Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

Speaking of strange peno shootout calls. At a school tournament a few years ago, won a peno shootout (against Marco Rojas at Hamilton Fraser High) where the ref went back through the original five peno takers when we were locked at 3-3 and two misses each. Worked in our favor so no complaints from us!

over 17 years
sthn.jeff wrote:
Feverish wrote:
patrick478 wrote:
Feverish wrote:

In the KO Cup pen shootout yesterday the first kick was made to be retaken because the keeper moved early - even though she scored!

Did she score on the re-take? She'd be hard done by if it was saved...

she did fortunately

My understanding is that a keeper may move early, as long as they do not advance. That is of course irrelevant as the penalty should have been allowed to stand.

Yeah move early off line
over 13 years

So got a situation and I'm not 100% sure on what I should do. I'm a coach of a team and on the weekend when playing another team. Their coach was also a Capital Football Referee (Wearing the Capital Football Referee Jacket). Also know for a fact he referee/linemans at Central league games.

So my referee is just a parent and has his club based refereeing badge, I know he isn't the best but he is willing and tries to be fair and even with his calls. He made a few calls that the other teams parents and coach didn't like and started to get abused for it. Their coach started pointing to his badge and telling my referee how to ref the game. As the half went on it got worse and their coach ended up swearing (I don't believe at the ref) but in general. This caused one of my parents to go off at their coach and a whole lot of yelling from both teams sets of parents. (To be honest I think the kids of both teams where embarrassed)

I was on the other sideline and ended up crossing the pitch and telling my parents to move away and walking away with their coach to calm the situation down. Their coach advised me he would be refereeing the second half, which my parents were not happy about.

At half time my parent referee said he had had enough and walked off, and I'm sorry to say even today is very angry about the whole thing and has said he won't referee again. I feel really upset about this as he is a really great guy and been a big help to me with the team.

Their coach ended up doing the second half and even himself missed some calls. But by that stage I had talked to my parents and they didn't say anything and of course the other team was happy to have their referee.

So after all of that, I'm not sure what to do and if I should lay a complaint with the other teams club and with Capital Football Referee (Despite him being a coach) as he was wearing their jackat and trying to use it to influence my ref.

I also do admit that my parents were in the wrong and will be going through my club about it as well.

Any advise appreciated.

over 17 years

Cos official refs know the rules so well..

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

Lino in Cap prem game yesterday flagged an offside from a throw in.

Woof Woof
about 17 years

The young kid who was a lino in the Wharf U17 game this morning hasn't quite mastered the offside rule. Was a bit embarrassing when he flagged for offside when the wharf player was on by about 5 yards, the ref correctly played on, but the KCU players had stopped because of the flag. Led to a goal for the Wharf, guess it's a good lesson for the KCU lads to play to the whistle.

over 13 years
el grapadura wrote:

The young kid who was a lino in the Wharf U17 game this morning hasn't quite mastered the offside rule. Was a bit embarrassing when he flagged for offside when the wharf player was on by about 5 yards, the ref correctly played on, but the KCU players had stopped because of the flag. Led to a goal for the Wharf, guess it's a good lesson for the KCU lads to play to the whistle.

Yes, I tried to tell my boys the same thing, you can't be sure the referee saw it and will blow his whistle.
almost 17 years
Yakcall wrote:

So got a situation and I'm not 100% sure on what I should do. I'm a coach of a team and on the weekend when playing another team. Their coach was also a Capital Football Referee (Wearing the Capital Football Referee Jacket). Also know for a fact he referee/linemans at Central league games.

So my referee is just a parent and has his club based refereeing badge, I know he isn't the best but he is willing and tries to be fair and even with his calls. He made a few calls that the other teams parents and coach didn't like and started to get abused for it. Their coach started pointing to his badge and telling my referee how to ref the game. As the half went on it got worse and their coach ended up swearing (I don't believe at the ref) but in general. This caused one of my parents to go off at their coach and a whole lot of yelling from both teams sets of parents. (To be honest I think the kids of both teams where embarrassed)

I was on the other sideline and ended up crossing the pitch and telling my parents to move away and walking away with their coach to calm the situation down. Their coach advised me he would be refereeing the second half, which my parents were not happy about.

At half time my parent referee said he had had enough and walked off, and I'm sorry to say even today is very angry about the whole thing and has said he won't referee again. I feel really upset about this as he is a really great guy and been a big help to me with the team.

Their coach ended up doing the second half and even himself missed some calls. But by that stage I had talked to my parents and they didn't say anything and of course the other team was happy to have their referee.

So after all of that, I'm not sure what to do and if I should lay a complaint with the other teams club and with Capital Football Referee (Despite him being a coach) as he was wearing their jackat and trying to use it to influence my ref.

I also do admit that my parents were in the wrong and will be going through my club about it as well.

