First Team Squad
over 5 years
Super disappointed in Uli.
I got yelled at on Reddit for this take, but: you're in the twilight of your career, you're living far from home in a country where they don't speak your first language, your wife died, you're the single dad of a toddler, that's the kind of pileup of anxieties and disruptions that lead to making stupid or even criminal decisions

Oh I actually totally understand, I can't for a second imagine being in his shoes. Doesn't take away from the disappointment though. We all still love him and it's horrendous for him. It's shark that this had to break on the eve of our biggest ever game.
Phoenix Academy
3 months
Terrible for such a new club like Macarthur who are really still trying to find their fan base - this won't help. 

Also if Lewis was involved that'll mean he won't be suiting up for the All Whites in the Nations Cup next month (and possibly ever again depending on how bad this all ends up being)
and 1 other
Opinion Privileges revoked
over 14 years
Petition to change this thread's title to "Macarthur FC - You Better You Bet"

Starting XI
almost 10 years
Super disappointed in Uli.
I got yelled at on Reddit for this take, but: you're in the twilight of your career, your wife died, you're the single dad of a toddler, that's the kind of pileup of anxieties and disruptions that lead to making stupid or even criminal decisions

The kind of stupid decision that will likely scrub any legacy he would have left after life in the A-League. So, so disappointing.
and 4 others
Opinion Privileges revoked
over 14 years
Listening to the police presser. The police story is that the "senior member of the football criminal group" (i.e. Davila?) was paying the other two 10K a pop to get yellow cards.

Oh, and there's a fourth player, currently out of state, that the cops would like a word with
Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
The timing of this could not be worse.  I imagine that our lads had a light training run this morning.  They will have come off the field into the dressing rooms to find out about this.  No doubt the social media feeds are full of it, if they do not read news feeds.  All of our squad will know the players concerned and in some cases are ex-teammates of the player/s concerned.  The last thing we need as a distraction before tomorrow.  

I do not care who is involved.  Proven guilty, Lifetime ban from football in any capacity. A la cricketer Lou Vincent.
about 2 years
Walsall Boy
The timing of this could not be worse.  I imagine that our lads had a light training run this morning.  They will have come off the field into the dressing rooms to find out about this.  No doubt the social media feeds are full of it, if they do not read news feeds.  All of our squad will know the players concerned and in some cases are ex-teammates of the player/s concerned.  The last thing we need as a distraction before tomorrow.  

I do not care who is involved.  Proven guilty, Lifetime ban from football in any capacity. A la cricketer Lou Vincent.

Imagine how Rufer, Ball, and Payne could be feeling after this has come out. They know Davila better than anyone in the current Phoenix team.
and 1 other
Starting XI
almost 17 years
Wusty Wab
Walsall Boy
The timing of this could not be worse.  I imagine that our lads had a light training run this morning.  They will have come off the field into the dressing rooms to find out about this.  No doubt the social media feeds are full of it, if they do not read news feeds.  All of our squad will know the players concerned and in some cases are ex-teammates of the player/s concerned.  The last thing we need as a distraction before tomorrow.  

I do not care who is involved.  Proven guilty, Lifetime ban from football in any capacity. A la cricketer Lou Vincent.

Imagine how Rufer, Ball, and Payne could be feeling after this has come out. They know Davila better than anyone in the current Phoenix team.

Rufer’s probably thinking that he could’ve been a millionaire by now, if he had signed with MacArthur ! 😉
Opinion Privileges revoked
over 14 years
A millionaire? By what the cops said at the presser, you'd have to get 100 yellows to earn that
almost 14 years
Wusty Wab
Walsall Boy
The timing of this could not be worse.  I imagine that our lads had a light training run this morning.  They will have come off the field into the dressing rooms to find out about this.  No doubt the social media feeds are full of it, if they do not read news feeds.  All of our squad will know the players concerned and in some cases are ex-teammates of the player/s concerned.  The last thing we need as a distraction before tomorrow.  

I do not care who is involved.  Proven guilty, Lifetime ban from football in any capacity. A la cricketer Lou Vincent.

Imagine how Rufer, Ball, and Payne could be feeling after this has come out. They know Davila better than anyone in the current Phoenix team.
reporters are tweeting they think it's Lewis as well. 
Moar stars
about 12 years
Lewis’ name spreading now. I really hope it isn’t.
Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
Lewis’ name spreading now. I really hope it isn’t.
If true, that makes it just about all of the current squad with personal connection.  He was Phoenix last season
Bossi Insider
almost 16 years
Walsall Boy
Lewis’ name spreading now. I really hope it isn’t.
 If true, that makes it just about all of the current squad.  He was Phoenix last season

Davila/Baccus/Lewis are the names going around on Twitter.

