Democalypse 2017 - The Election Thread

almost 14 years

The world those NZ first supporters want sounds so boring.

almost 16 years

Ryan wrote:

The world those NZ first supporters want sounds so boring.

And he'll still decide who forms the next Government.

Lol at NZ. 

about 15 years

Oska wrote:

I would love for someone who has watched this to justify why people would want someone so incapable of discussing policy or making coherent arguments in Government.

I doubt Guyon will get a Christmas cigar from Winston. That was embarrassingly bad and such a well executed take down. If he is smart, he’ll watch that and realise his time is done.
about 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Oska wrote:

I would love for someone who has watched this to justify why people would want someone so incapable of discussing policy or making coherent arguments in Government.

I doubt Guyon will get a Christmas cigar from Winston. That was embarrassingly bad and such a well executed take down. If he is smart, he’ll watch that and realise his time is done.

I like Ron Marks, I like some of what Winston is trying to achieve - the updated version of the Super Card which actually introduced for example, but......

Winston has always promised so much and not delivered. He lost his credibility to me with the Wine Box. All he had to do was tell the press which pages to turn to for the evidence. That is all they wanted and that was all I wanted as a voter. Point me to it.

But no, he saw a chance to "milk it" for all it was worth and kept saying to read it and you will find it. Just point to which pages FFS. 

Winston missed his best chance with that and over the years it appears he has never learned from it as he continues along the same vein and then sues anyone whom queries it.

almost 16 years

I'm still tipping a change of Government

Peters hatred of 3 or 4 National front benchers will see him with Labour(lite)

Starting XI
over 9 years

foal30 wrote:

I'm still tipping a change of Government

Peters hatred of 3 or 4 National front benchers will see him with Labour(lite)

hope your right re change of government, but Winston will go with whoever offers him the best deal for him - He hated Jim Bolger but still went into collation with him

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years
almost 14 years

foal30 wrote:

I'm still tipping a change of Government

Peters hatred of 3 or 4 National front benchers will see him with Labour(lite)

hope your right re change of government, but Winston will go with whoever offers him the best deal for him - He hated Jim Bolger but still went into collation with him

Didn't he say that he'll go with whatever party has the most votes? We could be in a scenario where National is in government by getting a couple of percent more than labor despite the fact that the two major parties on the political left get more votes combined.

almost 16 years

He has removed himself from that particular claim. 

It's happening..

about 13 years

                                                      Freeway Split

almost 16 years

looked like someone was giving Double Dipton some Oral Encouragment on the Bus if 3News footage is accurate.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Locking to adhere to electoral laws. Will be promptly unlocked at 7pm.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
over 17 years

patrick478 wrote:

Will be promptly unlocked at 7pm.

almost 14 years

Looks like another three years of stagnation at this stage.

tradition and history
over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

Looks like another three years of stagnation at this stage.

That is not the case. The economy advanced .8 % in the second quarter of this year. 

Better the devil you know.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

aitkenmike wrote:

patrick478 wrote:

Will be promptly unlocked at 7pm.

almost 14 years

Leggy wrote:

Ryan wrote:

Looks like another three years of stagnation at this stage.

That is not the case. The economy advanced .8 % in the second quarter of this year. 

Better the devil you know.

Probably, although most of the growth is because of an increase in population not productivity, I doubt wages are increasing much.

The main problem that I have is that Bill flatly refused to address automation which Jacinda had a lot of policy to preempt. If we wait three years before we start thinking about how we're going to fund education so that people can change careers more often and then eventually a UBI and earlier retirement age, then we could miss the window of change and a lot of people will feel the hurt.

The good thing is that a resurgent left has meant that National have had to promise a lot of good policies. I just worry that while Bill seems like a competent man he's proven time and time again that he's a liar. He's also very conservative and there are a lot of important bills which need to pass through parliament in the next three years including removing abortion from the criminal act so that it's a health issue and not a criminal one, leagalising euthanasia, and removing prohibition on Marijuana. A Bill English led government is likely to be opposed to all of these (despite every other major party and the bulk of New Zealanders supporting them.)

Still, three years of National is not the end of the world, I just hope they don't have to pander too much to NZ First.

about 17 years

Labour and the Nix. Perennial perennial strugglers.  Though that is still true for Liverpool

about 17 years

Thanks for the thread. I thought we all did well and not resort to name calling. roll on three years although accordinv to some, the world was meant to end yesterday. 

almost 15 years

Has the left actually been resurgent? 

