over 17 years

He should have been sent for taking out an entire wall ffs. And Allsops elbow a yellow? Breeze is a fkn numpty

First Team Squad
almost 17 years
a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years
I bet Muscat thinks through offering a hollow apology that he'll get one back from Zahra but i hope he doesnt. I know i wouldnt, Id publicy reject it.
Starting XI
over 17 years
I think the hollow apology is more to do with defending his case when it comes up. 
Sydney 'til they fold
about 17 years
goldienz wrote:
Best call ever

"..he's like Dexter in football boots."

from the Victory's forums

Except "Dexter" tackles the bad guys.
In fact, Muscat's more likely to find himself on Dexter's "to do" list.

over 17 years
I've liked him in the past though if I'd seen any of him when he played in England that wouldn't be the case given what I've read.  He has amused me in postmatch interviews and he's a good defender thuggery aside.  And I don't look down my nose on physical play but that is very much within reason and Muscat too often crosses the line to the detriment of those on the receiving end.  This latest tackle was absolutely appalling.  Didn't some South American get 9 games for spitting or something ridiculous like that - the chap who went to Thailand?  Muscat should be suspended for a similar number of weeks.

I hope Zahra has a speedy recovery.
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
Did anyone from the heart get stuck into him after the tackle??? I haven't seen the game
over 17 years
So what should his punishment be? By that I mean, what can he get that would satisfy the MVFC/FFA conspiracy nuts?
Still Believin'
over 17 years
kiwi pie wrote:
So what should his punishment be? By that I mean, what can he get that would satisfy the MVFC/FFA conspiracy nuts?

over 17 years
Meh, bullets bounce off Kev.

What else you got?
Still Believin'
over 17 years
Actually, a firing squad would be far too quick and painless. I'll have to get back to you...
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
Apparently his hearing is Thursday as the review panel are asking for punishment that is more than 4 games.
Chant Savant
over 17 years
kiwi pie wrote:
So what should his punishment be? By that I mean, what can he get that would satisfy the MVFC/FFA conspiracy nuts?
over 17 years
Woof Woof
about 17 years
terminator_x wrote:
Actually, a firing squad would be far too quick and painless. I'll have to get back to you...

Still Believin'
over 17 years
over 17 years
Any one notice if they got fined for 7 yellow cards.
Early retirement
over 17 years
'Great' and 'Fink'.  Not words I'd run together.
First Team Squad
over 17 years
First Team Squad
almost 15 years

Wikipedia wrote:

Muscat was branded a �lowlife� and a �nobody� by ex-England striker Ian Wright, then of Nottingham Forest, in September 1999. Wright claimed he was about to shoot when he heard Dougie Freedman, Forest's other striker, shout "leave it". Wright stepped over the ball to allow Freedman to hit it, but instead Muscat (who had, according to Wright, merely impersonated Freedman) appeared to clear the ball.[11]

Despite Muscat being an absolute cheating c**t, I'm going to put it out there that I lol'd at this.
over 17 years
2ndBest wrote:
Apparently his hearing is Thursday as the review panel are asking for punishment that is more than 4 games.
I wasn't aware that a player's hearing would be postponed if the ban asked was longer than 4 games. Then again, I can't remember the last time someone copped more than a 3 week ban in the A-League.
So this means that the MRC has had a preliminary meeting?
I was really hoping to hear some news today or tomorrow, but I will be glad to wait more if that means he's going to get what he deserves. Will watch this space VERY closely on thursday!
almost 17 years
anything shorter than a life ban is going to be unacceptable. Based on his previous transgressions this most recent act has to be looked at as the last straw.....the longer Muscat gets to play the more injuries will occur due to his lack of ability to keep the younger, fater players in check - hence resorting to thuggery.
Not Elite enough
over 17 years
There is no way on Earth that he'll get a life ban, unfortunately.
He'll have been sent off for Serious Foul Play which would probably only have a maximum of 3 or 4 games, even taking his previous record into consideration I think the most he'll possibly get is to be suspended for the rest of the season, and I'd be surprised if they even give him that.
Be nice if "No Balls" Merrick and the Victory made it easier by telling him he won't play for them again, but that's even more unlikely to happen.
almost 17 years
it's sad but I agree, hopefully at 37 Muscat doesn't have too many playing years left, ban him for the rest of the season, perhaps he wont be back next year.
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
the guy's an animal! What amazes me is the stuff he gets away with every week. 6 week ban for me
Not Boyd
over 16 years

You almost wonder if they could press criminal charges....prety hard to prove I suppose but the consequences for the Heart player are worse than most assaults

over 17 years
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
out for the rest of the season. hasnt torn any ligaments which is good
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
This is a post (not mine) on 224 that I thought sums it up pretty well...
Well, Well Kev,

As you stare down the barrel of one of the longest suspensions in Australian soccer history, most of the Australian sporting public hope you never grace the field again. Whilst many on here just blindly hate you full stop, I can look beyond it and see that you have had a mildly successful career with titles in Oz and Europe. You have also represented the socceroos. But your nasty streak will now mean that all of this is put to one side, and this is you lasting legacy.

