Auckland FC - Once the Knights, Always the Knights

First Team Squad
almost 6 years
Nothing so far about Bling II: Baby blinging indicates they’re aware of Polynesian or Island presence in the city. Tuiloma would have made a good first club captain if that was their intention.

White rich and corporate is the image so far! Nothing wrong with that, but amongst anti-Maori backlash leading up to the last election there’s been little indication that they’re tapping into the Tamaki or Waitemata heritage. 

This might possibly change with the announcement of players, but do taniwha fit with a Christian knight narrative? 

Not so far.

What do you mean FFS. You are just nasty muck spreading. Did you even spend the 40 secs required to watch this video, before making sweeping accusations it's just a rich white corporate image they are going with? They have been in operation a matter of months. Employing staff. Signing players. Lot going on. I'm sure with time they will be doing plenty of stuff in the Maori language space etc.

We as yet have no real idea which players they have signed, and Tuiloma is still contracted to Charlotte until 2025. So getting him to Auckland ain't that simple.

I've read some stuff on the Las Vegas Knights NHL team, and they made a real effort to embed themselves in the Vegas community. 

No reason to think Foley's Auckland franchise won't do that. I reckon the Americans that Foley brings into the Auckland FC setup, will be all over the requirement to win over as much of the 09 as possible. They are after all coming from a country that has a super competitive sports market, and where every fan is almost cherished. The fan experience Stateside is taken very seriously.

Doloras will be there with her left wing ultra group singing Spanish Civil War songs, but I'm sure as long as they have paying tickets they will be warmly embraced. Bill just wants you to turn up.

Maybe it's a good thing that Corica, McFlynn & Foley are all foreigners to NZ. No interest in any Kiwi racial or political hang ups, just getting on with the busy work of building a club from scratch, and getting out there as much as time perrmits, into the community. 

By no means taking potshots at what the Nix do in the cultural space, but have a look at photo of a packed Yellow Fever Zone at a game. Seems about 95% white pakeha to me. It is what it is.

Their image is very cringe at the mo. Nothing they do social media wise is very cool or clever. Starting with the local ethnic groups would have been a good start, humbling even, but hey, that’s just me. Everything is bling at the mo. Hopefully they’ll change and up their game, it’s embarrassing at the moment imo.
over 9 years
Chill Coochie. 

It’s simply facts. 

Their owner is a white American dude with Auckland’s love island couple and brother. 

Their manager is Corrica. Operations is Becker. McFlynn is CEO. They’re posting gags about F1. They’re embracing a rich, preppy image so far. Nothing wrong with that.

Supporters are (Wellington is the home of football..) U p th e Po rt.

I’ll read your whole thing when I’ve got more battery, but so far they aren’t using a lot of Polynesian imagery or allusions in anything I’ve seen, which certainly was an option.

Again nothing wrong with that. 

News flash the Nix are owned by rich white dudes. Williams & Mowbray ain't everyone's cup of tea but neither is Gareth Morgan. W&M are a bit cringe, but Foley's entitled to bring someone in to help with the accounts payables, and probably figures having an ex rugby player involved ain't a bad idea re the marketing. Many folk will only know un comical Ali, as an All Black, unaware of what he's done since then, or who he's hooked up with.

I see the American primary owner as more similar to Rob Morrison than Elon Musk. Bill made his billions in the boring world of insurance after all. Portly McFlynn I'd say is more Ulster fry breakfast, than eggs benedict. Small town North Queensland boy Corica does yes have his well brycreemed immaculate salt & pepper thatch. But hey he's got an Italian background. They are often well groomed. Chief dresses more along the lines of his Peruvian mother's heritage.

But don't think there is too much bling about Foley & co so far. They are getting out into the community. Sitting in the stands at Kiwitea St & Seddon Fields. Sure their office is down at the flashy Viaduct, but that's likely a temporary thing given Bill owns some bars there.

They wanted to set themselves up at Mt Smart, but the Warriors have shut them out, so sounds like they will start off training at Albany. But for now I imagine it makes more sense to have an office more located Central Auckland, for getting out & about.

It's likely all go at the moment, setting up a club from zero to be ready for season 2024/25. Fine tuning the social media stuff will come with time. They have been around literally 5 mins. Think their new marketing person is still finishing up at Auckland Racing.

