Corona Virus - We're Doomed

about 17 years

Here's a good site. I recommend the face mask videos and also reading the myth busting area.

World Health Organisation

Starting XI
almost 6 years

ballane wrote:

coochiee wrote:

Ranix wrote:

When things start up again, the Nix might well have to base themselves in Aus for a while. That won't be cheap.

Could actually probably be done fairly cheaply, with likely plenty of empty University dorms or even empty motels now, near training facilities.

And Nix/Welnix ain't likely to be getting any dollars from FFA/Fox, until they are back playing. So they will be bleeding cash until that time.

Once other clubs agree on a date to restart the A League, will be huge pressure on the Nix committing to head back across the Tasman - that's presuming the league recommences behind closed doors. Hopefully by then matters are well sorted out in NSW/VIC, and it's as safe there as it can be.

It's the State premiers, that are showing leadership not ScoMo.

Disnt matter what pressure is applied  if the borders arnt open the Nix arnt going any where. You are kidding if you think they would commit to another lockdown if things arnt all clear.

Things would have to be all clear obviously. But I can see border restrictions staying very tight for a long time even after things are all clear. 

Life and death
over 17 years

Doloras wrote:

... which means the end of free movement across the Tasman, which will fudge the Phoenix, the Warriors and the Breakers (not to mention Super Rugby) even after the pandemic is done.

Not overly I don’t think. The Warriors had been doing it regularly for years when it was a lot harder than it has been in recent years.
almost 17 years

Leggy wrote:

Royz wrote:

People are still going to beaches etc in Sydney so its not been taking to seriously.

And international flights are still arriving in NZ?

Pull your head out of your arse Leggy- totally hypocritical of you to bag Payne, but respond like this. Suggests it's about chain of command for you, not about fighting the virus. 

Edit: and maybe I've misread or misunderstood what you're saying. But if we are in lockdown and get our cases down, we won't be able to open again if Aussie still has cases all over the show 

Fyi, I've just left on NZ on one of the last flights I could and won't be able to get back even if I need to for some months.

over 17 years

martinb wrote:

Leggy wrote:

Royz wrote:

People are still going to beaches etc in Sydney so its not been taking to seriously.

And international flights are still arriving in NZ?

Pull your head out of your arse Leggy- totally hypocritical of you to bag Payne, but respond like this. Suggests it's about chain of command for you, not about fighting the virus. 

Edit: and maybe I've misread or misunderstood what you're saying. But if we are in lockdown and get our cases down, we won't be able to open again if Aussie still has cases all over the show 

Fyi, I've just left on NZ on one of the last flights I could and won't be able to get back even if I need to for some months.

Flights will keep coming and going as Air NZ will almost singlehandedly be keeping NZ trading with the rest of the world.  Our isolation isn’t always a good thing.  No pax means more valuable cargo space for the airlines to send vital medical and perishable goods to/from NZ.

almost 17 years

Marto wrote:

martinb wrote:

Leggy wrote:

Royz wrote:

People are still going to beaches etc in Sydney so its not been taking to seriously.

And international flights are still arriving in NZ?

Pull your head out of your arse Leggy- totally hypocritical of you to bag Payne, but respond like this. Suggests it's about chain of command for you, not about fighting the virus. 

Edit: and maybe I've misread or misunderstood what you're saying. But if we are in lockdown and get our cases down, we won't be able to open again if Aussie still has cases all over the show 

Fyi, I've just left on NZ on one of the last flights I could and won't be able to get back even if I need to for some months.

Flights will keep coming and going as Air NZ will almost singlehandedly be keeping NZ trading with the rest of the world.  Our isolation isn’t always a good thing.  No pax means more valuable cargo space for the airlines to send vital medical and perishable goods to/from NZ.

Not all routes.

Earlier this month, the carrier said it would reduce its long-haul capacity by 85 per cent over the coming months.

over 9 years

ballane wrote:

Why would any Nix player consider going back to OZ for a lockdown now. The decision to go over and go into isolation is now shown to be seriously flawed after it has been announced the staff member caught it over there.

