Corona Virus - We're Doomed

about 4 years

wahoo season to continue, our next 2 games to be rescheduled, we will be based in Sydney

about 13 years

hazhapard wrote:

Yes, always interesting to hear from Rob Morrison.

One correction to the discussion near the end of the pod though - the two women who travelled to Wgtn and then tested positive did not have 300-odd 'close contacts'. Their only 'close contact' was their father who they went to see. The 300-400 being tested (out of an abundance of caution given the need to restore public confidence) were not even 'possible close contacts', but merely 'possible contacts'.

The extent to which the story has been beaten up out of proportion by the misleading use of language has been more damaging to the economy etc than the story itself.

The close proximity mentioned by Rob is not during the time after they left quarantine. The tracing and testing is for what the ministry beleives is 320 people who were on the plane and in the quarantine facility. 
about 13 years

Let’s hope it is just tech problem.

Phoenix Academy
over 17 years

Blew.2 wrote:

hazhapard wrote:

Yes, always interesting to hear from Rob Morrison.

One correction to the discussion near the end of the pod though - the two women who travelled to Wgtn and then tested positive did not have 300-odd 'close contacts'. Their only 'close contact' was their father who they went to see. The 300-400 being tested (out of an abundance of caution given the need to restore public confidence) were not even 'possible close contacts', but merely 'possible contacts'.

The extent to which the story has been beaten up out of proportion by the misleading use of language has been more damaging to the economy etc than the story itself.

The close proximity mentioned by Rob is not during the time after they left quarantine. The tracing and testing is for what the ministry beleives is 320 people who were on the plane and in the quarantine facility. 

When I referred to the 'discussion near the end of the pod' it was during the bit after the chat with Rob had finished. One of the pod used the term 'close contacts' - none of the "320 people who were on the plane and in the quarantine facility" were classed as close contacts.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

hazhapard wrote:

Blew.2 wrote:

hazhapard wrote:

Yes, always interesting to hear from Rob Morrison.

One correction to the discussion near the end of the pod though - the two women who travelled to Wgtn and then tested positive did not have 300-odd 'close contacts'. Their only 'close contact' was their father who they went to see. The 300-400 being tested (out of an abundance of caution given the need to restore public confidence) were not even 'possible close contacts', but merely 'possible contacts'.

The extent to which the story has been beaten up out of proportion by the misleading use of language has been more damaging to the economy etc than the story itself.

The close proximity mentioned by Rob is not during the time after they left quarantine. The tracing and testing is for what the ministry beleives is 320 people who were on the plane and in the quarantine facility. 

When I referred to the 'discussion near the end of the pod' it was during the bit after the chat with Rob had finished. One of the pod used the term 'close contacts' - none of the "320 people who were on the plane and in the quarantine facility" were classed as close contacts.

We're a football podcast - not a health or medical podcast. Take what we say about those matters with a grain of salt!
over 13 years

I sometimes choke on that grain with the football matters as well 

Starting XI
over 14 years

i thought some people might be interested in my experience.

very different to NZ here in Japan

on the 9th of august i came down with a cough

on the 10th i had a 37.8 degree fever so went to the doctors where they gave me antibiotics and barely looked at me

the rest of the week my fever was between 37.2 (morning) and 38.5 (evening) I was coughing a lot and was very short of breath

ON the 16th of august i went to a big hospital as i was in a really bad way and even then they were just going to give me medicine for my cough until i pushed a lot and they gave me a ct scan which showed i had bad pneumonia.

They gave me a test the next day which showed i had corona. got both the spit test and the flu test up the nose

I was immediately hospitalized and spent a week in hospital where i signed a waiver to use some trial drugs in my care.

They were avigen and an asthma inhaler.

i was very close to getting incubated, but luckily i did not.

after a week they released me ( not contagious after 10 days) while i still had pneumonia but was on the improve.

I was allowed to return to work the following Day but due to the fact i still had pneumonia and it doesn't look good with me coughing everywhere especially as i a preschool principle, i had another week off.  

I am back at work this week, but am very lethargic with no power what so ever. hopefully that comes back sometime soon.

