Woof Woof
about 17 years

Tegal wrote:

 The cricket is going to feature games on free to air for the first time in over 20 years (I think?) and the women’s game is going to be covered better than it ever has before.

Live cricket has been on Prime on occasion in the last few years. 

almost 17 years

ajc28 wrote:

theprof wrote:

Tegal wrote:

So excited for this. Cricket is ideal for this sort of platform. 

cos of the limited view numbers?

Or that the duration of matches mean that most people are not able to be at home in front of their TV for the entirety and the ability to catch some on their phone whilst elsewhere is more suited to a match lasting multiple days than one that's only 80-90 mins.

can do that with the sky go app now.

almost 17 years

Tegal wrote:

theprof wrote:

LSA2SB wrote:

theprof wrote:

ajc28 wrote:

Much like with the EPL (if you also want to see CL, EL and FA Cup aswell) you still need both Spark and Sky. 

so basically spark are cherry picking events and sports, not to create a competitive market and help the end viewer, cos this doesn't, but to increase their own profits.

It's almost like they are a business or something...

I have no dice with them trying to make money, but just hope that the muppets who start crowing about how awesome this is actually realise that this is going to hurt us the viewers in the pocket and probably not improve anything.

Monopoly = high prices with minimal effort put into the service.
Monopoly broken up = good for consumer. 

Sky used to charge $100+ per month for very limited coverage. Games were often delayed (remember how the A league used to be not that long ago? And the EPL always had a handful of games delayed before PLP took it over and changed peoples expectations). You used to have minimum sign up periods too. 

Now you can get sky sports now for $40 per month, and spark sport for $20 per month. All EPL games are live on spark, sky has also increased the number of competitions it covers in response to the competition for rights. The cricket is going to feature games on free to air for the first time in over 20 years (I think?) and the women’s game is going to be covered better than it ever has before.

You can also watch sport live or on demand anywhere and on any device. 

So sport is cheaper and has better, more extensive coverage. How is that worse exactly?

its worse in that if I want to watch all of the NZ cricket next season I have to pay for spark and sky. Spark has the local cricket and sky has the rights for the international tours. That costs me more immediately. When one provider has everything I pay one subscription which is cheaper than two!

besides, Sky's setup has been improved 100% since the bad old days when the four channels they had were full of gold and various games were delayed. Now with 7 sports channels, each dedicated to a sport there is literally no chance of delayed coverage. All of these channels are available of the skygo app and this is all for around $70 a month. Not $70 a tournament, or a sport that $70 for 7 channels of sport, plus all the other crap that I may watch if I feel like it, I can record and watch whenever I want. Now Spark come in and splash some cash and ruin everythijng.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

But when it was just one provider, a monopoly, the price was a lot higher than the combined price of sky and spark is now.

So I’m not sure how you think it’s more expensive. 

Competition in a market, particularly when it breaks up a monopoly, leads to lower prices for the consumer and a better service with more variety. Which is what is happening here.

almost 17 years

even at $100 per month for sky, which it no longer is - is cheaper than $60 for the RWC and $70 for sky.

I'm not sure what the monthly sub is for spark - but if I had both I guess it would total $100?

Sky got cheaper cos customers were complaining and were still providing all the sport we wanted, now spark have come in and are making it more expensive to get that same content that sky were providing cheaper.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Sky got cheaper because of competition. If people previously complained about the price, they didn’t care - because they’re a monopoly. People either had to pay or not watch sport. Now if they find the price of sky too high, they can watch sport with spark

about 17 years

I'm paying  $88 for Sky. From next month. Should I leave Sky completely  for 3 months, then I can rejoin and get the very same deal for $55. Youd would think current customers would have been treated better but....

almost 17 years

Tegal wrote:

Sky got cheaper because of competition. If people previously complained about the price, they didn’t care - because they’re a monopoly. People either had to pay or not watch sport. Now if they find the price of sky too high, they can watch sport with spark

that's assuming that spark has the content they want to watch. Currently you have the content people want to watch across two platforms, meaning if people want to watch the NZ summer cricket season and then the ashes the need to have both spark and sky. Costing the end user more than if all sport was in one place.

I'm not in anyway saying sky is better than spark - I'm really wanting all the sport in one place, so I can pay one fee, have one access point and be done with it.

over 17 years

Tegal wrote:

ajc28 wrote:

Where are you getting Sky Sport for $40? Just had a look on the Sky website and the cheapest option I can see is starter for $25.99 plus sport for $31.99. MySky is still an extra $15 although they no longer charge $10 for HD. Main price drop is the starter/entertainment split which used to be about $50.

Edit: Re-read and I see you meant the new app. Haven't investigated that yet so don't know whether that gets you everything live and on-demand or whether you still need Sky TV for some channels and MySky if you can't watch live.

