about 13 years

Player re-grading

6.2 A player will be automatically graded to the team he/she plays his/her first game of a new

season for, or if he/she returns from injury after taking the field.

6.3 Named substitutes who do not take the field, are not graded to the higher team . The intent of this regulation

is to allow players to be names as a higher grade substitute, but still play lower in the grades without being 

considered a re-grade.

6.4 Unless otherwise specified‘ re-grades’ or ‘ re--grading’ only applies to the movement of players down


6.5 A men’s league player can be re-graded a maximum of two leagues below the team the player is re--graded

from. For the purpose of this clause a‘ league’ is the league where the club’s next team play .

6.6 Up to four men’s league players in total can be re--graded down from any one team per match

: up to three players can be re-graded one league down from where their usual team plays

 one player can be re-graded two leagues down from where their usual team plays

 any one team can only receive three re-graded players per game.

6.7 A total of three women’s league players per match can be re-graded a maximum of one league below 

the team the player is re-graded from. For the purpose of this clause a ‘league’ is the league where the club’s

next team plays.

6.8 A player is not classed as a re-grade when returning to the team they played in for the previous match.


 if the player re-grades to another team, in a lower league than their original team, for a second consecutive 

match they are still deemed to be a re-graded player

 the player will be classified as a player of the higher graded team.

6.9 Once a player has played two consecutive matches for a club’s lower graded team they are deemed to be

a player of that team.

6.10 Any player who reaches 75% of league matches for any one team cannot re-grade down again to a team in 

a lower division for the remainder of that season.

This includes players

who have played 14 Central League matches entering into a tier 1 team.

The intent of this regulation is to prevent higher graded players unfairly assisting lower league teams at the end of 

the season when promotion/relegations are being decided

Stage Punch
about 17 years

Some good thoughts in there Blew. I like the notion that being on the team card doesn't count you have to take the field.

about 13 years

Smithy wrote:

Some good thoughts in there Blew. I like the notion that being on the team card doesn't count you have to take the field.

 it is a direct copy of 2017 CF regs, but yes the bench players (Un-used Subs) not taking the field is a good one and IIRC was a problem with Cup competitions a few years ago.

This is the trick one - 

A player will be automatically graded to the team he/she plays his/her first game of a new

season for, or if he/she returns from injury after taking the field. 

Alteration to this will have to cover players in from National League, A-league, Central League - returning from rest or injury or Pro stand down. 

Stage Punch
about 17 years

Blew.2 wrote:

Smithy wrote:

Some good thoughts in there Blew. I like the notion that being on the team card doesn't count you have to take the field.

 it is a direct copy of 2017 CF regs, but yes the bench players (Un-used Subs) not taking the field is a good one and IIRC was a problem with Cup competitions a few years ago.

This is the trick one - 

A player will be automatically graded to the team he/she plays his/her first game of a new

season for, or if he/she returns from injury after taking the field. 

Alteration to this will have to cover players in from National League, A-league, Central League - returning from rest or injury or Pro stand down. 


Oh right I thought that was your re-write. I do *not* read the regs ever. 

about 13 years

Seems rule/rules are fine. As no comment on current rule.

Split Personalities
almost 11 years

only poor losers complain about these type of rules as any club that is true to there members and players will always push the rules to give them a edge.

breaking the rules is a different story but using them is o.k in my books.

unless they have been made specially to benefit only one club….. then thats bad and wrong.

over 17 years

Blew.2 wrote:

Seems rule/rules are fine. As no comment on current rule.

The current rule sux. How's that for a comment?

about 13 years

"NZ Football is currently undergoing a change in technology systems from Goalnet, to COMET, as part of the National Digital Framework Implementation. The change in systems affects all parts of the administration of football, including how members register to play, coach or referee.

You have by now hopefully received an email from NZ Football with details on how to access their individual MyComet login. MyComet is your online footballing profile where you can edit personal details & register to all football ‘products’ across the country."

Phoenix Academy
over 13 years

So, as stakeholders/members/customers of Capital Football, are there any documents or records about what THEY are able to provide us? Or at least what they aim to do for us and importantly how they aim to achieve these results.

Every year I become more and more disillusioned with the sport, largely due to the frustrations I have as a volunteer dealing with our PAID regional football body. I dedicate hours of my own time because this sport used to be my passion... I'm not sure what to call it at this point in time. But the love is quickly being sucked out of me largely due to the overall management of our sport in the region.

