Are the Nix Getting the Kiwi Media/Public Attention They Deserve (Phillip Rollo)

over 17 years (Rolo's op piece).

As I kiwi overseas I was gutted to listen to the the kiwi news on Saturday night NZ time and not hear the Nix mentioned once even though Radio NZ went on and on about the Breakers blowing out and talking about sporting competitions that don't even apply to NZ (Superbowl, 6 Nations, EPL).

What do the Nix have to do to get noticed back home in a good way?

Nothing at all about another win extending our lead in our best season ever, but you can bet your house that had we had two players sent off, it would have been headline news.

Kiwi media (bar one or two notable exceptions like Rollo) sharks me.
and 7 others
Phoenix Academy
about 2 years
Marto (Rolo's op piece).

As I kiwi overseas I was gutted to listen to the the kiwi news on Saturday night NZ time and not hear the Nix mentioned once even though Radio NZ went on and on about the Breakers blowing out and talking about sporting competitions that don't even apply to NZ (Superbowl, 6 Nations, EPL).

What do the Nix have to do to get noticed back home in a good way?

Nothing at all about another win extending our lead in our best season ever, but you can bet your house that had we had two players sent off, it would have been headline news.

Kiwi media (bar one or two notable exceptions like Rollo) sharks me.
It was mentioned on one news that they were 1 nil up at half time. Also was mentioned on Sunday too. But like right at the end of the sports news, as if it was an afterthought 
over 17 years
They will jump on board just annoying it takes so long
One in a million
over 17 years
No they're bloody not.
about 12 years
First story on the TV3 Sport news last night.

The lack of coverage is annoying.
about 17 years
This is how it normally goes every night. 3-5 stories on Rugby, maybe 2 on League, usually 2 on Basketball and/or Netball. 1 on Football if you are lucky (Mostly EPL. Unless the nix embarrass themselves in some way, then they're all on it.) 

The Boofheads in the media (Especially TVNZ) are still burying their heads in the sand unless it serves their purpose. I expect nothing less and nothing more from them. And should the Nix win the title and or grand final this year, watch them all suck up hardcore.

TV 3 with Andrew Gourdie do better than TVNZ & Piney on the Radio is good in that he gives all sports a fair shake.
Phoenix Academy
8 months
It really depends on the journo. Chris Chang with TVNZ is a big football fan but since he moved from 6pm sport to hosting Breakfast, the amount of round-ball stuff in the evening news from them has declined. Lucky to have a few around (Rollo, Voerman, Piney and Gourdie) that are invested in the game.
and 1 other
Phoenix Academy
over 9 years
Does anyone know the approx TV viewership numbers for the Phoenix/A-League on Sky?
over 9 years
Be interesting to see how much coverage Auckland FC get compared to the Nix, especially with either TV News show. Most media are in Auckland after all.

Starting XI
over 10 years
Added to the money the new owner will throw around it wouldn't surprise me if they get lots of coverage in season 1
almost 17 years
We were previewed on RNZ prior to the game? 

The traditional media is collapsing so much right now we might be getting more eyeballs with our TikTok/YouTube game, who knows? 

It’s a tough time to be an advertiser for sure and a tougher time to run a media outlet. 
over 9 years
Dome doesn't think 'the Auckland media', give the Nix enough love. But heading for a bumper crowd at Eden Park against Uffie's SFC by the looks.
And yes for now cash from big finals crowds goes to the APL.

“When you get to the final series, the money goes to the managing body, in this case APL, though there are discussions going on about how much that’s going to change this year. If we get to the finals series and sell out Sky Stadium, we're not making anything out of that, that's going to the central body,, which is fine, because there are a lot of costs that they cover from the centre."
Starting XI
over 10 years
Though I'm sure if they host a grand final they make some coin on merch sales and have a little bit more negotiation for sponsorship on the next round.
Phoenix Academy
10 months
Almost* No one in Auckland knows the Phoenix are playing. I’m surprised domey thinks we will get a bumper crowd. Will be surprised if more than 15k rock up and obviously 20k+ is bumper territory for EP.

