almost 14 years
I have no problem having Rufer as captain, but saying he’s a great passer is bit much. He brings energy, fighting spirit and plays at decent .\ league level. Maybe being captain stops him getting yellow and red cards.
Yellow cards come with the position, especially in Uffie's formation. Under Uffie:

Devlin = 224 mins
Matti = 228 mins
Lewis = 294 mins
Rufer = 304 mins  (1 every 237 mins career cuz of the Rudan season with 11 yellows)

He has only had 2 Red cards, one of which was that travesty at Macarthur last season. Not sure where this belief that he is a card magnet comes from tbh.
If you watch his tackling, there have been more than a few instances where he has warranted a card yellow or red and he's been lucky not to get them. But last season he was certainly on the radar. I do agree that red he got was a ridiculous call but that was because he was on that radar. We need a hard man to put in a shift but he needs to use his brain rather than his feet. 

That’s true.  Top quality DMs such as A Riera and Kante rarely go into the book except by choice. But we don’t have one of them currently. Cammy was combative as a feature of his play, which accounted for some of his cards. That and he had that NSW constant communication with the ref going on!
The other feature that those top players have is their mobility and anticipation imo. They’re never going to have a problem because the can get into position or recover faster than the opposition.
Rufer is no slouch, but isn’t Cammy levels of mobile. Also was a CF for awhile as a younger player! 
Anyway, perhaps the C is to make him take a bit more responsibility and to push him to the next level. It’s for the performances Uffie wants from him, perhaps?
Still we’ll see how it goes we’re a bit down in the mids and central defense, but if we can put away our chances we can get some ugly points and leave ourselves with a chance. 
We’ve got Uffie and as he said the team has been playing this formation for 3 seasons, so they know what to do. 
Enjoyed the feeling of vindication of the team coming right lad couple of seasons, but wouldn’t mind some earlier vindication this season. Let’s be honest though, we’re currently up against it in terms of money spent on squad overall, though we absolutely can get results. 

Not even as a younger player, he played as a striker for the All Whites under Hudson.
Bossi Insider
about 16 years

Well there goes those NZ games.
First Team Squad
almost 6 years
Awful from the govt.
Starting XI
almost 6 years
That really sucks.
Starting XI
about 12 years
Shark. Big blow for the club. No home games. Lots of sad fans.
Starting XI
almost 15 years
Looks like the Nix wont be playing at home until after April 30 with a mandatory 7 day isolation at home still in play.
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
What are the rules about NZ'ders flying into Aussie atm? Kinda tempted to take two and half weeks off work & go watch a couple games in the New Year and do the self isolation for a week on the return.

Would be kinda cool to get a few people to travel over and go to a game or two together. Would need the venues confirmed for games first tho. 
about 10 years
Sigh... Didn't expect any good news from this government anyway to be honest - somewhat mitigates the simmering anger and disappointment.
over 10 years
Sigh... Didn't expect any good news from this government anyway to be honest - somewhat mitigates the simmering anger and disappointment.

Well the opposition keeps on self destructing so it will be some time before they can give good news
over 9 years

Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins said on Wednesday the April timetable for overseas visitors “does not preclude us moving earlier with specific groups if it is safer to do that, and there may well be opportunities to do that. So I wouldn’t rule things out with Australia
First Team Squad
almost 6 years

Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins said on Wednesday the April timetable for overseas visitors “does not preclude us moving earlier with specific groups if it is safer to do that, and there may well be opportunities to do that. So I wouldn’t rule things out with Australia

Personally I think their hand will be forced to move sooner and or have exemptions for Australians / sports teams. It’s the only thing I agree with chris bishop with, which makes me feel incredibly dirty. I hope it’s forced anyway, absolute own goal.
over 17 years
PAX on season ticket sales?
almost 17 years

Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins said on Wednesday the April timetable for overseas visitors “does not preclude us moving earlier with specific groups if it is safer to do that, and there may well be opportunities to do that. So I wouldn’t rule things out with Australia

Personally I think their hand will be forced to move sooner and or have exemptions for Australians / sports teams. It’s the only thing I agree with chris bishop with, which makes me feel incredibly dirty. I hope it’s forced anyway, absolute own goal.