Will the culture and attitudes at Capital Football ever change? Or will there always be "us", "them" and the "teachers pets"?

about 13 years
almost 17 years

It will be interesting at this stage of the season as some of the bigger club's will inevitably drop players down to help their lower teams.

Is it true the rule is now 12 games and not 14?

over 13 years

one_eyed_nik wrote:

It will be interesting at this stage of the season as some of the bigger club's will inevitably drop players down to help their lower teams.

Is it true the rule is now 12 games and not 14?

Regulations are here

You want to read 6.5 and 6.8

6.5 Up to three players in total can be re-graded down from any one team per match: i. up to three players can be re-graded one league down from where their usual team plays ii. any one team can only receive three re-graded players per game.

6.8 Any player who reaches 66% of league matches for any one team cannot re-grade down again to a team in a lower division for the remainder of that season. This includes players who have played 66% of Central League matches entering into a tier 1 team.

almost 17 years

Yakcall wrote:

one_eyed_nik wrote:

It will be interesting at this stage of the season as some of the bigger club's will inevitably drop players down to help their lower teams.

Is it true the rule is now 12 games and not 14?

Regulations are here

You want to read 6.5 and 6.8

6.5 Up to three players in total can be re-graded down from any one team per match: i. up to three players can be re-graded one league down from where their usual team plays ii. any one team can only receive three re-graded players per game.

6.8 Any player who reaches 66% of league matches for any one team cannot re-grade down again to a team in a lower division for the remainder of that season. This includes players who have played 66% of Central League matches entering into a tier 1 team.

So 12 (or 11.88) by the looks. Pretty sure it was 14 last year

over 13 years

Continue discussion on the regrading rule

Nelfoos wrote:

Feverish wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

Feverish wrote:

Feverish wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

Feverish wrote:

what are people's thoughts on the 12 game rule?

Not a fan personally - I'm coaching women's Div 1 and our season ends 5 games after our first team's (Cap Prem) season ends. If I'm dropping down 3 players maximum why does there need to be a 12 game limit on it? Just means I have to be short on players for the last few games (love Uni holidays) cos all the 1st team players are tied. It makes player eligibility inconsistent between the start and end of the season which makes no real sense to me.

I can see how it would be abused but I think limiting it to 3 mitigates the unfairness of it enough that the 12 game rule has no real effect but to trip people up and lose points. Happy to be proven wrong though.

ah i dont really know what that all means. Women's Prem? that is still going? you saying you have six more weeks of Div1??

The Women's structure this season is:

W-League (6 teams)

Women's Prem (8)

Women's Div 1 (10)

Div 2 (8)

Div 3 (idk)

We have 3 league games and up to 2 cup games remaining (different eligibility rules for those though), the 1st team have their final game on Sunday. 2 of those league games are being played midweek to allow the Executive Plate and Kelly Cup finals to both be September 2.

ok cool.

One thing that is needed for the rule is a managed approach from the club. Maybe make Alex aware of that. It can't 'trip you up' if you look at the CF stats.

And the rule for Cup comp is that they can only play in one - and it has been like that for about five years after some teams were playing the same squad in both.

I'm well aware of the rules and which players are eligible for what - no one will be getting tripped up over anything (aside from Olympic). We've tracked appearances independently from Capital Football and know exactly who can play for who for the remainder of the season - it wouldn't look good for us to have eligibility issues after whinging about Miramar last season! Like I said, this rule is not a massive issue for our club this year, I was just giving an overall opinion on the 12 game rule like you asked for and providing some context, and that opinion is my personal one and not the opinion of VUWAFC or any other coach at the club.

ok but with your quote below - you don't think the % rule has an effect on drop downs in the big picture?

"I can see how it would be abused but I think limiting it to 3 mitigates the unfairness of it enough that the 12 game rule has no real effect but to trip people up and lose points."

Starting XI
almost 9 years

Yakcall wrote:

Continue discussion on the regrading rule

Nelfoos wrote:

Feverish wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

Feverish wrote:

Feverish wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

Feverish wrote:

what are people's thoughts on the 12 game rule?

Not a fan personally - I'm coaching women's Div 1 and our season ends 5 games after our first team's (Cap Prem) season ends. If I'm dropping down 3 players maximum why does there need to be a 12 game limit on it? Just means I have to be short on players for the last few games (love Uni holidays) cos all the 1st team players are tied. It makes player eligibility inconsistent between the start and end of the season which makes no real sense to me.