You can use all of the Maori or Polynesian imagery you want, but if the folk of Porirua or Otahuhu don't turn up they don't turn up. The supporter base of the Nix after 17 years is still overwhelmingly pakeha. Don't see many Maori or Polynesian kids coming through Weenix's Academy. It could just be that Auckland in comparison, have a number of Polynesian background players immediately in their senior squad & Academy. Merit based of course. That may transpire.

over 13 years
 I remember the old knights signing Asian players expecting that the Asian migrants of the north shore would turn up.

Just needs to happen organically.

over 9 years
Agree needs to happen organically, as it will, with players into their new AFC Academy on merit etc. Wellington (about 75% pakeha) is 'whiter' than Auckland (about 57%), so yeah stands to reason Auckland FC's Kiwi playing group will likely be more multicultural.

Seems there are a number of young promising Northern League players of a multi cultural background, from what I see from afar. Karunaratne, Joe Lee and Aaryan Raj. 

Also the South Island sits at about 78% pakeha, and it might be more likely going forward young talented kids from there move to Welly ahead of the big smoke 09. Loathed Auckland to many down south might as well be another country.

So it could all just be that yeah organically, Auckland as a club has a more multi cultural feel than the Nix.

over 17 years
 I remember the old knights signing Asian players expecting that the Asian migrants of the north shore would turn up.

Just needs to happen organically.

Remember Gao Leilei? Wasn’t bad compared to his Knights teammates. Hopeless at the Phoenix.
over 9 years
Just read by chance that McFlynn & Chris Zoricich know each other well. Played together in the UK or something. It was Zoricich who actually recommended that McFlynn try the ALM apparently, many years ago.

Zoricich currently head coach as Nth NSW NPL club Cooks United FC (based in Newcastle). Keep an eye out for either him or son Zac (NZ U23s) to possibly link up with AFC. Though I guess Danny Hay already fills one assistant coach spot. Wonder when Hay gets to Auckland and starts attending Northern League games with his new bosses.

Zac Zoricich (age 21) is currently with Sydney Olympic in the NSW NPL.
over 17 years
 I remember the old knights signing Asian players expecting that the Asian migrants of the north shore would turn up.

Just needs to happen organically.

It did work. Loads of Chinese students at my uni (Massey) went to the first 2/3 games. They then worked out the Knights were shark and never went again.
over 17 years
How about the club sign the best players irrespective of what race or nationality they are.

Probably too logical.
and 2 others
almost 17 years
Geez, sorry didn’t think I’d said anything too controversial. 

Growing up in the 80s Auckland had its City of Sails, ‘City Life’ kind of image, which I think you can safely say you don’t have in, well, Hamilton for example. And Sydney is a bit similar in that regard. 

(Wellington at that time had the bit funkier ‘absolutely positively’ thing going on. )

It’s the kind of image that sells the Grammar zone as exclusive or why people pay to get their kids into Auckland private schools.

And you’re absolutely right that soccer was seen as a quite white middle class sport, which is why initiatives to broaden its interest exist. 

And perhaps in terms of facilities there’s a gap between the image the individuals involve project and the stadiums and offices available. 

Certainly the APL are overjoyed at the credibility and reputation Bill Foley brings, at a time when wealthier clubs who had previously spent money on De Piero or Nani are reining in their spending or having financial issues.

The appointments have mostly been from international, comparatively big successful organisations, particularly Foley’s network and the City Football group. Even the business of the minor holders is an international concern.

And the idea of knights of integrity as righteous defenders of what’s right is something that the owner has brought with him as personally important. 

That’s been what I’ve picked up of their image so far. It’s a different situation say to when Tainui bought the Warriors, but that’s totally fine. Or even the partnership and epithet in the Nix logo, which was something that happened later with in the club’s development. 
First Team Squad
almost 16 years
The best way for AFC to alienate themselves is to become some social exhibitionists instead of focusing on playing and growing football.
and 1 other
almost 17 years
But clubs represent their cities and regions, tbf. 

Chelsea and West Ham have a different cachet. 

And as you say Viaduct office, talked about a building a downtown stadium…Bill started in insurance, but is best known for his international network of football clubs and his high end hospitality group, with Britomart and Jervois road featuring. 

I’m curious as to why it’s such a push back thing for you guys. 

