3 points always suspended Western Sydney Wanderers FC

almost 14 years

Seriously, no swearing WTF? 

It's turning into the YF forum.

Not Elite enough
about 17 years

Just seen on Twitter that one guy is equating it with Nazi Germany and asking if the cops will be marching the RBB to a gas chamber? The level of their sense of self-entitlement, and their collective persecution complex, is staggering.

Early retirement
over 17 years


*Disclaimer.  This is not a reference to all fans of the club just the vocal minority who think that the world revolves around them and the rules and law don't apply to them.

about 13 years

He has since apologies for the reference after being called out on it. Just annoys me when people compare things they don't like to Nazi Germany, I get that you are upset but really.

about 17 years

Jag wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

RR wrote:

The long list of tough restrictions the police intend to enforce when the Wanderers kick off their 2015-16 season on October 8 against Brisbane Roar include:
  • Banning the traditional march by the RBB through the Parramatta CBD to Pirtek Stadium;
  • The RBB won't be allowed to display any banners that are considered to be provocative;
  • There will be a zero tolerance for swearing;
  • RBB supporters will be ordered to remain in their seats and to not 'compress' [stand shoulder-to-shoulder and jump and clap their hands above their heads ] when they chant;
  • Only one person, designated by the club, will be allowed to take a megaphone into the stadium; Flares will not be tolerated. The police intend to ensure the rules are followed.

Personally I think they brought this on themselves!

I think this is a bit of a "reaping what you sow" situation for our RBB friends. They didn't mind effectively doing whatever they liked and breaking rules/laws all over the shop whenever it suited them to, then whined if they got flak about it. Yeah, this is a huuuuuuge overreaction by the NSW Cops, no doubt about it, and some of these restrictions are laughable but I agree that the RBB's actions and attitude have pretty much put them in a situation where they were going to be stamped on. The FFA didn't have the balls to do anything at all, so now the police have gone overboard to "control" them. 

My thoughts exactly.  Hugely over the top, but has been brought on by the ridiculous behaviour of the RBB, who have shown zero interest in self policing.

over 14 years

Jag wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

RR wrote:

The long list of tough restrictions the police intend to enforce when the Wanderers kick off their 2015-16 season on October 8 against Brisbane Roar include:
  • Banning the traditional march by the RBB through the Parramatta CBD to Pirtek Stadium;
  • The RBB won't be allowed to display any banners that are considered to be provocative;
  • There will be a zero tolerance for swearing;
  • RBB supporters will be ordered to remain in their seats and to not 'compress' [stand shoulder-to-shoulder and jump and clap their hands above their heads ] when they chant;
  • Only one person, designated by the club, will be allowed to take a megaphone into the stadium; Flares will not be tolerated. The police intend to ensure the rules are followed.

Personally I think they brought this on themselves!

I think this is a bit of a "reaping what you sow" situation for our RBB friends. They didn't mind effectively doing whatever they liked and breaking rules/laws all over the shop whenever it suited them to, then whined if they got flak about it. Yeah, this is a huuuuuuge overreaction by the NSW Cops, no doubt about it, and some of these restrictions are laughable but I agree that the RBB's actions and attitude have pretty much put them in a situation where they were going to be stamped on. The FFA didn't have the balls to do anything at all, so now the police have gone overboard to "control" them. 

Totally agree Jag.

I was discussing this with a mate of mine who is in the RBB last night. I said almost exactly that and his reaction was interesting. He said:

"I think you might not understand the culture of the Western Suburbs area of Sydney. We are perceived as the under class society. it's not that we don't respect authority but always being told what to do doesn't sit well with the ultras. The smarter thing to do would've been to not mention the flares at all."

I am not in agreement with him on that, but I was surprised that that was his reaction. I guess it looks really really different from the inside looking out than vice versa?

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

see I interpret that as they don't like following the rules that authority give them. This seems fairly consistent with their reactions to things, and general behaviour. 

If they don't mention flares then maybe they won't go "screw you we are bringing flares". Perhaps they should use reverse psychology and encourage flares, then they'll stop bringing them  

Starting XI
over 10 years

Tegal wrote:

see I interpret that as they don't like following the rules that authority give them. This seems fairly consistent with their reactions to things, and general behaviour. 

If they don't mention flares then maybe they won't go "screw you we are bringing flares". Perhaps they should use reverse psychology and encourage flares, then they'll stop bringing them  

I like it.  Get the authority to tell them to break all the the rules, laws and shoot as many flares as they can.  All of a sudden to "fight the authrotiy" they will become the best behaved supporter group that football has ever seen.

Starting XI
over 10 years

Farking hell.

