I detest the America's Cup thingie.

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years
Speaking of hilarious... Why were people getting pissed off at Oracle/race officials etc when they learnt about the 40 minute time limit rule? Surely if you're such a yachting fan you would know all the rules already? And if you don't know all the rules the only person you can blame is a) yourself or b) the broadcasters for also not knowing before that race started. Painful.
about 17 years

I hope Orifice wins.

Moar stars
about 12 years
TopLeft07 wrote:
Speaking of hilarious... Why were people getting pissed off at Oracle/race officials etc when they learnt about the 40 minute time limit rule? Surely if you're such a yachting fan you would know all the rules already? And if you don't know all the rules the only person you can blame is a) yourself or b) the broadcasters for also not knowing before that race started. Painful.

When NZ is winning a sport, you don't need to know the rules.
over 17 years
Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years
nufc_nz wrote:
TopLeft07 wrote:
Speaking of hilarious... Why were people getting pissed off at Oracle/race officials etc when they learnt about the 40 minute time limit rule? Surely if you're such a yachting fan you would know all the rules already? And if you don't know all the rules the only person you can blame is a) yourself or b) the broadcasters for also not knowing before that race started. Painful.

When NZ is winning a sport, you don't need to know the rules.

Yeah its quite funny how its panned out, winning all the way to 8-1 just meant the band wagon filled right up with glory hunters and now they look like they are going to crash into a burning mess. 

Not saying I don't watch it either, but I'm not one of the tragics losing sleep over it.
over 17 years

You are all traitors and un-NZers.  This is part of our DNA.

Chant Savant
about 17 years

You are all traitors and un-NZers.  This is part of our DNA.

I'm not!

over 15 years
tradition and history
about 17 years
C-Diddy wrote:

You are all traitors and un-NZers.  This is part of our DNA.

I'm not!

Thank fuck for that.
Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years

I hope we have a parade down Queens street for the 7 Kiwis on Oracle when they win.

Sydney 'til they fold
almost 17 years

You are all traitors and un-NZers.  This is part of our DNA.


over 17 years
nufc_nz wrote:
TopLeft07 wrote:
Speaking of hilarious... Why were people getting pissed off at Oracle/race officials etc when they learnt about the 40 minute time limit rule? Surely if you're such a yachting fan you would know all the rules already? And if you don't know all the rules the only person you can blame is a) yourself or b) the broadcasters for also not knowing before that race started. Painful.

When NZ is winning a sport, you don't need to know the rules.

Andrew Clay on Radiosport posed a similar interesting question: has a sporting event so transfixed a nation - yet only the smallest % has a clue what's going on?  Makes us (NZers) look like mongs - bigtime.  Do people have no shame?
I just find it deeply embarrassing.  
over 17 years

Funny thing is though - I don't think I've ever heard Murray Deaker say "I don't know much about yachting"...why is that?

Chant Savant
about 17 years
nufc_nz wrote:
TopLeft07 wrote:
Speaking of hilarious... Why were people getting pissed off at Oracle/race officials etc when they learnt about the 40 minute time limit rule? Surely if you're such a yachting fan you would know all the rules already? And if you don't know all the rules the only person you can blame is a) yourself or b) the broadcasters for also not knowing before that race started. Painful.

When NZ is winning a sport, you don't need to know the rules.

Andrew Clay on Radiosport posed a similar interesting question: has a sporting event so transfixed a nation - yet only the smallest % has a clue what's going on?  Makes us (NZers) look like mongs - bigtime.  Do people have no shame?

I just find it deeply embarrassing.  

For a Non-Aotearoan though this is the source of massive lols!!!

That's the reason I love seeing NZ National Teams lose so much. Not because I am a heartless patriotic Australian cunt but more because of the hilarious reaction by NZers who haven't a fucking clue at why they are angry at NZ losing!!! 

almost 14 years

Funny how the lunch room at work has emptied out for the races. From being packed last week there were only 3 of us watching this morning.

NZ culture has many good parts, negativity is not one of them.

about 17 years

One of the women in the office this morning said she saw some Americans tourists who were down at Shed 10 on TV, and they said that most of America doesn't even know this is taking place.  It is as if people are completely blind to how insignificant this is outside of this piss-pot little country.

Starting XI
about 17 years

Big Deal. Most Americans dont know when the Rugby world cup is either.

Or probably the Football world cup.

I'm loving these races.

Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years



about 17 years

Thinking of hosting an American style breakfast at my desk tomorrow morning - donughts, stars and stripes cupcakes, 4 gallon cups of Pepsi, ribs, etc

over 17 years

I still believe because it's part of my DNA and I'm no un-Emirates-NZer.

over 17 years
hepatitis wrote:

Big Deal. Most Americans dont know when the Rugby world cup is either.

Or probably the Football world cup.

I'm loving these races.

Starting XI
about 17 years
over 17 years

I think if you're baiting people about something you don't care about you're as bad as people bandwaggoning a sport they know nothing about. On a human level you have to feel for the guys involved with the team. They will genuinely feel they are letting the whole country down. There is so much to dislike about this whole event but I still think you have to keep that in mind.

Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years

But they were more than happy to market this as a NZ v US thing and to ride the wave of fanfare from medit, pundits and the public.

over 14 years

Yes the Bandwagoning of NZers is legendary. 

I must have missed the scourn being poured on Bandwagoners back when the Nix were that wagon and we had 32,000 at the Cake Tin?

 Or for the sell out of the Allwhites game in 2009 or the sell out this year?

almost 15 years

Is it fair to say, that what people actually detest is average Jo Blow saying:

"That soccer/yachting/basketball is a shit sport. There is no manliness like there is with rugby"

(Then the results start coming)

"Man they are so awesome this is so amazing"

(Then they get beaten)

"Shit sport. They didn't win a world cup or anything."


Is it more the fickle nature than the bandwagoning? The old 'You only sing when you are winning' ?


As Southern Jeff says, our attitudes were not exactly telling the bandwagoners to bugger off around our sport with our successes.
I do agree that billing this as a US vs NZ has been the cause of creating this effect. If we did a comparison to football, it effectively an Auckland based football club with imports up against a San Fran based football club with a lot of imports.

about 17 years
james dean wrote:

I think if you're baiting people about something you don't care about you're as bad as people bandwaggoning a sport they know nothing about. On a human level you have to feel for the guys involved with the team. They will genuinely feel they are letting the whole country down. There is so much to dislike about this whole event but I still think you have to keep that in mind.

But I do care about it - I care about Oracle winning.

There is bandwagon jumping in every country, but I am pretty sure it is not to the extent you get here.  The media are the people that fuck me off the most - it is a globally insignificant event, that I am going to suggest that about half of the population here do not care about (for every horray henry cunting about at Shed 10 for the media or excitable Dorris in the work place, I would suggest that there is someone like the majority of people on here, a farmer in rural NZ or or a family in Soth Auckland who are completely bewildered by all the fuss), yet it is headline news, pushing major terrorist attacks in other parts of the world to bit-part stories.  It is mental.  The sooner we lose, and the whole thing is swept under the rug, the better.

Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years
sthn.jeff wrote:

Yes the Bandwagoning of NZers is legendary. 

I must have missed the scourn being poured on Bandwagoners back when the Nix were that wagon and we had 32,000 at the Cake Tin?

 Or for the sell out of the Allwhites game in 2009 or the sell out this year?

You mean the times where we chanted "where were you when we were shit"?

over 14 years
2ndBest wrote:
sthn.jeff wrote:

Yes the Bandwagoning of NZers is legendary. 

I must have missed the scourn being poured on Bandwagoners back when the Nix were that wagon and we had 32,000 at the Cake Tin?

 Or for the sell out of the Allwhites game in 2009 or the sell out this year?

You mean the times where we chanted "where were you when we were shit"?

And then wondered why we have crowds of 4000?
Sydney 'til they fold
almost 17 years
Junior82 wrote:

For serivces to boat shoe sales?

Can someone please give us the address link for this?
I need it for another forum & can't grab it from my phone.
about 17 years
Frankie Mac wrote:

Thinking of hosting an American style breakfast at my desk tomorrow morning - donughts, stars and stripes cupcakes, 4 gallon cups of Pepsi, ribs, etc

Just told the people that I work with that I am planning this, but will cut all of the food into very small pieces to ensure that no one chokes.

over 15 years
Traitor wrote:
Junior82 wrote:

For serivces to boat shoe sales?

Can someone please give us the address link for this?

I need it for another forum & can't grab it from my phone.

Sorry - that is from my personal collection.

Alternatively try googling "boater shoes" and tw@t.

over 14 years

Riot Police on standby in Remuera, Ponsonby ?? Will they burn down Shed 10 when they lose?? Can NZ cope with the National trauma ??  Will Dave Dobbyn sing ?? 

almost 15 years
Frankie Mac wrote:
Frankie Mac wrote:

Thinking of hosting an American style breakfast at my desk tomorrow morning - donughts, stars and stripes cupcakes, 4 gallon cups of Pepsi, ribs, etc

Just told the people that I work with that I am planning this, but will cut all of the food into very small pieces to ensure that no one chokes.

about 17 years

Riot Police on standby in Remuera, Ponsonby ?? Will they burn down Shed 10 when they lose?? Can NZ cope with the National trauma ??  Will Dave Dobbyn sing ?? 

The question on everyone's lips

Head Sleuth
about 17 years
There is also an obviously huge bias in the timing of the survey. If you asked people next year, it'd be very different. 
Sydney 'til they fold
almost 17 years

"Personal Collection"?

Oh my..

Head Sleuth
about 17 years
Frankie Mac wrote:

Riot Police on standby in Remuera, Ponsonby ?? Will they burn down Shed 10 when they lose?? Can NZ cope with the National trauma ??  Will Dave Dobbyn sing ?? 

The question on everyone's lips

Or does he only sing when we're winning?

I detest the America's Cup thingie.

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