about 15 years

Rudan can get fudgeed I reckon   fudgeing prick  what a cod


almost 14 years

Dougie Rydal wrote:

I thought Dome comes across pretty unprofessionally, he spent the entire interview with Pine referring to Rudan as 'Rudes', and posts this just before on Twitter, he calls Pine a 'GC', which may in fact be true, but for a GM to say it?

Piney didn't really grill him either, would love the likes of Andrew Voerman to go one on one with Dome and/or Rudan.

It's 2019...

about 17 years

If there was ever any time to get in behind the team and Welnix then now is that time. The coach has turned out to be less than we'd grown the think he was (whatever his reasons for bailing out are) and we're spewing so much because it seemed that its all turned to custard again just when we seemed to be on the front foot for a change. As per usual it seems like 3 steps forward and two steps back every time. 

For those bagging Welnix in all this just think about it a bit - does anyone seriously think that all this crap over quite a few yeas now is fun for them? They've been riding the Phoenix merry-go-round for a good few years now and as well as costing them heaps of their own money they must be gnawing the carpet after years of trying to get a fair go out of FFA and Australia. Like lots of other New Zealanders in lots of other ways, they've found out the hard way that 'fair go' and Australia don't often exist in the same sentence. Pretty much the whole existence of the Phoenix has been dogged by constant undermining of one sort or another. 

The reality is that without Welnix the club would have disappeared several years ago when Terry fell from grace. Allowing for the odd hiccup here and there all I've seen of the club is a genuine desire to succeed and a sustained effort make that happen - pretty much against the odds from pretty much all directions, and with plenty of media beat-ups and general whinging. I really wonder sometimes why they've stuck at it. Its certainly not for the money! I do not buy the line that they've got no ambition - geez if they were half-arsed about this they'd have bailed years ago and who could blame them. As Phoenix supporters, we need to recognise that Welnix are really our only friends in all this and we should be thanking our lucky stars that they've kept battling on. Coaches and players come and go (as we're seeing), FFA and Australian football are predominantly against us, media just wants us for a good beatup every now and then, but who is always there trying to fight the good fight? I know its a rant but I for one am over seeing people slagging off the owners/managers crew here. 

No I don't work for Welnix or really have anything to do with them. I've just been signed up on this Forum since 2007 so I'm just sort of keen on the Phoenix. Here's hoping we can make some sort of statement with a good turnout on Sunday and hopefully a good result. Who can be sure how many more chances we'll get? 

and 16 others
about 17 years

This family excuse.  In some ways it is good that he and his family value each other this much. I know some families that dont wish any contact.

This whole thing is like a funeral.  Disbelief,  sadness, anger, seeking retribution, acceptance, moving on.

almost 17 years

we should rebrand ourselves "leaving for family reasons"

Starting XI
about 17 years

Dougie Rydal wrote:

I thought Dome comes across pretty unprofessionally, he spent the entire interview with Pine referring to Rudan as 'Rudes', and posts this just before on Twitter, he calls Pine a 'GC', which may in fact be true, but for a GM to say it?

Piney didn't really grill him either, would love the likes of Andrew Voerman to go one on one with Dome and/or Rudan.

Is Dome , like , about 11 years old? What a wanker
over 9 years

theprof wrote:

we should rebrand ourselves "leaving for family reasons"

Singles only recruitment policy?

Taylor seems content enough/not bored in the Capital.

about 14 years

coochiee wrote:

theprof wrote:

we should rebrand ourselves "leaving for family reasons"

Singles only recruitment policy?

Taylor seems content enough/not bored in the Capital.

Taylor does not need to travel every weekend to see their nearest and dearest. They travel to him.

almost 15 years

james dean wrote:

Bullion wrote:

james dean wrote:

Radio Sport 11:30, David Dome going live to talk about Rudans departure 

Will be fascinating.  David Dome is one of the least honest and up front sports executives in NZ.  He regularly says things that turn out not to be true, so wonder whether he will be challenged on his statements re: Domey.

Kinda wish it wasn't Piney interviewing Domey. He has a lot of conflicts of interest with the club.

Willing to bet Piney won't ask about the clause allowing Rudan to get out of his contract which is an obvious fudge up

i like Piney a lot but he stays well clear of any controversial topics.

For someone as close to the club as he is he never comes out with any 'scoops'. He is basically PR for the club.

First Team Squad
over 7 years

james dean wrote:

Does anyone truly believe this is about his family?  

Yes of course. Absolutely.