If true, what an absolutely moronic thing to do.

Starting XI
over 8 years
News orgs have started naming Lewis, alongside Davila and Baccus and at least 1 player still to be charged.

Bunch of idiots. Lewis better never get to wear the fern again.
Starting XI
almost 10 years
A millionaire? By what the cops said at the presser, you'd have to get 100 yellows to earn that

He's 35% of the way there! 😆
Starting XI
almost 10 years
News orgs have started naming Lewis, alongside Davila and Baccus and at least 1 player still to be charged.

Bunch of idiots. Lewis better never get to wear the fern again.


Maybe getting too far ahead of myself with this as well, but would Lewis be liable to be put up as a 501 because of this? 

If so, I can't imagine Narelle would be overly impressed given the role she has within Aussie football circles over there...

Regardless, absolute idiocy from all involved. Careers are in the sharkter after this one.
about 17 years
Re: Uli -
How can anyone say they understand?? Yes he's a widower and that's super tough. But he's commanding more coin per year than most of us can dream about! He's been a professional footballer his whole life and if memory serves, he turned down a "blank cheque" from Welnix to go to greener (pun intended) pastures.

Unless there was some sort of duress at play, this needs to be a hefty if not a lifetime ban, sorry.

Also, should Lewis also be involved, to anyone thinking this might make NZF or football in NZ bad, I disagree. Yes, it's likely two players who are ex-Nix are involved. But how many ex-Nixers are there in total and who's been in trouble since? Disco Troy...and I'm struggling to think about anyone else.

Chris Killen, that former AW GK (EDIT: M. Utting, thanks Doloras) who took advantage of the disabled...people will do stupid or greedy stuff at some point in their life, but the responsibility is theirs and theirs alone.
Opinion Privileges revoked
over 14 years
The dodgy goalkeeper was Michael Utting, delete Jason Batty's name before he sues you lol.  And I still think Hearfield is a legend for being busted shoplifting a chainsaw from Bunnings.

More seriously - there is very rarely any excuse for criminal behaviour. I have recent experiences when genuinely good people, under pressure, have done criminal and inexcusable things. They did the crime and they have to suffer the consequences. But if we understand what led them there, they may have a hope of turning their lives around (although in this case Uli's football career is fudgeed, maybe he might be able to come back one day as a coach like Lou Vincent did if he really makes amends)
and 2 others
about 17 years
Totally with you, Doloras. 
I'm all about second chances and curing the cause as well as the symptoms. 
All I'm saying is that individuals act of their own accord and should also face the music.
I'm Italian so I probably know more about betting scandals than the average person lol
and 1 other
Opinion Privileges revoked
over 14 years
So! Any speculation on who the fourth Macarthur player who is currently "on the run" is?

(hah, I almost said "any bets")
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
So! Any bets on who the fourth Macarthur player who is currently "on the run" is?

I suspect Germain - he collected some baffling yellows in matches I watched this season.
Starting XI
over 8 years

Macarthur yellow cards this season. At $10k a pop that would make the  favorites Borges Rodrigues, Germain and Jurman.

Kinda shocked Uskok only got 3!
about 17 years
I doubt fixing yellow cards is a "volume" things as a) the more yellows you get, the less the bookmakers will pay and b) it's easier to get found out.
Could be anyone really, I reckon 
about 17 years
This may be too soon, so apologies if it is. But I hope someone cleverer than me can work a chant around all this business in time for our first home game vs Macarthur next season.
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years

Macarthur yellow cards this season. At $10k a pop that would make the  favorites Borges Rodrigues, Germain and Jurman.