When are we going to split up to yellow fever and south Wellington terrace?

almost 14 years

Feel for the people who have season passes in Bay 53 already and will suddenly have these fudgewits around them.

almost 13 years

Ryan wrote:

Feel for the people who have season passes in Bay 53 already and will suddenly have these fudgewits around them.

So, reading between the lines, this breakaway faction are sick of the flares and thug attitude and martyr complex which seems to define the general image of the RBB? Maybe this bunch aren't fudgewits? Or do they want more flares, more thuggishness, and a bigger martyr complex?
Head Sleuth
about 17 years

I get a feeling it could be that they want more flares, based on who I think is responsible for it. 

They probably saw the RBB make a bunch of concessions to the big bad authority in their meetings, disliked it and now plan to wreak havoc in a seperate area.

Of course it could be the complete opposite, but if that were the case then you'd just mingle with the other fans rather than create a whole new support group. 

almost 13 years

Tegal wrote:

I get a feeling it could be that they want more flares, based on who I think is responsible for it. 

They probably saw the RBB make a bunch of concessions to the big bad authority in their meetings, disliked it and now plan to wreak havoc in a seperate area.

Of course it could be the complete opposite, but if that were the case then you'd just mingle with the other fans rather than create a whole new support group. 

Unless they still want to do the whole active support standing and chanting thing, but without the dickheadery of the RBB. Which would seem entirely reasonable to me. But you're right, it's probably just dickheads who want to increase thier dickheadery, rather than decent sorts who are trying to get away from it
Bossi Insider
almost 16 years

Ryan wrote:

Feel for the people who have season passes in Bay 53 already and will suddenly have these fudgewits around them.

So, reading between the lines, this breakaway faction are sick of the flares and thug attitude and martyr complex which seems to define the general image of the RBB? Maybe this bunch aren't fudgewits? Or do they want more flares, more thuggishness, and a bigger martyr complex?

It is basically the Sin City Crew, former Sydney FC fans that were kicked out of The Cove for their behaviour.
Head Sleuth
about 17 years

ah the guys who ripped flares, sent a guy to hospital and threw something at a kid at a friendly game a few years ago. More flares it is then. 

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

this suggests it's definitely a tantrum over the restrictions. 

almost 13 years

Ah right, well yup those guys are mega-fudgeing shark cods alright. 

over 14 years

Tegal wrote:

I get a feeling it could be that they want more flares, based on who I think is responsible for it. 

They probably saw the RBB make a bunch of concessions to the big bad authority in their meetings, disliked it and now plan to wreak havoc in a seperate area.

Of course it could be the complete opposite, but if that were the case then you'd just mingle with the other fans rather than create a whole new support group. 

Spoke to my mate Matt in the RBB. He follows / is close with one of the Cappos, Fabz, who, incidentally was the first twitter account followed by the Western Sydny Terrace twitter account - Fabz and the guys he knows lead the break away to Bay 53. They left because they felt the RBB was not being ultra enough i.e. as Tegal said had caved in the face of authority.

So expect Bay 53 to be more Ultra focussed, more flares, more skull oriented flags etc.

Matt said he's not sure which way he's gonna jump - some of his mates are staying with the RBB, some are moving.

about 13 years

Man, I wish the game wasn't so late tonight. Would love to watch just for the croud shots, I'll only be up for the game if bubs is up and preferance would be for her not to be.

Starting XI
over 10 years

bwtcf wrote:

Tegal wrote:

I get a feeling it could be that they want more flares, based on who I think is responsible for it. 

They probably saw the RBB make a bunch of concessions to the big bad authority in their meetings, disliked it and now plan to wreak havoc in a seperate area.

Of course it could be the complete opposite, but if that were the case then you'd just mingle with the other fans rather than create a whole new support group. 

Spoke to my Matt in the RBB. He follows / is close with one of the Cappos, Fabz, who, incidentally was the first twitter account followed by the Western Sydny Terrace twitter account - Fabz and the guys he knows lead the break away to Bay 53. They left because they felt the RBB was not being ultra enough i.e. as Tegal said had caved in the face of authority.

So expect Bay 53 to be more Ultra focussed, more flares, more skull oriented flags etc.

Matt said he's not sure which way he's gonna jump - some of his mates are staying with the RBB, some are moving.

So your Matt is considering the Ultra group?

Surely to any reasonable person it sounds absurd.  

Just get drunk, go watch some football, have a chant or 20.  Seems like a good night to me, no need for the silliness.

over 14 years

Drunk_Monk wrote:

bwtcf wrote:

Tegal wrote:

I get a feeling it could be that they want more flares, based on who I think is responsible for it. 

They probably saw the RBB make a bunch of concessions to the big bad authority in their meetings, disliked it and now plan to wreak havoc in a seperate area.

Of course it could be the complete opposite, but if that were the case then you'd just mingle with the other fans rather than create a whole new support group. 

