Fantasy Football League (NFL)

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Was actually annoyed when Lafell scored that TD. 

It's weird cheering for a team but being disappointed when they score. 

Starting XI
over 14 years

N-Bomb wrote:

JonoNewton wrote:

In November it will be 2:30 :(

I hate it because in the early season I can watch a game before work, but after DS starts it's 7am kickoff...Booo prefer 5am.

You are mad. 7am is the glorious time to get up and watch games (compared to 5am), says the person who never has to wake up before 9am

But at 5am I can watch a game, then go to work getting there by 9am :P

Or watch 1hour and get in by 7am

With 7am games I can't see any before work :P

Oh well have 3 Mondays off coming up => 6th Oct (Vikes play Thurs LOL), and then last one in Nov and Mon 1st Dec as well, meaning I get to watch all the Thanksgiving games too.

Starting XI
over 14 years

Tegal wrote:

JonoNewton wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

Tegal wrote:

sweeeet! Got the patriots on waivers tonight. Cheers Jono :p

I hope they fail for you!!!

(I put in waiver for them too)

Yeah I put a claim in too.  But after picking up AP earlier in the week I didn't think there was much chance they would fall to me. 

Yeah Patriots look like poo, did anyone else watch them against the Vikings? Or the Dolphins? May have got one big game, but they were poo even in that game.

Seems you were correct sir. They're looking like they will cost me the game this week. 

Sorry :-) I watched that whole Vikes game and had no idea how they won :P

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Eagles (who I dropped for Patriots) got 23 points this week too. So winning that waiver actually cost me the game this week. FML. 

Starting XI
over 10 years

Ouch...prediction comes true 35 minutes later. 

Starting XI
almost 14 years

Won in dynasty, but in my other league, this happened....

I hate MNF!

Starting XI
over 10 years

Winner, winner chicken dinner!

I'd like to thank my parents, my girl for standing by me...we made it baby and of course Jeebus.

over 17 years

Looking at the matchup for this week, and I am projected to win by 16 odd points.  At least this time I am mentally prepared for crushing disapointment.

Starting XI
over 10 years

It's quiet in here. First game of round 5 gets underway at 1:35pm today - Packers vs Vikings I think.

over 13 years

Yeah, I haven't had much to brag about lately...  Current match up has me winning, which means I'll be 30 points less that it predicts I'll get and it'll be a close game against Hammers who are hunting for their first win.

Starting XI
over 10 years

Yakcall wrote:

Yeah, I haven't had much to brag about lately...  Current match up has me winning, which means I'll be 30 points less that it predicts I'll get and it'll be a close game against Hammers who are hunting for their first win.

I'm happy with my team performance obviously but feel like the wheels are close to coming off. I'm getting out of jail each week with 2 or 3 guys having huge games while the rest of my roster sits around with their thumbs up their backsides. One injury or run of bad forms and I'm in trouble. Got a total of about 18 points from 4 RBs/WRs over the last 2 rounds, relying too much on my QB and one decent RB/WR performance.

over 13 years
LeighboNZ wrote:
Yakcall wrote:

Yeah, I haven't had much to brag about lately...  Current match up has me winning, which means I'll be 30 points less that it predicts I'll get and it'll be a close game against Hammers who are hunting for their first win.

I'm happy with my team performance obviously but feel like the wheels are close to coming off. I'm getting out of jail each week with 2 or 3 guys having huge games while the rest of my roster sits around with their thumbs up their backsides. One injury or run of bad forms and I'm in trouble. Got a total of about 18 points from 4 RBs/WRs over the last 2 rounds, relying too much on my QB and one decent RB/WR performance.

Yeah I'm the same, its one or two guys carrying the team. DeMarco is on fire but surely can't continue (4 games with 100+ yards and at least 1 TD)

Starting XI
over 14 years

Sorry been a pretty busy week for me :)

Am sitting down to watch the game, looks like crazy weather at the game, possible lightning as well, and no Teddy makes me a bit sad :(

Starting XI
over 10 years

Off to a solid start. Rodgers with 87 yards and 2 TD throws. Jordy Nelson with 66 yards and a TD grab. C'mon Packers!

over 13 years

Bloody brillant start... mean while I have Jennings who is 0 points after the first quarter... Don't see him changing much this game.

Starting XI
over 14 years

Yakcall wrote:

Bloody brillant start... mean while I have Jennings who is 0 points after the first quarter... Don't see him changing much this game.

Yeah I would've played "Anyone but Jennings" today. He doesn't work well with Ponder, and Ponder isn't too good :) If WRs go well today it's Wright or Patterson.

over 13 years

JonoNewton wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

Bloody brillant start... mean while I have Jennings who is 0 points after the first quarter... Don't see him changing much this game.

Yeah I would've played "Anyone but Jennings" today. He doesn't work well with Ponder, and Ponder isn't too good :) If WRs go well today it's Wright or Patterson.

You couldn't have told me that before kick off... :P

My fault for not doing my research

Starting XI
over 14 years

True, I made an error in leaving McKinnon in...I meant to sub him out, but oh well...