I understand the govts positioning on this thing, they have been incredibly cautious with all their moves, why change now? Clearly they want to open things up for kiwis and residents first, opening the borders up to others slowly. Does this conflict with my passion for the Nix (totally), does it make me sad, a little. But then I'm also in the incredibly privileged position of only having that t really moan about. So I can be that unhappy - even if I have just spent $350 renewing a season member ship for me and my son for pretty much nothing.
over 17 years
The plan is to suck max $ off foundation members. Not sure how that will go for them.
 Hey, it's $20 cheaper for foundation members.

Is it? I don't get this, but I think they (or someone) has screwed up my membership details as I don't get anything to renew when I hit the renew link. Do others actually have a membership to renew?
I'm in the same boat - when I click the link it tells me I have no membership to renew (despite being a foundation member with a number of folks under the same booking). I've tried contacting the club with no response...
almost 17 years
just ring them at ticketek, Nicola is very helpful.
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins said on Wednesday the April timetable for overseas visitors “does not preclude us moving earlier with specific groups if it is safer to do that, and there may well be opportunities to do that. So I wouldn’t rule things out with Australia

Personally I think their hand will be forced to move sooner and or have exemptions for Australians / sports teams. It’s the only thing I agree with chris bishop with, which makes me feel incredibly dirty. I hope it’s forced anyway, absolute own goal.

I understand the govts positioning on this thing, they have been incredibly cautious with all their moves, why change now? Clearly they want to open things up for kiwis and residents first, opening the borders up to others slowly. Does this conflict with my passion for the Nix (totally), does it make me sad, a little. But then I'm also in the incredibly privileged position of only having that t really moan about. So I can be that unhappy - even if I have just spent $350 renewing a season member ship for me and my son for pretty much nothing.

"they have been incredibly cautious with all their moves" - every single Māori health expert and most of the epidemiologists out there would choke on their Weetbix to hear you say that. They're pretty much saying "bring body bags and a digger" in Northland for this summer.
almost 17 years
personally I think that response from Northland is ridiculous. everybody has had plenty of warning opportunity to get vaccinated if they wanted too. there has been millions of govt $$ pumped into reaching out to Maori and yet the claim is not enough is being done. There has to be a deadline! and the govt has set one, its been a long time coming for many.
and 4 others
almost 14 years
They're competing with targeted misinformation from people that those communities trust, the problem is those communities have plenty of reasons not to trust the government. The fact that certain communities are not following government advice is the governments fault over centuries of persecution, not the communities. Things are getting better but it takes time to heal generations of wounds.
almost 17 years
agreed, there is a tonne of historical mistrust of govt in certain areas. All justified, you'll get no challenges regarding that from me. However, none of those injustices, reasons for mistrust are going to be fixed in a couple of years. Which leaves the current govt in a lose/lose situation. They are trying everything they can to reach out to these disenfranchised groups and get them up to the 90% vaccination level - with varied success. All the while they have a large portion of the country who are screaming to be given their freedoms back. I can see both sides of the argument and would not want to be making the call, I'm all for govt helping out those who struggle to help themselves, but also not a fan of allowing people to get away with taking zero responsibility for themselves.
Phoenix Academy
over 9 years
agreed, there is a tonne of historical mistrust of govt in certain areas. All justified, you'll get no challenges regarding that from me. However, none of those injustices, reasons for mistrust are going to be fixed in a couple of years. Which leaves the current govt in a lose/lose situation. They are trying everything they can to reach out to these disenfranchised groups and get them up to the 90% vaccination level - with varied success. All the while they have a large portion of the country who are screaming to be given their freedoms back. I can see both sides of the argument and would not want to be making the call, I'm all for govt helping out those who struggle to help themselves, but also not a fan of allowing people to get away with taking zero responsibility for themselves.
Well written mate. They're between the devil and the deep blue sea.
My late partner was Maori to her core and Kura would have been first in line for the inoculation. 
I don't think any of us in Wellington, Auckland etc. need to go to Northland or the East Coast for our summer holidays?
I'd love to visit my ex in-laws in Hawkes Bay but I won't; not yet.
I'll go to Welly if there's a game of football to watch.
almost 17 years
one thing I can hand on heart say is that I'm glad Judith wasnt in charge during this pandemic, we'd all be infected with covid and probably facing the consequences now.
and 3 others
about 10 years
What are the rules about NZ'ders flying into Aussie atm? Kinda tempted to take two and half weeks off work & go watch a couple games in the New Year and do the self isolation for a week on the return.

