about 14 years
And at a pinch David Ball could do an AM role if needed rather than being an out and out striker.
First Team Squad
almost 2 years
Probably looking way too far forward here but I'm thinking about the implications of a Nix home GF. Would Sky retain broadcasting rights/responsibilities, or would Paramount+ do their own broadcast? Might we see a commentator dream team of Piney & Hill? 
about 14 years
And would Tory Whanau have enough money left for a city-wide tickertape parade after the GF? 
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
Probably looking way too far forward here but I'm thinking about the implications of a Nix home GF. Would Sky retain broadcasting rights/responsibilities, or would Paramount+ do their own broadcast? Might we see a commentator dream team of Piney & Hill? 

Paramount don't produce stuff, the APL hires broadcasting companies to provide the feed for Paramount. So it will be Sky producing, maybe they fly over some on air talents.

First Team Squad
over 10 years
Probably looking way too far forward here but I'm thinking about the implications of a Nix home GF. Would Sky retain broadcasting rights/responsibilities, or would Paramount+ do their own broadcast? Might we see a commentator dream team of Piney & Hill? 

Oh my - 'Nix in a home GF, AND Piney and Hill in commentary? That's all my dreams coming true right there 😍
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
This article has me grimly worrying whether the salty Vucktree fans on Reddit might have a point where they complain that "APL has decided that the Nix are going to win this year". I get the same feeling as with all those Black Caps matches we only won because of the shenanigans of Singaporean match-fixers
almost 17 years
This article has me grimly worrying whether the salty Vucktree fans on Reddit might have a point where they complain that "APL has decided that the Nix are going to win this year". I get the same feeling as with all those Black Caps matches we only won because of the shenanigans of Singaporean match-fixers

What i took from that article is that our refs are notoriously bad for favouring the "top" team, maybe the anti nix bias wasnt really anti-nix, just more focussed on the team that should win getting the calls for rather than against.
Starting XI
almost 6 years
I think its often been a case that Aus refs are influenced too much by home crowds.  So the Nix have always been at a disadvantage when playing away.
Has the introduction of VAR slowly changed that ??? 
almost 17 years
I think its often been a case that Aus refs are influenced too much by home crowds.  So the Nix have always been at a disadvantage when playing away.
Has the introduction of VAR slowly changed that ??? 

Possibly, I'm not even sure its a home crowd thing any more to be fair, I actually think the refs have this overarching belief as to who should win based on whoever is leading the league or has the "better" team.
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
I think its often been a case that Aus refs are influenced too much by home crowds.  So the Nix have always been at a disadvantage when playing away.
Has the introduction of VAR slowly changed that ??? 
Was talking to the guy that runs Ultimate A-League the other day about Refs records Home & Away, he produced this for me.

GGa3EiCbQAAjqFB.jpg 288.8 KB

This numbers remove any context, so don't read too much into it. Guys like Elder tend to get unimportant matches, where there is more chances of upsets etc. Whilst Faghani gets the big games and big teams are more likely to win at home.
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
This article has me grimly worrying whether the salty Vucktree fans on Reddit might have a point where they complain that "APL has decided that the Nix are going to win this year". I get the same feeling as with all those Black Caps matches we only won because of the shenanigans of Singaporean match-fixers

The APL has nothing to do with the Refs, that is all Football Australia's role afaik.
about 17 years
Heckov a job Domey.
So much worrying about crowds publicly instead of selling the team and we get this gleeful hit job:

Still, legendary ad man Mike Hutcheson is blunt. Not only are the Phoenix in the wrong city, the city doesn’t really care about the Phoenix.

Hutcheson maintains the ‘Nix need a hero – “a Messi or a Beckham” – to shift the dial.

It does quote Dome and Dale, but instead of it being about our most successful team so far the framing is about how NZ doesn’t like football and never will. Dome and Dale are presented as guys wearing foil hats trying to rebut the central idea that football is shark and Kiwis hate it.

