over 17 years
Frankie Mac wrote:
AJ13 wrote:
Frankie Mac wrote:

Is this the most pointless line in an article ever?

The player allegedly insulted is described by his coach as a dedicated player who lives in Wellington and catches the train to the Kapiti Coast for training

Think they're trying to make the point that the lad goes out of his way for football.

and if he didn't go out of his way to play football, it would be ok to abuse him?

I think the point is he uses environmentally friendly modes of transport
about 17 years

his method of transport should only be a big deal if he walks or cycles to training.

over 11 years
Frankie Mac wrote:

his method of transport should only be a big deal if he walks or cycles to training.

In my father's day you might have ridden a donkey to training.

Starting XI
about 17 years
Jerzy Merino wrote:
Frankie Mac wrote:

his method of transport should only be a big deal if he walks or cycles to training.

In my father's day you might have ridden a donkey to training.

Is that the road trip between Bethlehem FC and Jerusalem Utd?
over 11 years

Hedged laneways between Great Mistley and Basildon Utd.

a.k.a AJ13
over 14 years
Frankie Mac wrote:
AJ13 wrote:
Frankie Mac wrote:

Is this the most pointless line in an article ever?

The player allegedly insulted is described by his coach as a dedicated player who lives in Wellington and catches the train to the Kapiti Coast for training

Think they're trying to make the point that the lad goes out of his way for football.

and if he didn't go out of his way to play football, it would be ok to abuse him?

Yes that is exactly right ...

Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years

24 April 2014

Dear clubs, 

RE: Appeal decision from Capital 4 incident

Capital Football would like to update you on the incident which took place in a Capital 4 match on Saturday April 5 this season.

Part-way through a Capital 4 match between Wellington United and Kapiti Coast United (KCU) at Newtown Park on April 5, 2014 a Wellington United (WU) player was issued a red card for using insulting, offensive or abusive language.

The issue was brought to the attention of Capital Football the following Monday (April 7) and a suspension of 10 games was imposed on the player.

Wellington United appealed to Capital Football regarding the length of the suspension period and were heard by an independent Disciplinary Committee on Thursday, 17 April 2014.

After hearing statements from both the player involved and his club, the independent Committee came to the following conclusions:

  • The ‘monkey noises’ that were admitted to have been made were not directed at the KCU player, nor were they considered to be racially motivated.
  • Despite not being racially motivated, the noises made were classed as insulting and offensive language.
  • That no criticism falls on the referee in forming his decision at the time and the independent Committee fully understands why he took the action he did.

The player demonstrated genuine remorse for his actions and took a number of steps to remedy the situation such as meeting with the KCU player and his family to apologise in-person for any un-intentional offence caused.

Capital Football acknowledges the importance of the positive endeavour demonstrated by WU throughout the entire process.

After considering all of these factors, the independent Disciplinary Committee came to a decision that the appropriate sanction for the player is a suspension of eight (8) matches.

Yours truly,

Richard Reid

CEO, Capital Football

over 14 years

How can Making Monkey noises  not be racially motivated?

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

There was probably a lot of crowd noise, so everybody on the field misheard 

Also, by saying it wasn't racially motivated, then dropping suspension from 10 games to 8, they're basically saying the racism aspect is only worth a 2 game suspension. Wtf. 

Starting XI
about 17 years

My friend, without technology, has me ask "what would Wellington United consider an appropriate length of ban for this?'.

Dinosaur Dave
almost 13 years
sthn.jeff wrote:

How can Making Monkey noises  not be racially motivated?


I wasn't there and have no idea what happened so certainly won't try and condone anything. Racism is never ok so I won't reinvent the wheel condemning that.

But given the noise from the zoo on Newtown Park it wouldn't be the first time I have heard a person mimic the raucous chimps...of course it tends to be little kids...#twocents

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

Sounds like something right out of the Santalab defence counsel. 

Dinosaur Dave
almost 13 years

As I say I have no detail but assuming that Capital Football aren't complete muppets (which is a leap in itself) trying to imagine a situation in which as Jeff said "How monkey noises could not be racially motivated"

It's likely one of very few grounds in the world where that excuse could make sense. I seriously struggle to come up with any others...

Dinosaur Dave
almost 13 years

That said - that explanation doesn't really fit with the second bullet in the statement.

If they weren't racist - how were the noises still "insulting and offensive"?

Must try harder
about 17 years
sthn.jeff wrote:

How can Making Monkey noises  not be racially motivated?

If your a monkey ...not at all ,
Head Sleuth
about 17 years


Seems to me like another cap football 'try and please everyone' decision by making concessions. (11 team Cap 1 anyone?)

Woof Woof
almost 17 years

Stupid farken spineless Capital Football. Bunch of monkeys.

almost 11 years

CF have had one here... The guy knows what he did... The KCU guy involved was dominating that game, good player!, didn't let it effect his game ! 

over 17 years

can't say I'm a fan of the disciplinary comm after some kangaroo court experiences last year

Starting XI
over 17 years

if the guy did nothing wrong, he has effectively been suspended for 8 games for making Michael Winslow type noises whilst playing footy

let that be a warning to everyone

over 16 years

My maths:

2  match ban for racism component.

