Woof Woof
about 17 years

theprof wrote:

 that's the big question, on recent form you'd be a bit uncomfortable, but he has some time to get the lads fired up to beat Perth/Western United.

Or Brisbane. Although on current form, we should be praying for Perth. They're the only ones I actually feel like we might be able to beat right now.

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

^^^ See, I'm not the only one who understands that the wheels have come off. And primary responsibility for that has to be with the gaffer (although I concede that not playing in NZ has been a huge factor in the current omnishambles). Don't forget that the LOLry are also required to be playing more than 1000km from home.

almost 17 years

el grapadura wrote:

theprof wrote:

 that's the big question, on recent form you'd be a bit uncomfortable, but he has some time to get the lads fired up to beat Perth/Western United.

Or Brisbane. Although on current form, we should be praying for Perth. They're the only ones I actually feel like we might be able to beat right now.

yeah I agree, Roar, and WU have certainly come back stronger. interesting to note that the two teams who are the farthest away from home (perth and us) have both been struggling. 

Roar, WU, Jets all showing vast improvement. 

Woof Woof
about 17 years

theprof wrote:

el grapadura wrote:

theprof wrote:

 that's the big question, on recent form you'd be a bit uncomfortable, but he has some time to get the lads fired up to beat Perth/Western United.

Or Brisbane. Although on current form, we should be praying for Perth. They're the only ones I actually feel like we might be able to beat right now.

interesting to note that the two teams who are the farthest away from home (perth and us) have both been struggling. 

To be frank, I don't think that's a coincidence and we probably should have expected it in hindsight.

Although Sydney have been dreadful too, it's a shame we can't get the Perth/Sydney combo to make the grand final.

almost 17 years

Leggy wrote:

Doloras wrote:

Well, if you guys are happy with yet another season of failure, then so be it

This year we have played better football than since our first entry into the league. The coach has done a great job and it is  his first season.

Get a life.

This is our best season ever so far. 

We've had a few subpar performances in a row, but I wouldn't count this team or coach out yet.

and 2 others
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

I'm probably not going to watch the first final because I fully expect us to get dicked, whoever it is.

However, if we win, I will eat my words publicly.

almost 17 years

Doloras wrote:

I'm probably not going to watch the first final because I fully expect us to get dicked, whoever it is.

However, if we win, I will eat my words publicly.

I'm looking forward to this public apology already

Starting XI
almost 15 years

I think Talay should go, his failed to get us the league winners and will deff fail at getting us the finals champions. Our form is so bad CCM would smash us to bits. Talay has lost the dressing room for sure as you can tell by players just not caring like Davila and Hooper etc.

Replace him with a kiwi coach for the finals and play the kids to build up for next season.

One in a million
over 17 years

Doloras wrote:

I'm probably not going to watch the first final because I fully expect us to get dicked, whoever it is.

However, if we win, I will eat my words publicly.

If we don't get dicked, can you also please not watch the next game, just for consistency. We don't want to ruin our finals run

about 17 years

We might have lost that last game and missed scoring goals but the way we played - especially in that first 20 minutes was excellent to watch. We WERE all over them. Goals will come.

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

Yeah, I've never understood that "goals will come" mentality, as a player or a spectator. It just seems to be an excuse for wasteful finishing.

about 15 years

Doloras wrote:

It's the disappointment I can't stand. Last season I expected nothing and got nothing and I'm fine with that. But to throw it all away like this shows a severe lack of mental fortitude, and I don't want to blame a whole team of players, so I'll blame the gaffer.

So wait - your statement is you expected nothing last year and got nothing so were not disappointed but this year you are? 

What were you expecting at the start of the season then? You cant sit there and say you confidently thought we would be easily better than where we are now.
Begs the question how are Sydney then in your eyes cause they have gone from runaway best team in come to "failures" too...........

You should step away from the keyboard because you are talking tripe

Starting XI
almost 6 years

I know it was a crazy game but it looked a bit like Talay was loosing it on the side line. Think that may have affected the players a bit. They looked like they were getting desperate to score, a bit rattled and lost composure and structure as the game went on.