Instead of an article about the amazing and unique couple of months coming up for the Nix, we’ve got an odd beg about not being too expensive. 

And Wellington media: a sincere go fudge yourselves. You’ve got all your pipes leaking, no money anywhere, a bunch of old NIMBYs strangling your future housing, a central government keen to ‘sanctuary city’ you and make you the enemy in a culture war and a tenacious proudly Wellington success story such as the Nix is met with this BS. GF yourself The Post. 

And as someone who one time flew into to Welly from Auckland for a bit of cricket in the morning, the Nix and flew out in the evening, I rate the stadium experience! The beers, the franks, the yellow, the Fever, twist and shout, Brockie scored…Got to shake Paul Iffil’s hand, did the Bonevacia chant for Roly…(much better than the time I ended up sad and drinking with Scott Jameson and Andy Keogh after a loss!)

Your ‘legendary’ ad man is an A grade prick and whoever decided to ask him should give themselves an uppercut. Beckham and Messi were footballers at billion dollar clubs whose star were built up by billions in advertising. You could build up Phoenix names, but instead let’s talk total BS instead. If only George Nepia was playing for the Wellington NPC team …! If Fred Tyson turned out for Wellington cricket…!

The Nix have been a conveyor belt of local talent and they’ve produced technically capable attacking players- Singh, Waine, Paulsen, Old, - tough defensive players in Surman, Hughes,  Paulsen, Sail and Rufer and revitalized whatever was going on with former Blackburn player Tim Payne. And Kosta! The toast of Wellington right? Returning home again after starring in Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney with his best form ever? Leading his home town club to the top of the table with goals both spectacular and mundane? 

Then imports Kraev, Zawada, Salas, Wootton and Ball all heroic and brilliant in their own way…

Pop someone on a billboard and sell these 9 weeks rather than letting a rotting hulk of malign intentions like whoever this Hutchence is define us. 

Come on Phoenix! 

Edit: I remember Paul Lewis years ago running a similar line of groupthink wisdom about the lack of a Dwight Yorke at the Nix in the Herald. He was gracious enough when I dropped him an email to point out how much a star Paul Iffil was, let alone characters like Bertos and Browny and Dura, and how aging superstars were very expensive and hit and miss, to print it as a letter as a dissenting view in the next edition. 
about 14 years
Heckov a job Domey.
So much worrying about crowds publicly instead of selling the team and we get this gleeful hit job:

Still, legendary ad man Mike Hutcheson is blunt. Not only are the Phoenix in the wrong city, the city doesn’t really care about the Phoenix.

Hutcheson maintains the ‘Nix need a hero – “a Messi or a Beckham” – to shift the dial.

It does quote Dome and Dale, but instead of it being about our most successful team so far the framing is about how NZ doesn’t like football and never will. Dome and Dale are presented as guys wearing foil hats trying to rebut the central idea that football is shark and Kiwis hate it.

Instead of an article about the amazing and unique couple of months coming up for the Nix, we’ve got an odd beg about not being too expensive. 

And Wellington media: a sincere go fudge yourselves. You’ve got all your pipes leaking, no money anywhere, a bunch of old NIMBYs strangling your future housing, a central government keen to ‘sanctuary city’ you and make you the enemy in a culture war and a tenacious proudly Wellington success story such as the Nix is met with this BS. GF yourself The Post. 

And as someone who one time flew into to Welly from Auckland for a bit of cricket in the morning, the Nix and flew out in the evening, I rate the stadium experience! The beers, the franks, the yellow, the Fever, twist and shout, Brockie scored…Got to shake Paul Iffil’s hand, did the Bonevacia chant for Roly…(much better than the time I ended up sad and drinking with Scott Jameson and Andy Keogh after a loss!)