I just think this is what these guys are. It’s not showing off or anything. The papers describe them as heavy hitters and a power couple and they’ve been linked with the best players in the league, as well as some kiwi journeymen. 

For me it’s not a negative. All it needs is Oliver Driver hosting their season launch! 

I’d be interested about your first reaction to Cornwall Park and One Tree Hill and the Parnell Rose Gardens. Also Auckland icons. 
almost 14 years
Chill Coochie. 

It’s simply facts. 

Their owner is a white American dude with Auckland’s love island couple and brother. 

Their manager is Corrica. Operations is Becker. McFlynn is CEO. They’re posting gags about F1. They’re embracing a rich, preppy image so far. Nothing wrong with that.

Supporters are (Wellington is the home of football..) U p th e Po rt.

I’ll read your whole thing when I’ve got more battery, but so far they aren’t using a lot of Polynesian imagery or allusions in anything I’ve seen, which certainly was an option.

Again nothing wrong with that. 

News flash the Nix are owned by rich white dudes. Williams & Mowbray ain't everyone's cup of tea but neither is Gareth Morgan. W&M are a bit cringe, but Foley's entitled to bring someone in to help with the accounts payables, and probably figures having an ex rugby player involved ain't a bad idea re the marketing. Many folk will only know un comical Ali, as an All Black, unaware of what he's done since then, or who he's hooked up with.

I see the American primary owner as more similar to Rob Morrison than Elon Musk. Bill made his billions in the boring world of insurance after all. Portly McFlynn I'd say is more Ulster fry breakfast, than eggs benedict. Small town North Queensland boy Corica does yes have his well brycreemed immaculate salt & pepper thatch. But hey he's got an Italian background. They are often well groomed. Chief dresses more along the lines of his Peruvian mother's heritage.

But don't think there is too much bling about Foley & co so far. They are getting out into the community. Sitting in the stands at Kiwitea St & Seddon Fields. Sure their office is down at the flashy Viaduct, but that's likely a temporary thing given Bill owns some bars there.

They wanted to set themselves up at Mt Smart, but the Warriors have shut them out, so sounds like they will start off training at Albany. But for now I imagine it makes more sense to have an office more located Central Auckland, for getting out & about.

It's likely all go at the moment, setting up a club from zero to be ready for season 2024/25. Fine tuning the social media stuff will come with time. They have been around literally 5 mins. Think their new marketing person is still finishing up at Auckland Racing.

You can use all of the Maori or Polynesian imagery you want, but if the folk of Porirua or Otahuhu don't turn up they don't turn up. The supporter base of the Nix after 17 years is still overwhelmingly pakeha. Don't see many Maori or Polynesian kids coming through Weenix's Academy. It could just be that Auckland in comparison, have a number of Polynesian background players immediately in their senior squad & Academy. Merit based of course. That may transpire.

Dont think Morrison would have donated to Trump.
over 9 years
You basically said they were soley potraying a white, rich corporate image. Them totally ignoring anything Polynesian or Maori. 

They have been around 5 mins. The Nix have been around 17 years, and have years to get looking nice in the cultural imagery, bilingual space etc. Yet they are not perfect. Lets be brutally honest they have only a small supporter base in the Wellington Polynesian community, and very few players have come through from that community. It is what it is.

But it might well be that in that space AFC do it better, despite having a rich 'white' owner. Can see AFC throwing considerable money at local talent workshops, scholarships, buses from Manurewa AFC to Mt Smart on match days etc etc etc. Just because they will likely have more cash than the Nix. And Auckland is yes again a more multi cultural city than Welly, with a much bigger talent base of local kids from non pakeha backgrounds.

So I'd reserve judgements on AFC ignoring those communities. It might well be that's it quite the opposite, as time goes on - and they have again been around a matter of months getting busy with starting a club from scratch. I'd judge them by the actual work they do in those communities over time, real meaningful stuff. Not just some pretty images on a website or some nice flowery mission statement. Maybe it's just me but Corica taking the time to head out to Clendon FC on a cold autumn mid week night is actually more tangible, than plastering some Te Reo stuff on social media. But again maybe that's just me.
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
"I’m curious as to why it’s such a push back thing for you guys. "

Occam's Razor: they don't actually think outreach to Māori/Pasefika communities is necessary or useful. They think it's "politically exhibitionist", which I think is a fancy way of saying "woke". 
Bossi Insider
about 16 years

I really hope they don't do a NZ Derby in Round 1. That game should be a draw card just by itself. Give both teams a few weeks to find their feet, so we can get a competitive match.
and 6 others
almost 17 years
You basically said they were soley potraying a white, rich corporate image. Them totally ignoring anything Polynesian or Maori. 