I can see how it would be abused but I think limiting it to 3 mitigates the unfairness of it enough that the 12 game rule has no real effect but to trip people up and lose points. Happy to be proven wrong though.

ah i dont really know what that all means. Women's Prem? that is still going? you saying you have six more weeks of Div1??

The Women's structure this season is:

W-League (6 teams)

Women's Prem (8)

Women's Div 1 (10)

Div 2 (8)

Div 3 (idk)

We have 3 league games and up to 2 cup games remaining (different eligibility rules for those though), the 1st team have their final game on Sunday. 2 of those league games are being played midweek to allow the Executive Plate and Kelly Cup finals to both be September 2.

ok cool.

One thing that is needed for the rule is a managed approach from the club. Maybe make Alex aware of that. It can't 'trip you up' if you look at the CF stats.

And the rule for Cup comp is that they can only play in one - and it has been like that for about five years after some teams were playing the same squad in both.

I'm well aware of the rules and which players are eligible for what - no one will be getting tripped up over anything (aside from Olympic). We've tracked appearances independently from Capital Football and know exactly who can play for who for the remainder of the season - it wouldn't look good for us to have eligibility issues after whinging about Miramar last season! Like I said, this rule is not a massive issue for our club this year, I was just giving an overall opinion on the 12 game rule like you asked for and providing some context, and that opinion is my personal one and not the opinion of VUWAFC or any other coach at the club.

ok but with your quote below - you don't think the % rule has an effect on drop downs in the big picture?

"I can see how it would be abused but I think limiting it to 3 mitigates the unfairness of it enough that the 12 game rule has no real effect but to trip people up and lose points."

I think it definitely has an effect (so I misspoke), however, I also think the rule could be vastly improved to allow for more flexibility in clubs at the end of the season while still preventing the abuse of the ability to drop players down.

I was more referring it to limiting it to 3 "first team players" per week and not allowing progressively more than that 3 one week, 6 the next etc. Have a lower threshold for what makes a "first team" player but allow up to 3 of them to be dropped down.

And going back to the Cup thing - we will make sure that no player plays both Kelly Cup and Executive Plate, players that played Kate Sheppard Cup can still play Executive Plate though.

over 17 years

I am the Uni rep on the MAG - so feel free for your club to contact me. 

Personally I am not buying into your argument for your Div1 team - but hey

Starting XI
almost 9 years

Feverish wrote:

I am the Uni rep on the MAG - so feel free for your club to contact me. 

Personally I am not buying into your argument for your Div1 team - but hey

Again, my personal opinion, not the club's, I don't think they'd bother with any submission - maybe if it was actually affecting us but it shouldn't be the end of the world. The argument isn't really for my team, just a general opinion on the rule itself and possible improvements.
Phoenix Academy
over 13 years

We know the reason behind the rule (12 game rule etc) was to stop teams dropping their 'cream of the crop', which to a degree it does help with.

Then teams like Miramar found a hole - but I think they have (or are looking) to close that one too. Did they add something about National League players this year?

And Nelfoos I am sorry, but Vic Uni do have a pretty poor history of flouting or completely ignoring the rules re dropping players. I believe you need some form of casual registration to help you during the holidays. Just an idea.

over 17 years

National League players are now automatically graded to the top team. Only other way is  to say they can only play first team - which is rather harsh to tell someone where they have to play their footy.

about 13 years

We know the reason behind the rule (12 game rule etc) was to stop teams dropping their 'cream of the crop', which to a degree it does help with.

Then teams like Miramar found a hole - but I think they have (or are looking) to close that one too. Did they add something about National League players this year?

And Nelfoos I am sorry, but Vic Uni do have a pretty poor history of flouting or completely ignoring the rules re dropping players. I believe you need some form of casual registration to help you during the holidays. Just an idea.

The 12 game rule was new this year.  The big Miramar debacle a few seasons ago was just mistaken identity in a cap 9 game.  The  NL rule new this year as well. Neither stop mistaken ID ?
Starting XI
almost 15 years

Interesting question - why hasn't nz adopted player IDs? Cost?

I believe all AU players including kids have to have them?

almost 17 years

Blew.2 wrote:

We know the reason behind the rule (12 game rule etc) was to stop teams dropping their 'cream of the crop', which to a degree it does help with.

Then teams like Miramar found a hole - but I think they have (or are looking) to close that one too. Did they add something about National League players this year?