Any advise appreciated.

lay a complaint, what's the worst that can happen. The opposition coach gets a warning through his club and he learns to leave his ref's jacket at home.
over 13 years
theprof wrote:
Yakcall wrote:

So got a situation and I'm not 100% sure on what I should do. I'm a coach of a team and on the weekend when playing another team. Their coach was also a Capital Football Referee (Wearing the Capital Football Referee Jacket). Also know for a fact he referee/linemans at Central league games.

So my referee is just a parent and has his club based refereeing badge, I know he isn't the best but he is willing and tries to be fair and even with his calls. He made a few calls that the other teams parents and coach didn't like and started to get abused for it. Their coach started pointing to his badge and telling my referee how to ref the game. As the half went on it got worse and their coach ended up swearing (I don't believe at the ref) but in general. This caused one of my parents to go off at their coach and a whole lot of yelling from both teams sets of parents. (To be honest I think the kids of both teams where embarrassed)

I was on the other sideline and ended up crossing the pitch and telling my parents to move away and walking away with their coach to calm the situation down. Their coach advised me he would be refereeing the second half, which my parents were not happy about.

At half time my parent referee said he had had enough and walked off, and I'm sorry to say even today is very angry about the whole thing and has said he won't referee again. I feel really upset about this as he is a really great guy and been a big help to me with the team.

Their coach ended up doing the second half and even himself missed some calls. But by that stage I had talked to my parents and they didn't say anything and of course the other team was happy to have their referee.

So after all of that, I'm not sure what to do and if I should lay a complaint with the other teams club and with Capital Football Referee (Despite him being a coach) as he was wearing their jackat and trying to use it to influence my ref.

I also do admit that my parents were in the wrong and will be going through my club about it as well.

Any advise appreciated.

lay a complaint, what's the worst that can happen. The opposition coach gets a warning through his club and he learns to leave his ref's jacket at home.

That is what I'm thinking of doing. Only thing that I guess worries me is we will be facing this team again later in the season.
almost 16 years

Talk it through with your club grade convenor first.  

over 13 years

Thanks for the advice, I have just sent a match report in of the incident. So will see what they say.

almost 17 years
Yakcall wrote:

Thanks for the advice, I have just sent a match report in of the incident. So will see what they say.

be interested to hear what happens, you've started the ball rolling so to speak - which is the best move I think, you can't be worried about potential fallout.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

"You got the ball first, then touched the man afterward, so that's why I have he penalty" 

about 15 years
Tegal wrote:

"You got the ball first, then touched the man afterward, so that's why I have he penalty" 

and....? It's quite common to see players who go in too committed but get 'ball then all' get nailed by referees. Chad Coombes, Ricki Van Steeden, Adam Birch, Barry Lewis... All players that play that way and get nailed a lot. Something in the laws about tackling in a manner liable to hurt an opponent. Doesn't define if you got ball first.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

I get what youre saying, its hard to say because i didnt provide context. Wasnt at all dangerous. Got the ball, guy came through and fell over him. Ref acknowledged that but said since there was contact, it was a penalty. Very weird. 

over 17 years

Ref on the weekend pulled up our player for jumping and moving round in front of the keeper on a corner and thus obscuring the keepers vision

almost 17 years

isn't that what he's trying to do?

over 13 years
theprof wrote:
Yakcall wrote:

Thanks for the advice, I have just sent a match report in of the incident. So will see what they say.

be interested to hear what happens, you've started the ball rolling so to speak - which is the best move I think, you can't be worried about potential fallout.
Well it has gone to the other club and to referee association to look into now, so will wait and see.
over 13 years

I thought you are allowed to stand in front and keep moving as keeper moves to get in the way. But if you are jumping and waving your hands to get in the way of the keeper then it is a foul.

over 13 years

Outcome: so the coach ended up contacting me and apologising which i think takes guts. He feels bad about the whole thing, unfortunatly the complaints had already gone in. He has stood down from this weekend coming game and next time our two teams meet. I believe there is still a case to answer for when it comes to the referee association as they may still be investigating. But not sure if they will do anything now he has been reprimanded. 

I think overall a good outcome there, just sad that my referee who is a parent volunteer even today is angry about it all and no longer wants to ref.

over 17 years
Tegal wrote:

I get what youre saying, its hard to say because i didnt provide context. Wasnt at all dangerous. Got the ball, guy came through and fell over him. Ref acknowledged that but said since there was contact, it was a penalty. Very weird. 