I believe it’s all the sky sport channels. So no ESPN. On demand is the past 24 hours - which isn’t great but hopefully they change that to be more in line with Spark and other streaming platforms soon enough. 

ESPN and ESPN 2 are in fact included now, as well as the highlights channel and all Sky Sport channels.

It's vastly improved from the previous "FanPass" situation, but as you point out, the on-demand functionality is poor and needs a lot of work. 

over 17 years

Tegal wrote:

But when it was just one provider, a monopoly, the price was a lot higher than the combined price of sky and spark is now.

So I’m not sure how you think it’s more expensive. 

Competition in a market, particularly when it breaks up a monopoly, leads to lower prices for the consumer and a better service with more variety. Which is what is happening here.

Firstly, you're assuming no increase in the price of Spark Sport with cricket.  Can't see how that will be the case but let's see.  Secondly, cricket fans still need to buy both. Thirdly, I don't believe you're comparing apples with apples when you say it's cheaper than Sky used to be for the reasons stated above.

Personally, I think the impact of competition can ONLY lead to increased costs, while the benefits are generally at the margins.  Two bidders pushes up the prices for sports rights (so Sky will have to pay more for Rugby but won't be able to drop prices to compensate for loss of cricket because they have pay more for rugby).  Spark Sport have to charge more because they have bought cricket rights.  

At the margins there may be some benefit in terms of slightly more content, or other ways to watch, but for your average fan who watches sport at home, I just don't see how this is a good thing (or at least not the unadulterated good you're making it out to be). 

almost 13 years

theprof wrote:

even at $100 per month for sky, which it no longer is - is cheaper than $60 for the RWC and $70 for sky.

I'm not sure what the monthly sub is for spark - but if I had both I guess it would total $100?

Sky got cheaper cos customers were complaining and were still providing all the sport we wanted, now spark have come in and are making it more expensive to get that same content that sky were providing cheaper.

The monthly cost for Spark Sport (excluding the RWC) is $20. That's EPL, NBA, F1 and some other stuff I don't care about (tennis maybe?)
over 17 years

I was looking at getting the Vodafone TV box, but it's a bit of a pain that it won't have the Spark Sport app (presumably)

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

james dean wrote:

Tegal wrote:

But when it was just one provider, a monopoly, the price was a lot higher than the combined price of sky and spark is now.

So I’m not sure how you think it’s more expensive. 

Competition in a market, particularly when it breaks up a monopoly, leads to lower prices for the consumer and a better service with more variety. Which is what is happening here.

Firstly, you're assuming no increase in the price of Spark Sport with cricket.  Can't see how that will be the case but let's see.  Secondly, cricket fans still need to buy both. Thirdly, I don't believe you're comparing apples with apples when you say it's cheaper than Sky used to be for the reasons stated above.

Personally, I think the impact of competition can ONLY lead to increased costs, while the benefits are generally at the margins.  Two bidders pushes up the prices for sports rights (so Sky will have to pay more for Rugby but won't be able to drop prices to compensate for loss of cricket because they have pay more for rugby).  Spark Sport have to charge more because they have bought cricket rights.  

At the margins there may be some benefit in terms of slightly more content, or other ways to watch, but for your average fan who watches sport at home, I just don't see how this is a good thing (or at least not the unadulterated good you're making it out to be). 

Those are good points. But what seems to have happened is instead of unsustainably paying over the top, sky have refined what content they offer. Instead of getting in a bidding war over the EPL, they’ve offered the EFL, SPFL Serie A etc for football. That’s meant as football fans we have a wider variety of football competitions to choose from. 

I think the only sport that will really have a bidding war is rugby. Because that is seen as the backbone to sky’s model. But I think even that will normalise eventually - it isn’t healthy for sky to have all their eggs in one basket. So they’ll diversify their content, and that is good for consumers. 

Starting XI
almost 12 years

james dean wrote:

I was looking at getting the Vodafone TV box, but it's a bit of a pain that it won't have the Spark Sport app (presumably)

I have it as part of my internet/Sky Sport deal with Vodafone and like it, but yeah Spark Sport app is what's missing. They have just added Lightbox so hopefully they can come to some agreement with Spark over the sport app too.

Phoenix Academy
about 11 years

If TVNZ can manage to get a console app released for their On Demand service I'm not sure what's stopping Spark. Personal bugbear as someone without a smart tv who doesn't want to fork out for an extra device (Chromecast etc).  Convenience wise, having to hook the laptop up via HDMI, and then being unable to use it for the duration of whatever you're watching, versus just firing up the Xbox and watching straight away. Would be a massive improvement.

