Starting XI
over 14 years

N-Bomb wrote:

Makes sense, thanks. I'm giving all my 3.5-4 star guys 10 minutes at the end of every match regardless of the score so I shouldn't have too many problems.

How many subs can we make? I am doing similar, but set it so the DM & GK youngsters get time only if we lead, all other scores my LW, MC & DL get a run.
Starting XI
about 14 years

Just three subs, otherwise I'd be chucking everyone on. It's probably cost me a point or two but in the long run it should turn out all good.

over 14 years

Tegal wrote:

It's 0.1 routine per game if they've played 10mins or more. 0.3 per competitive international. So yeah it takes a while. 

Do Challenge matches/Friendlies count?
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Nah, only competitve matches - league, cup, international tournaments.

So if your player played every game in a league season, you'd expect him to gain 3.5 routine (plus 0.1 per cup match win)

Starting XI
over 14 years

So got a new Youth Product today...Who is more believable? Youth Dev who say 3.5 Pot, or My Sen 19/Yth 20/Dev 20 Scout?

Jim Imms  (Great Name too)

Also if my Scout is more believable should I hire the other 10 guys in my Youth Dev area who are 2.5 or less stars on the chance one of them shows up to the Scout as higher?

Starting XI
about 14 years

Youth development is almost always wrong in my experiences, your scout will be closer to the truth. I would give it a go for anyone over 2 stars in case they might be a 3 star player, if not just fire them.

I have two of these cases today, Nicolas Hay is scouted at 2.5 stars by Youth Dev but I fear he's lower than that (have no scouts atm), while Ned Shinner is scouted as a 3 but I'm hoping he's higher as he looks like a stud.

PS: why do you pull the older talents, guys who are age 20 and so? Is it just personal preference instead of getting 17/18 year old players?

Starting XI
over 14 years

N-Bomb wrote:

Youth development is almost always wrong in my experiences, your scout will be closer to the truth. I would give it a go for anyone over 2 stars in case they might be a 3 star player, if not just fire them.

I have two of these cases today, Nicolas Hay is scouted at 2.5 stars by Youth Dev but I fear he's lower than that (have no scouts atm), while Ned Shinner is scouted as a 3 but I'm hoping he's higher as he looks like a stud.

PS: why do you pull the older talents, guys who are age 20 and so? Is it just personal preference instead of getting 17/18 year old players?

Umm can I change it to give me 17-18yr olds? If so where?
Starting XI
about 14 years

When you get to choose your position you want the youth to play, it has "older talents", there's a drop down box where you can get normal talents - 17/18 year olds, and younger talents (15/16 but costs 2 pro days). Just gives you a bit more use with those guys - at the age of 20 they will be 2/2.5 stars instead of 1.5 and will have more routine

Starting XI
over 14 years

Umm can you screenshot it? I can't see it anywhere.

Starting XI
about 14 years

Afraid I can't at the moment because I've already drafted my youth guys for this week, somebody who hasn't quite yet should be able to, the option is only available on Saturday before you've selected your youth so you won't be able to see it until next Saturday.

Starting XI
over 14 years

N-Bomb wrote:
Afraid I can't at the moment because I've already drafted my youth guys for this week, somebody who hasn't quite yet should be able to, the option is only available on Saturday before you've selected your youth so you won't be able to see it until next Saturday.

Right well guess I will spot it next week :)

Starting XI
over 14 years

Further Question time.

As I am really getting into this I have been pondering paying for Pro. 

First off it says that it is for a "Year" what exactly does that give me, is it 365 Pro Days, or is it something else?

Secondly is it worth it? Benefits vs cost?

And anything else anyone has to say about Pro would be great as well.

over 12 years

One year = 365 days pro.  I've had pro basically since I started playing so I can't really remember what it's like without it.  I'll give you some pro days so you can see the additional features and go from there.

over 12 years

......sorry, might have to wait until Tegal is on.  I'm not sure how I actually transfer the pro.  If someone an let me know what screen I go to, I'll put it through.

Starting XI
over 14 years

Thanks Rammtallica, I have no idea how you do it either, but will have a look around thank you muchly.

Starting XI
about 14 years

Personally I'm not the type of person who has online subscriptions and the like, but the main attraction for TM Pro has to be having a B team, it's pretty much impossible to make it to the top without a B side, so if I get good I might have to reconsider. At the moment those videos mean I usually have 1/2 spare pro days, meaning I can have the benefits of most of the Pro stuff without having to pay up.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

On tool bar under club -> account -> donate pro

You'll need club ID and it takes a 'tax'

over 12 years

Cool - thanks Tegal.  Donation made.

over 14 years

So, any theories on this? My new youth guy, Nick Watson ...

Two scouts say his specialty is Technical... he comes out of the youth academy with a 14 for Technical... but they both rate him as "poor" technically... wtf?

I am trying to work out whether I should focus his training on technical, or fitness to begin with...

almost 17 years

14 technique is good, for a midfielder though he needs to work on his passing, positioning and workrate

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

I think the scout grading means how much more he can improve before he peaks. Since he already has 14 technique, he'll it his peak sooner. 

This is just a guess. 