However, if one news puts up on 6.00 news we are playing in Auckland closer to the game that will drastically increase the buzz.
But that’s not going to happen is it.
about 12 years
If the NIX keep winning they will keep getting on the news.
almost 17 years
The other thing to think is who is watching on Sky and how many of those people have been to a game and are happy to go again. Including an hour commute, maybe further given how well the Nix are going!

I think that’s why we look at casuals wrong. They’re football people, but maybe don’t watch every game…they know what’s going on and what’s at stake cos they were there to whack the snakes and some flew down for Reddy’s pen saves and all of them flew or drove down for the AWs against Bahrain…
and 4 others
about 17 years
The other thing to think is who is watching on Sky and how many of those people have been to a game and are happy to go again. Including an hour commute, maybe further given how well the Nix are going!

I think that’s why we look at casuals wrong. They’re football people, but maybe don’t watch every game…they know what’s going on and what’s at stake cos they were there to whack the snakes and some flew down for Reddy’s pen saves and all of them flew or drove down for the AWs against Bahrain…

Drove down. Best day ever. "Them ones I don't miss" Rory Fallon
First Team Squad
almost 2 years
Hour just been on Piney's show all about this topic. Domey interview & talkback. Domey just seems to be doing a lot of lamenting and providing little in the way of reasons to be hopeful that things will get better with regard to Nix's attendances & ability to break even. Maybe the introduction of the Auckland franchise will help a little in terms of media attention & in terms of derbies for fans to get excited about, but other than that there isn't much in the way of reasons to be optimistic.

Would be cool to hear Domey saying things like "we have some great new ideas for marketing/community engagement that we think could boost attendances" or that they were doing anything in the sphere of investigating different stadium possibilities. 

I know it's not easy but would be cool if he had something to offer to make people think that things could get better. 
almost 17 years
I'm sure we all love Domey and what he has doen with the nix over the years but I'm starting to wonder if it's not time for some new blood in the leadership department. Domey has been with the ckub forever he has seen us throguh some tough times and taken us to where we are now and deserves massive kudos for that, however, as you say he seems stuck on what they've tried already and lost for new initiatives to create excitement. Some fresh faces and ideas could really lift the club IMO.
almost 14 years
Complaining about crowds has been something Dome has done the entire time he's been here. He's very good at his job, but it is a frustrating approach. You can't beg people to turn up, that just makes the team look desperate.

Saying that, the team is sitting the top of the ladder so saying it's time for new blood seems odd.

But you're right about ideas, one thing Dome has been clear on for the last few years is the Phoenix have cut advertising budgets and put all their money into the playing squad, the idea being results will bring crowds. If that doesn't prove to be the case then he is probably out of ideas and needs to bring in marketing people.
Starting XI
over 10 years
To be fair they have tried a lot.

More Sunday games for family's.  Didn't work.  Offer heavily discounted tickets for the next game when you're at the stadium, didn't work.  Free tickets for kids playing football, doesn't seem to be working, advertised like crazy, kinda worked but did it cover the costs? Playing exciting football, didn't work because we were losing.  Winning, not working because it's not exciting enough.

More imports, more kiwis.

Domey is probably smashing his head against the wall trying to find the solution.

The reality is almost certainly, Stadium is too fudgeing big and too spenny.  But we know that can't be solved.
and 2 others
about 12 years
The NIX were mentioned on the ROCK this morning on the way to work for the sports news.

First time I have ever heard them reference anything football related, despite Mulligan being on there. Although he only likes American Sports.
over 17 years
As a long time Phoenix supporter for me it's the stadium turning people off.  It's definitely turned me off over the years. 

Expensive beer, and you sit miles back from the action - and then you have the weather which is more often average than great ha.  Then you have to worry if the trains will get you home. I'd rather sit at a nice bar and watch. This isn't trying to be a moan, just stating my view... 

I also feel like there could be more crowd interaction and half time stuff. 

The years of poor performances and miss management really hit the Phoenix too.  

They need some excitement around them to bring back the casual fans - I feel like this finals run could do it! THEN next year the derbies will take it all to another level. 

Final thing..  seems like kids are repping the shirts a lot more these days. So something going right there.. 
First Team Squad
almost 7 years
As a long time Phoenix supporter for me it's the stadium turning people off.  It's definitely turned me off over the years. 