Now to where i caught it.....   I have no idea.  I was very careful and for months i have traveled to work (5 minutes down the road) the supermarket across from my house and a convince store near my house.

I always wear a mask and alcohol my hands often.

We have no idea where i caught it but i did give it to my flatmate and his girl friend (feel a little bad that they got it)  he had no smpyoms what so ever, she had a fever for a day or two and a cold like cough for 2 days.

I do think i got bad symptoms because my lungs are not the best and i have caught pneumonia a couple times.

But it did feel really bad.  

I took all the precautions i could (everyone wears masks in japan atm anyhow) but i still caught it.

being careful is well worth it. so hope everyone takes care.

and 7 others
about 17 years

Thank you for sharing. I appreciate it. I wish you and your flatmate & his G/F a full recovery. It is not a nice thing to go through I believe and to read it first hand from a "Victim" is certainly food for thought. You take care and all the very best.

over 17 years

Thanks for sharing. I often wonder if and when this pandemic will be over, how many people will in fact discover they've had it through antibody testing as luckily not everyone experiences severe symptoms like you did. Anyway take care andni hope you bounce back to 100 very soon

over 9 years

Yeah thanks for sharing, and hope you recover well. In Peru where I am is very different to NZ as well.

My partner's father sadly now has Covid. He's 76 years old and diabetic. It's doesn't look good for him now as he's been moved to ICU. A scan has showed 90% of his lungs are damaged. He has to sleep 24/7 on his stomach. Easier now I think that he is likely in a coma in ICU. It's very sad, as he's a good kind man. One of worst things being that none of his family can enter his room, and only one son is allowed in the hospital to get updates full stop.

One minute he's in the house feeling a bit poorly, the next he's gone, and likely not coming back.

Really apart from his pretty mild diabetes he was in good health. Up and down off the floor playing with our 18 mth old twins. He was still playing 5 aside with his mates in the local park until 2 years ago. He could have easily had another 5-10 years of good health.

Hospital care here is crazy expensive. It costs $200 a day for his food!! Another $100 to rent an oxygen machine. It took 2 days of crazy searching to find that machine. I'm paying fair bit of that, but the death rate here (now highest in world per capita) - much of it is due to an overwhelmed heath system that had only 200 ICU beds nationwide back in March, and has now been expanded to about 1,800 I think running at 90% capacity. It's been a frantic race to expand the health system, as the cases have exploded. And of course most of the popn just can't afford that level of hospital care. A dodgy business has sprung up of people renting out oxygen cyclinders, like dive tanks.

I imagine this scenario is playing out in most of the developing world. Certainly in Latin America. You have massive informal work forces, who live week to week, and have to leave the casa each day to make a dollar. For them working from home on a laptop, is the stuff of fantasy.They say 15-20% of Peruvians may now have been exposed to Covid. By the time a vaccine is rolled out, a type of herd immunity may already be close to being a thing.

Have to admit that initially back in March, I was a bit dismissive of the threat. But that soon changed. Fudgeen horrible disease. Mask up.

Starting XI
over 14 years

coochiee wrote:

Yeah thanks for sharing, and hope you recover well. In Peru where I am is very different to NZ as well.

My partner's father sadly now has Covid. He's 76 years old and diabetic. It's doesn't look good for him now as he's been moved to ICU. A scan has showed 90% of his lungs are damaged. He has to sleep 24/7 on his stomach. Easier now I think that he is likely in a coma in ICU. It's very sad, as he's a good kind man. One of worst things being that none of his family can enter his room, and only one son is allowed in the hospital to get updates full stop.

One minute he's in the house feeling a bit poorly, the next he's gone, and likely not coming back.

Really apart from his pretty mild diabetes he was in good health. Up and down off the floor playing with our 18 mth old twins. He was still playing 5 aside with his mates in the local park until 2 years ago. He could have easily had another 5-10 years of good health.

