Fever Tech Team Outreach (Whine + Congratulate Nik Here)

Closed for new posts
about 15 years

Admittedly there are a whole sections that I skip over when I go to the active feeds section. Any EPL fan threads, gaming, chants and a few off topic things get opened in a new tab and closed so its read. Thats what I do but I respect that I am 1 of a million so I don't think minorities like me should be catered too. I think the solution I have worked out is simple enough. I think leave everything that is active, in the active thread (as much as its easier for me to not have it there)

over 17 years

Tegal wrote:

well that's annoying. Bumping off topic just because a few people don't like looking at them. 

Is it really that annoying? 

I understand previously when thread titles may have been confusing, but the forum name is right there with the thread now, so there is no problem whatsoever. 

Maybe bump English football too, since we are a Wellington Phoenix fan site? I'm sure a few people don't go into those threads. 

RRs idea is better if its possible. 

currently somewhat annoying for 99% of others.

Lets create a major topic in Off Forum called "Cats" and then we can start heaps of sub forums like "Everton" (cats who like Everton) and have a couple of people who have a cat who is interested in the Toffees post in it every day. 

jog on comparing them with the EPL. I have no idea how they (Football Gaming and Trophy Manager) got on the main menu in the first place.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Meh, just because you don't like it doesn't mean it shouldn't appear as an active topic. If no one viewed or participated the topic, it would no longer be active would it. 

I'm sure you can live with seeing a thread on an active topics page occasionally - you don't have to read it. Its not that much of an inconvenience is it? There are plenty of threads in the active topics that I don't read, but I ignore them and get on with my life - appreciating that some people do use them (such as threads for individual english teams) and it's probably more helpful for them to see it in active topics than it is (very slightly) annoying for me to skip over when I see it. 

over 17 years

we're here to watch the football..

Stage Punch
about 17 years

Tegal wrote:

Meh, just because you don't like it doesn't mean it shouldn't appear as an active topic. If no one viewed or participated the topic, it would no longer be active would it. 

I'm sure you can live with seeing a thread on an active topics page occasionally - you don't have to read it. Its not that much of an inconvenience is it? There are plenty of threads in the active topics that I don't read, but I ignore them and get on with my life - appreciating that some people do use them (such as threads for individual english teams) and it's probably more helpful for them to see it in active topics than it is (very slightly) annoying for me to skip over when I see it. 


Unfortunately, I am the law, and I agree with Feverish.

But, if you want an actual metric, the off topic threads get a fraction of traffic so it's weird that they can be at the top of the active topics page. They are a minority interest that we cater for, but football is what we are here for.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

inconvenience to some vs scanning your eyes over the thread for others. 

Makes nonsense to me, but whatever. 

Can there at least be an "all active topics" option for those who do want off topic in there? Otherwise RRs idea is good, that way you can pick and choose which forums apply to you so as to avoid any minor eye strain whilst skipping over a thread from a forum you happen to not be interested in. 

Stage Punch
about 17 years

Tegal wrote:

inconvenience to some vs scanning your eyes over the thread for others. 

Makes nonsense to me, but whatever. 

Can there at least be an "all active topics" option for those who do want off topic in there? Otherwise RRs idea is good, that way you can pick and choose which forums apply to you so as to avoid any minor eye strain whilst skipping over a thread from a forum you happen to not be interested in. 


My inconvenience isn't as valuable as your inconvenience then huh?

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Is it really an inconvenience?

I do it with threads all the time. Zero effort. 

a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years

i cant update my avatar - i get told someone screwed up, while im forced to watch Totori hit the side net of an open goal over and over and over.... 

a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years

So we dont know why this is happening? Image parameters and/or file size exceeded or something...?

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Can you try uploading it again and let me know what time you tried, so I can check the logs and see what happened? What type of file are up uploading (jpg?) and what filesize?

a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years

Tried just now. Gif, 1.63mb

about 13 years

not complaining but can't load a photo on full site after loading IOS 8 ? 

Just hangs on load. 

about 17 years

bahahaha just found this beauty and didnt know where to post it!

PS: i love your work mods.

a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years

Blew.2 wrote:

not complaining but can't load a photo on full site after loading IOS 8 ? 

Just hangs on load. 

I think that's an issue with Safari - i have the same problem with Facebook (the App is fine), and a message pops up saying 'Photo uploading is not available in iOS8', or something to that extent.

I know, its stupid.

about 17 years

Anyone know why the site is struggling to load? I know we live in NZ and have dial-up and ZX spectrums but just because we have 20 YF online at the same time shouldn't mean it takes 5 minutes to load a page.

about 15 years

I had a ZX-81

1 input a$

10 If iinput$=10 then go to 20

11 goto 1

20 print "fuck off"

30 close

Starting XI
over 17 years

My account details link me to user\56 - latest name: fuk u - last active 1 year ago.