Your ‘legendary’ ad man is an A grade prick and whoever decided to ask him should give themselves an uppercut. Beckham and Messi were footballers at billion dollar clubs whose star were built up by billions in advertising. You could build up Phoenix names, but instead let’s talk total BS instead. If only George Nepia was playing for the Wellington NPC team …! If Fred Tyson turned out for Wellington cricket…!

The Nix have been a conveyor belt of local talent and they’ve produced technically capable attacking players- Singh, Waine, Paulsen, Old, - tough defensive players in Surman, Hughes,  Paulsen, Sail and Rufer and revitalized whatever was going on with former Blackburn player Tim Payne. And Kosta! The toast of Wellington right? Returning home again after starring in Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney with his best form ever? Leading his home town club to the top of the table with goals both spectacular and mundane? 

Then imports Kraev, Zawada, Salas, Wootton and Ball all heroic and brilliant in their own way…

Pop someone on a billboard and sell these 9 weeks rather than letting a rotting hulk of malign intentions like whoever this Hutchence is define us. 

Come on Phoenix! 

Edit: I remember Paul Lewis years ago running a similar line of groupthink wisdom about the lack of a Dwight Yorke at the Nix in the Herald. He was gracious enough when I dropped him an email to point out how much a star Paul Iffil was, let alone characters like Bertos and Browny and Dura, and how aging superstars were very expensive and hit and miss, to print it as a letter as a dissenting view in the next edition. 

I do not know who Julie Jacobson is, but I do now that there is no worse way to write an article about a top class homegrown asset, Wellington Phoenix, than as a pathetic negative whinge.  Whoever agreed to publish this rubbish does not understand that positive coverage raises local income Nix generates when promoted correctly. Bars, cafes, pubs, parking, Fritz Wieners. It is a tremendous synergy of businesses that feed off it.  
@The Post: If you have nothing positive to write, STFU.  We have enough misery reading about Ukraine, Hamas, and The Orange One. 
almost 14 years
I said in another thread but I recon Zawada could be a bit of a cult hero towards the end of the season, get him scoring goals and channeling Zlatan in interviews (like the I am the best striker in the league comment) and he'll generate some positive buzz.
First Team Squad
almost 7 years
I said in another thread but I recon Zawada could be a bit of a cult hero towards the end of the season, get him scoring goals and channeling Zlatan in interviews (like the I am the best striker in the league comment) and he'll generate some positive buzz.
He’ll be our Prijovic come finals time.
about 17 years
And as for it isn’t a football town- I remember coming down for a game second year. We were sitting in a restaurant having a curry post-game and it was just streams of yellow shirts down the street and an old guy came up to me and asked about what had happened at the game. The only other time I remember a crowd and situation with that feeling was 91/92 World Cup walking back through the streets around Eden Park…

Just because crowds aren’t showing up at midnight for movies anymore, doesn’t mean Wellywood isn’t real. Same with the football. 

Let’s paint the streets yellow again boys! 
almost 14 years
Based on my limited knowledge of such things it seems like Wellington outperforms its population in the domestic football scene, so very much seems like a football town by NZ standards.

Ole, for instance has been around since the 90s and clubs like Miramar seem to have always been big clubs nationally.
and 2 others
about 14 years
Based on my limited knowledge of such things it seems like Wellington outperforms its population in the domestic football scene, so very much seems like a football town by NZ standards.

Ole, for instance has been around since the 90s and clubs like Miramar seem to have always been big clubs nationally.

Wellington has better game attendance per capita (of town population) than some Australian clubs. This is why it irks me so much reading that kind of garbage that The Post put out.
almost 17 years
Mainland FC
Based on my limited knowledge of such things it seems like Wellington outperforms its population in the domestic football scene, so very much seems like a football town by NZ standards.

Ole, for instance has been around since the 90s and clubs like Miramar seem to have always been big clubs nationally.

Wellington has better game attendance per capita (of town population) than some Australian clubs. This is why it irks me so much reading that kind of garbage that The Post put out.

