Things that piss you off...

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

coochiee wrote:

paulm wrote:

What is the definition of hate speech? Is there a legal one? 

I always get frustrated arguing specific examples of what is or isn't hate speech, when it's such a subjective thing.

It generally always leads to "well if you haven't been oppressed by this particular thing then you don't know what it's like, so you're not allowed an opinion".

Does there need to be a legal definition?

Let’s say I’m gay. Israel Folau says I should go to hell. Sounds a bit hateful to me.

If you tell a nazi to go to hell is that hate speech? Or is some hate speech ok?

And if some hate speech is considered ok and some isn't then that means the whole concept of hate speech is subjective rather than based on absolute laws. Dodgy as.

This isn't about freedom of speech really this is about one set of people trying to enforce their values onto others imo

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Tegal wrote:

So him saying gays should burn in hell is ok. But people reacting negatively to that view is ridiculous? 

He is “100% free to portray his belief” but when people react and portray their belief that he’s wrong, they’re being ridiculous? 

My understanding is he didn't say they should burn in hell he said that according to the bible that is where gay people are going to go when they die. I don't follow his social media account so please correct me if I am wrong.

Saying someone "should burn in hell" is quite different to saying someone is going to "end up in hell according to what the bible preaches". 

One is a direct person to person comment the other is someone outlining what they think will happen according to what they believe to be true. ie one is an active and one is a passive comment. Again big difference.

I believe what he said was a passive reference to what he thinks will happen according to how he interprets the bible and I don't have a problem with that.

Why? Because I don't believe in any christian god for starters and concepts like heaven and hell mean nothing to me, If israel thinks someone is being sent to a place which I don't even believe exists then big deal.

And even if he did say gays should burn in hell, big deal, let him have his opinion. Or are people so thin skinned these days that they cannot tolerate any opinion that falls outside of their "safe space"?  If you are hurt by other peoples opinions on social media then I really think you need to get a grip.

Move on, nothing to see here!

over 9 years

typical Australians let him off lightly as well. Play on son, no worries

Says something about that bigoted country

It’s more he is the highest profile rugby player in Australia, a genuine crowd puller and no doubt on very big money.

As the ARU boss Raelene Casle (a Kiwi) has said, this drama is the biggest challenge of her career in sports admin.

Given she previously worked in NRL, and all shenanigans those players get up to, that’s saying something.

Hopefully he stops his tweets. Rugby struggling in Australia, and ARU can’t afford this to drag on. Must be ‘a bringing the game into disrepute’ clause in his contract. I’m sure the ARU have their lawyers looking at it.

almost 17 years

Tegal wrote:

So him saying gays should burn in hell is ok. But people reacting negatively to that view is ridiculous? 

He is “100% free to portray his belief” but when people react and portray their belief that he’s wrong, they’re being ridiculous? 

My understanding is he didn't say they should burn in hell he said that according to the bible that is where gay people are going to go when they die. I don't follow his social media account so please correct me if I am wrong.

Saying someone "should burn in hell" is quite different to saying someone is going to "end up in hell according to what the bible preaches". 

One is a direct person to person comment the other is someone outlining what they think will happen according to what they believe to be true. ie one is an active and one is a passive comment. Again big difference.

I believe what he said was a passive reference to what he thinks will happen according to how he interprets the bible and I don't have a problem with that.

Why? Because I don't believe in any christian god for starters and concepts like heaven and hell mean nothing to me, If israel thinks someone is being sent to a place which I don't even believe exists then big deal.

And even if he did say gays should burn in hell, big deal, let him have his opinion. Or are people so thin skinned these days that they cannot tolerate any opinion that falls outside of their "safe space"?  If you are hurt by other peoples opinions on social media then I really think you need to get a grip.

Move on, nothing to see here!

you are correct, his comment was a) an answer to a very direct and specific question about what the bible said about gay people and b) essentially his answer was a direct quote from the bible, which said something along the lines of gay people will burn in hell - I think he even cited the book passage in the bible.

I like you am all for freedom of speech and fully support people's right to believe what they want. Folau believes this and unless sked he doesnt seem to push his beliefs onto anyone - although of late he has been a little more vocal on this particular topic.

The media slander of his belief has created it's own hate speech against him.

over 17 years

coochiee wrote:

paulm wrote:

What is the definition of hate speech? Is there a legal one? 

I always get frustrated arguing specific examples of what is or isn't hate speech, when it's such a subjective thing.

It generally always leads to "well if you haven't been oppressed by this particular thing then you don't know what it's like, so you're not allowed an opinion".

Does there need to be a legal definition?

Only if there are going to be legal consequences, or if people are going to be silenced officially somehow. 

Otherwise, no need.