Hospital care here is crazy expensive. It costs $200 a day for his food!! Another $100 to rent an oxygen machine. It took 2 days of crazy searching to find that machine. I'm paying fair bit of that, but the death rate here (now highest in world per capita) - much of it is due to an overwhelmed heath system that had only 200 ICU beds nationwide back in March, and has now been expanded to about 1,800 I think running at 90% capacity. It's been a frantic race to expand the health system, as the cases have exploded. And of course most of the popn just can't afford that level of hospital care. A dodgy business has sprung up of people renting out oxygen cyclinders, like dive tanks.

I imagine this scenario is playing out in most of the developing world. Certainly in Latin America. You have massive informal work forces, who live week to week, and have to leave each day to make a dollar. For them working from home on a laptop, is the stuff of fantasy.They say 15-20% of Peruvians now may have been exposed to Covid. By the time a vaccine is rolled out, a type of herd immunity may already be close to being a thing.

Have to admit that initially back in March, I was a bit dismissive of the threat. But that soon changed. Fudgeen horrible disease. Mask up.

That sucks to hear mate.

one of the good things here was that as i had covid my care was totally free, and i get insurance to cover the days i took of work aswell.

Hope he pulls through mate

But if anyone has any questions or things they would like to know feel free to ask.

over 13 years

Thanks for the above guys, puts a reality check on what we have to go through here in NZ

Starting XI
over 14 years

an update for those that are interested

So it has been nearly two months since i got the rona and i am still really fatigued.  I have troubles breathing sometimes and am having heart troule.  Just had a check and my numbers are all good in my blood for my body which is a good sign.

aparently heart problems are common in Caucasian people.  I have been given the ok to start exercising just have to take it easy and keep an eye on my heart.   

hope things get better soon, cause it sucks being exhausted after taking a couple steps. 

One in a million
over 17 years

detoxin wrote:

an update for those that are interested

So it has been nearly two months since i got the rona and i am still really fatigued.  I have troubles breathing sometimes and am having heart troule.  Just had a check and my numbers are all good in my blood for my body which is a good sign.

aparently heart problems are common in Caucasian people.  I have been given the ok to start exercising just have to take it easy and keep an eye on my heart.   

hope things get better soon, cause it sucks being exhausted after taking a couple steps. 

Thanks for the update, its really good to hear a follow up, keeps people like me, who know noone who has been affected, with some reality. All the best with your continuing recovery. 
Starting XI
over 14 years

detoxin wrote:

an update for those that are interested

So it has been nearly two months since i got the rona and i am still really fatigued.  I have troubles breathing sometimes and am having heart troule.  Just had a check and my numbers are all good in my blood for my body which is a good sign.

aparently heart problems are common in Caucasian people.  I have been given the ok to start exercising just have to take it easy and keep an eye on my heart.   

hope things get better soon, cause it sucks being exhausted after taking a couple steps. 

Thanks for the update, its really good to hear a follow up, keeps people like me, who know noone who has been affected, with some reality. All the best with your continuing recovery. 

seems to affect people in different ways too aye.

all we can do is try protect ourselves but nothing is fullproof

over 17 years

Sounds like you might have what they're calling "long Corona", eg. some symptoms lasting much longer than the initial infection?

Good to hear the numbers are good and that you've been allowed to exercise.

Chant Savant
over 17 years

Thanka for sharing your stories guys. It really does hit home just how good we have it here in NZ. To put it into perspective tomorrow night I will be sideline at McLean Park here in Napier, photographing the Ranfurly Shield defence between Hawkes Bay and Northland. Only a frw months ago I was unsure whether I would even get to shoot club rugby let alone Mitre 10 Cup matches.

Im am not working tomorrow night. What the Covid pandemic has taught me is do not waste any opportunities as you never know when they might be gone.

about 17 years

2nd wave hitting Sydney I believe. Numbers are increasing again. Who knows?

Starting XI
over 14 years

so really weird it may be but last monday all of a sudden i got my energy back.

From nowhere

Glad it has finally come back but took about 2 months for that to happen

Now i get my heart results back tonight so lets hope they good too.

Starting XI
about 17 years
So many Phoenix fans have died from this blight on humanity. 
Good job there hasn’t been an increase of sudden onset cancers amongst our ranks!!!

Corona Virus - We're Doomed

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