They have been around 5 mins. The Nix have been around 17 years, and have years to get looking nice in the cultural imagery, bilingual space etc. Yet they are not perfect. Lets be brutally honest they have only a small supporter base in the Wellington Polynesian community, and very few players have come through from that community. It is what it is.

But it might well be that in that space AFC do it better, despite having a rich 'white' owner. Can see AFC throwing considerable money at local talent workshops, scholarships, buses from Manurewa AFC to Mt Smart on match days etc etc etc. Just because they will likely have more cash than the Nix. And Auckland is yes again a more multi cultural city than Welly, with a much bigger talent base of local kids from non pakeha backgrounds.

So I'd reserve judgements on AFC ignoring those communities. It might well be that's it quite the opposite, as time goes on - and they have again been around a matter of months getting busy with starting a club from scratch. I'd judge them by the actual work they do in those communities over time, real meaningful stuff. Not just some pretty images on a website or some nice flowery mission statement.

Okay, ignored was not at all what I was going for. 

If they wanted to they could have leaned into a more Polynesian branding, but they didn’t. They went fairly simple and neutral. What we do know about them, their ‘nickname’ reflects their owners personal belief in personal integrity, from the heritage of Polish Black Knights via West Point. This explicitly reflects a Caucasian heritage, but it’s not at all exclusively that. 

The branding has been simple and clean. The personalities involved and their background is up market and international, in a way that people used to find publicly attractive about Auckland. I know being up market is looked at with suspicion in much of the country- ‘those latte drinking Jaffas’- but I don’t think it is so much by most of Auckland. 

I’m not playing one off against the other at all, but simply making an observation. It’s not an exclusionary thing, but it has come from who the owners are. 

You look at the first attempt to put together an A league bid the people involved had less money, it was more of a conglomerate, and they name checked Ali Riley, Tim Brown, Ryan Nelsen and Winston Reid as people to be involved in some capacity.

I’m sure the patronage and the academy will be multicultural as the crowds usually are in the 09. 

I don’t think that branding has been ignored, but also there’s nothing worse than Te Reo washing and to be honest I’m sure the local connections will come as people make them, as you say. All the people involved have impeccable football credentials and several continents worth of knowledge to bring on board. 

I remember one lady whose interest in Maori pronunciation went up significantly a month before a round of promotions and another time we were up for a joint project with a part iwi owned group and the office manager went around sticking te reo signs on the light switches and so on a couple of days before the meeting. And of course didn’t get them proof read by anyone and they contained a number of mistakes. 

You don’t want anything plastic like that kind of bs. 

It wasn’t a judgment or exclusion honestly, just that the tagline for the club could be 
Lorient: Las Vegas: Sydney: Melbourne: Auckland. Like a bunch of companies had an Auckland office of a big international outfit in the past. 
That’s where these guys have come from or are associated with. 

I wouldn’t use the word ignored. It’s just they aren’t local guys yet. Hay, sure, though he’s an international traveler too and Foley I have heard spends a fair bit of time here. And Becker is another Kiwi traveler. As are the Mowbrays. Not unlike our last 3-4 PMs. 

I think that is a rich, white, corporate image, but unpacking that further it’s an international, skilled, exceptional, aspirational, organised, connected and fun image. And I think with as you say a vast number of ethnicities prominently involved in NZ football any further kind of representation can emerge organically. 
over 9 years
"I’m curious as to why it’s such a push back thing for you guys. "

Occam's Razor: they don't actually think outreach to Māori/Pasefika communities is necessary or useful. They think it's "politically exhibitionist", which I think is a fancy way of saying "woke". 

I hope AFC do embrace all it's communities of every hue, race & orientation. I hope that they get out there to make real meaningful connections from Kaikohe to Thames and all points in between. They'd be dumb not to, and I think they are smart enough and likely have enough cash to do it well.