Your history that includes ending someone�s career and almost resulting in them having their leg amputated is disgusting. Your thuggery has no business in sport and more importantly, society. NO BUSINESS.

Your thuggish antics in the sport that has provided you a livelihood, is now about to catch up with you and hopefully end your career. You may have a promising coaching or media career, but with this incident, I hope fox sports and MV take a massive step back and realize they want no part with someone who sets the hard work they do it raising the profile of this sport in the country and puts it back to the Stone Age.

Whilst I do not condone violence and I am aware kev is a family man. This incident will heap shame on all connected with. Maladjusted people and youths may spit on him on the street and threaten him with violence. This is wrong but your actions would have provoked them. You may consider yourself lucky that you don�t ply your trade in a country like Turkey or Columbia where fans do cross that line.

You also have ruined the bad name of your peers. Who is to say that your card may not be marked, should you be able to play again. A player may think that if you can dish it out, then you can take it and leave you requiring serious medical attention? Again, that would be wrong but you reap what you sow.

Whilst a football forum will be full of people�s throwaway opinions, the right thing to do would be to walk away. Retire or let the match review panel retire you. Then issue an apology. A real, not piss weak apology in which you repent your sins and people may accept and get back to remembering your football achievements.
almost 17 years
Far be it from me to get in the way of an angry lynch mob, but according to the Hyundai A-League official website, in terms of player discipline Kevin Muscat only rates 36th worst player in the league with 4 yellow cards and 2 red cards (from 21 games).  Ahead of him in the "Worst and Filthiest" stakes are St Ben Sigmund, St Andrew Durante, St Tim Brown, and St Manny Muscat.  St Vince Lia is just a place behind in 37th.  So apart from one or two indiscretions his record is actually pretty good this season.
But I too am very grateful that he wasn't playing against us on the 5th of January or I'm sure young Marco would currently be in a full body plaster cast.
Not Elite enough
over 17 years
Angry lynch mob? very interesting choice of words.
Muscat has a long record of thuggery and has always got away with a lot more than he's been punished for, his efforts in the wall at their goal from the free kick, which went unpunished, are just one example. So to use those stats doesn't give the full picture. Does that mean you rate his assault at the weekend as an indiscretion?
When a referee like Graham Poll branded him as the most abusive, foul mouthed player he has ever refereed, that gives some idea of what the man is all about. To me, citing those stats in an attempt to paint other players as somehow 'worse and filthier' than Kevin Muscat is nonsense.
Jag2011-01-25 12:56:36
Woof Woof
about 17 years
Far be it from me to get in the way of an angry lynch mob, but according to the Hyundai A-League official website, in terms of player discipline Kevin Muscat only rates 36th worst player in the league with 4 yellow cards and 2 red cards (from 21 games).� Ahead of him in the "Worst and Filthiest" stakes are St Ben Sigmund, St Andrew Durante, St Tim Brown, and St Manny Muscat.� St Vince Lia is just a place behind in 37th.� So apart from one or two indiscretions his record is actually pretty good this season.

Firstly, a bit disingenuous to argue this, isn't it? The players on that list are ranked on the amount of yellow cards they received this season, not taking into account the number of red cards, which clearly gives a wrong impression considering that you can get a yellow for something as inocuous as lifting your shirt, while reds are clearly given for much more serious offences.

And on the list, only three players have received two red cards this season, and Muscat's one of them.

And this, of course, is not taking into account that he gets away with a lot - whether the referees are in awe of him or just sh*t-scared, I don't know. But taking just the last game into account: Muscat rugby-tackles two Heart players from the wall, and not only is Muscat not called for a foul and yellow carded as he should have been, Victory actually scored a goal from the free kick. Fast forward to the second-half, he hacks down a Heart player (think it was either Zahra or Behich) in front of the box, and rightly gets a yellow card for it, but he gets up verbally abusing Beath claiming he'd won the ball (and the replays showed he clearly got nowhere near it) for a prolonged period, and Beath didn't have the balls to give him another yellow for that tirade and just walked away. So if Beath had actually grown a pair, Muscat should have been off well before that tackle. Wonder if he'd have handled it differently if he'd known what Muscat was going to do.

el grapadura2011-01-25 13:09:40
almost 17 years
I was being flippant in my earlier post.  But the serious point is that the absence of balance and perspective has people suggesting life bans, 12 month bans, bans linked to the injury absence of the other player, etc etc.  It's never going to happen and shouldn't ever happen, in isolation, unless the entire discipline system is changed.  Muscat is a foul player, hence my comment about being glad he didn't play against Rojas, but while that may boost an otherwise three match ban to a 6-8 match ban, the rest of the sentiments in these posts are just deranged.  Saying he's a "c**t" to his family - for goodness sake!  Also doesn't anyone else worry about getting on the bandwagon in the way this thread has?  His foul was inexcusable (and was Marco's fate if he had skinned Muscat the way he continually did against Pondeljak) but I think we should hesitate before getting our stocks from Angry Mob Supplies for the lynching.
almost 17 years
No, the angry mob is deserved.