8 match ban for offensive language.

Is that standard and expected now?

Is non-racist offensive 4x worse than racism?

Split Personalities
over 10 years

i thought the standard ban was 5 weeks but because this was racism they doubled it to 10 weeks…..

so if now they say it not as bad as first thought then should it not go back to 5 weeks????

math might not be my strongest subject but i am sure these figures for the new ban don't add up…..

i think this lad might be getting a beating to set an example but is that fair????

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

Set an example for what? Apparently he didn't do anything and his monkey noises weren't racist. 

The monkey noises weren't racist, but they were offensive...somehow...?

Offensive animal noises that aren't racist are worth an 8 game ban. 

Racism is worth a 2 game suspension.

That's what I take from this appeal ruling anyway. 

Interesting stuff....

a.k.a AJ13
over 14 years
Nz_Dave wrote:

That said - that explanation doesn't really fit with the second bullet in the statement.

If they weren't racist - how were the noises still "insulting and offensive"?

This is what i don't understand. Did he call someone a f#$%^ c*#% in a monkey voice or something? I just don't understand how CF can essentially say 'this actually wasnt racist afterall, but you can still have 8 weeks off'. Very strange.
Phoenix Academy
about 11 years

This whole episode has become quite confusing to someone who was once involved, to now sitting some way from the action.

I would like to know firstly, how the noises or actions purported to be used by the offender are not racist, if they were as described on this thread - there are plenty of precedents for this and the sanction seemed to be right.

Secondly, if the learned Judicial committee found that the actions were not racist (again, confusing as there are precedents and "case law"), but were offensive or insulting, how can someone be sentenced to 8 weeks when the penalty set down is two weeks (I think).

I also wonder why his Club appealed the decision handed down by CF - do they condone that sort of behaviour?

I may have made some assumptions but this is how I see it from a distance.

over 16 years

My understanding, for one of your questions.

THe club appealed, due to the process, or not, followed by Capital Football.

Eg innocent until proven guilty (whether or not monkey noises can be deemed nonracist is another argument, but this came about by the hearing that should have occurred in the first place).

So the appeal was for a fair process, not pro racism, from my understanding!

Phoenix Academy
about 11 years

Thanks HB

That explains part of it

Split Personalities
over 10 years

i thought it was put in front of the committee because it was 10 weeks instead of the standard 5 weeks….

see loftus roads post on page 5 which is Mr Richard Reid's letter i think.

Still Believin'
over 17 years

Were the monkey noises claimed/deemed to actually be directed at the referee? So, not racist, but still abuse of a referee so worthy of a stiff penalty?

Creating further confusion is the #WeAreAllMonkeys anti-racism campaign currently exploding on social media thanks to Dani Alves and Neymar...



Fuck knows what you're meant to think if you see a member of the opposition pull out a banana this weekend (OMG! Is he going to throw it, eat it or tweet it??).

about 17 years

I don't know why in gods name with all the sensitivity around racism a player would put himself in a position to be judged. Why would you in a game of football make monkey noises? Whether it was intended or not, he should suck it up, accept he made a poor judgement and take the punishment.

Phoenix Academy
about 17 years

here we go again cap 4 kcu player sent for calling wainui player a monkey,


about 13 years

Thats just terrible! Guess it'll be another 8 week ban...

Split Personalities
over 10 years
jinky wrote:

here we go again cap 4 kcu player sent for calling wainui player a monkey,


if this is true then i feel Capital football needs to investigate properly as there is a bad smell developing here.
will next be a ban on banjo music ……?

First Team Squad
about 17 years

Seriously? After they were the victims the first time?! Idiot. No wonder Cap Football fees are so much, wasting all their time having to investigate stupid shit!

over 13 years
Is Wellington the new red neck town/capital of New Zealand or something?

Phoenix Academy
about 13 years

Cap footy investigate ... Insert tui billboard.  That would require them to have a process... 

almost 11 years
a.k.a AJ13
over 14 years
Yakcall wrote:

Thats just terrible! Guess it'll be another 8 week ban...

Isn't racism only 2 weeks? 'Monkey' if not used in a derogatory context is 8.

Jokes aside, disappointing. Doom post will have a field day with this. I feel extra bad for that same kid who was the victim in the first instance, he needs to now see he team mates have a go. I can only hope there's more to all of this than what we're seeing. I just hope it's not true.

over 16 years

Note the order of news stories on Capital Football website - a day after they posted up their appeal result, it bounced down the list and out of the latest four news stories which are the only ones visible on the main page!:

30/4: Phoenix

29/04: Jamie Cross

28/04: Term 2 Futsal

27/04: Marist

24/04: Chatham Cup


Capital have bumped it down the list and out of sight to sweep it under the carpet , even though it would still be in the latest four stories chronologically. This is how the site lists them and orders them - I have used something very similar. So deliberate changing to knock it out of the public eye.

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