Would be kinda cool to get a few people to travel over and go to a game or two together. Would need the venues confirmed for games first tho. 
 Im thinking the same possibly but thinking March going sydney 5th to the 19th give me two solid week away, 3 nix games (With a quick trip up to Brisbane) and a Sydney derby. 
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
almost 17 years
good that they are not giving up.
about 17 years
agreed, there is a tonne of historical mistrust of govt in certain areas. All justified, you'll get no challenges regarding that from me. However, none of those injustices, reasons for mistrust are going to be fixed in a couple of years. Which leaves the current govt in a lose/lose situation. They are trying everything they can to reach out to these disenfranchised groups and get them up to the 90% vaccination level - with varied success. All the while they have a large portion of the country who are screaming to be given their freedoms back. I can see both sides of the argument and would not want to be making the call, I'm all for govt helping out those who struggle to help themselves, but also not a fan of allowing people to get away with taking zero responsibility for themselves.
Well written mate. They're between the devil and the deep blue sea.
My late partner was Maori to her core and Kura would have been first in line for the inoculation. 
I don't think any of us in Wellington, Auckland etc. need to go to Northland or the East Coast for our summer holidays?
I'd love to visit my ex in-laws in Hawkes Bay but I won't; not yet.
I'll go to Welly if there's a game of football to watch.

My read is Hipkins is wanting to go faster and Robertson and Ardern want to be cautious to see if they’ll be a case explosion. Though as you read here tfdik.
But Hipkins talking extra relaxation iirc.
over 17 years
Good luck getting any response from the club seems they dont engage with fans anymore. Disappointing you can bet when the teams get home we will all be expected to jump.
The plan is to suck max $ off foundation members. Not sure how that will go for them.
 Hey, it's $20 cheaper for foundation members.

Is it? I don't get this, but I think they (or someone) has screwed up my membership details as I don't get anything to renew when I hit the renew link. Do others actually have a membership to renew?
I'm in the same boat - when I click the link it tells me I have no membership to renew (despite being a foundation member with a number of folks under the same booking). I've tried contacting the club with no response...
Life and death
over 17 years
The same mistrust in government that prevents them from taking money from benefits and allowances and accepting transitional and state housing?
They're competing with targeted misinformation from people that those communities trust, the problem is those communities have plenty of reasons not to trust the government. The fact that certain communities are not following government advice is the governments fault over centuries of persecution, not the communities. Things are getting better but it takes time to heal generations of wounds.
over 9 years
NZ Rugby to push for/not give up on a normal H&A Super Rugby season, with TT travel. Good news for the Nix.
over 9 years
Interesting TV One video in this rugby article.  I'm not smart enough to work out how to embed the video on it's own.

"A tailored solution with Sport NZ". NZ Rugby, Nix & Breakers all keen to make it happen.

Lets really hope a workable solution can be found, to get the Nix back to NZ before 30th April. Both NZ & Aus will be over 90% double vaccinated eligible popns come January. Maybe maybe even touching 95%. Vaccinating of NZ 5-11 yr olds to begin. Good signs that Covid situation in NSW has improved immeasurably. FYI - NSW hit 90% eligible double vaccinated way back on 8th Nov. ACT even earlier 27th Oct. The vaccines bloody work!

Is the overall Covid situation between the 2 countries, really going to change/improve that much between say late January and 30th April? Unlikely.

Make it mandatory the Aussie teams use NZ Covid tracing App whilst in NZ.

Some live sport held safely will lift people's mental health. Fingers crossed.

Edit - 97.9% of people in the ACT aged 12 and over, are now fully vaccinated. That is impressive!
over 9 years
NSW Health Minister forecasts worst case scenario 25,000 new cases a day, in NSW by end of Jan!

I'm sadly not so optimistic now that NZ Govt will allow Australian sporting teams into NZ, prior 30th April 2022.

