almost 17 years
What a game this morning!! On top gear, shark the toffees look good. But it's a struggle to get there.
about 12 years

Yep - we never make it easy for ourselves. 

about 12 years

Good result overnight - but fudge me Villa really are a bag of balls at the moment. 

almost 17 years
Going forward you boys look so deliciously fluid and enterprising it was amazing. Yea villa are poor but your lot played awesome today.
about 12 years

About fudgeing time.

almost 17 years
Sad that Spanish bobs tenure has ended like this. He started off so well. Brought in some good players, played good football. But he hasn't been able to rekindle it this year. I feel a lot more blame can be levelled at his players who just haven't turned up this season when it mattered. But the coach always pays. Bring on de boer
about 12 years

Looks like Koeman is locked in now.  Wouldn't have been my first choice, but after reading a bit about him, I'm excited. 

Can understand your comments about the players being at fault.  Think Bobby lost the dressing room some time ago.  The difference in the way they played that last game of the season was amazing.  Good to see the youngsters get a run as well.

tradition and history
about 17 years

Looks like Koeman is locked in now.  Wouldn't have been my first choice, but after reading a bit about him, I'm excited. 

Can understand your comments about the players being at fault.  Think Bobby lost the dressing room some time ago.  The difference in the way they played that last game of the season was amazing.  Good to see the youngsters get a run as well.

Koeman will do a very good job.

Budgie lover
almost 17 years

He'll need to bring in a few players and get rid of some dead wood though. Big job ahead but Everton still have the potential.

almost 17 years
New man in the hot seat and supposedly a hefty purse to play with. Could be interesting off season for them.
Budgie lover
almost 17 years
about 12 years

Not surprised about Hibbo & Pienaar.  Thought Ossie might still have something to offer.  Sad day when (very) long serving club members leave, hopefully at least is able to stick around in some capacity.

Budgie lover
almost 17 years

Yeah - thought Ossy was the one to remain. Still offered something in games. 

Budgie lover
almost 17 years

At least Darron Gibson's contract has been extended, eh? 

about 12 years

The medical staff will be pleased with that.

about 8 years

Everton sign Idrissa Gueye from Aston Villa. From the little I saw of Villa last season he didn't seem to be good, but then again neither did most of the team.

about 12 years

He's a DM and I suppose this might be a nod to the future with Gareth Barry in his mid-30's.  Apparently he had the second most tackles/interceptions in the league last year - probably not all that hard to do being on Villa.

Budgie lover
almost 17 years

Gibson, Besic, McCarthy. 

Aren't they all defensive minded?

about 12 years

Yeah it does seem a bit of a strange signing given what we currently have and needs elsewhere.  In saying that both Gibson and Besic have been injured a lot during their time at the club and it is looking like Big Ron likes to play with two DM's.

about 8 years

Yeah it does seem a bit of a strange signing given what we currently have and needs elsewhere.  In saying that both Gibson and Besic have been injured a lot during their time at the club and it is looking like Big Ron likes to play with two DM's.

Nothing wrong with a bit of depth though? Also Besic and McCarthy are starters, Gueye will be a good replacement if they get injured/suspended/bad form.
about 12 years

You're right, depth is always good.  I suppose I was hoping with our 'war chest' we'd have more luck in signing a play-making midfielder though, perhaps another striker as well.  Still time I guess.

Budgie lover
almost 17 years

And McCarthy is bound to be suspended after 20 minutes of opening day.

about 12 years

And on cue, Besic gets injured in the Rooney testimonial.

about 12 years

And on cue, Besic gets injured in the Rooney testimonial.

Yep, confirmed 6 months out.

about 8 years

Rumour going around is Everton might be getting Joe Hart. What a signing that would be for the Toffees.

about 12 years

Didn't see the game on the weekend - waiting for beIn connect to become available - but listened to the Toffee radio commentary.  It sounded that the new lad Gueye played really well and the keeper as well.  If we can sort a few more attacking options (and keep Lukaku) then who knows?   

Although he's prone to a few howlers, I think Hart would still be a good signing for us.  With a bit of luck we might get him on the cheap with Pep seemingly having no interest.