A straight talking man of integrity and true patriarch will always do what his wife tells him is best for his family.

about 13 years

Any  father seperate from the kids by work or a split up will know it is,  distance not the problem it is the time together. 

The influence lost, the sharing and caring in the good and bad moments of life..

#TwiceMarriefTwiceDevourcef - The kids matter ?????

over 17 years

no doubt will get a round of applause from the pc brigade when we lose to MC

First Team Squad
about 17 years

Not happy with some of the conspiracy theorists posting here.

The club has improved massively this season, mostly thanks to Rudan.

Even if the reason is that West Melbourne have dangled a big contract, it's still his choice to go.

It would have been better to have none of this last few months' media speculation about Rudan's future distracting from our awesome season.

PS next coach should not be Warren Joyce. Plays boring football and comes across always cranky in the media.

Would prefer another up-and-comer (or Kurz would be OK)

and 1 other
almost 14 years

Feverish wrote:

no doubt will get a round of applause from the pc brigade when we lose to MC

Don't know what personal computers have to do with anything but okay...

about 14 years

Ryan wrote:

Feverish wrote:

no doubt will get a round of applause from the pc brigade when we lose to MC

Don't know what personal computers have to do with anything but okay...

Or with a Master of Ceremony

over 17 years

theprof wrote:

This is my biggest issue with both Welnix and Rudan. they have treated us (the fans) like we are stupid. Spoonfed us and built us up with talk of a legacy and being here for NZ as a footballing country. Calling himself a Kiwi!!!!

What a complete load of bollocks!

Both him and Morrison repeatedly pointed to his "2 year contract" as a reason why he'd be here next year.  Then we find out there was a clause allowing him to terminate it.  So it wasn't a 2 year contract at all.

"Mark is returning home to be with his family".  Right oh, so it's got nothing to do with the stuff he has been clearly stewing on for months and bringing up (taking games to Aussie, relationship with NZ Football, marquees, training facilities etc etc).  What bad luck that he found it hard living away from his family when he took a job in another country...

over 17 years

And if anyone things Mark Rudan will be sitting out next season after the season he has just had they have rocks in their heads

about 17 years

Feverish wrote:

no doubt will get a round of applause from the pc brigade when we lose to MC

I can guess to whom you refer.

about 9 years

Feverish wrote:

no doubt will get a round of applause from the pc brigade when we lose to MC

Those dastardly PC crew being understanding and showing empathy towards someones situation, and being thankful for the positive changes someone brought to the club while he was here!

about 17 years

so back to the football then? 

about 14 years

Jaickin wrote:

Feverish wrote:

no doubt will get a round of applause from the pc brigade when we lose to MC

Those dastardly PC crew being understanding and showing empathy towards someones situation, and being thankful for the positive changes someone brought to the club while he was here!

I am sure we all are grateful for our progress this season etc.  But it is totally normal that many of us here feel like a bride being dumped by an opportunistic cad for a new lover, with an excuse being proffered that keeping up this long-distance relationship proved to be "just too hard" for him.  And now he is apparently planning to grab some of the jilted bride's pretty jewellery and he is taking it with him to adorn his new beau!

over 17 years

Jaickin wrote:

Feverish wrote:

no doubt will get a round of applause from the pc brigade when we lose to MC

Those dastardly PC crew being understanding and showing empathy towards someones situation, and being thankful for the positive changes someone brought to the club while he was here!

here he is

over 17 years

Bevan wrote:

The club has improved massively this season, mostly thanks to Rudan.

We might have improved but exaggerating it to say its massive,   but he has  just put us back massively..Dont forget he is walking away with only about 6 players contracted for next season so not as if we are in a good position.AS for the BS he continually spouted about here to build a legacy  really how likely is it any new coach is just going to run with things that he put in place.

Any new coach is going to want to do things his way not a way from a coach who clocked off before the season was even finished.

and 3 others
Starting XI
almost 9 years

ballane wrote:

Bevan wrote:

The club has improved massively this season, mostly thanks to Rudan.

We might have improved but exaggerating it to say its massive,   but he has  just put us back massively..Dont forget he is walking away with only about 6 players contracted for next season so not as if we are in a good position.AS for the BS he continually spouted about here to build a legacy  really how likely is it any new coach is just going to run with things that he put in place.

Any new coach is going to want to do things his way not a way from a coach who clocked off before the season was even finished.

Actually agreeing with Ballane for once - we're further from a license than we were when Rudan took over. Its been nice to perform well in patches (and it has been very patchy) this season but overall Rudan's tenure hasn't had a tangible positive impact on the license thus far and that's the be-all end-all right now - this departure sets us back immensely for our (probably/possibly) final season.