What if it had been Marco?

and while we're at it look at the behaviour of Grella and Cahill in the 'friendly' before the world cup. Disgraceful. And sanctioned by the Australian officials with their bans for diving, but not for serious foul play.
martinb2011-01-25 14:54:37
Not Elite enough
over 17 years
The problem with Muscat is that it's cumulative. He's already ended one player's career in the UK, he has a very long track record of this sort of thing. That has to be taken into acccouint if we're keeping things in perspective.
The tackle at the weekend would have been bad enough if it was an isolated incident, but it's that on top of his previous offences that have got people calling for him to be banned for a very long time.
He represents all that is bad in the game and, irrespective of what the FFA do,  it's a disgrace that his Club haven't come down on him like a ton of bricks. For them not to do anything merely condones what he did, and what he's being doing for years.
Jag2011-01-25 15:39:45
about 17 years
Sadly I saw Muscat on SBS this morning and he's trying to make out he's a sincere person whom didn't mean to hurt a fly and that he really cares about the injured player.
Well, you can fool some of the people some of the time and the FFA all of the time, So I am expecting him to get a three match suspended ban. As a result he'll retired gracefully.
Meanwhile in the real world, we will remember him as a dirty bastard that did not only play the game game hard but frequently broke the rules and got away with it because he's the FFA's blue eyed boy.
Starting XI
over 17 years
I was being flippant in my earlier post.  But the serious point is that the absence of balance and perspective has people suggesting life bans, 12 month bans, bans linked to the injury absence of the other player, etc etc.  It's never going to happen and shouldn't ever happen, in isolation, unless the entire discipline system is changed.  Muscat is a foul player, hence my comment about being glad he didn't play against Rojas, but while that may boost an otherwise three match ban to a 6-8 match ban, the rest of the sentiments in these posts are just deranged.  Saying he's a "c**t" to his family - for goodness sake!  Also doesn't anyone else worry about getting on the bandwagon in the way this thread has?  His foul was inexcusable (and was Marco's fate if he had skinned Muscat the way he continually did against Pondeljak) but I think we should hesitate before getting our stocks from Angry Mob Supplies for the lynching.

Its quite simple really. By continuing to act in the way he has, Muscat invites all these comments.

We have been watching for 4 seasons and  it is a well observed pattern and there is the impression that he will do what he can to get what he wants, (the pushing of the wall on the weekend amazed me, and showed an incredible arrogance to all)  The persistent fouling, the bullying, it happens so repeatedy on the field it becomes  fair to surmise it happens off the field also.

"Sadly I saw Muscat on SBS this morning and he's trying to make out he's a sincere person whom didn't mean to hurt a fly and that he really cares about the injured player."  This is also part of the problem. The Aussie media is complicit in giving him the attention he seeks and a chance to start defending himself. Actions speak louder than words, and mealymouthed sincerityfrom him doesnt cut it anymore.

So people on the forum are upset, dont want to see a continuation and speak out about it. Good on them. Yes he wont be banned for life, but it is ok to express that is what you would like to see. This thread would be 50 pages long if it was done to one of our players. I am generally pretty moderate on here, but have no concerns about what has been expressed on this topic, and will be pleased to see the back of him

hepatitis2011-01-25 17:45:33
tradition and history
about 17 years
hepatitis wrote:

I was�being flippant in my earlier post.� But the serious point is that the absence of balance and perspective has people suggesting life bans, 12 month bans, bans linked to the injury absence of the other player, etc etc.� It's never going to happen and shouldn't ever happen, in isolation, unless the entire discipline system is changed.� Muscat is a foul player, hence my comment about being glad he didn't play against Rojas, but while that may boost an otherwise three match ban to a 6-8 match ban, the rest of the sentiments in these posts are just deranged.� Saying he's a "c**t" to his family - for goodness sake!� Also doesn't anyone else worry about getting on the bandwagon in the way this thread has?� His foul was inexcusable (and was Marco's fate if he had skinned Muscat the way he continually did against Pondeljak) but I think we should hesitate before getting our stocks from Angry Mob Supplies for the lynching.
Its quite simple really. By continuing to act in the way he has, Muscat invites all these comments.We have been watching for 4 seasons and� it is a well observed pattern and there is the impression that he will do what he can to get what he wants, (the pushing of the wall on the weekend amazed me, and showed an incredible arrogance to all)� The persistent fouling, the bullying, it happens so repeatedy on the field it becomes� fair to surmise it happens off the field also. "Sadly I saw Muscat on SBS this morning and he's trying to make out he's a
sincere person whom didn't mean to hurt a fly and that he really cares
about the injured player."� This is also part of the problem. The Aussie media is complicit in giving him the attention he seeks and a chance to start defending himself. Actions speak louder than words, and mealymouthed sincerityfrom him doesnt cut it anymore. So people on the forum are upset, dont want to see a continuation and speak out about it. Good on them. Yes he wont be banned for life, but it is ok to express that is what you would like to see. This thread would be 50 pages long if it was done to one of our players. I am generally pretty moderate on here, but have no concerns about what has been expressed on this topic, and will be pleased to see the back of him

All the Oz media have been giving him heaps, especially quite a few ex sooceroos.
One in a million
over 17 years

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