In this case, we are talking about legal ramifications, like Folau potentially being dismissed by the ARU or something similar. And some people are advocating for the things he said to be legislated against in some way. 

If any of those things are to happen, then a legal definition becomes 100% necessary. 

Chant Savant
over 17 years

When you hear the words "I wish I had more time to do things I want to do" come out of the mouth of someone who has babysitting services of family members on tap!

over 13 years

Air New Zealand

Two hour delay overseas waiting for plane to arrive

fair cop, shark happens, planes break down and have experienced much much worse

But on each occasion a flight has been delayed there is always been an apology a few minutes into the flight from the captain.

It doesn't take much to apologise and provide a reason

This time zilch, nada, nothing,

It was only with 15 minutes to go and I called the head steward and asked if anyone was going to apologise to the 200 passengers that right at the end of the flight she did a timid apology but with no reason for the delay

Disgusting first impressions to NZ for those whom haven't been here before and I won't be booking our national carrier any time soon if it doesn't occur to them to say sorry for a  two hour delay 

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Air New Zealand

Two hour delay overseas waiting for plane to arrive

fair cop, shark happens, planes break down and have experienced much much worse

But on each occasion a flight has been delayed there is always been an apology a few minutes into the flight from the captain.

It doesn't take much to apologise and provide a reason

This time zilch, nada, nothing,

It was only with 15 minutes to go and I called the head steward and asked if anyone was going to apologise to the 200 passengers that right at the end of the flight she did a timid apology but with no reason for the delay

Disgusting first impressions to NZ for those whom haven't been here before and I won't be booking our national carrier any time soon if it doesn't occur to them to say sorry for a  two hour delay 

You're going to have a great time flying with Jetstar!
about 17 years

Now that Mana Bus has folded, Flying to Auckland seems the only viable method or driving. "Intercity" can get fudgeed for screwing over Mana via the courts. Why they just didn't approach the company, only Lawyers know. But there's now no competition so Intercity can raise their prices to match airfares. 

almost 17 years

few other options like naked bus?

almost 17 years

"media" people who cannot spell or formulate a semi-decent sentence.

almost 17 years

theprof wrote:

few other options like naked bus?

oh wait, nevermind I see that mana bus owned naked bus and Ritchies who owns intercity has bought both.

tradition and history
over 17 years
tradition and history
over 17 years
One in a million
over 17 years

Nearly everyone would be guilty of that one!

about 17 years

From Stuff

And the point of the article is? Beginning to think the writer has a problem with the Nix and is throwing negative vibes their way.

Budgie lover
about 17 years

to be honest, the bigger surprise to me was Manchester United not being in the top 10 clubs. 

Starting XI
about 15 years

Lordy, Michael Utting, what an absolute disgrace

about 15 years

I don't condone what he has done. I also feel that this is not a story. The guy is obviously a basketcase but other than the fact he is a two-bit famous sports star, this is no different than others have done but are they getting featured as the main story on Sunday? I watched it, he accepted he owed the cash, said he is sorry for the pain he has caused and has paid one back.

He's guilty of nothing more than being a dick but the level of publicity the story has gotten to is silly.

Its no different than anyone else getting a blow job in the toilet, except when Aaron Smith does it............

about 17 years

The cheapshark Media Works ripoff show called "Gogglebox New Zealand" which at the time it was made, they only did Auckland based houses cause it was cheaper than doing the whole country. It should have been called "Gogglebox Auckland". Anyway, the UK version was brilliant but from the promo's of this new show, one senses a waste of time, unless of course you're an Aucklander and know some of the participants.

tradition and history
over 17 years
over 17 years

When your bloody phone dies and you havnt saved all that shark to the sd card like you have been going to do since forever.

Just an aside is there anything more badly named than a smart phone, if its that FN smart it should no what i want it to do

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

ballane wrote:

When your bloody phone dies and you havnt saved all that shark to the sd card like you have been going to do since forever.

Just an aside is there anything more badly named than a smart phone, if its that FN smart it should no what i want it to do

Android has a whole lot of backup functionality built into the operating system these days, chances are all your photos are backed up through Google Photos, your contacts will be synced to your Google account and all your app data will be backed up by the Play Store.

Might be worth checking all this when you get a new phone just in case it's all there for you! 

over 17 years

Speaking of Android - I do I stop notifications from spoiling the results of the games? Today I scrolled down from the top of my phone and there was a notification from Google giving me the result of the Roma game - thus spoiling my day.

When I looked at Apps permissions - there isn't an app called Google - so not sure how to go about that...

Woof Woof
about 17 years

Speaking of Android - I do I stop notifications from spoiling the results of the games? Today I scrolled down from the top of my phone and there was a notification from Google giving me the result of the Roma game - thus spoiling my day.

