about 17 years
Early retirement
over 17 years
In the Northern Leagues thread and posted as news Hobbs.
over 14 years
Phoenix Academy
over 15 years

Question for the DomPost. Was that really worth a front page of the capital city's newspaper?

about 12 years

turkiye wrote:

Question for the DomPost. Was that really worth a front page of the capital city's newspaper?

No it is not worth front page of the Dompost,

Follows on from last week with TS filling up a Jag at the service station

Why do these people go running off to the newspaper when something like this happens.

Soccer in Wgton is run by Capital Soccer not the Dompost.

If i were in club administration I would not be very happy that someone in my club goes off to the newspaper before contacting the club with their concerns. Just like the Justice system there are channells for this to be dealt with. Having people opinions splashed all over the front page, thats not the way.

And to the person who did go to the newspaper look before you leap in future, there are a lot of good people out there in every sport doing a lot of good work and we dont need this.

Not that I condon what has "allegedly" happened here but we dont need any of it.




Phoenix Academy
over 15 years

Let's hope they went off the media because they knew no better. I'd hate it to be because they felt the club wouldn't handle it decisively. All clubs should see it it that they have robust practices in place to deal with discipline. Ones that the members feel confident about using as well.

Don't know about you but when I played I saw club members not know how to handle things because the offender was a mate. People got embarassed. We've moved on.


I've seen, albeit years back, a club that didn't go speak to a player about his continual misconduct because, in the reason given to me at the time "but he does so much around the club".  Eh???


The issue in the DimPost is not typical of our game by any stretch of the imagination. We know it and it's up to us to keep it that way.

over 14 years

I agree in most respects - by going to the media it may make it harder for the club to get the facts, on the other hand the media exposure will mean the clubs - and capital football - will take the matter seriously.  I didn't get the impression tha the DomPost was implying this was typical, in fact the front page coverage shows how unusual it is.  Although, I heard - second hand- of a junior game getting called off yesterday(?) by a referee due to excessive swearing from players -then getting harrassed by parents for doing so.

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

Surely you'd try correct avenues first,then if it wasn't being taken seriously you'd go to the media. 

Opinion Privileges revoked
over 14 years

turkiye wrote:

I've seen, albeit years back, a club that didn't go speak to a player about his continual misconduct because, in the reason given to me at the time "but he does so much around the club".  Eh???


That's Scientology ethics. "If you work hard you can commit murder with impunity; if you don't work hard you can't sneeze without written permission." With those principles they've produced shining superhumans like Tom Cruise.

over 15 years

I have to be a bit careful here because the investigation is still ongoing , but I was at the Island bay / Karori game in question. The Dominion reporter did NOT check with anyone from Island Bay who was there at the game( I use the term " reporter" loosely).

My only comment is that the alleged events as described DID NOT occur and I have made it quite clear to various people that I am quite prepared to state as much in what ever forum is deemed appropriate.  

over 14 years

Jazzman wrote:

I have to be a bit careful here because the investigation is still ongoing , but I was at the Island bay / Karori game in question. The Dominion reporter did NOT check with anyone from Island Bay who was there at the game( I use the term " reporter" loosely).

My only comment is that the alleged events as described DID NOT occur and I have made it quite clear to various people that I am quite prepared to state as much in what ever forum is deemed appropriate.  


You should get in touch with Richard Reid at Cap Football then

over 15 years

Yep , thought about that.

There were issues at the game but no where like was described. There were  faults on all sides ( parents included) and Karori were not the angels they've set themselves out to be. The ref saying some calls could have been better is putting it mildly.Karori did lay a complaint the day after.It has been looked at closely internally by Island Bay. I suspect ( this is purely my opinion only) is that Karori were after the coach in question , and in particular wanting him stood down. 

To my knowledge , there is no video evidence but I know for a fact there are photos of the players  shaking hands after the game , again slightly at odds with the report in the Doom.

Actually , if the doom had tits on page 3 , it would be the perfect tabloid!!


over 15 years

Jazzman wrote:

Actually , if the doom had tits on page 3 , it would be the perfect tabloid!!

Also if anyone gets some photos of testicles from my phone - they aren't mine, honestly!

(please stop hacking my phone Millmow & Burgess)


over 17 years
over 15 years

hur hur hur. I is J82, I is skuxxing.

I play poofball.


about 17 years

dompost wrote:
Throughout the second half, Island Bay United supporters "mildly bantered" Mr Adams while trying to recreate a "Yellow Fever-type atmosphere", Mr Chmielewski said, referring to the Wellington Phoenix fan club.

"He couldn't take any criticism. I mean, what kind of referee doesn't have a thick skin?" He said he was frustrated that Mr Adams kept approaching Island Bay United supporters to ask them to stop abusing him.