But getting all super critical about a lack of multi cultural social media content, after 4 months - whilst sipping your chai latte in Sandringham or Osaka or where ever, is yeah woke. When the chairman of Manukau FC in year's time says hey, Auckland are a white man's Bling FC and completely ignoring our communities down in South Auckland, then I'd pay attention.

over 9 years

I really hope they don't do a NZ Derby in Round 1. That game should be a draw card just by itself. Give both teams a few weeks to find their feet, so we can get a competitive match.

Waitangi Day as you have suggested RR, and one other date. Maybe the Nixmas game. A Welly pub crawl of mixed Nix & AFC fans??

Also if it does become a 12/13 team comp (no Canberra and/or Newcastle), the two NZ clubs should lobby APL for a 3rd derby game, as part of the uneven draw (playing some teams 3x).

almost 17 years
Chill Coochie. 

It’s simply facts. 

Their owner is a white American dude with Auckland’s love island couple and brother. 

Their manager is Corrica. Operations is Becker. McFlynn is CEO. They’re posting gags about F1. They’re embracing a rich, preppy image so far. Nothing wrong with that.

Supporters are (Wellington is the home of football..) U p th e Po rt.

I’ll read your whole thing when I’ve got more battery, but so far they aren’t using a lot of Polynesian imagery or allusions in anything I’ve seen, which certainly was an option.

Again nothing wrong with that. 

News flash the Nix are owned by rich white dudes. Williams & Mowbray ain't everyone's cup of tea but neither is Gareth Morgan. W&M are a bit cringe, but Foley's entitled to bring someone in to help with the accounts payables, and probably figures having an ex rugby player involved ain't a bad idea re the marketing. Many folk will only know un comical Ali, as an All Black, unaware of what he's done since then, or who he's hooked up with.

I see the American primary owner as more similar to Rob Morrison than Elon Musk. Bill made his billions in the boring world of insurance after all. Portly McFlynn I'd say is more Ulster fry breakfast, than eggs benedict. Small town North Queensland boy Corica does yes have his well brycreemed immaculate salt & pepper thatch. But hey he's got an Italian background. They are often well groomed. Chief dresses more along the lines of his Peruvian mother's heritage.

But don't think there is too much bling about Foley & co so far. They are getting out into the community. Sitting in the stands at Kiwitea St & Seddon Fields. Sure their office is down at the flashy Viaduct, but that's likely a temporary thing given Bill owns some bars there.

They wanted to set themselves up at Mt Smart, but the Warriors have shut them out, so sounds like they will start off training at Albany. But for now I imagine it makes more sense to have an office more located Central Auckland, for getting out & about.

It's likely all go at the moment, setting up a club from zero to be ready for season 2024/25. Fine tuning the social media stuff will come with time. They have been around literally 5 mins. Think their new marketing person is still finishing up at Auckland Racing.

You can use all of the Maori or Polynesian imagery you want, but if the folk of Porirua or Otahuhu don't turn up they don't turn up. The supporter base of the Nix after 17 years is still overwhelmingly pakeha. Don't see many Maori or Polynesian kids coming through Weenix's Academy. It could just be that Auckland in comparison, have a number of Polynesian background players immediately in their senior squad & Academy. Merit based of course. That may transpire.

Dont think Morrison would have donated to Trump.

Having seen just a small part of the impressive list of things Rob is involved with I imagine he’s got friends and acquaintances in many, many places. 

about 12 years
I'm loving this season... but I am also way to excited for next year and we are still an age away!
almost 17 years
I'm loving this season... but I am also way to excited for next year and we are still an age away!

5 and a half months...
about 17 years
I think New Years Day would be a good time to have a Derby game and Easter Weekend. Waitangi Day is too busy with a lot of other stuff going on around the country.
over 9 years

I really hope they don't do a NZ Derby in Round 1. That game should be a draw card just by itself. Give both teams a few weeks to find their feet, so we can get a competitive match.

Someone on AFC FB page suggested Sydney FC as Auckland's opening game.

Makes alot of sense.

First Team Squad
over 7 years

I really hope they don't do a NZ Derby in Round 1. That game should be a draw card just by itself. Give both teams a few weeks to find their feet, so we can get a competitive match.

Waitangi Day as you have suggested RR, and one other date. Maybe the Nixmas game. A Welly pub crawl of mixed Nix & AFC fans??

Also if it does become a 12/13 team comp (no Canberra and/or Newcastle), the two NZ clubs should lobby APL for a 3rd derby game, as part of the uneven draw (playing some teams 3x).

