almost 13 years
terminator_x wrote:

By the way, take a good long look at that list of expenses not permitted on the Trillion Trust website. If ACFC are receiving approx $500k from Trillion but not spending it on any of the things on that list then what the hell are they spending it on?

This is where the DIA's proposal to make trusts publish what the grant was for will be very useful and allow communities to monitor and analyse what gaming trusts are actually funding at the global level.

Paragraph 1 : All trust applications must be accompanied with what the money is for. Money not used has to be returned. Money can only be spent on what it was granted for. (Only approved activities as per the individual trust deed.)

Paragraph 2: The full data is available to the DIA now if they wished to ask for it - then publish it. Each recipient of trust funds over x level has to send in audited accounts to verify the money was spend in the area applied for. 
Many areas with several trusts in it share data to stop double ups in funding before approval.
almost 13 years
Tegal wrote:

Looked on the DIA website and they raised a very specific anecdote when describing behaviour that is against the rules. 

'I went to a sports event and the trusts name was on the shirt and they were thanked for being 'great sponsors' along with other commercial sponsors of the team' 

Reminded me a lot of Auckland city having trillian basically as a sponsor on their shirts etc. It really is only a matter of time. 

Most Trusts want acknowledgement - so you as the supporter walk past x's pub to use their pub, increasing the amount in the funding pool.  

EG: I think I may get the names right, Southern Trust wanted a presence in WGTN. The bought the poolroom - remodelled it (to flash for the original gamers)  While they did this The Lion Foundation came back to WGTN by putting machines in the cafe restaurant/cafe under Sue Kedgleys old office. Quick rebrand,  close off the kitchen area- machines in an old store room.  Remember funds must be spent in the region/city they came from.  
Head Sleuth
about 17 years
over 13 years

Another viewpoint: in the history of development in every league in the world a twilight zone of 'grey area' exists post amateurism and preceding professionalism. Every league, every country. No exceptions.

Certain factors have to exist for a sustainable professional league a) the ability to take a gate (not open public paddocks); b) critical mass of numbers watching the game, which attracts sponsorship, advertising etc to perpetuate financial sustainability and the payment - above board - of players. Typically widespread dedicated media soon follows.

NZ is unlikely to ever attain B and A is a problem for many areas, that would manifest only under the unlikely event of massive state funding.

So this twilight zone between amateurism and professionalism is our lot for the foreseeable future.

Starting XI
about 17 years
Tegal wrote:

Looked on the DIA website and they raised a very specific anecdote when describing behaviour that is against the rules. 

'I went to a sports event and the trusts name was on the shirt and they were thanked for being 'great sponsors' along with other commercial sponsors of the team' 

Reminded me a lot of Auckland city having trillian basically as a sponsor on their shirts etc. It really is only a matter of time. 

Can you please quote the part that says (in that speech from 2008 !!) that having a trusts name on your shirt is against the rules, as you have stated.
Also it would be good if you could quote correctly and not make it up as you have done above
Head Sleuth
about 17 years

You'll note it wasn't a quote, I was paraphrasing from memory - which yes led me to incorrectly say it was against the rules. At the very least it is something they take notice of, and that was basically what was being discussed.

I also posted the entire thing right above where you just posted. 

But sure go ahead and nitpick. I just remembered it, and thought it'd be interesting to share. 

Starting XI
about 17 years

I appreciate you sharing the whole thing, that was interesting, and was different to what you put in quotation marks (which lead me to think it is a quote actually, surprise !)

You call it nitpicking, I call it getting it straight, which is what you often do to others,

Kettle :-)

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

Ah, I use singles when I'm paraphrasing. I admit that is confusing. 

I actually thought I'd made it clear that is what I was doing...But yeah I really didn't!

Fail all round really.

over 13 years

I'm just about to leave this thread as Bruce Holloway and Hepatitis have pretty much covered my thoughts on this (non) issue. However, I go need to clarify some of the things I previously wrote. Play Ball - the group that goes into kindys to introduce kids to ball sports, as far as I can tell, has no relation to ACFC. In fact, if you look at the website - - then there are footballers from other teams and non-footballers involved. I guess I was just pointing out that these guys earn a living outside ACFC. I don't believe Ivan Vicelich is involved as he has his own business - Playmaker Sports. 