Budgie lover
almost 17 years
Budgie lover
almost 17 years

Didn't see the game on the weekend - waiting for beIn connect to become available - but listened to the Toffee radio commentary.  It sounded that the new lad Gueye played really well and the keeper as well.  If we can sort a few more attacking options (and keep Lukaku) then who knows?   

Although he's prone to a few howlers, I think Hart would still be a good signing for us.  With a bit of luck we might get him on the cheap with Pep seemingly having no interest.

Joe Hart is signed until 2019 so doubt he'll be that cheap.

I thought Robles and Stekelenberg would have been enough for your mob?

almost 17 years
The hart doesn't make sense unless one of the others is moving on...
about 8 years

kwlap wrote:
The hart doesn't make sense unless one of the others is moving on...
Both Robles and Stekelenburg have been bench keepers for years so it's not like either of them are not used to it.
about 8 years

Bolasie to Everton has been confirmed for 25 million pounds. Good transfer I reckon, great option to have on the bench. A bit overpriced, but then again so has every other transfer been this window.

about 12 years

Yeah the price seems crazy, but it is just the sign of the times I guess.  Nice write up in the Guardian about him.

Hope he can bring a bit more flair to the team and deliver some of those killer passes/crosses we seemed to lack most of last year.   

about 8 years

Yeah the price seems crazy, but it is just the sign of the times I guess.  Nice write up in the Guardian about him.

Hope he can bring a bit more flair to the team and deliver some of those killer passes/crosses we seemed to lack most of last year.   

With Deulofeu on one wing and Bolasie on the other... Lukaku is gonna bag a lot of goals again.
about 17 years

Don't understand the Hart rumours when you have Stekelenburg and Robles. I'd keep that cash in my pocket... 

about 8 years

paulm wrote:

Don't understand the Hart rumours when you have Stekelenburg and Robles. I'd keep that cash in my pocket... 

Cause neither of them are that good. They've both specialised in having careers as backup keepers. Stekelenburg was a God in the 2010 World Cup, and then for the next three to five years no one even heard of him... because his form dropped massively. He may have had a pretty decent debut with Everton but he's on the last years of his career (34 next month). 

Starting in the 2012–13 season he's played sweet fudge all. 19 appearances in 2012–13 for Roma, 19 appearances in 2013–14 for Fulham, 1 appearance in 2014–15 for Monaco, 17 appearances for Southampton in 2015–16 (because of Forster's injury only, and he wasn't that good during his matches there). Surely Everton are looking for a starting keeper that has made more than an average of 14 appearances per season for the last 4 seasons. 

Robles has always had a career as a backup keeper. Last season he had a personal best record of 13 appearances in the league. Last time he did that was in 2011–12 for Rayo Vallecano, one of the sharktest La Liga clubs... oh, they're currently in Segunda Division. Apart from twice having 13 appearances he's had an average of 5.1 league appearances per season across 9 seasons—not good enough to be a starter.

Surely Everton want a keeper with actual experience on the field rather than experience warming the bench? And Joe Hart is one of the best 20 keepers in the world in my opinion, and best English keeper who will probably continue to get international caps, who has gotten a bit of stick for a recent "bad" season or two. He's still world class, only dropped because of Pep's need for keepers to not be standard old school keepers but sweeper keepers. He may not be good with his feet, but he's bloody good with his hand and that'll be all that matters for Everton.

over 17 years
almost 17 years

Jaume wrote:

paulm wrote:

Don't understand the Hart rumours when you have Stekelenburg and Robles. I'd keep that cash in my pocket... 

Cause neither of them are that good. They've both specialised in having careers as backup keepers. Stekelenburg was a God in the 2010 World Cup, and then for the next three to five years no one even heard of him... because his form dropped massively. He may have had a pretty decent debut with Everton but he's on the last years of his career (34 next month). 