I guess alot will depend on how ill Omicron strain makes people. It's obviously highly transmissable, but will it see more people in hospital/die? Still too early to say exactly.

But for now NZ Govt approach will likely be to keep Omicron out of NZ as long as possible. Right approach for now. But double vaccinated NZ citizens can enter NZ sans MIQ from Jan 15th? And being double vaccinated isn't stopping people getting the Omicron strain!

Newcastle is the epicentre of the Omicron-fuelled outbreak in the state of New South Wales, with the Hunter region responsible for 633 of the record-high 1,742 new cases in the state in the 24 hours to 8pm (local time) on Wednesday.

That is 209 more cases in Newcastle than the previous day, with New South Wales Health saying the majority are the highly transmissible Omicron variant.

The cluster has been driven by super-spreading events at pubs and clubs.

It comes after NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard on Wednesday revealed modelling on the Omicron strain predicted cases could soar to 25,000 a day by the end of next month.

The number of cases reported on Thursday is a jump of 382 from the previous day's tally. The state has now recorded 122 cases of the Omicron variant.

The previous highest daily tally in New South Wales was recorded on September 11 when there were 1,599 local cases, or 1,603 if infections contracted overseas are included.

There were no deaths recorded, whereas during the previous height of the pandemic there were a record 15 fatalities on September 29 and October 1.
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
Man, for my money we should just close the borders 100% until other, bigger countries work out how to stop Omicron. Sucks for this Phoenix season but I wasn't really following the men's team anyway.
almost 5 years
Sydney FC, Newcastle Jets, Perth Glory and now Macarthur have players who have tested positive for COVID-19. 
over 9 years
Man, for my money we should just close the borders 100% until other, bigger countries work out how to stop Omicron. Sucks for this Phoenix season but I wasn't really following the men's team anyway.

Sucks for Nix ALW team as well, as they were scheduled to head over to NZ for double headers and I'm sure the fans would have turned up to support both teams.
over 17 years
As someone living and working at the British Covid coal face, yes it's spreading like wildfire but so does the flu in the UK this time of year.  A number of my family and friends have had positive Omicon cases but all jabbed so apart from a mild cough and a positive test nothing wrong.  

I really hope NZ does not knee jerk on this one or believes BS from flakey media like many do (FB/Instagram/WhatsApp/Telegram etc).
almost 14 years
New Zealand hasn't knee jerked yet, the government has always followed the advice of the experts. 
over 9 years
As someone living and working at the British Covid coal face, yes it's spreading like wildfire but so does the flu in the UK this time of year.  A number of my family and friends have had positive Omicon cases but all jabbed so apart from a mild cough and a positive test nothing wrong.  

I really hope NZ does not knee jerk on this one or believes BS from flakey media like many do.

Yipe all the early evidence seems to be that Omicron is less severe than Delta. That's the good news. Bad news is that it's definitely more contagious, and early modelling for both NZ & Australia is that even with high vaccination rates (90% plus eligible popns), daily new cases will skyrocket. Already starting to see it in NSW.

So even if a very small number of Omicron cases are required to go into hospital/ICU, there could be a huge strain on the hospital systems. I think from memory Aus has much better ICU capacity per head of popn than NZ, so they are in a better position to cope with Omicron than NZ. Stand to be corrected.

I'd say a postponement of the 17th January date, when Kiws can enter NZ sans MIQ  is almost guaranteed now. NZ likely needs some time to get the booster 3rd dose programme underway, plus start vaccinating kids in that 5-11 age bracket. So another month extension or so of MIQ for Kiwis coming in from overseas (incl Aussie), likely makes some sense, unless Omicron gets into NZ beforehand. Probably sadly the right approach, and this from someone currently overseas, and someone who wants to see the Nix playing back in NZ ASAP.

And unfortunately any hope NZ Super Rugby teams, Breakers & Nix can play Aussie teams in NZ pre April 30th could well be dead and buried.

But the border should be reopened to Kiwis coming in from African countries (with 2 weeks MIQ of course) ASAP. South Africa did the right thing announcing the new Omicron strain, now they are being punished for it, when what the new strain is already in 70+ countries & counting worldwide.