It's always been a bugbear that we get this annual comparison of actual numbers. Wellington as a region has circa 500k people. Auckland's pop is 4x that, Sydney and Melb are 10x, Newcastle 330 Central Coast (gosford) 175k. Those last two are effectively suburbs in their regions. Add to that we barely register any away fans attending our home games.
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
Firstly: I have never fudgeing heard of "legendary ad man Mike Hutcheson", who is he and who decided that his opinion was worth covering?

Secondly: I may be losing my mind here, but does NO-ONE a few years ago remember when it was common sense that Aucklanders are fickle, they don't make the effort to support their teams, no Auckland team could draw support from the whole supercity - so an Auckland A-League team would a pipe dream, whereas compact homely Wellington was the perfect home base?

These people just pull narratives out of their bungholes to get attention. And when they're proved wrong by reality, they pull the opposite narrative out. And the mainstream media aid and abet this. Everyone wins when the public have short memories and can only repeat what's in the paper today.
and 2 others
about 14 years
Firstly: I have never fudgeing heard of "legendary ad man Mike Hutcheson", who is he and who decided that his opinion was worth covering?

Secondly: I may be losing my mind here, but does NO-ONE a few years ago remember when it was common sense that Aucklanders are fickle, they don't make the effort to support their teams, no Auckland team could draw support from the whole supercity - so an Auckland A-League team would a pipe dream, whereas compact homely Wellington was the perfect home base?

These people just pull narratives out of their bungholes to get attention. And when they're proved wrong by reality, they pull the opposite narrative out. And the mainstream media aid and abet this. Everyone wins when the public have short memories and can only repeat what's in the paper today.

"...It's in the newspaper, so it must be true"
almost 17 years
Mainland FC
Firstly: I have never fudgeing heard of "legendary ad man Mike Hutcheson", who is he and who decided that his opinion was worth covering?

Secondly: I may be losing my mind here, but does NO-ONE a few years ago remember when it was common sense that Aucklanders are fickle, they don't make the effort to support their teams, no Auckland team could draw support from the whole supercity - so an Auckland A-League team would a pipe dream, whereas compact homely Wellington was the perfect home base?

These people just pull narratives out of their bungholes to get attention. And when they're proved wrong by reality, they pull the opposite narrative out. And the mainstream media aid and abet this. Everyone wins when the public have short memories and can only repeat what's in the paper today.

"...It's in the newspaper, so it must be true"

Doesnt even have to be "in print" top be treated as gospel these days. Just being online somewhere seems to be accepted as truth.
and 1 other
about 17 years
Mainland FC
Based on my limited knowledge of such things it seems like Wellington outperforms its population in the domestic football scene, so very much seems like a football town by NZ standards.

Ole, for instance has been around since the 90s and clubs like Miramar seem to have always been big clubs nationally.

Wellington has better game attendance per capita (of town population) than some Australian clubs. This is why it irks me so much reading that kind of garbage that The Post put out.

It's always been a bugbear that we get this annual comparison of actual numbers. Wellington as a region has circa 500k people. Auckland's pop is 4x that, Sydney and Melb are 10x, Newcastle 330 Central Coast (gosford) 175k. Those last two are effectively suburbs in their regions. Add to that we barely register any away fans attending our home games.

I mean tbf that is one of the points he makes discussing crowd sizes. Per capita only counts if that’s how you get paid I guess.  

But with all his reckons he should go offer Terry McFlynn his help with the Black Knights.
about 17 years
Point being for us: it’s a guna be a big couple of months, tell your friends, bring them along, wear your stripeys and other gear on Fridays and as often as you can and let’s bring the A league premiership back to the home of NZ football! 

See if we can get Domey his final before the final, which if we’re alive in a premiership dogfight is perfectly possible I reckon. We don’t need to copy the Warriors or anyone else we don’t want to. 