Expensive beer, and you sit miles back from the action - and then you have the weather which is more often average than great ha.  I'd rather sit at a nice bar and watch. This isn't trying to be a moan, just stating my view... 

I also feel like there could be more crowd interaction and half time stuff. 

The years of poor performances and miss management really hit the Phoenix too.  

They need some excitement around them to bring back the casual fans - I feel like this finals run could do it! THEN next year the derbies will take it all to another level. 

Final thing..  seems like kids are repping the shirts a lot more these days. So something going right there.. 
Stadium is definitely a turn off. I go to all the of the games with my dad and despite living in the CBD, he prefers travelling out to Porirua for the womens games than heading to Sky Stadium, purely because of the ground and match day experience.
and 1 other
Phoenix Academy
about 2 years
Friar Tuck
As a long time Phoenix supporter for me it's the stadium turning people off.  It's definitely turned me off over the years. 

Expensive beer, and you sit miles back from the action - and then you have the weather which is more often average than great ha.  I'd rather sit at a nice bar and watch. This isn't trying to be a moan, just stating my view... 

I also feel like there could be more crowd interaction and half time stuff. 

The years of poor performances and miss management really hit the Phoenix too.  

They need some excitement around them to bring back the casual fans - I feel like this finals run could do it! THEN next year the derbies will take it all to another level. 

Final thing..  seems like kids are repping the shirts a lot more these days. So something going right there.. 
Stadium is definitely a turn off. I go to all the of the games with my dad and despite living in the CBD, he prefers travelling out to Porirua for the womens games than heading to Sky Stadium, purely because of the ground and match day experience.
Totally agree, the cake tin is shark. I will say though that any stadium, including the cake tin is great when packed. I have no doubt it will be packed and we'll have a great atmosphere when the finals roll round
almost 17 years
Friar Tuck
As a long time Phoenix supporter for me it's the stadium turning people off.  It's definitely turned me off over the years. 

Expensive beer, and you sit miles back from the action - and then you have the weather which is more often average than great ha.  I'd rather sit at a nice bar and watch. This isn't trying to be a moan, just stating my view... 

I also feel like there could be more crowd interaction and half time stuff. 

The years of poor performances and miss management really hit the Phoenix too.  

They need some excitement around them to bring back the casual fans - I feel like this finals run could do it! THEN next year the derbies will take it all to another level. 

Final thing..  seems like kids are repping the shirts a lot more these days. So something going right there.. 
Stadium is definitely a turn off. I go to all the of the games with my dad and despite living in the CBD, he prefers travelling out to Porirua for the womens games than heading to Sky Stadium, purely because of the ground and match day experience.

I think you're bang on here, The stadium in its current format has out lived its usefulness. I dont think it has sold out for anything other than an AB's game recently (sportwise) and we get one of those every year or two. We barely get any muso type gigs there due to no roof. But it's not gonna be knocked down for something else to be built unless private funding is found, the council has no money and the government isnt gonna fund it either.
over 17 years
And on the media coverage... it seems to have improved lately. Which seens very suspicious that its improved the min there is an Auckland team on the cards. 

Any publicity is good publicity... 
Phoenix Academy
8 months
And on the media coverage... it seems to have improved lately. Which seens very suspicious that its improved the min there is an Auckland team on the cards. 

Any publicity is good publicity... 

Probably unfair to ask for more media publicity, then when it comes claim it's because of the new Auckland team. I'm sure most newsrooms have a football fan that would love to do plenty of Nix stories
almost 14 years
Must admit I prefer watching the games on the big screen from the comfort of my home but the stadium is unfortunately a hard fix and outside of the Phoenix's control. 

I've always thought the best thing to do was create a second configuration in the stadium for club Rugby and Football by rotating the pitch 90 degrees and putting a temporary stand along one side, using the current sides of the stadium as the stands at either end of the pitch. The temporary stand could be disassembled for the few concerts and all blacks games that the stadium gets.
about 17 years
AI makes all things possible. Iran became notorious for deleting televised images of female spectators whenever their national team played. And that was before AI got off the ground.
about 14 years
Jessie Merino
AI makes all things possible. Iran became notorious for deleting televised images of female spectators whenever their national team played. And that was before AI got off the ground.