As far as I'm concerned Mark Rudan and his family can get fudgeed, he's done far less for the club than he says he has and, if anything, has set us back further in terms of our rebuild. Don't know why we're still taking the man at his word when he's shown himself to be a bullshark merchant.

and 1 other
over 17 years

smartest thing ballane has ever said :)

almost 15 years

sthn.jeff wrote:

james dean wrote:

Bullion wrote:

james dean wrote:

Radio Sport 11:30, David Dome going live to talk about Rudans departure 

Will be fascinating.  David Dome is one of the least honest and up front sports executives in NZ.  He regularly says things that turn out not to be true, so wonder whether he will be challenged on his statements re: Domey.

Kinda wish it wasn't Piney interviewing Domey. He has a lot of conflicts of interest with the club.

Willing to bet Piney won't ask about the clause allowing Rudan to get out of his contract which is an obvious fudge up

i like Piney a lot but he stays well clear of any controversial topics.

For someone as close to the club as he is he never comes out with any 'scoops'. He is basically PR for the club.

Exhibit 'A'


Reads like a press release from the club.

Starting XI
about 17 years

sthn.jeff wrote:

sthn.jeff wrote:

james dean wrote:

Bullion wrote:

james dean wrote:

Radio Sport 11:30, David Dome going live to talk about Rudans departure 

Will be fascinating.  David Dome is one of the least honest and up front sports executives in NZ.  He regularly says things that turn out not to be true, so wonder whether he will be challenged on his statements re: Domey.

Kinda wish it wasn't Piney interviewing Domey. He has a lot of conflicts of interest with the club.

Willing to bet Piney won't ask about the clause allowing Rudan to get out of his contract which is an obvious fudge up

i like Piney a lot but he stays well clear of any controversial topics.

For someone as close to the club as he is he never comes out with any 'scoops'. He is basically PR for the club.

Exhibit 'A'


Reads like a press release from the club.

as many dull unnecessary words as his tv commentarys
One in a million
over 17 years

Do you have to have a personal go at Piney??? I am disgusted that a person who tries hard to keep football in a very positive profile is written about like this.

over 17 years

Jaickin wrote:

Feverish wrote:

no doubt will get a round of applause from the pc brigade when we lose to MC

Those dastardly PC crew being understanding and showing empathy towards someones situation, and being thankful for the positive changes someone brought to the club while he was here!

See how you feel when he’s coaching against us next year.

Instability is a killer, in the last year before we hear about licence renewal it’s just another spanner in the works. 

over 17 years

Would also be nice OOE if someone had the balls to ask some hard questions instead of letting things be all touchy feely. Since all this started to go down seems at times people are to scared to ask some of the things that have been said on here by many..

Must be NZ sports journalists because the All Blacks get pretty much a free ride.

over 17 years

sthn.jeff wrote:

sthn.jeff wrote:

james dean wrote:

Bullion wrote:

james dean wrote:

Radio Sport 11:30, David Dome going live to talk about Rudans departure 

Will be fascinating.  David Dome is one of the least honest and up front sports executives in NZ.  He regularly says things that turn out not to be true, so wonder whether he will be challenged on his statements re: Domey.

Kinda wish it wasn't Piney interviewing Domey. He has a lot of conflicts of interest with the club.

Willing to bet Piney won't ask about the clause allowing Rudan to get out of his contract which is an obvious fudge up

i like Piney a lot but he stays well clear of any controversial topics.

For someone as close to the club as he is he never comes out with any 'scoops'. He is basically PR for the club.

Exhibit 'A'


Reads like a press release from the club.

I agree that Rudan isn’t the only coach around. He’s shown that with some off field leadership in the football department we can be successful on the field. It clear we need some like Rudan who is a dominant off field personality. mBut it worries me that the same people that recruited Kalezic are in charge here!

about 14 years

james dean wrote:

sthn.jeff wrote:

sthn.jeff wrote:

james dean wrote:

Bullion wrote:

james dean wrote:

Radio Sport 11:30, David Dome going live to talk about Rudans departure 

Will be fascinating.  David Dome is one of the least honest and up front sports executives in NZ.  He regularly says things that turn out not to be true, so wonder whether he will be challenged on his statements re: Domey.

Kinda wish it wasn't Piney interviewing Domey. He has a lot of conflicts of interest with the club.

Willing to bet Piney won't ask about the clause allowing Rudan to get out of his contract which is an obvious fudge up

i like Piney a lot but he stays well clear of any controversial topics.