Has it been announced that the staff member definitely got Coronavirus in Australia?   

I have missed that. Is there a link somewhere to that news.

over 9 years

Feverish wrote:

coochiee wrote:

Ranix wrote:

When things start up again, the Nix might well have to base themselves in Aus for a while. That won't be cheap.

Could actually probably be done fairly cheaply, with likely plenty of empty University dorms or even empty motels now, near training facilities.

And Nix/Welnix ain't likely to be getting any dollars from FFA/Fox, until they are back playing. So they will be bleeding cash until that time.

Once other clubs agree on a date to restart the A League, will be huge pressure on the Nix committing to head back across the Tasman - that's presuming the league recommences behind closed doors. Hopefully by then matters are well sorted out in NSW/VIC, and it's as safe there as it can be.

It's the State premiers, that are showing leadership not ScoMo.

Hey Hooper do you want to sign a new contract? You’ll be living in a Uni dorm by the way.

I doubt Hooper will be with the Nix come end of May.

Expensive off contract visa players across all the clubs may have to be let go, as belts are seriously tightened. The CCM low spend model applied by everyone for season 2020/2021?

Look at what Sage has done at the Glory.

over 17 years

coochiee wrote:

ballane wrote:

Why would any Nix player consider going back to OZ for a lockdown now. The decision to go over and go into isolation is now shown to be seriously flawed after it has been announced the staff member caught it over there.

Has it been announced that the staff member definitely got Coronavirus in Australia?   

I have missed that. Is there a link somewhere to that news.

Heard it on one of the news channels sorry cant remember which one as have been doing some channel surfing ,getting some humour watching the conflicting views from CNN and Fox America.
over 17 years

martinb wrote:

Marto wrote:

martinb wrote:

Leggy wrote:

Royz wrote:

People are still going to beaches etc in Sydney so its not been taking to seriously.

And international flights are still arriving in NZ?

Pull your head out of your arse Leggy- totally hypocritical of you to bag Payne, but respond like this. Suggests it's about chain of command for you, not about fighting the virus. 

Edit: and maybe I've misread or misunderstood what you're saying. But if we are in lockdown and get our cases down, we won't be able to open again if Aussie still has cases all over the show 

Fyi, I've just left on NZ on one of the last flights I could and won't be able to get back even if I need to for some months.

Flights will keep coming and going as Air NZ will almost singlehandedly be keeping NZ trading with the rest of the world.  Our isolation isn’t always a good thing.  No pax means more valuable cargo space for the airlines to send vital medical and perishable goods to/from NZ.

Not all routes.

Earlier this month, the carrier said it would reduce its long-haul capacity by 85 per cent over the coming months.

Not sure who is going to be able to fly as prices wont be cheap.They reckoned on the News last nite thst business and 1st class to UK was going for between 20000 and 80000
Not Boyd
over 16 years

coochiee wrote:

Feverish wrote:

coochiee wrote:


When things start up again, the Nix might well have to base themselves in Aus for a while. That won't be cheap.

Could actually probably be done fairly cheaply, with likely plenty of empty University dorms or even empty motels now, near training facilities.

And Nix/Welnix ain't likely to be getting any dollars from FFA/Fox, until they are back playing. So they will be bleeding cash until that time.

Once other clubs agree on a date to restart the A League, will be huge pressure on the Nix committing to head back across the Tasman - that's presuming the league recommences behind closed doors. Hopefully by then matters are well sorted out in NSW/VIC, and it's as safe there as it can be.

It's the State premiers, that are showing leadership not ScoMo.

Hey Hooper do you want to sign a new contract? You’ll be living in a Uni dorm by the way.

I doubt Hooper will be with the Nix come end of May.

From a source reasonably close to the club, i believe this to be true

over 17 years

Tyler wrote:

coochiee wrote:

Feverish wrote:

coochiee wrote:


When things start up again, the Nix might well have to base themselves in Aus for a while. That won't be cheap.

Could actually probably be done fairly cheaply, with likely plenty of empty University dorms or even empty motels now, near training facilities.