Labour has definitely, but primarily at the expense of the Greens and possibly NZ First  based on Party vote. They have taken the three seats of Dunne and the Maori Party and it is the loss of the Maori party that has stopped National from being able to form a Govt.

Starting XI
over 9 years

sthn.jeff wrote:

Has the left actually been resurgent? 

Labour has definitely, but primarily at the expense of the Greens and possibly NZ First  based on Party vote. They have taken the three seats of Dunne and the Maori Party and it is the loss of the Maori party that has stopped National from being able to form a Govt.

given where it was 8 weeks ago - yes

almost 16 years

and only if you call a Labour a "left" party.

Think they threw that claim away 30 something years ago. 

almost 14 years

The left has really come to mean something different from left wing, in modern day politics the left kind of just means sane.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

sthn.jeff wrote:

Has the left actually been resurgent? 

Labour has definitely, but primarily at the expense of the Greens and possibly NZ First  based on Party vote. They have taken the three seats of Dunne and the Maori Party and it is the loss of the Maori party that has stopped National from being able to form a Govt.

Depending on special votes, which tend to be more left, National will be down a couple of percent, Conservatives are down a couple of percent, and Act down half a percent. So that looks to be a 5 point swing away from right parties. 

almost 15 years

2ndBest wrote:

sthn.jeff wrote:

Has the left actually been resurgent? 

Labour has definitely, but primarily at the expense of the Greens and possibly NZ First  based on Party vote. They have taken the three seats of Dunne and the Maori Party and it is the loss of the Maori party that has stopped National from being able to form a Govt.

Depending on special votes, which tend to be more left, National will be down a couple of percent, Conservatives are down a couple of percent, and Act down half a percent. So that looks to be a 5 point swing away from right parties. 

Whch for a three term Govt is actually a remarkable result, (assuming Specials go that way - advance voting pretty much in line with final result)
almost 14 years

Well, even National is left wing by international standards. So the swing hasn't been to the left per se but against the incumbent coalition that has been around for the last couple of terms. 

The vote was clearly for change even if that change is a National and NZ First coalition rather than a National and Act and United Future and Māori party coalition.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

sthn.jeff wrote:

2ndBest wrote:

sthn.jeff wrote:

Has the left actually been resurgent? 

Labour has definitely, but primarily at the expense of the Greens and possibly NZ First  based on Party vote. They have taken the three seats of Dunne and the Maori Party and it is the loss of the Maori party that has stopped National from being able to form a Govt.

Depending on special votes, which tend to be more left, National will be down a couple of percent, Conservatives are down a couple of percent, and Act down half a percent. So that looks to be a 5 point swing away from right parties. 

Whch for a three term Govt is actually a remarkable result, (assuming Specials go that way - advance voting pretty much in line with final result)

It is. (My cynical hat would say it wouldn't be that high if Joyce and English hadn't lied outta their ass over the final week or so).

This popped up on my timeline just now. It's a little weird how cyclical it seems to be in the last 20 years. So there seems to be a time of trend towards the centre left so which, assuming that continues, National will need to do undertake more "left policies" to try retain power in 2020. Already saw a bit of that during the elections, such as Paid Parental Leave.

almost 15 years

2ndBest wrote:

sthn.jeff wrote:

2ndBest wrote:

sthn.jeff wrote:

Has the left actually been resurgent? 

Labour has definitely, but primarily at the expense of the Greens and possibly NZ First  based on Party vote. They have taken the three seats of Dunne and the Maori Party and it is the loss of the Maori party that has stopped National from being able to form a Govt.

Depending on special votes, which tend to be more left, National will be down a couple of percent, Conservatives are down a couple of percent, and Act down half a percent. So that looks to be a 5 point swing away from right parties. 

Whch for a three term Govt is actually a remarkable result, (assuming Specials go that way - advance voting pretty much in line with final result)

It is. (My cynical hat would say it wouldn't be that high if Joyce and English hadn't lied outta their ass over the final week or so).

This popped up on my timeline just now. It's a little weird how cyclical it seems to be in the last 20 years. So there seems to be a time of trend towards the centre left so which, assuming that continues, National will need to do undertake more "left policies" to try retain power in 2020. Already saw a bit of that during the elections, such as Paid Parental Leave.