Starting XI
almost 12 years

Same for me. I have a Samsung Smart TV which came as part of my S10 preorder deal but it's in the bedroom as it's smaller than the lounge TV so I have Spark Sport in the bedroom but still no way of getting it on my lounge TV without buying new equipment. But as I can already stream everything else via PS4 and Vodafone TV I don't want to buy another device for one service. Hanging out for a PS4 app.

First Team Squad
over 7 years

Martial wrote:

Wonder what will happen to the price of a Spark Sport sub now that it has the cricket? As a cricket and football fan, I could probably stomach an increase. However, those who subscribe who only watch football or basketball and have no interest in cricket are going to be a bit annoyed if the prices go up.

I wonder if Spark are going to move to a "build your own subscription" sort of model where people can subscribe to specific sports

I left Sky because I was over paying for all the garbage I didn't want. Happy to pay the cost of sport, but they wanted me to pay ~70$ on top for channels I didn't want.

Subscribed to PremierLeaguePass from day 1, despite country living with slow internet at the time (still wasn't awful, occasional lower res for ½ a minute, but nothing like reported thugby WC problems)

Subscribed to SparkSport. They can try the same as Sky if they like, I'm sure I can still find streams that don't charge me for things I don't want.

The build your own subscription is only a matter of time. Smart business sense to head that route now. 

about 17 years

Sky shares dropped to 88 cents per share today at one point.

about 10 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

Sky shares dropped to 88 cents per share today at one point.

They failed to move with the times, then sat on their hands and got greedy - Gouging long time users of their product, adding unnecessary bullshark channels and increasing the price, all the while offering 'new customers' discounts galore that were basically subsidised by long suffering and 'loyal' (there was no other option...) customers.

I feel no pity for them. They dug their own grave. 

I'm also aware that they sponsor the new kit, but for mine that's neither here nor there.

about 15 years

The old girl said that we are keeping SKy while they have the Warriors....

over 17 years

I'm pretty happy with my current situation, and am looking forward to seeing it improve continuously. More content than I've ever had available in my life, for a total monthly outlay of $70. 

The things we regularly watch are:

Spark Sports

Sky Sports Now







I only pay for three of these, the rest are free. 

Compare this to 5 years ago and it's an infinitely better situation. Back then I had a Sky bill over the $100 mark, plus $20 pm for Premier League Pass, and I didn't have any Netflix or Lightbox content. 

And at that time there were all sorts of crap things happening like A-League games not screening live etc. I had no real mobile tv options, no on-demand options unless I recorded through MySky, and that came with its own problems (ask Tegal, problems still going for him!).

Change is tough, but brings improvement. 

Starting XI
almost 12 years

Similar situation here. Regularly watch Sky Sport, Freeview, Spark Sport and Netflix. We have Vodafone TV with Sky Starter and Sport at $54 a month and Spark Sport at $20. Netflix is currently free through my phone plan, and we also have Lightbox free through my partner’s phone plan, although we don’t really use it. As I posted earlier, I’m able to stream everything through either Vodafone TV or PS4 apps in the lounge, apart from Spark Sport which I can only get on the bedroom TV. Hopefully there’s eventually a PS4 app to save having to buy a Chromecast or something when I don’t really need it for anything else.

Sky Sport Now at $40 a month is worth considering at some point, although happy with the current deal now that I’m living with a partner who likes watching some of the Sky Starter channels and pays half for it and whereas up until this year I was paying for it all by myself.

One in a million
over 17 years

While Sky still has the A League, I will be a happy subscriber.

over 17 years

I was reluctant to take the leap from the Sky box to Sky streaming, and initially it was tough with Fanpass, but now they've expanded the content with the Sky Sports Now update I'm really happy. 

First Team Squad
almost 16 years

@paul - are you dropping $50 a month on SSN?

over 17 years
First Team Squad
about 17 years

pretty sure you can get sky sport now for $40.00 a month if you sign on for a 12 month contract and it is $50.. if you get it month by month.

over 17 years

Yep ^

Forgot about that from when I signed up. 

over 17 years

20 Legend wrote:

@paul - are you dropping $50 a month on SSN?

Whoops my $70 is actually $75. Made up of $40 for SSN, $20 for Spark Sports, and $15 for Neon.

Also there is another slight cost, as I paid $10 or so more to go with Spark over other providers, in order to get Netflix, Lightbox and the RWC for free. 

First Team Squad
almost 16 years

paulm wrote:

20 Legend wrote:

@paul - are you dropping $50 a month on SSN?

Whoops my $70 is actually $75. Made up of $40 for SSN, $20 for Spark Sports, and $15 for Neon.

Also there is another slight cost, as I paid $10 or so more to go with Spark over other providers, in order to get Netflix, Lightbox and the RWC for free. 