If CCM can have huge sauce bottles at the ground, we could have AI generated L&P and a couple of Tuis.  And a giant Fritz Wiener behind the opposition goal.
over 13 years
Dome these days complains a lot and it’s everyone’s fault apart from his.

You have the top team in the league David on one of the lowest budgets. The coach and players have done it.

If you can’t make it work now, you never will. 

Time to earn your money or give someone else a go.
almost 12 years
What on earth are you talking about, 'everyone's fault apart from his'? Did you even read the article or listen to the interview? He was posed  the question about attendance figures, he admits he's disappointed in them and gives plenty of facts and figures as to why. Why wouldn't he lament that more people aren't turning up to see a top of the table team?

Also, since when has a football club ever been just about the coach and the players? Even the most cursory listen to Dome over the last few years would make it abundantly clear just how much of a huge and complex undertaking operating a football franchise is, in good times and in bad. And in case you've forgotten it was plenty bad for the Nix during the covid years.
almost 17 years
There needs to be some campaign for the last 4 games.

Maybe the Fever could run one if the club isn’t? Get the car out, have days for wearing your kit before a game or midweek or something, lots of socials to share, randomly giving out some tickets…I dunno I’m sharke at this, but I’m sure there are some millennials/gen Z there somewhere…

The players did it themselves when it was for the AWs and the WC, Browny, Siggie, Bertos and others. 

Trying to think of some kind of slogan. 4 games of destiny…4 more for the cup…title virgins seek party times…4 more to Phoenix City!…We don’t know how lucky we are!

Someone needs to turn it up to 11, because this is big!
over 17 years
There needs to be some campaign for the last 4 games.

Maybe the Fever could run one if the club isn’t? Get the car out, have days for wearing your kit before a game or midweek or something, lots of socials to share, randomly giving out some tickets…I dunno I’m sharke at this, but I’m sure there are some millennials/gen Z there somewhere…

The players did it themselves when it was for the AWs and the WC, Browny, Siggie, Bertos and others. 

Trying to think of some kind of slogan. 4 games of destiny…4 more for the cup…title virgins seek party times…4 more to Phoenix City!…We don’t know how lucky we are!

Someone needs to turn it up to 11, because this is big!
Yes needs to be something but cant agree at all that there needs to be a heap of money or lots of give aways thrown at it.
Sorry but if ateam at the top of the table cant attract more people dont see how you think any marketing plan is going to convince them.
Get thoroughly sick of the constant stream of calls for something to be done about crowds. People seem to expect after years of mediocre performances and being let down by some bad performances people are going to turn up after a few games at the top. Nothing in our past suggests we can expect large crowds yet still people think it should happen.
about 12 years
Dome on SEN Radio Sport this morning - good to hear.

I think Dome has done a good job, but I do think he/we would benefit if the speak was more positive in tone - don't lament the fact that only 6500 people showed up to the last game, celebrate that fans got to see a winning team of kiwis stay top of the league.

Control the narrative a bit more - and keep it positive.
and 5 others
almost 17 years
Dome on SEN Radio Sport this morning - good to hear.

I think Dome has done a good job, but I do think he/we would benefit if the speak was more positive in tone - don't lament the fact that only 6500 people showed up to the last game, celebrate that fans got to see a winning team of kiwis stay top of the league.

Control the narrative a bit more - and keep it positive.

I the narrative comes from the questions being asked as well. Sure Dome has focussed on the 10k number for years and I think the media/journos have picked up on this as being a thing to ask about.
Starting XI
about 17 years
Substantial 5min Ifill interview on National Radio Morning Report this morning, on Nix flying high.

Wellington Phoenix soar at the top of the men's A League | RNZ
about 14 years
Substantial 5min Ifill interview on National Radio Morning Report this morning, on Nix flying high.

Wellington Phoenix soar at the top of the men's A League | RNZ

Good chat, but Corin Dann seemed to imply that even if we got to Grand Final we would have to play it in Sydney.  Is that still a thing? I thought that "deal" was abandoned after last year.
First Team Squad
almost 2 years
Yep, Corin has that wrong. We will host the final if we make it & finished higher than our opponents in the league 

Are the Nix Getting the Kiwi Media/Public Attention They Deserve (Phillip Rollo)

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