And Nix/Welnix ain't likely to be getting any dollars from FFA/Fox, until they are back playing. So they will be bleeding cash until that time.

Once other clubs agree on a date to restart the A League, will be huge pressure on the Nix committing to head back across the Tasman - that's presuming the league recommences behind closed doors. Hopefully by then matters are well sorted out in NSW/VIC, and it's as safe there as it can be.

It's the State premiers, that are showing leadership not ScoMo.

Hey Hooper do you want to sign a new contract? You’ll be living in a Uni dorm by the way.

I doubt Hooper will be with the Nix come end of May.

From a source reasonably close to the club, i believe this to be true

yes  it was just a tongue in cheek response to the mooted idea of the Nix dossing in a Uni frat house. I'm not sure even Tim Payne would be up or that

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

coochiee wrote:

Has it been announced that the staff member definitely got Coronavirus in Australia?   

I have missed that. Is there a link somewhere to that news.

If that staff member didn't get it in Australia, they would have had to get it here, which would be EXTREMELY serious (a community transmission outbreak) and would be top of the headlines.

Starting XI
almost 6 years

Doloras wrote:

coochiee wrote:

Has it been announced that the staff member definitely got Coronavirus in Australia?   

I have missed that. Is there a link somewhere to that news.

If that staff member didn't get it in Australia, they would have had to get it here, which would be EXTREMELY serious (a community transmission outbreak) and would be top of the headlines.

Or got it at the airport while travelling.  

over 17 years
Just spoke to family in Cairns shopping centres still open able to buy takeaway food and little restriction on daily life. They couldn't believe what we are doing here. Sorry as long as that is happening over there sadly think our chances of taking part in any form of A League are along way off.Really cant see our borders being opened.
tradition and history
about 17 years

martinb wrote:

Leggy wrote:

Royz wrote:

People are still going to beaches etc in Sydney so its not been taking to seriously.

And international flights are still arriving in NZ?

Pull your head out of your arse Leggy- totally hypocritical of you to bag Payne, but respond like this. Suggests it's about chain of command for you, not about fighting the virus. 

Edit: and maybe I've misread or misunderstood what you're saying. But if we are in lockdown and get our cases down, we won't be able to open again if Aussie still has cases all over the show 

Fyi, I've just left on NZ on one of the last flights I could and won't be able to get back even if I need to for some months.

I  only asked the question, which EG kindly  replied. 

over 17 years

anyone hazard a guess how much income NZF will lose from the drop-off in sports betting (NSOs get a slice from the TAB)?

over 17 years

Think you will find there will be massive shortages in funding for all sports Think it could be some time before we see things running as they were before. Would think most will be holding their hands out to the government but would imagine they wont be near the top of the list.

Mind you it could be argued that they are important to any recovery so should probably be higher up than they are likely to be.

about 17 years

Feverish wrote:

anyone hazard a guess how much income NZF will lose from the drop-off in sports betting (NSOs get a slice from the TAB)?

A hugely significant amount.  It will pretty much bankrupt NZ Basketball if the NBA doesn't start up soon.

about 17 years

Different Countries have different approaches but the Monty Python News Team have put together a good summary (not me) - sorry if anyone is offended but at times like these it pays to keep a sense of humour and it made me laugh.


The English are feeling the pinch in relation to the suspected recent virus threat and have therefore raised their threat level from “Miffed” to “Peeved.” Soon, though, the level may be raised yet again to “Irritated” or even “A Bit Cross.”
The English have not been “A Bit Cross” since the blitz in 1940 when tea supplies nearly ran out.

The virus has also been re-categorized from “Tiresome” to “A Bloody Nuisance.” The last time the British issued a “Bloody Nuisance” warning level was in 1588, when threatened by the Spanish Armada.

The Scots have raised their threat level from “Pissed Off” to “Let's Get the Bastard.” They don't have any other levels. This is the reason they have been used as fodder on the front line of the British army for the last 300 years.

The French government announced yesterday that it has raised its alert level from “Run” to “Hide.” The only two higher levels in France are “Collaborate” and “Surrender.” The rise was precipitated by a recent fire that destroyed France's white flag factory, effectively paralyzing the country's military capability.