When I looked at Apps permissions - there isn't an app called Google - so not sure how to go about that...

You need to go into your Settings, then Notifications, and then disable Google notifications. 

over 17 years

Thanks! Found it! It was under Notifications Management (didn't realise Goodle had some many notifications, from the stock market to game results to weather etc).

I tend not to use those features usually (nor do I have locations settings on usually) but it's pretty scary they knew I was interested in Roma... goes to show how little privacy we have these days.

Hopefully I fixed the problem. If Google ruins the derby for me on Sunday morning I'll probably chuck the phone in the toilet!

Woof Woof
about 17 years

Yeah that should do it. Google basically tracks your preferences (be it sport, news, whatever), and thinks it's helping you when it tells you what happened. Pretty annoying for us living in  different time zones, and wanting to be kept in suspense before watching the overnight action...I've had to do the same thing for basically all the European football and NFL that I follow.

over 17 years

patrick478 wrote:

ballane wrote:

When your bloody phone dies and you havnt saved all that shark to the sd card like you have been going to do since forever.

Just an aside is there anything more badly named than a smart phone, if its that FN smart it should no what i want it to do

Android has a whole lot of backup functionality built into the operating system these days, chances are all your photos are backed up through Google Photos, your contacts will be synced to your Google account and all your app data will be backed up by the Play Store.

Might be worth checking all this when you get a new phone just in case it's all there for you! 

Your making the mistake of thinking i no what your taking about.LOL Got me a flash new toy complete waste of money but hey when they throw in a new 43" TV how can a bloke resist. Probably take me forever to get my head around it. Reckon i can find the YF app in the play store gives me all sorts of shark about preventing the disease.

Got some of the photos but hadnt backed up a heap of others as its the screen that shark itself im told they are still there so should be no trouble retrieving them.

about 12 years

society... had a student throw a large stone and hit me today. Can really blame the kid, he doesn't know any better because of the conditions he is living in.

Through no fault of his own, he's been born into an environment where he is being set up to fail, and as much as we try as teachers, there is little we can do to change that.

Some people shouldn't have kids!

tradition and history
over 17 years

MetalLegNZ wrote:

society... had a student throw a large stone and hit me today. Can really blame the kid, he doesn't know any better because of the conditions he is living in.

Through no fault of his own, he's been born into an environment where he is being set up to fail, and as much as we try as teachers, there is little we can do to change that.

Some people shouldn't have kids!

Of course he is to blame. He had a choice. Easy to blame others, or society. Pitiful. 

about 12 years

No he's not to blame... the kids 6 maybe 7 and comes from a home that wouldn't be out of place in Once Were Warriors where violence and drugs are the norm.

For the majority of his life he has been taught, that when your angry or frustrated you lash out - not surprising he's done that here. Plus it's likely he suffers from either one or both or alcohol foetal posining / P exposure - so his ability to process and comprehend beyond simple responses is compromised.

Things that piss me off - a lack of empathy or understanding from others.

tradition and history
over 17 years

MetalLegNZ wrote:

No he's not to blame... the kids 6 maybe 7 and comes from a home that wouldn't be out of place in Once Were Warriors where violence and drugs are the norm.

For the majority of his life he has been taught, that when your angry or frustrated you lash out - not surprising he's done that here. Plus it's likely he suffers from either one or both or alcohol foetal posining / P exposure - so his ability to process and comprehend beyond simple responses is compromised.

Things that piss me off - a lack of empathy or understanding from others.

Your first post never mentioned his age or the rest of his so called problems.It is very sad, but his parents are the ones to blame-- they should be in court.

about 12 years
about 17 years

Hey Patrick, I found to my own dismay and relief what you said. I thought I had lost all my movies from Google Movies. But come the newish tablet and when I set ip up, they were still all there. just had to download them again. I think it's a great feature and a life saver!

Chant Savant
over 17 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

Hey Patrick, I found to my own dismay and relief what you said. I thought I had lost all my movies from Google Movies. But come the newish tablet and when I set ip up, they were still all there. just had to download them again. I think it's a great feature and a life saver!

I get pissed off when other people in this thread are thr opposite of pissd off!  

about 17 years

Better to be pissed off than pissed on!

over 13 years

Antivax billboard gone up in South Auckland. Can't believe that stupidity has come to our shores!

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

Real estate agents. lol.

over 13 years

Yakcall wrote:

Antivax billboard gone up in South Auckland. Can't believe that stupidity has come to our shores!

Sometimes complaining does help!

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

Surge wrote:

Real estate agents. lol.

Lawyers (no lol).

Things that piss you off...

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