And Nelfoos I am sorry, but Vic Uni do have a pretty poor history of flouting or completely ignoring the rules re dropping players. I believe you need some form of casual registration to help you during the holidays. Just an idea.

The 12 game rule was new this year.  The big Miramar debacle a few seasons ago was just mistaken identity in a cap 9 game.  The  NL rule new this year as well. Neither stop mistaken ID ?

Wasn't the NL player rule bought in cause Mar found a hole for Tom Jackson amongst other NL players just coming in and playing foe their reserves to pump high flying KCU and Vic Uni to help them gain promo?

over 17 years

Blew.2 wrote:

We know the reason behind the rule (12 game rule etc) was to stop teams dropping their 'cream of the crop', which to a degree it does help with.

Then teams like Miramar found a hole - but I think they have (or are looking) to close that one too. Did they add something about National League players this year?

And Nelfoos I am sorry, but Vic Uni do have a pretty poor history of flouting or completely ignoring the rules re dropping players. I believe you need some form of casual registration to help you during the holidays. Just an idea.

The 12 game rule was new this year.  The big Miramar debacle a few seasons ago was just mistaken identity in a cap 9 game.  The  NL rule new this year as well. Neither stop mistaken ID ?

I think you are confusing the confusion with this year when a Miramar player played against his own club haha

over 17 years

zonknz wrote:

Interesting question - why hasn't nz adopted player IDs? Cost?

I believe all AU players including kids have to have them?

hassle for not much reason?

almost 17 years

Feverish wrote:

Blew.2 wrote:

We know the reason behind the rule (12 game rule etc) was to stop teams dropping their 'cream of the crop', which to a degree it does help with.

Then teams like Miramar found a hole - but I think they have (or are looking) to close that one too. Did they add something about National League players this year?

And Nelfoos I am sorry, but Vic Uni do have a pretty poor history of flouting or completely ignoring the rules re dropping players. I believe you need some form of casual registration to help you during the holidays. Just an idea.

The 12 game rule was new this year.  The big Miramar debacle a few seasons ago was just mistaken identity in a cap 9 game.  The  NL rule new this year as well. Neither stop mistaken ID ?

I think you are confusing the confusion with this year when a Miramar player played against his own club haha

Heard about this in an Island Bay vs Miramar game earlier in the season.

Starting XI
over 9 years

one_eyed_nik wrote:

Blew.2 wrote:

We know the reason behind the rule (12 game rule etc) was to stop teams dropping their 'cream of the crop', which to a degree it does help with.

Then teams like Miramar found a hole - but I think they have (or are looking) to close that one too. Did they add something about National League players this year?

And Nelfoos I am sorry, but Vic Uni do have a pretty poor history of flouting or completely ignoring the rules re dropping players. I believe you need some form of casual registration to help you during the holidays. Just an idea.

The 12 game rule was new this year.  The big Miramar debacle a few seasons ago was just mistaken identity in a cap 9 game.  The  NL rule new this year as well. Neither stop mistaken ID ?

Wasn't the NL player rule bought in cause Mar found a hole for Tom Jackson amongst other NL players just coming in and playing foe their reserves to pump high flying KCU and Vic Uni to help them gain promo?

Tom Jackson, Eric Molloy, Andy Bevin, Billy Scott and a couple of others, was a good pre season run out for Team Welly really, they beat KCU 6-1 - all the NL players were able to play as they were ungraded as they hadn't been playing in the winter league

about 13 years

one_eyed_nik wrote:

Blew.2 wrote:

We know the reason behind the rule (12 game rule etc) was to stop teams dropping their 'cream of the crop', which to a degree it does help with.

Then teams like Miramar found a hole - but I think they have (or are looking) to close that one too. Did they add something about National League players this year?

And Nelfoos I am sorry, but Vic Uni do have a pretty poor history of flouting or completely ignoring the rules re dropping players. I believe you need some form of casual registration to help you during the holidays. Just an idea.

The 12 game rule was new this year.  The big Miramar debacle a few seasons ago was just mistaken identity in a cap 9 game.  The  NL rule new this year as well. Neither stop mistaken ID ?

Wasn't the NL player rule bought in cause Mar found a hole for Tom Jackson amongst other NL players just coming in and playing foe their reserves to pump high flying KCU and Vic Uni to help them gain promo?

Tom Jackson, Eric Molloy, Andy Bevin, Billy Scott and a couple of others, was a good pre season run out for Team Welly really, they beat KCU 6-1 - all the NL players were able to play as they were ungraded as they hadn't been playing in the winter league

No hole found for that one
Starting XI
almost 9 years

We know the reason behind the rule (12 game rule etc) was to stop teams dropping their 'cream of the crop', which to a degree it does help with.