That was me. Slid across to get ball off his feet, then actually pushed the ball under his feet and he tripped over the ball AND my legs in the follow through.
It actually added insult to injury when he said to me, "it's in the rules, you got the ball but you can't get the ball AND THEN the man". Once he said that, I just walked off because what else could I do?"
That gifted the opposition the first goal. It should be noted that a few minutes later he gave a corner which should have been a GK and they scored off that too. Striker hadn't even appealed as he knew. Pretty sad as ref wasn't in a good position to judge and often body language tells a million stories (e.g. our CB got the ball once it had gone out of play and gave it to our GK for a quick goal kick, and their FW just turned around and started walking back to half way).
To be fair, ref also missed a handball in our box.

about 15 years
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
over 16 years

So second penalty in our game today

Karori lad through on goal, I come out as keeper to block the shot. He cuts the ball square as I go down, the player then proceeds to stand on my thigh and fall over (scrapes to prove it). Square ball misses everyone. Ref then calls a penalty saying I took the player down.

No booking for the keeper.

Penalty or ref having a mare?

First Team Squad
about 17 years
thelastnomad wrote:

So second penalty in our game today

Karori lad through on goal, I come out as keeper to block the shot. He cuts the ball square as I go down, the player then proceeds to stand on my thigh and fall over (scrapes to prove it). Square ball misses everyone. Ref then calls a penalty saying I took the player down.

No booking for the keeper.

Penalty or ref having a mare?

If, at the point you've gone down, you've had a realistic chance of gaining possession and your sole intent and subsequent actions were attempts to gain possession, then it sounds to me like a harsh pen.
about 15 years

I guess the question you want to ask (and let's remove him standing on you for a moment) is at any stage, did you play the ball? Answer that, and you have your verdict, intent or not.

over 11 years

My team literally got battered in the weekend in cap 13. A small youthful team that we are, we got kicked, chopped and even punched.
Referee sent one culprit off for the punching incident. Anyone know how this is followed up and treated in the best way?
I literally limped off the field with 10 minutes to go in fear of my safety. We started the day with 13, finished with 10. (No red cards for us). Felt quite disgusted as I generally thought the opposing club would not commit such offences.

about 13 years
NW_Gooner wrote:

My team literally got battered in the weekend in cap 13. A small youthful team that we are, we got kicked, chopped and even punched.
Referee sent one culprit off for the punching incident. Anyone know how this is followed up and treated in the best way?
I literally limped off the field with 10 minutes to go in fear of my safety. We started the day with 13, finished with 10. (No red cards for us). Felt quite disgusted as I generally thought the opposing club would not commit such offences.

The Ref even if just a stand in, writes a report and sends it to CF. 
almost 17 years
Blew.2 wrote:
NW_Gooner wrote:

My team literally got battered in the weekend in cap 13. A small youthful team that we are, we got kicked, chopped and even punched.
Referee sent one culprit off for the punching incident. Anyone know how this is followed up and treated in the best way?
I literally limped off the field with 10 minutes to go in fear of my safety. We started the day with 13, finished with 10. (No red cards for us). Felt quite disgusted as I generally thought the opposing club would not commit such offences.

The Ref even if just a stand in, writes a report and sends it to CF. 

in cap thirteen - ha your having a laugh.....ref was probably a player form the home team. No team cards, no actual red/yellow cards, nothing is recorded.
over 11 years
theprof wrote:
Blew.2 wrote:
NW_Gooner wrote:

My team literally got battered in the weekend in cap 13. A small youthful team that we are, we got kicked, chopped and even punched.
Referee sent one culprit off for the punching incident. Anyone know how this is followed up and treated in the best way?
I literally limped off the field with 10 minutes to go in fear of my safety. We started the day with 13, finished with 10. (No red cards for us). Felt quite disgusted as I generally thought the opposing club would not commit such offences.

The Ref even if just a stand in, writes a report and sends it to CF. 

in cap thirteen - ha your having a laugh.....ref was probably a player form the home team. No team cards, no actual red/yellow cards, nothing is recorded.

why I never played lower grade ref and the laws fly out the window..!!!!!!!!!!
Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years
Having a few jars and a debate kicks off. When a shot hits the post is it classed as on target or off target? Not really a laws of the game thing but I need to to find it written somewhere or I'm gonna have to sink some piss. I'm in the on target camp.
over 17 years
Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years
I need written proof, the bet stated peoples opinions don't count. I've heard a lot of people say on target
tradition and history
over 17 years

American definition.

over 11 years

i agree off target!

First Team Squad
about 17 years

For me, an on-target shot is one that would have gone in but for the presence of the keeper. One that hits the woodwork is not going in.

Starting XI
over 17 years
NW_Gooner wrote:

My team literally got battered in the weekend in cap 13. A small youthful team that we are, we got kicked, chopped and even punched.
Referee sent one culprit off for the punching incident. Anyone know how this is followed up and treated in the best way?
I literally limped off the field with 10 minutes to go in fear of my safety. We started the day with 13, finished with 10. (No red cards for us). Felt quite disgusted as I generally thought the opposing club would not commit such offences.

What's been done since you posted? Any action taken? Got your club to see speak to their club?
about 15 years
otagofan wrote:

For me, an on-target shot is one that would have gone in but for the presence of the keeper. One that hits the woodwork is not going in.


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