A bit more composure shown from Talay would certainly rub off better for the players on the field.

over 17 years

You're right, Ranix. He probably  overplayed his hand and let the team down in the process. On the other hand, that (and the team post-restart slump in form) is not enough to call for him to be sacked

about 14 years

In defence of Doloras, I do not think she is being negative. She is simply ambitious. It is hard to watch the limp end of the season, but that's football. We've had glimpses of a very good team in the making, and a foundation being laid for the next season.

I for one am happy with the changes we've had under Talay.

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Ufuk ing beauty. He's done an amazing job this year to put together a competitive squad from scratch. Don't underestimate the impact of being in quarantine/isolation in Australia, away from family and friends. Also the loss of home ground advantage has been significant challenge for us. Looking forward to building on this year and hopefully having some home games next season! In Ufuk we trust.

and 1 other
Woof Woof
about 17 years

Mainland FC wrote:

In defence of Doloras, I do not think she is being negative. She is simply ambitious. It is hard to watch the limp end of the season, but that's football. We've had glimpses of a very good team in the making, and a foundation being laid for the next season.

I for one am happy with the changes we've had under Talay.

I think that part of the angst is that there is zero assurance that this is a foundation for next season - with the salary cap about to be halved, the prospect of a season long bubble in Australia, and the incoming income hit with TV money and potential of no home games at all next season, there is a pretty high probability that our squad could be quite different next season, and who knows how that will go.

So in that context, this season feels like a big missed opportunity, although given the practicalities of resuming the league post-lockdown, we probably should've expected some difficulties in hindsight.

One in a million
over 17 years

el grapadura wrote:

Mainland FC wrote:

In defence of Doloras, I do not think she is being negative. She is simply ambitious. It is hard to watch the limp end of the season, but that's football. We've had glimpses of a very good team in the making, and a foundation being laid for the next season.

I for one am happy with the changes we've had under Talay.

I think that part of the angst is that there is zero assurance that this is a foundation for next season - with the salary cap about to be halved, the prospect of a season long bubble in Australia, and the incoming income hit with TV money and potential of no home games at all next season, there is a pretty high probability that our squad could be quite different next season, and who knows how that will go.

So in that context, this season feels like a big missed opportunity, although given the practicalities of resuming the league post-lockdown, we probably should've expected some difficulties in hindsight.

It won't feel like a 'big missed opportunity' to me unless we're eliminated in the first game 

Woof Woof
about 17 years

el grapadura wrote:

Mainland FC wrote:

In defence of Doloras, I do not think she is being negative. She is simply ambitious. It is hard to watch the limp end of the season, but that's football. We've had glimpses of a very good team in the making, and a foundation being laid for the next season.

I for one am happy with the changes we've had under Talay.

I think that part of the angst is that there is zero assurance that this is a foundation for next season - with the salary cap about to be halved, the prospect of a season long bubble in Australia, and the incoming income hit with TV money and potential of no home games at all next season, there is a pretty high probability that our squad could be quite different next season, and who knows how that will go.

So in that context, this season feels like a big missed opportunity, although given the practicalities of resuming the league post-lockdown, we probably should've expected some difficulties in hindsight.

It won't feel like a 'big missed opportunity' to me unless we're eliminated in the first game 

If we finished second, winning a play-off game would've meant playing in the grand final. God knows when we'll have as good a shot as that again.

Phoenix Academy
over 4 years

el grapadura wrote:

Mainland FC wrote:

In defence of Doloras, I do not think she is being negative. She is simply ambitious. It is hard to watch the limp end of the season, but that's football. We've had glimpses of a very good team in the making, and a foundation being laid for the next season.

I for one am happy with the changes we've had under Talay.

I think that part of the angst is that there is zero assurance that this is a foundation for next season - with the salary cap about to be halved, the prospect of a season long bubble in Australia, and the incoming income hit with TV money and potential of no home games at all next season, there is a pretty high probability that our squad could be quite different next season, and who knows how that will go.

So in that context, this season feels like a big missed opportunity, although given the practicalities of resuming the league post-lockdown, we probably should've expected some difficulties in hindsight.