I don't mean to challenge your point - still good value compared to previous and a better service.

I wish SSN was like $35, or you could be more selective in your sports. Just a little too much for me if I don't want to pay the 12 months upfront.

First Team Squad
about 17 years

you do not have to pay up front you still pay it monthly on your spark bill, 

Starting XI
almost 12 years

Yeah looks like you pay it monthly but have to sign up for 12 months. What happens at the end of the 12 months though? Are you automatically renewed for another 12 months unless you request otherwise or do you get switched to the month to month rate?

Anyway looks like that's Sky here to stay for now with rugby secured again.

First Team Squad
almost 16 years

holeinone wrote:

you do not have to pay up front you still pay it monthly on your spark bill, 

It becomes $50 a month if paid monthly (as opposed to $40 a month when buying 12-months in one hit) which is too expensive for Champions League and the Warriors. Easier to find illegal streams.

First Team Squad
about 17 years

20 Legend wrote:

holeinone wrote:

you do not have to pay up front you still pay it monthly on your spark bill, 

It becomes $50 a month if paid monthly (as opposed to $40 a month when buying 12-months in one hit) which is too expensive for Champions League and the Warriors. Easier to find illegal streams.

are you sure about that? the difference as i see it is you pay $50.00 a month if you do not sign a contract and you can have it 1 month and not get it the next month and then get it again the following month if there are things you want to watch.

if you go for the 12 month contract i am pretty sure you still pay monthly but you have to have it every month for the full 12 months and only costs $40.00 per month. i just looked it up and you do pay monthly on the 12 month contract.

First Team Squad
almost 16 years

holeinone wrote:

20 Legend wrote:

holeinone wrote:

you do not have to pay up front you still pay it monthly on your spark bill, 

It becomes $50 a month if paid monthly (as opposed to $40 a month when buying 12-months in one hit) which is too expensive for Champions League and the Warriors. Easier to find illegal streams.

are you sure about that? the difference as i see it is you pay $50.00 a month if you do not sign a contract and you can have it 1 month and not get it the next month and then get it again the following month if there are things you want to watch.

if you go for the 12 month contract i am pretty sure you still pay monthly but you have to have it every month for the full 12 months and only costs $40.00 per month. i just looked it up and you do pay monthly on the 12 month contract.

Uh, I take that back I think you're right. But, the idea of locking myself into Sky for 12-months still bothers me.

Phoenix Academy
about 11 years

Are capped internet plans still a thing? Have read a couple of mentions about the rather data intensive nature of streaming a 5-day test. 

First Team Squad
over 7 years

Gullitesque wrote:

Are capped internet plans still a thing? Have read a couple of mentions about the rather data intensive nature of streaming a 5-day test. 

I think some country areas where wired broadband is not an option the best alternative is capped wireless options which are more expensive than unlimited wired in town.

First Team Squad
over 17 years

ClubOranje wrote:

Martial wrote:

Wonder what will happen to the price of a Spark Sport sub now that it has the cricket? As a cricket and football fan, I could probably stomach an increase. However, those who subscribe who only watch football or basketball and have no interest in cricket are going to be a bit annoyed if the prices go up.

I wonder if Spark are going to move to a "build your own subscription" sort of model where people can subscribe to specific sports

I left Sky because I was over paying for all the garbage I didn't want. Happy to pay the cost of sport, but they wanted me to pay ~70$ on top for channels I didn't want.

Subscribed to PremierLeaguePass from day 1, despite country living with slow internet at the time (still wasn't awful, occasional lower res for ½ a minute, but nothing like reported thugby WC problems)

Subscribed to SparkSport. They can try the same as Sky if they like, I'm sure I can still find streams that don't charge me for things I don't want.

The build your own subscription is only a matter of time. Smart business sense to head that route now. 

Be interesting to see how that works. Perhaps they will offer a cricket package, which might be say $99 for the entire summer, rather than adding it to the $19.99 monthly sub. By not having enough sports they face the reality of people picking up a sub for a 3-4 month period then ditching it, or they offer it as an additional sum to the monthly one. 

I use Kayo and assume NZC will have done a deal with Foxtel/Kayo to stream home Blackcaps games so at this point i won't be subscribing to SparkSport. I subscribe to Optus as well which has Champs League and the EPL, so all that sport costs $40AUD a month. And the Kayo UI is amazing...

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

I heard sky offered a Bathurst weekend pass. So you could watch it via the weekend pass or the monthly sub. 

Maybe that’s the way it’ll go. Can pay for a monthly sub to get everything. Or if you only want specific sports, they could offer single sport subs. 

Starting XI
almost 12 years

Out of interest how do you sign up to Kayo and Optus from here? Do you not need an Australian address and does Optus not use a set to box?

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