Newcastle are going to be just fine.

about 12 years
Auckland's first game of the season has to be the NIX. It will generate great buzz going into the season for both clubs and makes sense commercially.

If either side is having a bad start to the season, the 'derby' might lose some of its luster and you want the first one to go off with a bang!
over 17 years
The NZ derby in Auckland in week 1 would generate a heap of buzz but I wonder if it's the smartest way to play it. Auckland's first ever game will be big, and the first NZ derby will also be big.  Why use all that capital in one match?

Could it be a better idea to have Auckland play their opening game at home, against whoever, and then to host the Nix in Auckland in say week 3 or 4? That way they'll have two big, media-hyped games that will keep the team in the spotlight over a month. I think that could do more for them in the long-run than a one off big game.

I'm not a marketing guy, just a thought.
and 6 others
over 17 years
The NZ derby in Auckland in week 1 would generate a heap of buzz but I wonder if it's the smartest way to play it. Auckland's first ever game will be big, and the first NZ derby will also be big.  Why use all that capital in one match?

Could it be a better idea to have Auckland play their opening game at home, against whoever, and then to host the Nix in Auckland in say week 3 or 4? That way they'll have two big, media-hyped games that will keep the team in the spotlight over a month. I think that could do more for them in the long-run than a one off big game.

I'm not a marketing guy, just a thought.

If one side turns out to be pants next season, a kiwi derby mid season would have a whole lot less pull then an opening day clash of the kiwi titans.
First Team Squad
almost 2 years
Yes but the person you're replying to is suggesting week 3 or 4, which is too early to tell if a team is terrible or not, look at the Mariners this season. It'd be beyond foolish and wasteful to have the kiwi derby on opening day
almost 14 years
Yes but the person you're replying to is suggesting week 3 or 4, which is too early to tell if a team is terrible or not, look at the Mariners this season. It'd be beyond foolish and wasteful to have the kiwi derby on opening day
or the Phoenix any season under Ufuk.
over 13 years
While I know they would want to make mr smart their spiritual home. I would have first game against who ever at Mt Smart, and then a couple of weeks later the nix at Eden park. Figure that would lead to 15k at Mt Smart and then 25k plus at Eden Park.
over 9 years
A few rumoured AFC prospects feature at the end here.

Bossi Insider
about 16 years
Starting XI
about 15 years
What am I missing here, I thought the APL did the draw?? Can clubs ask for specific games on a certain date?  I would have liked the first derby to be in Wellington so we can maximise income for us. 
almost 14 years
Clubs put forward preferred fixtures and the apl tries to balance all the teams wishlists with stadium availability and the needs of the broadcasters.

Apparently quite an involved process 
First Team Squad
over 7 years
What am I missing here, I thought the APL did the draw?? Can clubs ask for specific games on a certain date?  I would have liked the first derby to be in Wellington so we can maximise income for us. 

Journalists read the forums, see the post that suggests  first game will get a crowd anyway, better to maximise by having derby later, see the post about how derby will be crap if Ak suck, surmise it should be early, see the post about how casuals likely won’t spend money to go every week so derby should be week 3 or 4.

Then they write article on the theory the APL might see it the same, knowing that most casual readers of the herald will have completely forgotten come October. Don’t believe everything you read in the paper.

It’s just a speculative article based on common sense…except for that business on playing  ”5 teams thrice”, that’s just lazy reporting.

Can clubs make requests? Sure. Have AKl? No, not yet. Will APL grant such requests?
Absolutely /s
Was it this season or last season WPX requested 8 of our first 10 games be at home so we get smaller crowds as most casuals couldn’t afford to go every week?
Was it last season WPX requested the distance derby the evening before Xmas eve so the players had zero chance of getting home to spend Xmas eve with their families.

over 9 years
Nice to hear will have a big Kiwi cohort from the get go.
So you'd think the 13 or so signed (including any scholarships) to date would come mostly from likes of -

Woud, Francis de Vries, Elliot, Nikko Boxall, Tommy Smith, Raj, Campbell Strong, Corban Piper, Howieson, Luis Toomey, Jessie Randall, Stipe Ukich, Liam Gillon, Champness, Rojas, Bevan etc

See that Nikko Boxall has turned up at Eastern Suburbs in the Northern League. Piper scored a great goal on the weekend for Birkenhead, against ES.