Italy has increased the alert level from “Shout Loudly and Excitedly” to “Elaborate Military Posturing.” Two more levels remain: “Ineffective Combat Operations” and “Change Sides.”

The Germans have increased their alert state from “Disdainful Arrogance” to “Dress in Uniform and Sing Marching Songs.” They also have two higher levels: “Invade a Neighbour” and “Lose.”

Belgians, on the other hand, are all on holiday as usual; the only threat they are worried about is NATO pulling out of Brussels.

The Spanish are all excited to see their new submarines ready to deploy. These beautifully designed subs have glass bottoms so the new Spanish navy can get a really good look at the old Spanish navy.

Australia, meanwhile, has raised its alert level from “No worries” to “She'll be alright, Mate.” Two more escalation levels remain: “Crikey! I think we'll need to cancel the barbie this weekend!” and “The barbie is cancelled.” So far, no situation has ever warranted use of the final escalation level.

The Russians have said “Its not us”

The Americans are still at level 1, saying 'What Virus?" and soon may raise to the second level “We did not start it”. They have two more levels 'Happy Easter" and "Vote for Trump in November” It is unlikely the last two will ever be used.

tradition and history
about 17 years


Different Countries have different approaches but the Monty Python News Team have put together a good summary (not me) - sorry if anyone is offended but at times like these it pays to keep a sense of humour and it made me laugh.


The English are feeling the pinch in relation to the suspected recent virus threat and have therefore raised their threat level from “Miffed” to “Peeved.” Soon, though, the level may be raised yet again to “Irritated” or even “A Bit Cross.”
The English have not been “A Bit Cross” since the blitz in 1940 when tea supplies nearly ran out.

The virus has also been re-categorized from “Tiresome” to “A Bloody Nuisance.” The last time the British issued a “Bloody Nuisance” warning level was in 1588, when threatened by the Spanish Armada.

The Scots have raised their threat level from “Pissed Off” to “Let's Get the Bastard.” They don't have any other levels. This is the reason they have been used as fodder on the front line of the British army for the last 300 years.

The French government announced yesterday that it has raised its alert level from “Run” to “Hide.” The only two higher levels in France are “Collaborate” and “Surrender.” The rise was precipitated by a recent fire that destroyed France's white flag factory, effectively paralyzing the country's military capability.

Italy has increased the alert level from “Shout Loudly and Excitedly” to “Elaborate Military Posturing.” Two more levels remain: “Ineffective Combat Operations” and “Change Sides.”

The Germans have increased their alert state from “Disdainful Arrogance” to “Dress in Uniform and Sing Marching Songs.” They also have two higher levels: “Invade a Neighbour” and “Lose.”

Belgians, on the other hand, are all on holiday as usual; the only threat they are worried about is NATO pulling out of Brussels.

The Spanish are all excited to see their new submarines ready to deploy. These beautifully designed subs have glass bottoms so the new Spanish navy can get a really good look at the old Spanish navy.

Australia, meanwhile, has raised its alert level from “No worries” to “She'll be alright, Mate.” Two more escalation levels remain: “Crikey! I think we'll need to cancel the barbie this weekend!” and “The barbie is cancelled.” So far, no situation has ever warranted use of the final escalation level.

The Russians have said “Its not us”

The Americans are still at level 1, saying 'What Virus?" and soon may raise to the second level “We did not start it”. They have two more levels 'Happy Easter" and "Vote for Trump in November” It is unlikely the last two will ever be used.


The only thing this virus will do (apart from killing people) is that it will almost guarantee that the A League will fold in the very near future. 

One in a million
over 17 years

Does football actually exist?

Woof Woof
about 17 years

It does, in Belarus. Slutsk til I die.

EDIT - it's actually FC Belshina based on the chart below. 


Getting paid to be here
almost 7 years

aitkenmike wrote:

Feverish wrote:

anyone hazard a guess how much income NZF will lose from the drop-off in sports betting (NSOs get a slice from the TAB)?