I just think we have to be positive. The guys will know they have let themselves, the club and the supporters down. It’s obviously been hard living in a hotel for seven???? weeks. But they will now know it’s knockout football time. As we have seen from the CL in Europe anything is now possible. The season will be soon over and they have one last big chance to make the season a success. I think they will do us proud.

As for next season and the squad. Probably no imports and a squad of our young kiwis, resign our Australians and then get the best available players from the NZ league. I am sure there will be plenty of local players who would love a season of ALeague even from a hub in Sydney. We would be competitive IMO. We have the whole of NZ. The other A League clubs will be fighting over the talent in their State Leagues.

over 9 years

See that QLD State Premier in last few days has said, she won't reopen state borders (ie no 2 week quarantine travel requirement) with VIC & NSW until there is no longer any Covid community transmission in those 2 states. She estimated that won't be until post Xmas with VIC, though any concrete dates no one really knows. I guess the same will apply to NZ, absolute no chance of travel there until back to zero community transmission in NZ.

However I understand QLD is still open to quarantine free travel with TAS, SA, NT & WA. Think I have that right.

So could the FFA/NLWG try for 3 hubs - one each in Brisbane, Adelaide & Perth. Each of 4 teams playing, and travelling in and out to the other hubs? At least that way you get a bit of travel, which players would probably actually enjoy, presume crowds would be possible - and then just hope that eventually playing in NSW and VIC becomes an option. The AFL I note are operating their season at the moment as a bit of a travelling Australian roadshow, skipping VIC and NSW.

But whatever setup season 2020/2021 kicks off with, it's very hard to see how Nix can host any home games, and so avoid relocating to Aussie again. I just don't think there will be a political appetite for giving Trans Tasman travel exemptions to sports teams.

More likely that exemptions would be granted for player's immediate families to join them in Australia. That's going to shape up as a very key solution for the FFA/NLWG. Getting travel exemptions for player's families to join them in some sort of larger hub(s). Especially important for retaining visa players like Ball & Davila, or trying to sign new visa guys (going to be tough). 

NRL tried and failed on behalf of the Warrior's player's families. No surprise 4 players got sick of it all after a few months, and returned to NZ. Hopefully those running the A League have more luck.

over 17 years

Think you may find that some of those Warriors players families didnt want to relocate to Aussie as some got their families before travel restrictions came in. Agree its not going to be easy and think we will have to be based in Oz initially. Biggest concern for A  League is getting anaming rights sponsor and securing a TV deal as if crowds still arnt allowed its going to make it bloody hard.

over 9 years

OzNix wrote:

Ufuk ing beauty. He's done an amazing job this year to put together a competitive squad from scratch. Don't underestimate the impact of being in quarantine/isolation in Australia, away from family and friends. Also the loss of home ground advantage has been significant challenge for us. Looking forward to building on this year and hopefully having some home games next season! In Ufuk we trust.

For some light relief that brave traveller Karl Pilkington unintentionally, but succinctly explains why the Nix season has sadly gone mud like since March.

Hint it's got nothing to do with Uffie, but a lot to do with the grub in China.



almost 14 years

Q: Who would be well-placed to rebuild the Nix without some leading internationals, or a big budget, and likely playing out of Australia for the season?

A: An Australian coach who has deep knowledge of developing young players, and now a season under his belt with the Nix.  

UFUK-ING  know it.

about 15 years

Now Doloras, you can say it’s a disappointing season.

over 5 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Now Doloras, you can say it’s a disappointing season.

More accurately you can compare it to those tv shows that were really good but a had a shark ending
about 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Now Doloras, you can say it’s a disappointing season.

More accurately you can compare it to those tv shows that were really good but a had a shark ending

"Lost" immediately springs to mind. 

almost 17 years

great to see the league position and the way the talent has been coming through 

Wana win something next season. Dammit, this would have been a great stable squad with a great ethic, but I guess there's a lot going on at the moment.

about 17 years

Thanks for turning a team expected to finish last with a squad of 7 players, into a force to be reckoned with, entertaining beyond our expectances etc. I really appreciate what you have done. I hope you stay here and finish the job next season by winning it. 

about 17 years

thanx for the season and some good memories 

over 9 years


After knocking back interest from Melbourne Victory, Talay confirmed that he will be back at the Phoenix next season to see out the second year of his contract. He is due to return to New Zealand in the coming days, where he will serve his fourth stint in Covid-19 quarantine along with the majority of the squad.