Note some confidence on their fans FB page that they have signed Zawada. Would disappoint Nix fans if so, but would be great news for the derby games hype. Our own little Luis Figo situation.

The rumours do make some sense. We know he likes NZ & the ALM. Auckland can sign him as a marquee and pay him big wages, plus they know he would be great marketing on several levels.

They have yet to officially announce any players but are believed to have signed around 13, with the majority from New Zealand.

“We are in a good place, in terms of players,” said Auckland FC director of football Terry McFlynn.

Talks are ongoing with a number of targets, including several prominent All Whites.

Coach Steve Corica and McFlynn travelled to Cairo in March, to watch New Zealand’s matches against Egypt and Tunisia.

They also had meetings with almost every player there, staying in the same hotel.

“Whether they join us in year one, year two or year three - or they don’t - it is about building connections and being transparent about what we want to do,” McFlynn told the Herald. “Nothing has been ruled out with a lot of players.”

McFlynn declined to specify any individuals - “We are quietly going about our business and being respectful of conversations behind closed doors” - but as previously reported by the Herald, the likes of Marco Rojas, Bill Tuiloma and Michael Boxall remain prime targets.

On a local level, Corica and McFlynn have been focused on spreading the gospel and establishing relationships, as they watch games and training sessions at clubs all across the city, as well as some school matches.

“It is about getting out there and seeing who is doing what, how and why,” said McFlynn. “We are getting around, seeing as much football as we can. Everybody has been very open, very receptive.”

“The feeling we have from the clubs is that Auckland as a city has been crying out for a professional team for years. So we have to work with the football community, in terms of members, supporters, fans, sponsors, corporates and talent. It’s all there within the football community so we want to work together.”

almost 17 years
Dunno why they'd take the punt on Zawada given the recent injury he's had, looking back on his career last season was one of the only ones that he wasn't affected by injury of some kind. Seems like this season is pretty mcuh they way it has gone for him. I'm not sure McFlynn and Corica would be that keen to spend big bucks on an injury prone striker.
over 9 years
Presumably he'd need to undergo a full medical, before any contract would be confirmed. From memory it's an unusual injury he's had the 2nd half of this season. Not one he's had before?? Maybe any contract would have bonuses for matches played or something. I presume if it was a marquee type deal, you can get creative.

The Nix signed Gary Hooper & Tomer Hemed after both had barely played for 1-2 seasons prior to coming to the ALM. They both worked out pretty good overall. 
almost 17 years
Presumably he'd need to undergo a full medical, before any contract would be confirmed. From memory it's an unusual injury he's had the 2nd half of this season. Not one he's had before?? Maybe any contract would have bonuses for matches played or something. I presume if it was a marquee type deal, you can get creative.

The Nix signed Gary Hooper & Tomer Hemed after both had barely played for 1-2 seasons prior to coming to the ALM. They both worked out pretty good overall. 

yeah maybe, but I also dont think this Auckland FC outfit are gonna be looking at marquees in the Hemed, Hooper or Zawada category - Zawada is the least simialr in age to the other two but I think AFC will be looking to bring in younger "stars" to really peak the excitement level around the club. I dont think Zawada really does that off last season. Especially as the Nix hardly appear to be making massive "we want to keep him" noises any more.
over 9 years
The Nix are about to cop a $1M income drop (reduced TV rights payment) for next season. They can't afford to keep Zawada. Barba & Kraev (who they more want to keep) could be asking for payrises. As could be some the young Kiwi players who are all now more valuable, than they were when signing out of the Academy last season. Letting the Pole go, is the easiest way to alleviate some of that coming wages/cashflow pressure. Next is selling Surman and/or Old.

I think Auckland will be targeting at least one ex EPL player. Plenty of expats Brits (Euro snobs) in the upper North Island. Plus it's just good marketing full stop.

Zawada himself has high marketability & X factor. Good looking dude, who is a bit out there for Kiwis with his supreme confidence ('I'm the best striker in this league') and he may yet get a winning goal(s) for the Nix in the next few weeks.

On a football level he's proven in this league, and still relatively young at 28. Yipe injury prone, but again you make him do medicals plus get good specialist advice that he is fully recovered from his latest ailment. Sure some risk signing him, but I imagine he won't be the highest profile visa player Auckland aim to sign. So if he is a constant sick bay flop, not the end of the world.

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