A hugely significant amount.  It will pretty much bankrupt NZ Basketball if the NBA doesn't start up soon.

NZF received $1.3m from the TAB in the year to June 30, 2018. About an eighth of its total revenue.

Woof Woof
about 17 years

el grapadura wrote:

It does, in Belarus. Slutsk til I die.

about 17 years

I'm a Slutsk kinda man! With ya Elgrap.

over 17 years

aitkenmike wrote:

Feverish wrote:

anyone hazard a guess how much income NZF will lose from the drop-off in sports betting (NSOs get a slice from the TAB)?

A hugely significant amount.  It will pretty much bankrupt NZ Basketball if the NBA doesn't start up soon.

NZF received $1.3m from the TAB in the year to June 30, 2018. About an eighth of its total revenue.

Would that figure have included the World Cup if so wouldn't think the figure would be so high for non World Cup years.
almost 14 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

I'm a Slutsk kinda man! With ya Elgrap.

I'm a FC Vitebsk supporter.

Getting paid to be here
almost 7 years

ballane wrote:

aitkenmike wrote:

Feverish wrote:

anyone hazard a guess how much income NZF will lose from the drop-off in sports betting (NSOs get a slice from the TAB)?

A hugely significant amount.  It will pretty much bankrupt NZ Basketball if the NBA doesn't start up soon.

NZF received $1.3m from the TAB in the year to June 30, 2018. About an eighth of its total revenue.

Would that figure have included the World Cup if so wouldn't think the figure would be so high for non World Cup years.

Not sure on the specifics – depends how the payouts work as to whether World Cup bets before June 30, 2018, would have translated into money leaving the TAB for NZF by then.

over 9 years

Ryan wrote:

Lonegunmen wrote:

I'm a Slutsk kinda man! With ya Elgrap.

I'm a FC Vitebsk supporter.

Cancerian and a supporter of one of the Minsk teams it seems. 

A city with a certain allure.

To mimic a drunk Rangers supporter I once met "I'd take 6 knives for FS Isloch Minsk Ralon"

about 14 years

As a May born Gemini, I cannot look past FC Energetik

about 17 years

I wonder if Sky will show the games "Live" ??

almost 14 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

I wonder if Sky will show the games "Live" ??

Would be fun. If the Belarusian league is anything like the baltics the quality isn't going to be great.

Woof Woof
about 17 years

Ryan wrote:

Lonegunmen wrote:

I wonder if Sky will show the games "Live" ??

Would be fun. If the Belarusian league is anything like the baltics the quality isn't going to be great.

Belarus is definitely a notch or two above the Baltic leagues. BATE has had pretty decent success in Europe, they've played Champions League a few times and beat Bayern a few years back. Shakhtyor also had some decent showings. Dynamo Minsk used to be a biggish club in the USSR days but think they've fallen on hard times now.

about 17 years

Did some of the club players in the overseas thread come back to NZ or did most stay where they were?

almost 14 years

Boro4eva wrote:

Did some of the club players in the overseas thread come back to NZ or did most stay where they were?

Ausies stayed in Aus, Davilla went to Mexico, the rest came back.

over 17 years

Think I have just found out my month of birth is wrong.

Starting XI
almost 15 years

Man I'm starting to get cabin fever because of this lockdown.

over 9 years

el grapadura wrote:

It does, in Belarus. Slutsk til I die.

EDIT - it's actually FC Belshina based on the chart below. 


President, ice hockey player, medical expert, and no doubt won the last election with 98.9% of the vote. Makes Putin look minor league.

Lukashenko, who has been in office since 1994, told Belarusians they should drink 50ml of vodka a day and regularly head to the sauna if they want to ward off the deadly virus.

Note video, in the story mentions Belarus FA have now sold coverage of their league into 10 new markets, since Coronavirus closed down the rest of the world. 

Would have been at back of Fox/FFA's minds too, if they somehow could have kept the A League going.

about 14 years

ballane wrote:

Think I have just found out my month of birth is wrong.

Tough luck Ballane, but not everybody can be May-born and support FC Energetik.

Corona Virus - We're Doomed

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