Spoke to my Matt in the RBB. He follows / is close with one of the Cappos, Fabz, who, incidentally was the first twitter account followed by the Western Sydny Terrace twitter account - Fabz and the guys he knows lead the break away to Bay 53. They left because they felt the RBB was not being ultra enough i.e. as Tegal said had caved in the face of authority.

So expect Bay 53 to be more Ultra focussed, more flares, more skull oriented flags etc.

Matt said he's not sure which way he's gonna jump - some of his mates are staying with the RBB, some are moving.

So your Matt is considering the Ultra group?

Surely to any reasonable person it sounds absurd.  

Just get drunk, go watch some football, have a chant or 20.  Seems like a good night to me, no need for the silliness.

No, he's unsure what to do. Some of the people he knows and goes to the football with, are going to Bay 53. He gets on well with the, but the ultra side of it doesn't really appeal to him. Some of the people he goes with are staying in the RBB. It's very fluid, and things are changing by the day.

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

the problem I see is they'll no longer have the anonymity of a croud and police will run straight in, arrest them, and give them life time bans. So yeah, good luck with that. 

almost 14 years

Also surely season passes are already allocated with gate and seat numbers, It's not like westpac where you can sit where you want as there is an over supply of seats. The stadium for a WSW game is quite full, I'd imagine with a crackdown on bad behaviour there would also be a crack down on ticketing and making sure people are where they're supposed to be.

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

especially now that the idiots have publicly announced which exact bay they're moving to to cause trouble. They'll just have a couple of guards on the entrance checking tickets. 

Starting XI
almost 12 years

Do I understand that right? That new group is more ultra than the RBB, who accept the new terms & conditions, and plan to move into Bay 53 with normal fans to fire up their shark?

almost 13 years

Tegal wrote:

the problem I see is they'll no longer have the anonymity of a croud and police will run straight in, arrest them, and give them life time bans. So yeah, good luck with that. 

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

for them! 

It could actually be quite a good thing for the RBB. 

over 14 years
over 14 years
over 15 years

It's Life of Brian all over again. 


about 13 years

And the drama continues...

Starting XI
about 17 years
Some of the impositions are over the top and shouldn't be agreed to. Can't understand why one megaphone should be agreed to What constitutes swearing. ??
Starting XI
over 10 years

hepatitis wrote:
Some of the impositions are over the top and shouldn't be agreed to. Can't understand why one megaphone should be agreed to What constitutes swearing. ??

A rough guide:

"Oh shoot I just dropped my hotdog" - OK

"Fudge you ya Fudgeing cops, you cant fudgeing stop me from shooting off my fudgeing flares" - Not OK.

almost 13 years

Copied Quote from ROAR

The Red and Black Bloc’s response to the sanctions was nothing short of despicable.

“The RBB does not encourage anyone to participate in any prohibited activity, and those who have, have done so at their own risk. The consequences are known to all. The RBB supports the notion of personal choice as per our representation at the senate hearing late last year,” a Facebook statement read.

“It was agreed that flare use has been prevalent in Australia before the Wanderers came along and is not an issue that is unique to us,” the statement continued.

“The incident at Melbourne over the weekend led to the general consensus on the night that this issue has been exacerbated in the media, and that if it was not flare use, the Wanderers fan-base would have been targeted over other issues.”

over 14 years

Blew.2 wrote:

Copied Quote from ROAR

The Red and Black Bloc’s response to the sanctions was nothing short of despicable.

“The RBB does not encourage anyone to participate in any prohibited activity, and those who have, have done so at their own risk. The consequences are known to all. The RBB supports the notion of personal choice as per our representation at the senate hearing late last year,” a Facebook statement read.

“It was agreed that flare use has been prevalent in Australia before the Wanderers came along and is not an issue that is unique to us,” the statement continued.

“The incident at Melbourne over the weekend led to the general consensus on the night that this issue has been exacerbated in the media, and that if it was not flare use, the Wanderers fan-base would have been targeted over other issues.”

if you needed any confirmation that this group is full of self absorbed idiots, this is it.

They have tried to link this with issues taken up in relation to bans etc. Other can groups would do well to condemn and publicly distance themselves from this statement and the actions of the RBB

almost 17 years

Quite cringe-worthy really. hopefully one of the flare users will burn themself - no one around them, just themself. They might learn a harsh lesson.

One in a million
over 17 years

You see what happens when they just concentrate on football

over 11 years

Not sure where to put this but when I was in Sydney last week I read that now that the Swans have signed up to Moore Park for the next coupla decades a decision has near enough been made to fit out the Olympic Stadium with a permanent rectangular pitch and closer seating for use by the other three codes. 

What size crowd for WSW v FC next year?

Bossi Insider
almost 16 years

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