Then teams like Miramar found a hole - but I think they have (or are looking) to close that one too. Did they add something about National League players this year?

And Nelfoos I am sorry, but Vic Uni do have a pretty poor history of flouting or completely ignoring the rules re dropping players. I believe you need some form of casual registration to help you during the holidays. Just an idea.

Oh absolutely, I agree entirely. There's new set of coaches on the women's side (cant' speak for the men's I'm not involved with that side of the club at all) and we are taking this seriously. We've done the casual registration thing this year and that's why this rule isn't a big issue for us this season.

We're making sure we're within the rules now but for a club like Uni with a relatively revolving door of coaches and players different people will take different approaches. We've decided to operate 100% within the rules and have planned for it, other coaches have not had that same attitude in the past. Given the Miramar situation last year, as a club we can't be seen to be complaining about the rules on one hand and breaking the exact same rules on the other.

Starting XI
almost 9 years

Feverish wrote:

Blew.2 wrote:

We know the reason behind the rule (12 game rule etc) was to stop teams dropping their 'cream of the crop', which to a degree it does help with.

Then teams like Miramar found a hole - but I think they have (or are looking) to close that one too. Did they add something about National League players this year?

And Nelfoos I am sorry, but Vic Uni do have a pretty poor history of flouting or completely ignoring the rules re dropping players. I believe you need some form of casual registration to help you during the holidays. Just an idea.

The 12 game rule was new this year.  The big Miramar debacle a few seasons ago was just mistaken identity in a cap 9 game.  The  NL rule new this year as well. Neither stop mistaken ID ?

I think you are confusing the confusion with this year when a Miramar player played against his own club haha

Nah there was a game last season/season before where the team I now play for (Olympic Dream, Cap 9 last season) thought Sam Mason-Smith had played for Miramar against them. A dude called Sam suddenly turned up for the bottom placed side and scored a hattrick and was head and shoulders above the rest of the team in terms of quality. Turns out it wasn't SMS and was all a case of mistaken identity. Olympic didn't care too much since they won the game anyway!
Starting XI
over 9 years

Blew.2 wrote:

one_eyed_nik wrote:

Blew.2 wrote:

We know the reason behind the rule (12 game rule etc) was to stop teams dropping their 'cream of the crop', which to a degree it does help with.

Then teams like Miramar found a hole - but I think they have (or are looking) to close that one too. Did they add something about National League players this year?

And Nelfoos I am sorry, but Vic Uni do have a pretty poor history of flouting or completely ignoring the rules re dropping players. I believe you need some form of casual registration to help you during the holidays. Just an idea.

The 12 game rule was new this year.  The big Miramar debacle a few seasons ago was just mistaken identity in a cap 9 game.  The  NL rule new this year as well. Neither stop mistaken ID ?

Wasn't the NL player rule bought in cause Mar found a hole for Tom Jackson amongst other NL players just coming in and playing foe their reserves to pump high flying KCU and Vic Uni to help them gain promo?

Tom Jackson, Eric Molloy, Andy Bevin, Billy Scott and a couple of others, was a good pre season run out for Team Welly really, they beat KCU 6-1 - all the NL players were able to play as they were ungraded as they hadn't been playing in the winter league

No hole found for that one

no hole? so why did Cap football change the rule this season then?

over 17 years

Nelfoos wrote:

Feverish wrote:

Blew.2 wrote:

We know the reason behind the rule (12 game rule etc) was to stop teams dropping their 'cream of the crop', which to a degree it does help with.

Then teams like Miramar found a hole - but I think they have (or are looking) to close that one too. Did they add something about National League players this year?

And Nelfoos I am sorry, but Vic Uni do have a pretty poor history of flouting or completely ignoring the rules re dropping players. I believe you need some form of casual registration to help you during the holidays. Just an idea.

The 12 game rule was new this year.  The big Miramar debacle a few seasons ago was just mistaken identity in a cap 9 game.  The  NL rule new this year as well. Neither stop mistaken ID ?