Come on Phoenix! 
and 2 others
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
and 1 other
Starting XI
over 14 years
I so think that the warriors also have scarcity on their side.  Only dir 20k in mt smart i think.  Also increases hype with the media.  Still rember when we first made the finals and there was hype then over ticket sales with the pax threads and we did sell out the ring of fire
Bossi Insider
about 16 years

1pm Easter Sunday kick off now. That feels a much better kick off than 7pm on Good Friday.
and 3 others
Phoenix Academy
11 months
Posting this here because it’s most relevant here..

I also think the remaining games at sky stadium will all get crowds near or over 10k.
Match vs Adelaide on Sunday will likely get 9-10k.. PAX is already same as Western game day but we’re 3 days out.
Vs Brisbane on Easter Sunday (1pm KO) likely to get close to 10k even tho the long weekend
Vs Victory, Friday 12 April 7pm. That’s when school holidays start. Plus will likely be hyped due to the last game and both teams ladder position. Could get 10-15k there.
Vs MacArthur Sat 27 April. Dear I say if we have the chance to lift the plate then, or even finish top 2, could see 10-15k again.

Plus Sydney fc at Eden park will get 20k mark my words.
All will bring hundreds of thousands of extra revenue to the club.

All the remaining home games are spaced out 2-3 weeks, and all looks good (KO times, pre sales, spectacle)
over 9 years
Agree it all looks very promising re the potential crowds. 

Combine this with a reported $1M drop in the squad wages budget from last season (gone Sail, Lewis, Ugarkovic, Sasse, Laws, N Boxall - in basically no one) - and it's got to be close to a best ever financial result for the Welnix group. With the the likelihood of 1 or 2 profitable player sales in the off season. Even Rob may crack a smile.
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
and 2 others
Phoenix Academy
11 months
Hey everyone I wanted to ask of those who have purchased a Road to the Finals package on ticketek,for the final few games at Sky stadium, is it one ticket for all the games or do they send you 3 different codes to scan at each individual game ?

Starting XI
about 15 years
I've tried to buy a three pack using best available and I can't even get one ticket.  So I can't tell you if there are three separate tickets or just one.

screen grab2.png 16.71 KB

Phoenix Academy
11 months
Oh yeah that’s so weird. Something must not be working there.
Do post again if you manage to purchase 
Starting XI
about 15 years
I wonder if they only released a certain number.  I've emailed to find out if more will be released as it is a good deal.  
about 17 years
The game on the 31st. I am hoping to attend this one. We need to hit them for 6 to improve our goal difference and not just our games won numbers. More goals = Better morale for our attack.
First Team Squad
almost 2 years
Why are you so obsessed with GD. The chances are extremely slim that we finish equal on points and wins with the Mariners. 
about 17 years
Why are you so obsessed with GD. The chances are extremely slim that we finish equal on points and wins with the Mariners. 

Read my last sentence.
about 14 years
Why are you so obsessed with GD. The chances are extremely slim that we finish equal on points and wins with the Mariners. 

Read my last sentence.

I would give David Ball enough minutes for that reason alone. And Kraev is aching for a goal.
Starting XI
about 15 years
I can confirm there are three separate tickets. 
Oh yeah that’s so weird. Something must not be working there.
Do post again if you manage to purchase 
Phoenix Academy
11 months
Thank you. Now. Is any one keen to purchase 2 tickets off me, an adult and child, in YF Zone, for a discounted price only for the 31st March Easter game?
I am going to the last two, but by doing this I could get a discount for the last two games and also someone else could score a discount for the Easter game?
I can email you the PDF ticket

Edit: the tickets for two people cost $47.01 individually, or  $141.03 purchasing individually for the three games.
The three game pass for adult and child totals at $107.31 or  $35.77 per game.
Two games by themself cost $94.02.
If someone wants to buy the tickets for Sun 31st game adult and child YF for $30? That way you save $17 and I save $16.71…

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