Whats with the hate...

almost 17 years
almost 17 years
Let me say.. the game yesterday was FANTASTIC and i will be going to every home match the phoenix have this year

However whats with all the hate vs <insert every other sport here>

Its all over these forums.. and there was a guy on the news the other nite crapping on bout how boring rugby is...

Its not helpful for the phoenix's cause..

You have to remember that the vast majority of New Zealander's love Rugby .. and Rugby league has a far larger Fanbase than football/soccer in New Zealand (Especially given the fact the warriors are on game at the moment)

Just seems that bashing rugby is the last thing that should be done...  we want the New Zealand public to embrace the phoenix.. not alienate them by going on bout how crap our national game is.

You are allowed to love both codes of rugby and football/soccer at the same time
Moxstar2007-08-27 15:14:24
almost 17 years
Well said, we can pick that up and run with it ...
over 17 years
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
about 17 years
Because Rugby foprums aren't full of people calling this game Poofball ?

People are allowed to love both games, but by the same token after the crap that football people in this country have taken for years they also have every right to have a go a the Oval ball codes.  I don't advocate a 'well they started it' attitude but that's a bit rich.

I'd also suggest that the fanbases for league and football are not that different in size.  I see a lot more football strips day to day on the streets of New Zealand than I see league strips.
Starting XI
about 17 years
I would like to know where you get the stats that league has a larger fan base in NZ than football. I think the hate has been dished upon football fans for many years from the Rugby majority in NZ. We still deal with comments like"that poofter sport". etc. If anyone is to blame its the rugby fans for putting us down for so long. now that we have something to be proud about, there noses are just getting a little out of joint.
over 17 years
I see you have made two posts.  Perhaps read these forums and get a handle on the passion that the people here have for their sport before you feel fit to comment.  We love football, that's how it is. 
almost 17 years
so ??

Your acting like every single rugby fan is a jerk..

And when people on this forum and on the news say that rugby is boring it makes them look like a jerk aswell..

Just seems anti productive to try and alienate the rugby public in new zealand when it is the vast majority of new zealand.
Moxstar2007-08-27 15:21:34
Starting XI
about 17 years
i think the point is that this site isn't for the "rugby public" its for yellow fever and for most of us Football always has and always will come first.
Starting XI
over 17 years
what's with all these people who've just signed up on this site today mr and mrs 1 or 2 posts   could you not get through to brendan telfer on radio sport ??   nothing but moaning and groaning telling us how we should be doing things because mr and mrs johnny come lately don't like it 
i'm the only football fan at my work everyone else is a ardent rugby fan and i get nothing but sh!t from them for supporting football so  now i'm throwing it back  get over it
about 17 years
Sorry Moxstar,
They are not the vast majority, just have a louder voice.
Time for a little celebration and gloating.
Early retirement
over 17 years
Moxstar wrote:
so ??

Your acting like every single rugby fan is a jerk..

And when people on this forum and on the news say that rugby is boring it makes them look like a jerk aswell..

Just seems anti productive to try and alienate the rugby public in new zealand when it is the vast majority of new zealand.

Many people would claim it is only the media in this country that have created that.  As someone else here said though, it's a few people, they are entitled to that view just as much as if a Football person goes on a Rugby forum has to endure the archaic Poofball rubbish.

It's not necessarily the majority view.  There were certainly plenty of Fever shirts watching the Warriors at the BB pre-game on Sunday.
almost 17 years
james dean wrote:
I see you have made two posts.  Perhaps read these forums and get a handle on the passion that the people here have for their sport before you feel fit to comment.  We love football, that's how it is. 

I have actually been reading these forums since they were put up.. however only just registered..

Its nice being able to love both :P
about 17 years
As a football player in New Zealand you could never love both, too many Redneck comments from Rugby Players.
almost 17 years
Hard News wrote:
Moxstar wrote:
so ??

Your acting like every single rugby fan is a jerk..

And when people on this forum and on the news say that rugby is boring it makes them look like a jerk aswell..

Just seems anti productive to try and alienate the rugby public in new zealand when it is the vast majority of new zealand.