Kinda shocked Uskok only got 3!
Uskok 3 yellow cards for a whole season? That's the most surprising stat I've seen in ages! He's absolute filth...

and 2 others
Starting XI
over 8 years
I doubt fixing yellow cards is a "volume" things as a) the more yellows you get, the less the bookmakers will pay and b) it's easier to get found out.
Could be anyone really, I reckon 

It's been reported that Uli was paying his co-conspirators $10k per yellow
almost 17 years
If I can get two yellows in the stands tomorrow, Can I have $20k please??
Life and death
about 17 years
Or he might just be a dishonest cod
Super disappointed in Uli.
I got yelled at on Reddit for this take, but: you're in the twilight of your career, you're living far from home in a country where they don't speak your first language, your wife died, you're the single dad of a toddler, that's the kind of pileup of anxieties and disruptions that lead to making stupid or even criminal decisions
Opinion Privileges revoked
over 14 years
This may be too soon, so apologies if it is. But I hope someone cleverer than me can work a chant around all this business in time for our first home game vs Macarthur next season.
If Macarthur still exist by then
almost 14 years
Re: Uli -
How can anyone say they understand?? Yes he's a widower and that's super tough. But he's commanding more coin per year than most of us can dream about! He's been a professional footballer his whole life and if memory serves, he turned down a "blank cheque" from Welnix to go to greener (pun intended) pastures.

Unless there was some sort of duress at play, this needs to be a hefty if not a lifetime ban, sorry.

Also, should Lewis also be involved, to anyone thinking this might make NZF or football in NZ bad, I disagree. Yes, it's likely two players who are ex-Nix are involved. But how many ex-Nixers are there in total and who's been in trouble since? Disco Troy...and I'm struggling to think about anyone else.

Chris Killen, that former AW GK (EDIT: M. Utting, thanks Doloras) who took advantage of the disabled...people will do stupid or greedy stuff at some point in their life, but the responsibility is theirs and theirs alone.
ifill was betting on himself while at the nix
Starting XI
almost 10 years
This may be too soon, so apologies if it is. But I hope someone cleverer than me can work a chant around all this business in time for our first home game vs Macarthur next season.

I'll oblige you 😆
Filling in time before knock off.

Que sera, sera
Whatever the card may be
You're off to Prison FC
Que sera, sera.

Rudimentary, but there's lots to work with as well as plenty of time. 😅

about 9 years
Super disappointed in Uli.
I got yelled at on Reddit for this take, but: you're in the twilight of your career, you're living far from home in a country where they don't speak your first language, your wife died, you're the single dad of a toddler, that's the kind of pileup of anxieties and disruptions that lead to making stupid or even criminal decisions

I've always thought of Sydney, as Aussie's 'Sin City'. 
Plenty of dodgy characters in that town. At least 2 Kiwis I know who moved there years ago went off the rails, after being good solid citizens prior.

And yes Narelle with be absolutely furious if yes her beau is one of the three. Finally in the same city together and got her dream job presenting football (esp the women's game). Clayton likely won't be getting many conjugal visits. But fingers crossed it ain't really him.
Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
News orgs have started naming Lewis, alongside Davila and Baccus and at least 1 player still to be charged.

Bunch of idiots. Lewis better never get to wear the fern again.


Maybe getting too far ahead of myself with this as well, but would Lewis be liable to be put up as a 501 because of this? 

If so, I can't imagine Narelle would be overly impressed given the role she has within Aussie football circles over there...

Regardless, absolute idiocy from all involved. Careers are in the sharkter after this one.

Stuff NZ reporting now Davila, Lewis and Baccus.  NSW police also saying that they are prepared to extradite the 4th.  That does not necessarily say that the 4th is now outside Australia. With their police being state based, that could mean he is outside of NSW. 
Opinion Privileges revoked
over 14 years
I guess he needed to show one more yellow to get the final $10k
ETA: oh God, if you really want images of Uli, Clayton (?) and that other dude getting busted, the cops have them all online

uli.png 243.92 KB
almost 17 years
Ya gotta laugh, Sports betting on Yellow Cards and Swat arrives to arrest them. Overkill??
almost 12 years
Davila in the yellow goodies, lewis in the blue?

Both are short with similar skin tone.
Moar stars
about 12 years
And suddenly Rufer can step into the All Whites team…
Opinion Privileges revoked
over 14 years
Davila in the yellow goodies, lewis in the blue?

Both are short with similar skin tone.
The yellow is in Coogee, the blue in Parramatta, which lines up with where Davila and Lewis live respectively
about 9 years
Certainly an unexpected extra test of Rufer & Chief's leadership skills, to not have this mess distract their squad on match eve. 

Of course the VUC are completely unaffected by these dramas at Macarthur. Popovic will be thanking his lucky stars, this little gift. Does he have a mate in the NSW Police, re the timing!

almost 3 years
And suddenly Rufer can step into the All Whites team…

4D chess from Rufer right there. 

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