“I’m flying back to Wellington, so I’ll be there for next season.”

Starting XI
about 16 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

Thanks for turning a team expected to finish last with a squad of 7 players, into a force to be reckoned with, entertaining beyond our expectances etc. I really appreciate what you have done. I hope you stay here and finish the job next season by winning it. 

Hear, hear !!!

I think that Ufuk Talay has done a very good job despite being a vastly inexperienced coach.

Lets remember that this has been his first season in charge of a fully professional side (or in fact any club side).

Apart from a brief spell in 2012 after he finished playing and last season, as an assistant at Sydney FC, Talay had no previous club coaching experience at any level, not even state league. Whereas Mark Rudan had coached successfully in the NSW Premier League for six seasons before taking the Nix job.

Talay had mainly only been involved in youth coaching at the AIS and national age group sides which is a very different thing to senior club coaching. 

First Team Squad
over 5 years

a coach who more than exceeded my expectations for the season. I was cautious given the previous prick but he seems as genuine as he comes across in the press. Look forward tos Ewing what he does next season at the nix.

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Any thoughts about trying to sign Uffie for a further two seasons? Seems like a good man-manager and has got the best out of our youngsters. 

Uffie seems to be well connected with the under-age setup in Australia. We've benefitted massively from signings such as Piscopo, Devlin, Laws etc.... 

He's also been fortunate to spend a fair majority of the last two seasons in Australia because of COVID-19.

How does/did his Mrs like Wellington (when they were actually living here)?

I think he could really do something with this squad if we gave him the opportunity to stay a few more seasons.

about 17 years

This point. In Uffie, I trust.

Starting XI
almost 6 years

I'm sure Uffie is ambitious. If he got an offer from a richer club like Melb City or Victory. Would he stay?

It'd be great for us if he signed on again. That consistency would be awesome.

But hope the Nix are keeping tabs on other options just in case. Des Buckingham springs to mind.

over 9 years

Buckingham has to be the main candidate to replace Talay, if he moves on.

Success with U20s, been at Nix before, knows football scene very well in NZ (incl National League, academies etc), and now getting really useful experience of the A League from an Australian angle with Melb City. Don't under estimate the value of that last factor.

And perhaps most importantly Des seems to actually genuinely like living in Wellington/NZ! 

You'd hope not just stepping stone type gig for him.

Getting paid to be here
almost 7 years

The latest on this (from here)

One saving grace for the Phoenix as they headed into the new season was that they didn’t have to find a new coach for the first time in four years, but Ufuk Talay is now less than six months away from being a free agent and there has been little said about the prospect of an extension.

Dome didn’t want to add much, saying he was “reluctant to make any comment on that, because that's really with Rob”.

“All I can tell you is that discussions have been held and there are things that are being discussed between the chairman and the head coach.”

Shortly afterwards a request for an update was put to Talay himself, but all he would offer was further confirmation that there have been discussions. 

There is nothing unusual about keeping contract talks private, but the Phoenix obviously want Talay to stay and have given him quite a bit of influence. He’s promoted the coach-slash-analyst he hired last year – Giancarlo Italiano – to sit beside him on the sideline ahead of Chris Greenacre (though anyone who saw the Phoenix train last year will tell you Chief, as he is known, has always played an integral role) and many of the players he recruited during the off-season were young Australians he had ties to from former jobs.

When the red carpet is laid out like that on one hand, but no deal is forthcoming on the other, fans will rightly start to worry another organisational reshuffle might be on the cards come the end of the season. 

over 17 years

In the A-League, changing coaches every couple years isn't a bad thing. There is more short termism, less long term thinking in general

almost 17 years

given our recent track record with coaches leaving mid-term I think the club needs to do everything they can to hold onto Uffie for as long as possible, It would be nice for us to have 4/5 solid years with the same coach, building a plan and player base he wants. The constant change is just destructive.

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