Starting XI
over 10 years

Rodgers with a 3rd TD throw!!!

Starting XI
over 10 years

Lacy is getting a ton of work in with the last 4 or5 rushes in a row + 2 touchdowns. 25.5 points for Usos vs Fairies.

over 17 years

Yakcall wrote:

Yeah, I haven't had much to brag about lately...  Current match up has me winning, which means I'll be 30 points less that it predicts I'll get and it'll be a close game against Hammers who are hunting for their first win.

I have got a good feeling about this weekend - 1-4 is going to look so sweet for me.

Yakcall, by the end of the weekend you will be looking like this:

over 17 years

By the way, if any of you want to watch a very funny show set around a Fantasy Football league, I cannot recommend The League enough. I have quite the crush on Mark Duplass

Starting XI
over 14 years

It is definitely an awesome show, watched the whole lot (to date) last season :)

over 13 years

Frankie Mac wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

Yeah, I haven't had much to brag about lately...  Current match up has me winning, which means I'll be 30 points less that it predicts I'll get and it'll be a close game against Hammers who are hunting for their first win.

I have got a good feeling about this weekend - 1-4 is going to look so sweet for me.

Yakcall, by the end of the weekend you will be looking like this:


Going to be so sweet then when I beat you and you go 0-5...

Starting XI
over 10 years

It's happened again! A game I should have walked is now dodgier that a $7 note. 

Got 4 players sitting on my bench with over 20 points each to their name and the oppositions defence have pulled a +11 out of the hat. It was +17 but luckily conceded a few points late.

Need points out of Chris Ivory and Marshawn Lynch + a big D game from KC

...that's a nice looking bench Leigh!

over 13 years

Bloody kicker on my bench is out scoring my QB and the kicker still has 8 mins to go in the game... Could have been the difference in a win for me as we are projected 116:112 (me losing).

Starting XI
over 10 years

Yakcall wrote:

Bloody kicker on my bench is out scoring my QB and the kicker still has 8 mins to go in the game... Could have been the difference in a win for me as we are projected 116:112 (me losing).

Picked Oliver up on a waiver a while ago I think, more for next season. He's currently on 31 points this week and making ass dents on my bench!

over 13 years

LeighboNZ wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

Bloody kicker on my bench is out scoring my QB and the kicker still has 8 mins to go in the game... Could have been the difference in a win for me as we are projected 116:112 (me losing).

Picked Oliver up on a waiver a while ago I think, more for next season. He's currently on 31 points this week and making ass dents on my bench!

Ouch! My kicker got 20 points... His team got 22 in total in the game. He was their highest scorer, fuck

Starting XI
over 10 years

Combined, my RB, RB/WR, 3 x WR and TE scored 47.5 - AWFUL!! - I need to get 36 points out of Marshawn Lynch to go 5-0.

over 12 years

Ouch -

Can't log on anywhere to find out how my guys did.  I suspect that I'm down or only just up.  Probably won't matter in any case as Jono still has Russell Wilson to come for his team, so he'll blow me out of the water.

Starting XI
over 10 years
over 12 years

Ah bugger - well and truly screwed then.

Starting XI
over 14 years

With AJ Green getting some play in the second half, you have now got a 4pt lead, but as you said I have Russell Wilson still left :)

over 12 years

Yeah - think he'll need to be injured for me to have a chance.  Looking at those scores above, besides Foles, no TD's at all, but of a killer really.  I think Jimmy Graham got knocked out of his game early as well. 

Oh well - at least the Bills won in a bit of a thriller by the looks.

over 17 years

Fucking Calvin Johnson and Michael Crabtree - 1 reception each for a combined 2 fantasy points.  

Yakky and my game has been up and down like a particularly busy elevator. I currently have a 3.5 point lead, and we each have 1 Washington player each to play (Helu for me, Garcon for Yakky). Projection is that Yakky will win by a couple.

The big problem that I had last night was the Chargers / Jets game was a blow out, meaning that Rivers had no need to throw the ball. He had about 16 points at the half, and finished with 21.  If the Jets offence had scored some points, he would have needed to throw some more, and probably would have finished up with about 1,000 yards.

Starting XI
over 14 years

LOL poor Rivers, 21pts is a good score for a QB, meets expectations. I had a game similar last year, where my QB's team got a 28pt lead by the half, through a Rushing TD from a fumble, an INT return for TD, Kickoff return for TD, and another long rush TD.

My QB had about 4pts at the half, but were thrashing them, in the second half they threw the ball 4 can be a LOT worse.

over 17 years

does anyone have Derrick Shelby?  Might be time to start trying to get some quick trades in

over 13 years

See you had been predicted to win all weekend, but now today will be interesting and which WR gets thrown to more will be the winner.

Starting XI
over 14 years

I don't think it matters:

1) It's cousins

2) Against Seattle

3) The skins suck

4) Be over by halftime

over 17 years

hoping Helu will get some rushing yards as well as the odd reception

Fantasy Football League (NFL)

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