I think TerminatorX is taking bits of what I say and making up a story to suit his crusade.

Still Believin'
over 17 years
I have no agenda here or link with Auckland city, but reading people's posts here criticizing the funding of City is laughable. If these guys had the nous and brains to link up with a trust, then good on them and having a go at them only sounds Ike sour grapes.  Other clubs simply need to get their houses in order and follow their example. Players being paid, players ending up at the Phoenix, kids being coached, not embarrassing the country at the world club championship., beating the phoenix. What is the problem here?

The problem is that the end (no matter how agreeable to those of us in the football community) does not justify the means.

AP, you talk as though The Gambling Act 2003 doesn't even exist and pokies are just an unregulated supply of free money.

Danny Hay articulated some of key issues facing the ASBP in the article I linked to a few pages back. I then added the dimension of pokies to that. Issues with pokie funding and the various impacts it has on the league have been discussed at length on this forum already, most recently in the "Wishes for the new ASBP season" thread from about post #156 onwards.

Some of you seem to think that I am running some kind of agenda here, or wish to ruin ACFC and/or the ASBP itself. I am not, and do not. But I do believe the ASBP has serious problems and pokie funding, for various reasons, is a major contributor to that. Believe it or not I honestly think I am being more protective of the league, and am more concerned for its future, than many of you with your heads stuck in the sand.

Anyway, at this point maybe any further discussion should be moved to one of the ASBP specific threads, such as "Wishes for the new ASBP season".

over 15 years

I understand what you are getting at TX and think some of your work in this thread are amongst the best posts on this site

well done

Football will not progress with Crony Capitalism. 

over 11 years
foal30 wrote:

I understand what you are getting at TX and think some of your work in this thread are amongst the best posts on this site

well done

Football will not progress with Crony Capitalism. 

Ha ha! Tell that to the chairmen of every professional club on earth!

almost 15 years

He has some good points.

almost 15 years

Tue, 03 Feb 2015 9:44a.m.

Former All White Danny Hay looks at the success of the just-completed Asian Nations Cup tournament in Australia and New Zealand’s positioning in the Oceania football zone.

over 14 years

Danny, Danny who?

Who, who, Danny whooooo!

almost 15 years
Starting XI
almost 16 years

There is now and it's "Bye, bye, Danny...":

"Danny Hay has been appointed coach of the under-17 New Zealand men's team. As a result, this will be his final column for the Sunday Star-Times." 

At least he ends with an article that's all positive about the Phoenix and their chances in the Finals.

Head Sleuth
about 17 years
Bossi Insider
almost 16 years
Perth SC is delighted to announce the appointment of former New Zealand national team manager Danny Hay as our new NPLM Head Coach. More info on our Facebook page.
Bossi Insider
almost 16 years
almost 17 years
Wonder if he was planned for the ALM, but Zadkovich has done such a good job. Also have to wonder about his role in Oli’s move too…He hasn’t always been the most pro-Nix figure…
Bossi Insider
almost 16 years
Wonder if he was planned for the ALM, but Zadkovich has done such a good job. Also have to wonder about his role in Oli’s move too…He hasn’t always been the most pro-Nix figure…

Just to avoid any possible confusion, Hay has been appointed to be in charge of Perth SC which isn't affiliated with Perth Glory.
about 9 years
New Auckland ALM club 'coach in waiting'?
Would add a little spice to Nix v Auckland derbies.
almost 17 years
Wonder if he was planned for the ALM, but Zadkovich has done such a good job. Also have to wonder about his role in Oli’s move too…He hasn’t always been the most pro-Nix figure…

Just to avoid any possible confusion, Hay has been appointed to be in charge of Perth SC which isn't affiliated with Perth Glory.

Well that takes some of the bite out of the baseless speculation!
Bossi Insider
almost 16 years
Well this is interesting, Zadkovich has resigned as Glory coach. Maybe Danny can chuck his hat into the mix?
Bossi Insider
almost 16 years
Bossi Insider
almost 16 years
about 9 years
Be interesting to see how he goes. Will add a bit of needle maybe to the Nix verus Auckland FC rivalry.