Where's in the user accounts list do I really exist? Can somebody please link my account to my user record?

Did I get mangled in the website migration last year?

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

ginger_eejit wrote:

My account details link me to user\56 - latest name: fuk u - last active 1 year ago.

Where's in the user accounts list do I really exist? Can somebody please link my account to my user record?

Did I get mangled in the website migration last year?

Fixed now. You really are user #56, but that guy had set up his account with the username '56'. That caused some problems with rails. I've changed his username so everything is better now.

First Team Squad
about 15 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

Anyone know why the site is struggling to load? I know we live in NZ and have dial-up and ZX spectrums but just because we have 20 YF online at the same time shouldn't mean it takes 5 minutes to load a page.

You might have caught the site while PAt was doing a deploy. This will be slow for a few minutes around then. the site shouldn't normally take 5 min to load

Budgie lover
about 17 years

Sorry posted this in the wrong thread:

wibbler wrote:

Link to RSS feeds: http://yellowfever.co.nz/rss

from user-box contact-links list returns a Page Not Found error.

Above is still an issue.

Also there is an issue with search results:

"ul.post-list.search-results li.post-wrapper div.header.odd a" and "ul.post-list.search-results li.post-wrapper div.header.even a" the href points to something like:


Seems to work better in format:


Chant Savant
over 17 years

I read somewhere on the forums that the "This" function is now on the app. Is this true and if so do I have to delete and reinstall to get it going?

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

C-Diddy wrote:

I read somewhere on the forums that the "This" function is now on the app. Is this true and if so do I have to delete and reinstall to get it going?

It's only on Android. Nik's too busy creating Gelato in London to add it to iOS.

Chant Savant
over 17 years

patrick478 wrote:

C-Diddy wrote:

I read somewhere on the forums that the "This" function is now on the app. Is this true and if so do I have to delete and reinstall to get it going?

It's only on Android. Nik's too busy creating Gelato in London to add it to iOS.

I am on Android 

about 17 years

App's not working for me, telling me I have no internet connection.

over 17 years

Oska wrote:

App's not working for me, telling me I have no internet connection.

Yeah i have been getting that bit lately,thought it was just me. Also got a warning at home that the YF site wasnt safe and may be  trying to steal my credit card details.Didnt worry as i have already maxed it.
Early retirement
over 17 years

We have a certificate issue.  The assistant to the senior intern is blaming the intern who in turn currently resides on the other side of the planet.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Hard News wrote:

We have a certificate issue.  The assistant to the senior intern is blaming the intern who in turn currently resides on the other side of the planet.

Classic fever. 

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

just noticed the "back to active topics" button. Choice!

about 15 years

Sydney FC playing twice this weekend?

about 17 years

I guess life can be tough at times, no time for recuperation, we could hit them hard and take it.

about 17 years

How's the ignore button coming along? All the stupid is getting to me.

Chant Savant
over 17 years

Oska wrote:

How's the ignore button coming along? All the stupid is getting to me.

Its obviously not working, I can still see your posts!!!

almost 14 years

Be good if the auto correct on words such as croud did not happen in URL's.

First Team Squad
over 12 years

Can only open anything by dragging the link to the tab bar? and creating a new tab.

Starting XI
over 14 years

All the TAB flags at the top of the page are showing the same :D

almost 16 years

The auto correct doesn't work in signatures.

 (winky smiley face)

Phoenix Academy
over 16 years

'Active Topics' is very useful, but it'd be good if you could personalise it in some way - just to keep up to date with what you want to know about without having to 'check' (in the 5 pages of it)

Back in the day, I'm sure you could toggle how far back you were interested in.
For example - you could say 'Active Topics' 'within the last hour'.

OR (and/or...)

Could there be a way to be notified of responses to your posts? Is there already? If so, it doesn't jump out at me... 

Phoenix Academy
over 16 years

...in saying that, I see it's started to 'order' itself now (after I clicked into every single one)

When I came on the first time (for a long time) a couple days ago, the 'order' was all over the place.

I think the notifications would be good though.

In other forums I've seen a check-box that goes along with the 'reply' field ('preview' 'save' 'notify' perhaps?) - for example if somebody posts something in 'Dangerous Liaisons' to try and see if anyone's near them at an away game, it'd be handy to be notified if somebody responds to it (obviously there's other ways around that but that's the first example that came to me...)

about 17 years

Hi Vickmeist has lost her login details and email address has changed, are you able to reset using [email protected] as she doesn't want to start a new account. or contact via @vickikatz on twitter, ta Rob

Closed for new posts

Fever Tech Team Outreach (Whine + Congratulate Nik Here)