I have no opinion on the rest of the matter as I dont think we have the entire story from either side, but is the above really acceptable at an Under 12 level?  I really don't think a 'yellow fever type atmosphere' is appropriate at a kids game if it gets to the point where the ref feels he needs to ask spectators a number of times to stop the abuse.

Dinosaur Dave
almost 13 years

aitkenmike wrote:

dompost wrote:
Throughout the second half, Island Bay United supporters "mildly bantered" Mr Adams while trying to recreate a "Yellow Fever-type atmosphere", Mr Chmielewski said, referring to the Wellington Phoenix fan club.

"He couldn't take any criticism. I mean, what kind of referee doesn't have a thick skin?" He said he was frustrated that Mr Adams kept approaching Island Bay United supporters to ask them to stop abusing him.


I have no opinion on the rest of the matter as I dont think we have the entire story from either side, but is the above really acceptable at an Under 12 level?  I really don't think a 'yellow fever type atmosphere' is appropriate at a kids game if it gets to the point where the ref feels he needs to ask spectators a number of times to stop the abuse.

Not to condone anything at all but the for the record it should be pointed out he appears to be wearing blue....


In all honesty though I completely agree. Trying to bring a bit of spirit to a kids game is all good but I don't think it's the place for abusive chants towards anyone - even if the ref is an adult that should be able to handle a spot of criticism. I hardly the most moral guy about but even I think junior games aren't the place for that sort of thing.


I look forward to hearing the full story on this one eventually because it sounds very much like there is a lot more to this than the one side we have heard so far.

about 12 years

Is it acceptable:

-That the ref continuosly approach the spectators every minute of the game because of non-abusive, light banter ie c'mon ref, to wave and point his finger saying "I'm the ref and I'll make the calls", for sometimes up to a minute?

-That the ref whilst doing so, allows play to continue behind his back and players end up making their own calls ie ball goes out, it's a corner, we'll take it and carry on. Not to mention aggressive tackling?

-That the ref ignores tackles from behind and dangerous tackles, thus putting their safety at risk?

-That the ref ignores his players punching and swearing at opposition players making them cry?

-That the ref makes calls only to have his own son say "no Dad it's a goal kick for them" and only then reverses his decision?

-That the ref ignores an injured 10yo player on the ground after a bad tackle and says play on?

-That the ref send someone off without giving a reason, other than "I've had enough of you" and "I'm the ref and I can send anyone I want off"? 

-That a parent can confront and harrass the opposition coach repeatitively, after being asked politely to go away on 3 seperate occassions, only to return again and again? 

-That the ref's son leaves the field crying because he is embarressed by his father's actions and apologises to the opposition coach "Sorry my Father ruined the game", like it's happenned before?

-That the coach asks the ref on more than several occassions to "Please ref, ignore the parents, you shouldn't have to, but it's about the kid's not them, please focus on them" and "For goodness sake ref, the game is carrying on behind you, please ignore the parents and focus on the kids, it's all about them" and "ref, this is unacceptable! The kids have decided it's a corner and taken it, please focus on the game or at LEAST STOP IT" ?

How is this continuous request, abusive and worthy of being sent off ?



Dinosaur Dave
almost 13 years

If any of that is true it sounds to me like the kids were the biggest adults on the field...

about 12 years

They certainly were, and big ups to the refs son for his fair play.

Dinosaur Dave
almost 13 years

I like to hope since it sounds like you were there you have spoken to Cap football about what you saw/heard?

about 12 years

Yes I have, just now, hope you're reading this Richard, no doubt you will at some point.

Still Believin'
over 17 years

What Mr Chmielewski admits to himself is this:

DomPost wrote:
He admitted being involved in a standoff with referee David Adams and calling a woman at the game a "moaning bitch".

"When I was two inches away from his [Mr Adams'] face, I was telling him he was f...ing me off."

Combined with an attempt at "Yellow Fever style chanting" I'd say that's a bit much.




Still Believin'
over 17 years

Oh and by the way 911 Conspiracy please get a sense of perspective.

Comparing this incident to September 11? Really?


about 12 years

He told her this after 3 polite attempts to go away! Wouldn't you?

He told him this quitely as he didn't want to swear publicly again as it was already a fiasco.

It was tame in comparison to the abusive nature of some of the YF chants, which might I add a lot of these children have been exposed to when attending their matches. Should the FFA ask YF to be banned?

about 12 years

Let's keep to the topic please.

Your avatar suggests you like to target humans in your sight and shoot them, which is innappropriate to some. 