In reality as Ryan has said, the "Right" on NZ is far far far from what would  classically be termed a "Conservative" Government.

Probably the only area that it remains remotely Conservative is in areas such as Euthenasia , Abortion etc. 

almost 14 years

2ndBest wrote:

sthn.jeff wrote:

2ndBest wrote:

sthn.jeff wrote:

Has the left actually been resurgent? 

Labour has definitely, but primarily at the expense of the Greens and possibly NZ First  based on Party vote. They have taken the three seats of Dunne and the Maori Party and it is the loss of the Maori party that has stopped National from being able to form a Govt.

Depending on special votes, which tend to be more left, National will be down a couple of percent, Conservatives are down a couple of percent, and Act down half a percent. So that looks to be a 5 point swing away from right parties. 

Whch for a three term Govt is actually a remarkable result, (assuming Specials go that way - advance voting pretty much in line with final result)

It is. (My cynical hat would say it wouldn't be that high if Joyce and English hadn't lied outta their ass over the final week or so).

This popped up on my timeline just now. It's a little weird how cyclical it seems to be in the last 20 years. So there seems to be a time of trend towards the centre left so which, assuming that continues, National will need to do undertake more "left policies" to try retain power in 2020. Already saw a bit of that during the elections, such as Paid Parental Leave.

I explained to my family about Nationals lies and also how Bill English has been caught lying over and over again. That didn't sway them as they didn't "want extra tax on hard working folk in order to give hand outs to free loaders". Unfortunately even intelligent, thoughtful, and reasonable people succumb to years of tribal conditioning.

tradition and history
over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

The left has really come to mean something different from left wing, in modern day politics the left kind of just means sane.

You are certainly not biased.

about 17 years

Leggy wrote:

Ryan wrote:

The left has really come to mean something different from left wing, in modern day politics the left kind of just means sane.

You are certainly not biased.

Possibly, but when you've got an orange man dragging the world into a nuclear conflict then he's got a point. 

almost 15 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

Leggy wrote:

Ryan wrote:

The left has really come to mean something different from left wing, in modern day politics the left kind of just means sane.

You are certainly not biased.

Possibly, but when you've got an orange man dragging the world into a nuclear conflict then he's got a point. 

at what point does "the world" actually do something ?

Once a nuke hits Japan ?

almost 14 years

Military intervention is absolutely last resort, Seoul and Tokyo are both in range of conventional weapons.

What your absolutely don't do is taunt the unstable military dictator who has the lives of tens of millions in his hands through social media.

almost 14 years

Also threatening is the worst way to negotiate you either are forced to act and screw up the world or you back down and your threats lose any credibility.

Trump has put the US and the world in a lose lose position. Art of the deal? Ha!

almost 15 years

Ryan wrote:

Also threatening is the worst way to negotiate you either are forced to act and screw up the world or you back down and your threats lose any credibility.

Trump has put the US and the world in a lose lose position. Art of the deal? Ha!

this is a problem that has its roots in Bill Clinton's presidency
almost 15 years

Ryan wrote:

Also threatening is the worst way to negotiate you either are forced to act and screw up the world or you back down and your threats lose any credibility.

Trump has put the US and the world in a lose lose position. Art of the deal? Ha!

billions of $$$ in "Aid" has been paid
almost 14 years

sthn.jeff wrote:

Ryan wrote:

Also threatening is the worst way to negotiate you either are forced to act and screw up the world or you back down and your threats lose any credibility.

Trump has put the US and the world in a lose lose position. Art of the deal? Ha!

billions of $$$ in "Aid" has been paid

People thought a deal with Iran was impossible but they managed it, trump is supposed to be the deal maker isn't he?

about 17 years

Guam is target number one for the little nutter.

almost 15 years

Ryan wrote:

sthn.jeff wrote:

Ryan wrote:

Also threatening is the worst way to negotiate you either are forced to act and screw up the world or you back down and your threats lose any credibility.

Trump has put the US and the world in a lose lose position. Art of the deal? Ha!

billions of $$$ in "Aid" has been paid

People thought a deal with Iran was impossible but they managed it, trump is supposed to be the deal maker isn't he?

how is that hat Iran deal looking ?

Democalypse 2017 - The Election Thread

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