Starting XI
about 16 years
Recently had to reset my squads, names of players changed and some teams weren't even on the lists anymore! Crazy stuff, all is well now. Wonder what caused it...
about 17 years
Lonegunmen wrote:
Even in this game the referees are crap!
The opposition look at you or run near you, they get the ball like taking candy from a baby, you look at the opposition and the referee will give them a free kick. I've never seen so much pushing and shoving off the ball from an opposition and the ref does nothing.
The game AI is crap, players on your team keep running into you when you try and move forward whether in sngle player or two player co-op mode. "Get out of the f**ken way AI" is a common shout.
When my nephew and I play on the same side against the XBox 360, we get these problems. It's like your own AI players cant read the flow of the game and run around like headless chickens, none ever seem to do any tackling or intercepting or passing. Icluding in single player mode.
When we have turned the "AI to player change" down to nil the stupid AI still changes you without you wanting to change. We missed a lot of goals when the AI has pulled that stunt. WTF EA, sort the friggen thing out.
This game could or should be that if you choose one player only, the rest of your team works around it and carries on. And as we all do, choose to change players, then let us change to who we want to by using our directional keys. Stop trying to guess as you usually ending up cycling through half the friggen team to get to the player.
When playing the game on your own, in defence and you hoof the ball up the middle of the paddock as in an emergency type clearance, why does the ball end up going out instead of straight up the middle? Another bug!
I was so hopeful yet a tad disappointed with these faults. As I said, instead of worrying about cutesy trick moves for certain players, EA, should have gone after making the game AI more friggen intelligent whether it be on your own team or the opposition.
And sort out the friggen referees, they of A League standard.
Ps: Have you noticed that when a ball breaks loose off a player it always perfectly lands for the AI opposition 98% of the time. even in a pinball cluster around the center circle. I  mean it falls perfectly for them. On the odd occasion it falls your way, they're there and tackling you before you even know it. This happens in single player or co-op 2 player.
Thought I'd republish this with the last two or three posts in mind.
over 14 years
Decided to start a career mode as manager with Ipswich Town since the PSN is down. Having a go at world class(board difficulty and gameplay) it's going pretty good aswell, better than i expected only 1 loss(league cup 2nd round, really soft goal) topping the table after 6 games. I'm enjoying the challenge. it's much more satisfying than just playing as one of the big clubs or a lower difficulty, which i usually do.
Starting XI
about 16 years
Starting XI
over 17 years
Starting XI
about 16 years
No credit card information on your account I hope!

Quite worrying that they're going with "might be stolen, might not be, but probably is, we don't" attitude towards credit card information.
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
Luckily they don't have my credit card information, just my name, address, phone number...

Good thing I never use the PSN!!!

Just upped the difficulty on my Manager career to World Class, found it's much more fun winning 1-0 or 2-1 than 7-0.
Phoenix Academy
over 13 years
I had my credit card details on there. Nothing you can do about it really. Hade to ensure no other websites used the same email/password combinations. (Which evidently, all things I consider fairly "secure" - iTunes, PSN, Paypal etc had that password.

I have two credit cards and the one I use online has very relatively low limit so hopefully that should cover me.

I've been looking around internet forums, and the general idea is it was just some "kid" who was pissed off by the fact he got banned for hacking his own PS3 to play pirated games. If this is the case, it is unlikely that he is even remotely interested in financial gain (from people who are evidently his peers) Sounds weird yes, but the modern day hacker is not the same as yesturdays.
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
Very true 20 legend, however Sony have not confirmed who or what caused the 'attack'. Heck, they haven't even told us what actually happened.
Starting XI
about 16 years
20 legend wrote:

I've been looking around internet forums, and the general idea is it was just some "kid" who was pissed off by the fact he got banned for hacking his own PS3 to play pirated games. If this is the case, it is unlikely that he is even remotely interested in financial gain (from people who are evidently his peers) Sounds weird yes, but the modern day hacker is not the same as yesturdays.

I remember hearing something like that, I don't think that the PSN network would be as unsecure as people like to think it is. Either some serious sh*t went down or it really was some butt-hurt kid crying because he got banned, which honestly wouldn't surprise me, spoilt brats these days.

Azevo2011-04-27 22:12:17
Starting XI
over 17 years
over 14 years
Does any1 play pro club on Fifa11? Ps3
over 14 years
NHpeter wrote:
Is it back up yet?

No. probably another week.

Also I took the time to change all my passwords cause i realised i used the same for pretty much everything. Not now though.
over 14 years
I'm playing on 360 till PSN is back up.
over 13 years
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
Into my 4th season with VfL Bochum, 3rd season in the Bundesliga and in the Europa Cup Comp.

Here's a couple of good signings that I found:

Carlos Cuellar - CB - (Bor M'Gladbach I think?). Might be a bit older, but is still around 80 overall, 80+ in both strength and jumping (most important stats for CB). Valued at $2.6mil, bought him for $4.9mil, instantly worth $7.2mil. So even if you wanted to just make some money it'd be a good buy.

Also Simon Kajer - CB - Wolfsburg. Worth the price tag, got him for just over $13mil. Again over 80 in strength and jumping also young. I've leaked the least goals in the bundesliga with my rotating my CB's in my 41212 formation of:

Cuellar/Phil Jones/Kajer as CB's and Pavlyruk/Fabio as my RB/LB.

Pavluryk (spelling) is from some Russian club, 74 rating and was only 22 or 23 when I bought him. now he's 79.

Also there is a CDM called Sissoko from a Ligue 1 club (not the LB). Around $12-13mil, solid stats between 75-85 in all categories, tackling machine.