Take it with a grain of salt please.

over 17 years

I think it a bit strange that the coach was hiding/ lying from the press when he feels he did no wrong. Anywho, I think island bay club aren't at fault, as with any incident like this, they can't control the behaviour of all their players/supporters. I'm sure they were working to resolve the issue.

Why didn't someone who was giving the ref shit offer to take over the duties? When I volunteer to be a ref (due to being the only person available) and someone continuously gives me shit I offer them the whistle to take over the duties. It's not like i was jumping up and down to get the gig in the first place. Referring is a shit job. That's why i stick to only abusing official ones generally :)

over 14 years

The whole Crux of the Matter is people from all sides by the sounds of it being absolute dickheads at an under 11 match. All involved should be ashamed

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

sthn.jeff wrote:

The whole Crux of the Matter is people from all sides by the sounds of it being absolute dickheads at an under 11 match. All involved should be ashamed

This. I doesn't seem like there is an innocent party, apart from the poor kids who had to witness their parents/coaches behaving like animals.

The worst part about it is that one of the parents went running off to the Dom Post rather than dealing with it the correct way. It's embarrassing for the football community that it made the paper in a "he said this, he said that" fashion. 

Still Believin'
over 17 years

TopLeft07 wrote:

sthn.jeff wrote:

The whole Crux of the Matter is people from all sides by the sounds of it being absolute dickheads at an under 11 match. All involved should be ashamed

This. I doesn't seem like there is an innocent party, apart from the poor kids who had to witness their parents/coaches behaving like animals.

The worst part about it is that one of the parents went running off to the Dom Post rather than dealing with it the correct way. It's embarrassing for the football community that it made the paper in a "he said this, he said that" fashion. 

Agreed. This stuff shouldn't happen, but it does. There's no way it should have ended up in the paper though.


over 12 years

Back the bus up a minute.  Threatening to kill in any circumstance, and especially in an agressive situation, is surely a police matter, not a football issue. Whether it happened or not, or deciding what the actual intent was, is not for this forum's jury.

It's not a good look for the sport.


over 14 years

Masia wrote:

Back the bus up a minute.  Threatening to kill in any circumstance, and especially in an agressive situation, is surely a police matter, not a football issue. Whether it happened or not, or deciding what the actual intent was, is not for this forum's jury.

It's not a good look for the sport.

+1, I'd be surprised if the police don't get involved.  Legally, a threat like that can at a minimum be classed as assault and it was a serious accustaion for Karori to have made.

And agreed with earlier posts that YF chants and "ribbing" of the ref - regardless of the latter's ineptitude has no place in Junior football.  (In the feverzone at the stadium - the fans are 30-100 m from and the ref's are more experienced and used to getting a bit of flak - and calling someone a wanker is hardly a capital offence) 

A terrible look for the sport, but it is out there now, so Capital football will have to come down hard on all offending parties - it doesn't sound like Karori were lily-white here either.   

Dinosaur Dave
almost 13 years

Masia wrote:

Back the bus up a minute.  Threatening to kill in any circumstance, and especially in an agressive situation, is surely a police matter, not a football issue. Whether it happened or not, or deciding what the actual intent was, is not for this forum's jury.

It's not a good look for the sport.


Completely agree - but would you say it's for the media jury instead? No reason for anyone to have rushed to the papers. Complaints were laid and investigation underway, why not let that take its course. Those involved are the ones that put it in the public forum (wasn't a police press release or anything) not us.

over 15 years

TIP-Dadi wrote:

A terrible look for the sport, but it is out there now, so Capital football will have to come down hard on all offending parties - it doesn't sound like Karori were lily-white here either.   

No.  While I absolutely love our black and white stripeys - it would be fantastic if we were.  Maybe our second strip?  Feverish - could this happen please?

over 15 years


sthn.jeff wrote:

The whole Crux of the Matter is people from all sides by the sounds of it being absolute dickheads at an under 11 match. All involved should be ashamed


over 15 years


Why didn't someone who was giving the ref shit offer to take over the duties? 

That in fact did happen. He ( the volunteer) was told to f..k off

I doubt the whole story will come out. The problem is that there are 2 (very different ) versions of an event that should never have happened. As in a lot of these types of situations , the truth is often found in the middle but , in this case , I suspect will never be accurately determined. Doom has obviously prejudged the scene , but that comes as no surprise.

Over and out.


Head Sleuth
about 17 years

This seems like the sort of thread that should be closed. 

over 15 years



3.Yes , there was ribbing of ref

4.Yes , kids were kicked and left injured on field , ignored by ref who ignored pleas from parents ( at this stage not football supporters) to allow attention to 10 nd 11 year old kids

5.Yes , people should be , and are ashamed of what happened.

6.No , Karori weren't blameless here either.


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