For someone as close to the club as he is he never comes out with any 'scoops'. He is basically PR for the club.

Exhibit 'A'


Reads like a press release from the club.

I agree that Rudan isn’t the only coach around. He’s shown that with some off field leadership in the football department we can be successful on the field. It clear we need some like Rudan who is a dominant off field personality. mBut it worries me that the same people that recruited Kalezic are in charge here!

From our experiences so far I would almost certainly prefer an Australian or NZ coach to an import, having in mind that experience with our local scene was one of the things Rudan and to a lesser degree Ernie did well.  Ricki did that well too but was unable to keep up with the rising standards of A-League (and this is why I am not on the same page as the romantics talking about him "going the full circle"; surely by now he would not be any better at HAL level than Greenie who has remained current with the HAL action).

 Also, Rudan put much higher stress on individual player fitness. In that he was much better than any previous coach we had, and this also contributed to our success midway through the season, with Fenton, Krishna and Rufer tormenting the opposition.

Commanding respect and loyalty from players was a strong factor in Rudan's appeal, which is why it hurts both our feelings and the team morale when he quits offering excuses which may - to some  - be convincing, but still remain hugely disappointing.


tradition and history
over 17 years

Mainland FC wrote:

james dean wrote:

sthn.jeff wrote:

sthn.jeff wrote:

james dean wrote:

Bullion wrote:

james dean wrote:

Radio Sport 11:30, David Dome going live to talk about Rudans departure 

Will be fascinating.  David Dome is one of the least honest and up front sports executives in NZ.  He regularly says things that turn out not to be true, so wonder whether he will be challenged on his statements re: Domey.

Kinda wish it wasn't Piney interviewing Domey. He has a lot of conflicts of interest with the club.

Willing to bet Piney won't ask about the clause allowing Rudan to get out of his contract which is an obvious fudge up

i like Piney a lot but he stays well clear of any controversial topics.

For someone as close to the club as he is he never comes out with any 'scoops'. He is basically PR for the club.

Exhibit 'A'


Reads like a press release from the club.

I agree that Rudan isn’t the only coach around. He’s shown that with some off field leadership in the football department we can be successful on the field. It clear we need some like Rudan who is a dominant off field personality. mBut it worries me that the same people that recruited Kalezic are in charge here!

From our experiences so far I would almost certainly prefer an Australian or NZ coach to an import, having in mind that experience with our local scene was one of the things Rudan and to a lesser degree Ernie did well.  Ricki did that well too but was unable to keep up with the rising standards of A-League (and this is why I am not on the same page as the romantics talking about him "going the full circle"; surely by now he would not be any better at HAL level than Greenie who has remained current with the HAL action).

 Also, Rudan put much higher stress on individual player fitness. In that he was much better than any previous coach we had, and this also contributed to our success midway through the season, with Fenton, Krishna and Rufer tormenting the opposition.

Commanding respect and loyalty from players was a strong factor in Rudan's appeal, which is why it hurts both our feelings and the team morale when he quits offering excuses which may - to some  - be convincing, but still remain hugely disappointing.


After all the upheaval this week and all the agro at the coach I think that most of it is the gut reaction. The reality is that this bloke is the best coach we have ever had. I have watched 95% of the games we have played since 2007 and for the first time we have looked good as a team, played enjoyable football and have been successful. 

Many people that have bagged him probably never  turn up at Westpac to support us. There are many on here that have admitted it.

The fact that he is leaving is a big problem but the club is more important than players or coaches and I expect the fans to turn out in droves this week end. 

and 1 other
about 17 years

He has been light years ahead of previous four coaches. He's made players more responsible for their actions. Everyone has had to lift their game and ambitions.

over 17 years

Come on Leggy yes he has done well at times.Yes we have played some good stuff but we have also had some bloody shockers  At the moment we sit 5th in a 10 man league so we arnt flying that high.Yes plenty have bagged him and sorry but rightfully so, he asked us to buy into something  many of us did only to have it pulled away before seasons end.Also there are many here who have commented who are regular attendees at games

about 17 years
ballane wrote:

Come on Leggy yes he has done well at times.Yes we have played some good stuff but we have also had some bloody shockers  At the moment we sit 5th in a 10 man league so we arnt flying that high.Yes plenty have bagged him and sorry but rightfully so, he asked us to buy into something  many of us did only to have it pulled away before seasons end.Also there are many here who have commented who are regular attendees at games

Yeah, we are not going to beat our 46 points in Ernie's 2nd season. We haven't been top of the table at all this season. We are not going to get the most wins or least losses in a season. I hope that we beat our goal scoring record.
First Team Squad
about 15 years

Leggy wrote:

Mainland FC wrote:

james dean wrote:

sthn.jeff wrote:

sthn.jeff wrote:

james dean wrote:

Bullion wrote:

james dean wrote:

Radio Sport 11:30, David Dome going live to talk about Rudans departure 

Will be fascinating.  David Dome is one of the least honest and up front sports executives in NZ.  He regularly says things that turn out not to be true, so wonder whether he will be challenged on his statements re: Domey.