Many people would claim it is only the media in this country that have created that.  As someone else here said though, it's a few people, they are entitled to that view just as much as if a Football person goes on a Rugby forum has to endure the archaic Poofball rubbish.

It's not necessarily the majority view.  There were certainly plenty of Fever shirts watching the Warriors at the BB pre-game on Sunday.

Hey i agree people are entitled to the view that "rugby is boring" .. which means i should be entitled to my opinion that "we" (Phoenix Supporters) should try and expand the fanbase and aim for 30,000+ at the games.. which involves getting lots of rugby supporters along
almost 17 years
Inclusion usually works better than exclusion
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Moxstar wrote:
Rugby league has a far larger Fanbase than football/soccer in New Zealand

That is a blatent lie sir
Dave572007-08-27 15:52:41
Starting XI
over 17 years
rugby and rugby league are only major sports in about 5 countries in the rest of the world  they are the minority  
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
Dave57 wrote:
Moxstar wrote:
Rugby league has a far larger Fanbase than football/soccer in New Zealand


That is a blatent lie sir

Thats true. More people play football in kids but there are more people who watch league than soccer.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Rugby Union is as exciting as Chess. Its sh*t.

Rugby League however, is good, to watch the warriors

Footy is first by a mile!
over 17 years
Moxster, the key to get Rugby fans along to the matches is to get them to like football, not for us to pander to them and tell them how much we like Rugby (we don't), that it isn't boring (it is) and pretend that we enjoy it equally as much as football (we don't).  They have to like our game, not us theirs.  Perhaps they should be the one's doing the reaching out seeing how rubbish their crowds are
about 17 years
james dean wrote:
Moxster, the key to get Rugby fans along to the matches is to get them to like football, not for us to pander to them and tell them how much we like Rugby (we don't), that it isn't boring (it is) and pretend that we enjoy it equally as much as football (we don't).  They have to like our game, not us theirs.  Perhaps they should be the one's doing the reaching out seeing how rubbish their crowds are

I second that. Never been to a rugby game. Can`t see that changing anytime soon.
about 17 years
We had five Fulton Hogan (Rugby/ league) boys infront of me yesterday..... Within five minutes they had the fever.....They couldnt believe the crowd .. and from one there mouth came....This is the best game Ive been too.........
almost 17 years
Have the same issue here in Australia. In Victoria we can't stand Rugby League, that's what New South Welshman and Queenslanders enjoy, but we love AFL and Football down here (look i know how you guys feel about AFL please don't hurl the abuse :) ) but yeah, we get a heap of people to Victory games n we love it. We'll watch any sport over here in Victoria (besides Rugby League, International Union Games we'll watch). But I don't see the point in hatred of other sports.melbournite2007-08-27 19:29:48
almost 17 years
yeah i agree they were with me and all they did was talk about it at work, my job is done i'm open to convert anyone alse who doubts football or the phoenix!!!
almost 17 years
Good on ya mate, Keep up the support!!!
about 17 years

you can love rugby too but ffs this is a football forum...how many rugby forums talk about football??? why is that so weird??? me no understand
almost 17 years
I must admit I am a huge Rugby Union fan maybe even classed as a fanatic....but I honestly can say there is room for both games in NZ......
they are completly different games & shouldn't be involved in a grudge match against each other which is primarly media based.
almost 17 years
almost 17 years
Spot on mate lets just enjoy the beautiful game or games for that matter.
about 17 years
MESSIAH wrote:
I must admit I am a huge Rugby Union fan maybe even classed as a fanatic....but I honestly can say there is room for both games in NZ......
they are completly different games & shouldn't be involved in a grudge match against each other which is primarly media based.

yes fine but i reiterate: how many rugby forums talk about football? and why should they?
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
moxstar grow some balls. a football website means there will be diehard football fans. i remember there was another thread where some other guy complained about the term "thugbyheads" .. he got shot down also.
about 17 years

this forum is one of the few places in NZ to not have to be saturated with rugby and that is good. I don't have a problem with the game, it's fine, but just not here is all
about 17 years

if you wanna talk about the rugby, either a) go on a rugby forum or b) talk to pretty much anyone on the street
almost 17 years
I hate rugby. Cant stand the game and what pisses me off is that in NZ its being branded as the biggest game in the world. Lets face it, the game is played by NZ, the pacific islands and who else???
Some people from an unpopulated part of France, private school children from England, hillbillies from Wales, the whites in Saffa and people from NSW and Queensland.