Starting XI
over 14 years

So I have a Reserve question. I currently have two reasonable MCs starting, 23 & 24yr olds, so I don't need a replacement desperately. But my question is about which of the younger guys I have I should be using as a sub in games? There are several options (In order of current stars - Potential in brackets):

1) Daniel Minison (3) - Probably my favourite right now, downside is he looks to be Development done, so might not get better.

2) J. Choo Yong (3.5) - Looks Solid, definitely finished development, also foreigner

3) Tony Allard (4) - Not the best, but rated higher than other options

4) Lucas Peden (3.5) - This guys is my current sub, Looks to have a good future, needs developing

The Others - Jim Esler (2.5), Jim Imms (3.5) & Mark Fair (2.5) - These guys appear to be the lesser options, but may be good enough.

I think I am going to choose between Peden & Minison, but any thoughts from you guys might assist me in making that decision.

Starting XI
about 14 years

Could you post what their potential is as well? Hard to say without knowing how good they'll become. At first glance, Minson easily, it's hard to bring on a 1-1.5 star player and have any hope they'll contribute anything, unless you are up by 2 or more and just want routine.

Starting XI
over 14 years

Added potentials from the last time I scouted each of them :)

Starting XI
about 14 years

Interesting, I used my last scout to scout Allard and he had Allard as a three, if you definitely have him as a four then he'd probably be the way to go.

What is at the heart of this question is whether you want to contend now, and get promoted, or build for two-three seasons down the track. If you want to build, go for the highest potential. If you want to compete - Minson.

One possibility is putting two MC's on the bench - one in the wing spot, and bringing on the lesser guy if you go up by 2 goals.

Starting XI
over 14 years

Yeah, the Allard 4* is the oldest report.

I currently use my subs as follows ST, OML, MC, DM, GK => Basically in an effort to train up as many of the young guys in positions where I have more senior options available right now. Definitely want to have my ST, OML, GK on bench, second two to cover my older guys, the ST I think has a great future. Make changes depending on the score could possibly switch my DM for a MC, as at DM, I have my best youngster currently starting, and then my second best on the bench, but could set-up to bring on a young MC for the young DM, and drop Wilson back to DM. 

So I guess I could go with Peden & Minson, and could have Minson on most of the time & Peden come on if we're leading.

Starting XI
about 14 years

Or, the B team alternative! You seem to have more than enough players, and if you don't want to pay for the pro days....

Starting XI
over 14 years

I made a decision to leave the B team for a season, but will get it at the start of next season when I make a Pro payment. And then we will see how it goes, so for this season think there may be a bit of rotation to get some of my youngsters up to where I want them.

almost 17 years

that's pretty much what I did, I found it really tough to give decent young guys a run without a 'B' team

over 14 years
A question about developing youth talents... When I get a youth from my academy who is already at say 1500 - 3000 I can develop them nicely and I have a genuine talent.

When I get a 17 or 18 year old with 4 star potential but an SI of say 150, it seesm to take FOR-FREAKING-EVER to get them any routine and any big training gains... it takes ages to get them up to 1000. Once there then they start developing at a reasonable rate...

So I have a few blokes at under 1000 SI in my B team right now. They all have great potential, but they're not developing...

My theory is that with the younger youth pulls if they haven't started blooming yet that is the cause of the slow start... but I am unsure should I just train them and not play them in my B team until they bloom - the thinking being they're just taking up a spot in my B team that some one else who is blooming could be using... or should I try to squeeze everything I can out of them even before they bloom, so that in the long run they become the best they can be? (The other guys who could be using the B team slot might have a lower potential, say 3.5 stars, but already blooming)...


Head Sleuth
over 17 years

I always base my B team on potential (if I can be bothered going through them all and checking it). You'll be using the higher potential guys in the long run, not the lower potential, so it makes sense to give them the routine.

Starting XI
over 14 years

Does the Money for League game Attendance get added before the game starts? I just gained 5m, have a home game tonight, didn't have any players for sale.

over 14 years
Starting XI
over 14 years
bwtcf wrote:


Sweet, been working on building up my stadium and money-making facilities lately, seems to be helping out nicely.
almost 17 years

what about the international games? who receives the money from attendances in those?

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

I imagine no one. Guess for realism you'd say NZF. 

over 14 years
Tegal wrote:

I imagine no one. Guess for realism you'd say NZF. 

A syndicate of bookmakers in Dubai or Mumbai?
almost 17 years
Tegal wrote:

I imagine no one. Guess for realism you'd say NZF. 

hmmm, seems a little out of kilter, if NZF got the money then surely it would be distibuted across the country - I wonder if there is a way to have the funds distributed to contributing teams?

over 14 years
theprof wrote:
Tegal wrote:

I imagine no one. Guess for realism you'd say NZF. 

hmmm, seems a little out of kilter, if NZF got the money then surely it would be distibuted across the country - I wonder if there is a way to have the funds distributed to contributing teams?

That's not how it happens, and it is a good thing... because if there was there would DEFINITELY be a vesterd interest for the National coach in picking players from their club(s).
Starting XI
over 14 years

Would be quite good if the sum of money (Combo of attendance for Internationals + "prize money" etc depending on results) was split between all clubs in the nation. Would give all clubs a reason to make their national side better, and add a reason to follow with interest as well.

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