The following day, Omicron was detected by South African scientists and this week we learnt Cabinet intends to meet in early January to discuss potential changes to the reopening plan in light of the worrisome new Covid-19 variant. Meanwhile, Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins has warned that it will be “flyer beware” when border restrictions do begin to ease.
about 17 years
As someone living and working at the British Covid coal face, yes it's spreading like wildfire but so does the flu in the UK this time of year.  A number of my family and friends have had positive Omicon cases but all jabbed so apart from a mild cough and a positive test nothing wrong.  

I really hope NZ does not knee jerk on this one or believes BS from flakey media like many do.
That's reassuring. I got a different story from my friend in London yesterday. Even allowing for hyperbole, it was pretty alarming. Quotes:
- btw everyone here has covid now, it's been insane the last week
- I read the NZ herald but they are not reporting what's going on here, it's a massive wave, not like anything before
- a lot of people we know have it, [his doctor wife] says hospital beds are filling up like crazy
- it's all about boosters here though, 2 jabs means nothing - I know loads of people who have been in bed for weeks who have been double vaxxed
- I've also had a few PCR tests recently at Stansted airport. It's like a scene from an apocalypse movie. Floodlights, containers as far as the eye can see.
over 17 years
As someone living and working at the British Covid coal face, yes it's spreading like wildfire but so does the flu in the UK this time of year.  A number of my family and friends have had positive Omicon cases but all jabbed so apart from a mild cough and a positive test nothing wrong.  

I really hope NZ does not knee jerk on this one or believes BS from flakey media like many do.
That's reassuring. I got a different story from my friend in London yesterday. Even allowing for hyperbole, it was pretty alarming. Quotes:
- btw everyone here has covid now, it's been insane the last week
- I read the NZ herald but they are not reporting what's going on here, it's a massive wave, not like anything before
- a lot of people we know have it, [his doctor wife] says hospital beds are filling up like crazy
- it's all about boosters here though, 2 jabs means nothing - I know loads of people who have been in bed for weeks who have been double vaxxed
- I've also had a few PCR tests recently at Stansted airport. It's like a scene from an apocalypse movie. Floodlights, containers as far as the eye can see.

Interesting to read that as I work at LHR and have seen none of the above and the other half who is a nurse on covid wards is only seeing the anti jab crew turn up.  Here's hoping this is the end of this bloody pandemic.
about 17 years
I heard 90k cases and talk that it was possibly due to not a sufficient number of boosters a la the earlier outbreak in Israel. Mischievous speculation it might also be that AstraZenneca is weaker against Omicron, where it had been fine against Delta.

Also heard footballers have been failing horribly to get vaccinated. Professional players rates reported way down on the general public. 

But yeh read this in the media so, it’s probably all suspect, those journalists…!

More importantly what’s the fall out for our season? Our guys all vaxxed? Reckon we’re a dark horse to win the league, especially if we get a few games after we get a couple of players in. 

Steal a couple more results, win the league! 

So yeh any news? 
about 17 years
As someone living and working at the British Covid coal face, yes it's spreading like wildfire but so does the flu in the UK this time of year.  A number of my family and friends have had positive Omicon cases but all jabbed so apart from a mild cough and a positive test nothing wrong.  

I really hope NZ does not knee jerk on this one or believes BS from flakey media like many do.
That's reassuring. I got a different story from my friend in London yesterday. Even allowing for hyperbole, it was pretty alarming. Quotes:
- btw everyone here has covid now, it's been insane the last week
- I read the NZ herald but they are not reporting what's going on here, it's a massive wave, not like anything before
- a lot of people we know have it, [his doctor wife] says hospital beds are filling up like crazy
- it's all about boosters here though, 2 jabs means nothing - I know loads of people who have been in bed for weeks who have been double vaxxed
- I've also had a few PCR tests recently at Stansted airport. It's like a scene from an apocalypse movie. Floodlights, containers as far as the eye can see.

Interesting to read that as I work at LHR and have seen none of the above and the other half who is a nurse on covid wards is only seeing the anti jab crew turn up.  Here's hoping this is the end of this bloody pandemic.

Ahh- So Stansted is like La Guardia (which I’ve heard about from TV- no experience of NY and precious little of London) and full of anti-vaxxers flying in on RyanAir or something? Or is it just usually full of containers? 

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