Been playing games on World class now and slowly getting the hang of it. Its amazing how much better your attacks are if you are patient and let your tactics do the work for you instead of trying to force the issue with ping pong passes and long sprints.Crockett2011-05-05 17:16:30
over 14 years
I won promotion to the Premier League with Ipswich on world class. Half way through the season I was threatening to run away with it but I also got to the 5th round of the FA Cup with replays in every round. So games caught up and I was playing 1 game every 3 days on average for nearly two months. And so at the end of the season I lost 3 games and a couple of draws till i was level with burnley with 2 games to go. still level on the last day I won, burnley drew. So I won the championship. Felt great winning on world class. Now I've just got to avoid relegation!
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
JarrodM - haha cool. Yeah euro/cup games kill your squad's health if you dont have back up players, and solid backup players.

I tend to invest in youth for the starting squad, whilst getting older/experienced players who are relatively cheap as back up players.

Always keep an eye out on the Free Agency list, I usually check every 2 calendar days esp during Summer transfer window as players get released, if you dont check often you miss out on some good players whether if they are keepers or ones you can sell for good money the next season.

I managed to pick up Kieran Gibbs (ars), Fabio (manu) and Macheda (manu) from FA list.

Gibbs turned out to be excellent, started at 78 but is now 83!!! kept fabio also, but sold macheda for $10mil.

Still so many features and sequences that dont make sense for the game such as the message/email inbox thing, its so lethargic to use. and the match ratings dont make sense either, the weightings favour defenders who make 100 tackles at 98% and get MOM all the time.

Either way, easily the best fifa yet.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Yeah I manged to pick up Welbeck from there as well
over 14 years
Crockett wrote:
Always keep an eye out on the Free Agency list

Oh true. Will have a look out there.
During the previous season i changed the budget allocation so i got players on loan because i didn't have much money for transfer fees. So i increased the wage budget and decreased the transfer budget. it worked out good.
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
I do this thing which may be frowned upon by many people who play fifa but I always stock up on free agents worth over $800k in value and less than $5k in wages. they dont take up much of your wage budget, no signing fee, then next season you can list them for sale and make good money.

Might be a cheap tactic, but hey its a legit way to make money! of course if the FA is good, then you can keep him on your squad. Sell 6-7 of them then you've made yourself a good $3-5 mill to spend :)Crockett2011-05-06 19:30:40
over 14 years
Crockett wrote:
I do this thing which may be frowned upon by many people who play fifa but I always stock up on free agents worth over $800k in value and less than $5k in wages. they dont take up much of your wage budget, no signing fee, then next season you can list them for sale and make good money.

Might be a cheap tactic, but hey its a legit way to make money! of course if the FA is good, then you can keep him on your squad. Sell 6-7 of them then you've made yourself a good $3-5 mill to spend :)

I have thought about doing this.

I was able to pick up Kieran Gibbs as a FA so thanks for the tip Crockett
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
awesome! do you play with a formation that has wing backs? If not, and you have a traditional RB/LB positions, then just adjust the LB so into a LWB, then actually move it back to where the LB was positioned so you get Gibbs full potential. He also can play as a LM with only a couple of losses in stat points.
over 14 years
over 13 years
JarrodM wrote:
PSN's back (well for me anyway)

I was considering buying an xbox in that time it was down
Starting XI
over 17 years
Mycatiscold wrote:
JarrodM wrote:
PSN's back (well for me anyway)

I was considering buying an xbox in that time it was down

Then you would have to pay to pay online
about 17 years
$75 a year for Xbox "Live" for 12 months.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Starting XI
about 16 years
Wii is free too but you have to put up with poor graphics and PS2 like physics.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Sad Sad Sad day in my life.

My play station has decided not to work. it turns on then goes off and the red light just flashes. Play Station people say it could be from over heating and that it would cost me $315 Bucks to send in
Starting XI
about 16 years
over 13 years
NHpeter wrote:
Sad Sad Sad day in my life. My play station has decided not to work. it turns on then goes off and the red light just flashes. Play Station people say it could be from over heating and that it would cost me $315 Bucks to send in

Bro that's ridiculous..
Its because you have yellow light of death, you could try vacuuming your vents on the back of your PS3 but if that doesn't work then you will have to send it to sony..
Starting XI
over 17 years
Azevo wrote:
What about the warranty?

Only had a 1 year warranty. So kind of my fault
Starting XI
over 17 years
Mycatiscold wrote:
NHpeter wrote:
Sad Sad Sad day in my life. My play station has decided not to work. it turns on then goes off and the red light just flashes. Play Station people say it could be from over heating and that it would cost me $315 Bucks to send in

Bro that's ridiculous..
Its because you have yellow light of death, you could try vacuuming your vents on the back of your PS3 but if that doesn't work then you will have to send it to sony..

Yeah thanks, Will try that.

Not to sure if I should pay that much money or just get a new 1???
Phoenix Academy
over 13 years
If your warranty has expired may as well open it up and give it a vacuum.
almost 17 years
^^ this, then if it fails look for a newish one on Tradme, it's amazing the things people almost give away.
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
Your advertised warranty may have expired, doesn't mean it's not still covered though... how old is it? I'd be putting up a fight if my PS3 crapped out within 5 or so years, providing there was no evidence I had done anything to lead to it crapping out...
Starting XI
over 17 years
Yeah only about 2 and a bit years, what do u think I should do?
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
I would go back to the place you bought it from... you'd really need receipt/proof of purchase though. They will probably say "bad luck, it's outside warranty", but if you stick to your guns, they should sort you out. They all know that warranties don't really mean sh*t, they just save you some hassle when you have a problem.

If worst comes to the worst, the consumers guarantee act should back you up, depends how much time and effort you want to spend. But give it a shot, and you might get it replaced without too many dramas.

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