Kinda wish it wasn't Piney interviewing Domey. He has a lot of conflicts of interest with the club.

Willing to bet Piney won't ask about the clause allowing Rudan to get out of his contract which is an obvious fudge up

i like Piney a lot but he stays well clear of any controversial topics.

For someone as close to the club as he is he never comes out with any 'scoops'. He is basically PR for the club.

Exhibit 'A'


Reads like a press release from the club.

I agree that Rudan isn’t the only coach around. He’s shown that with some off field leadership in the football department we can be successful on the field. It clear we need some like Rudan who is a dominant off field personality. mBut it worries me that the same people that recruited Kalezic are in charge here!

From our experiences so far I would almost certainly prefer an Australian or NZ coach to an import, having in mind that experience with our local scene was one of the things Rudan and to a lesser degree Ernie did well.  Ricki did that well too but was unable to keep up with the rising standards of A-League (and this is why I am not on the same page as the romantics talking about him "going the full circle"; surely by now he would not be any better at HAL level than Greenie who has remained current with the HAL action).

 Also, Rudan put much higher stress on individual player fitness. In that he was much better than any previous coach we had, and this also contributed to our success midway through the season, with Fenton, Krishna and Rufer tormenting the opposition.

Commanding respect and loyalty from players was a strong factor in Rudan's appeal, which is why it hurts both our feelings and the team morale when he quits offering excuses which may - to some  - be convincing, but still remain hugely disappointing.


After all the upheaval this week and all the agro at the coach I think that most of it is the gut reaction. The reality is that this bloke is the best coach we have ever had. I have watched 95% of the games we have played since 2007 and for the first time we have looked good as a team, played enjoyable football and have been successful. 

Many people that have bagged him probably never  turn up at Westpac to support us. There are many on here that have admitted it.

The fact that he is leaving is a big problem but the club is more important than players or coaches and I expect the fans to turn out in droves this week end. 

That's more than a slight overreaction. Under Ricky we made the finals three years in a row (the only team to do this during his time as coach) and we played some pretty damn entertaining football to get there. It wasn't slick Roarcelona style passing and possession but it involved getting the ball into the box as much as possible which while low percentage, is fun to watch, particularly for neutrals. 

And then there was of course Ernie's second season. Top of the table for three weeks towards the end of the season until injuries and suspensions took their toll on a squad with too little depth. What a fudgeing ride that was, much better than what we've had with Rudan so far. I honestly have no idea where I'm going with this but you are normally so contrary to what everyone else is posting I thought I'd chime in with some pessimistic disagreements of my own.

about 14 years

djtim3000 wrote:


That's more than a slight overreaction. Under Ricky we made the finals three years in a row (the only team to do this during his time as coach) and we played some pretty damn entertaining football to get there. It wasn't slick Roarcelona style passing and possession but it involved getting the ball into the box as much as possible which while low percentage, is fun to watch, particularly for neutrals. 

And then there was of course Ernie's second season. Top of the table for three weeks towards the end of the season until injuries and suspensions took their toll on a squad with too little depth. What a fudgeing ride that was, much better than what we've had with Rudan so far. I honestly have no idea where I'm going with this but you are normally so contrary to what everyone else is posting I thought I'd chime in with some pessimistic disagreements of my own.

I hope where you're going with this is what at least some of us understand. We cannot employ a mediocre coach, let alone a poor coach, and survive as a club, unlike the other 9 clubs.  Ricki, Ernie, and now Rudan showed us how well we can play with the right personnel, depth, coaching and support, and how it would translate into our long term viability. Rudan's term is only one part of that picture, but he is/was not the answer to everything.

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

Leggy wrote:
 I expect the fans to turn out in droves this week end. 

I expect a very small crowd, because Rudan leaving has put the "Phoenix = no-hopers" narrative back in the headlines.

almost 17 years

sad as it is I expect the same, its easter - so most of Wellington leaves, on top of the Rudan news and the two away losses, we will have lost our fair weather friends and maybe some of the disgruntled fans.

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