But the Herald understands Hay has been in discussions with the fledgling Auckland club for some time.

He has a long association with Corica, going back to the early 2000s, when they both played at Walsall FC. Hay made 51 appearances for the Saddlers in the English second tier between 2002 and 2005, while Corica had 81 games at the East Midlands club in the same period.

For his part, Hay will bring extensive knowledge of the Kiwi talent pool, both here and overseas. His presence will help with the recruitment of some players, while his ideas about style of play broadly fit with Corica.

The Australian still has one more assistant to confirm, along with a goalkeeping coach. Former All Whites and Phoenix goalkeeping assistant
Jonathan Gould is believed to be the frontrunner for the latter role.

At last week’s launch of the name and kit, Corica told the Herald the team have nine confirmed players, with seven from this country and two from Australia. The locals are believed to include Michael Woud, Cameron Howieson and Francis De Vries – who have all represented the All Whites – along with age-group internationals Luis Toomey and Jesse Randall.

Though Corica wouldn’t disclose any names, Marco Rojas remains a prime target, with the winger back in Australasia after a spell in Chile with Colo Colo.

United States-based defenders Michael Boxall and Bill Tuiloma are also seen as possible recruits, though they may be difficult to land for the inaugural season, given the timeframes and contract situation.

almost 17 years
Be interesting to see how he goes. Will add a bit of needle maybe to the Nix verus Auckland FC rivalry.

But the Herald understands Hay has been in discussions with the fledgling Auckland club for some time.

He has a long association with Corica, going back to the early 2000s, when they both played at Walsall FC. Hay made 51 appearances for the Saddlers in the English second tier between 2002 and 2005, while Corica had 81 games at the East Midlands club in the same period.

For his part, Hay will bring extensive knowledge of the Kiwi talent pool, both here and overseas. His presence will help with the recruitment of some players, while his ideas about style of play broadly fit with Corica.

The Australian still has one more assistant to confirm, along with a goalkeeping coach. Former All Whites and Phoenix goalkeeping assistant
Jonathan Gould is believed to be the frontrunner for the latter role.

At last week’s launch of the name and kit, Corica told the Herald the team have nine confirmed players, with seven from this country and two from Australia. The locals are believed to include Michael Woud, Cameron Howieson and Francis De Vries – who have all represented the All Whites – along with age-group internationals Luis Toomey and Jesse Randall.

Though Corica wouldn’t disclose any names, Marco Rojas remains a prime target, with the winger back in Australasia after a spell in Chile with Colo Colo.

United States-based defenders Michael Boxall and Bill Tuiloma are also seen as possible recruits, though they may be difficult to land for the inaugural season, given the timeframes and contract situation.

Lol- I just commented in another thread about no Kiwis on their team. And how they’d done well to have their home stadium sorted. 2 hours later….Danny’s been fairly involved on the Auckland scene going back! Wasn’t he a Knight with Emblen? 

Ticks most of the boxes. Played at Waitak. Coached Ellerslie and Sacred Heart. Ex-AWs coach. Premier League pioneer as a Kiwi. Big baldy occasionally grumpy guy with experience of a variety of English accents. Doesn’t mind a trip to Perth. Only question is if he can be an assistant after his head coaching roles. And if there is the possibility of him moving to the academy or a larger role once things are up and running. 
about 9 years
Well that was definitely an inferred criticism of him post the Mackinnon review, not very collaborative within the wider NZF tent. Not very friendly towards some NZF staff if he didn't like you and/or rate you. 

I guess in this instance he's known Corica a long time, and presumably they like each other. But yeah he might struggle to put some ego aside. Been awhile since he's been in an assistant role.
Bossi Insider
almost 16 years
Starting XI
almost 12 years
They can have him.
almost 12 years
How was he going in Perth??
about 9 years
How was he going in Perth??

Looks like Perth SC were 4th in the WA NPL last year. Won their semi away 3-0 (3rd verus 4th), but then weren't in the Grand Final?? Must have been knocked out in a Prelim final, which Soccerway hasn't got the result of.

Winless this season after 2 rounds.

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