I think you are confusing the confusion with this year when a Miramar player played against his own club haha

Nah there was a game last season/season before where the team I now play for (Olympic Dream, Cap 9 last season) thought Sam Mason-Smith had played for Miramar against them. A dude called Sam suddenly turned up for the bottom placed side and scored a hattrick and was head and shoulders above the rest of the team in terms of quality. Turns out it wasn't SMS and was all a case of mistaken identity. Olympic didn't care too much since they won the game anyway!

yeah just noting on Blews attempt to deflect it- that there was a classic this year where a Mar CL player played for an IB social team vs Miramar

over 17 years

There were unsubstantiated reports that a released Phoenix player played for an IB social team as well.

over 17 years

CF take over TW Yoof. Coach is Nat Lawrence.

over 17 years

So are Eastern Suburbs going to fly the Ole youth players all around the country each week or will they be playing for TeeDubs under someone who isn't Ole?

almost 17 years

Feverish wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

Feverish wrote:

Blew.2 wrote:

We know the reason behind the rule (12 game rule etc) was to stop teams dropping their 'cream of the crop', which to a degree it does help with.

Then teams like Miramar found a hole - but I think they have (or are looking) to close that one too. Did they add something about National League players this year?

And Nelfoos I am sorry, but Vic Uni do have a pretty poor history of flouting or completely ignoring the rules re dropping players. I believe you need some form of casual registration to help you during the holidays. Just an idea.

The 12 game rule was new this year.  The big Miramar debacle a few seasons ago was just mistaken identity in a cap 9 game.  The  NL rule new this year as well. Neither stop mistaken ID ?

I think you are confusing the confusion with this year when a Miramar player played against his own club haha

Nah there was a game last season/season before where the team I now play for (Olympic Dream, Cap 9 last season) thought Sam Mason-Smith had played for Miramar against them. A dude called Sam suddenly turned up for the bottom placed side and scored a hattrick and was head and shoulders above the rest of the team in terms of quality. Turns out it wasn't SMS and was all a case of mistaken identity. Olympic didn't care too much since they won the game anyway!

yeah just noting on Blews attempt to deflect it- that there was a classic this year where a Mar CL player played for an IB social team vs Miramar

I heard this. Was told there was photographic evidence too. Former IBU junior

almost 17 years

Blew.2 wrote:

one_eyed_nik wrote:

Blew.2 wrote:

We know the reason behind the rule (12 game rule etc) was to stop teams dropping their 'cream of the crop', which to a degree it does help with.

Then teams like Miramar found a hole - but I think they have (or are looking) to close that one too. Did they add something about National League players this year?

And Nelfoos I am sorry, but Vic Uni do have a pretty poor history of flouting or completely ignoring the rules re dropping players. I believe you need some form of casual registration to help you during the holidays. Just an idea.

The 12 game rule was new this year.  The big Miramar debacle a few seasons ago was just mistaken identity in a cap 9 game.  The  NL rule new this year as well. Neither stop mistaken ID ?

Wasn't the NL player rule bought in cause Mar found a hole for Tom Jackson amongst other NL players just coming in and playing foe their reserves to pump high flying KCU and Vic Uni to help them gain promo?

Tom Jackson, Eric Molloy, Andy Bevin, Billy Scott and a couple of others, was a good pre season run out for Team Welly really, they beat KCU 6-1 - all the NL players were able to play as they were ungraded as they hadn't been playing in the winter league

No hole found for that one

no hole? so why did Cap football change the rule this season then?

Yep massive hole, hence why it's now closed.

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

Feverish wrote:

CF take over TW Yoof. Coach is Nat Lawrence.

So now we have come complete circle - back to where it was originally.  In my opinion, it should never have been taken away from the Federations.

over 17 years

ol'sole wrote:

Feverish wrote:

CF take over TW Yoof. Coach is Nat Lawrence.

So now we have come complete circle - back to where it was originally.  In my opinion, it should never have been taken away from the Federations.

depends what their stakeholders think I guess

about 13 years

Feverish wrote:

ol'sole wrote:

Feverish wrote:

CF take over TW Yoof. Coach is Nat Lawrence.

So now we have come complete circle - back to where it was originally.  In my opinion, it should never have been taken away from the Federations.

depends what their stakeholders think I guess

YOUTH LEAGUE | We’re proud to announce we’ve joined forces with the team from Capital Football for the New Zealand National Youth League. Wonderful to have Natalie Lawrence appointed as Head Coach too!
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years

ol'sole wrote:

So now we have come complete circle - back to where it was originally.  In my opinion, it should never have been taken away from the Federations.

Does this decision effectively make the team an FTC side in which none of the Wellington academies will be part of ?

Surely that can't be good.

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