A sports popularity doesn't have anything to do with how many people that plays it, but I am fed up with hearing about rugby, a marginal sport everywhere except NZ and Samoa being branded as the biggest game on earth.
Fact more people play handball than rugby, fact more people play Icehockey than rugby.

Then when I talk about the biggest and most popular game in the world, football, people look at me like its a  small game from the outer Hebrides. They call it poofball despite the fact that the only sport filled with gays in England are rugby. Bumlicking was the name we used for the sport when I grew up and it wasn't without reason...

Besides the talk of football being less popular in this country than league is just ridiculous. Have those people that says that thought about where all the immigrants that has arrived come from?
Footballmad nations like Thailand, Malaysia, China and South Korea.

When Man Utd played Millwall in the FA cup final the other year Man Utd NZ/chinese Supporterclub booked 9 venues in Auckland alone for their members.
We local Millwallfans met in one pub and there we had one part of the venue. Quite a big difference...

almost 17 years
I hate rugby. Cant stand the game and what pisses me off is that in NZ its being branded as the biggest game in the world. Lets face it, the game is played by NZ, the pacific islands and who else???
Some people from an unpopulated part of France, private school children from England, hillbillies from Wales, the whites in Saffa and people from NSW and Queensland.

A sports popularity doesn't have anything to do with how many people that plays it, but I am fed up with hearing about rugby, a marginal sport everywhere except NZ and Samoa being branded as the biggest game on earth.
Fact more people play handball than rugby, fact more people play Icehockey than rugby.

Then when I talk about the biggest and most popular game in the world, football, people look at me like its a  small game from the outer Hebrides. They call it poofball despite the fact that the only sport filled with gays in England are rugby. Bumlicking was the name we used for the sport when I grew up and it wasn't without reason...

Besides the talk of football being less popular in this country than league is just ridiculous. Have those people that says that thought about where all the immigrants that has arrived come from?
Footballmad nations like Thailand, Malaysia, China and South Korea.

When Man Utd played Millwall in the FA cup final the other year Man Utd NZ/chinese Supporterclub booked 9 venues in Auckland alone for their members.
We local Millwallfans met in one pub and there we had one part of the venue. Quite a big difference...

why can't rugby & football fans live in harmony......my theory is you can like one or the other or even both.....I can't see a point in sl*gging either off....
First Team Squad
over 17 years
I love football (and have always played it) and also love rugby league (and never played it) - don't see the problem.
Rugby is a bit dull but could improve if they change the rules to keep the action going. I'll still watch the knock out phase of the World Cup but Rugby League is the better of the odd shaped ball games.
Not Elite enough
about 17 years
Born and raised in Glasgow, I love football more than anything else in the World (apart from my wife & kids) but when I lived in Wellington I was a season ticket holder at the Stadium from Day 1 for the 'Canes and the Lions. Now that I've moved up here I'm a Warriors season ticket holder.

In my experience, for what it's worth, I've met an awful lot more football fans who like league and rugby than the other way round. The mere mention of football seems to drive most rugby supporters into insane rants, which usually include the word poof several times. One of the biggest let-downs I've ever experienced was going to a Bledisloe Cup game in Wellington. I expected the atmosphere to be amazing. It was s**t, I've seen more life in a tramp's vest. One thing that football will always have over rugby is the atmosphere at the games and if we keep going the way we've started, I can see a lot more egg chasers converting to the 'Nix.
Auckland Jag2007-08-27 21:08:16
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years

You're right Archie Jaq.  A bad rugby game is very flat indeed. As for the Stadium, it's a great venue for football or rugby.  But who wants to take their young kids to a live game of rugby at the Stadium at night in the middle of winter.  In my opinion rugby has sold out the fanbase by having nearly all the winter games at night, for the benefit of television.  Loads of opportunity there to pick up nerw fans.  And they're welcome!

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