other
The Special One
over 17 years
It would be 3 head coaches in 3 seasons if we drop Lawrence for someone else. Keep her in again for at least another season for stability's sake. 

Besides that, we've had some good results against some of the better teams in the league especially in the back half of the season and I think there is enough promise there. Lets see how she goes without those squad restrictions on. 
almost 2 years
Get the best person for the job. simple.
Starting XI
almost 6 years
The meaning of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results.
I feel a lot of things need to change with the Nix ALW program not just the coach. A new coach will help that process. Keeping the status quo will hinder change.
Not buying the lets see how it goes for another season approach.
The Special One
over 17 years
Seems like the status quo is upheaval each season.

And, maybe Natalie Lawrence is the best person for the job.

Wellington Phoenix Women General Discussion and Squad Speculation

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