Starting in the 2012–13 season he's played sweet fudge all. 19 appearances in 2012–13 for Roma, 19 appearances in 2013–14 for Fulham, 1 appearance in 2014–15 for Monaco, 17 appearances for Southampton in 2015–16 (because of Forster's injury only, and he wasn't that good during his matches there). Surely Everton are looking for a starting keeper that has made more than an average of 14 appearances per season for the last 4 seasons. 

Robles has always had a career as a backup keeper. Last season he had a personal best record of 13 appearances in the league. Last time he did that was in 2011–12 for Rayo Vallecano, one of the sharktest La Liga clubs... oh, they're currently in Segunda Division. Apart from twice having 13 appearances he's had an average of 5.1 league appearances per season across 9 seasons—not good enough to be a starter.

Surely Everton want a keeper with actual experience on the field rather than experience warming the bench? And Joe Hart is one of the best 20 keepers in the world in my opinion, and best English keeper who will probably continue to get international caps, who has gotten a bit of stick for a recent "bad" season or two. He's still world class, only dropped because of Pep's need for keepers to not be standard old school keepers but sweeper keepers. He may not be good with his feet, but he's bloody good with his hand and that'll be all that matters for Everton.

Neither is Hart, he is starting to appear like a Rob Green Ver 2....who was like a Calamity James Ver 2

about 12 years

I haven't watched many City games over the past season or so, but I always thought Hart was a very good keeper.  I know he's prone to the odd clanger here & there, but I rate him as a pure shot-stopper.  Think he'd be a step-up on Robles & Stekelenburg, although again I haven't seen Stekelenburg in action for Everton as yet. 

While it could be argued that we'd be better off spending the money elsewhere, true top class keepers don't come on the market too often.  Might be best to snap him up now if we get the chance.

about 17 years

Jaume wrote:

paulm wrote:

Don't understand the Hart rumours when you have Stekelenburg and Robles. I'd keep that cash in my pocket... 

Cause neither of them are that good. They've both specialised in having careers as backup keepers. Stekelenburg was a God in the 2010 World Cup, and then for the next three to five years no one even heard of him... because his form dropped massively. He may have had a pretty decent debut with Everton but he's on the last years of his career (34 next month). 

Starting in the 2012–13 season he's played sweet fudge all. 19 appearances in 2012–13 for Roma, 19 appearances in 2013–14 for Fulham, 1 appearance in 2014–15 for Monaco, 17 appearances for Southampton in 2015–16 (because of Forster's injury only, and he wasn't that good during his matches there). Surely Everton are looking for a starting keeper that has made more than an average of 14 appearances per season for the last 4 seasons. 

Robles has always had a career as a backup keeper. Last season he had a personal best record of 13 appearances in the league. Last time he did that was in 2011–12 for Rayo Vallecano, one of the sharktest La Liga clubs... oh, they're currently in Segunda Division. Apart from twice having 13 appearances he's had an average of 5.1 league appearances per season across 9 seasons—not good enough to be a starter.

Surely Everton want a keeper with actual experience on the field rather than experience warming the bench? And Joe Hart is one of the best 20 keepers in the world in my opinion, and best English keeper who will probably continue to get international caps, who has gotten a bit of stick for a recent "bad" season or two. He's still world class, only dropped because of Pep's need for keepers to not be standard old school keepers but sweeper keepers. He may not be good with his feet, but he's bloody good with his hand and that'll be all that matters for Everton.

Keeper playing time is a pretty unique beast, if you don't start, you don't get it, and you can't play any other role. When signing a keeper you're not going to take that into account unless the keeper has a full career of being a no.2. For example I'm sure a ton of clubs would take Ospina off Arsenal, he is very good, but he's only had a handful of caps in the last year. 

I think Stekelenburg is better than you give him credit for. A ton of Ajax caps, 54 caps for Holland, certainly not to be sniffed at. He's only been passed around the place the last couple of seasons after he signed for Fulham and they got relegated. I was surprised he even signed for Fulham when he did, he seemed better than that, must've been the draw of London. 

Thought Hart was great in that season Man C won the league with Aguero's goal, and did rate him as one of the best going around at that time, but since then, bit of a demise.

We know he's bad with his feet but now he appears to have this issue with weak hands which is very concerning. 

Robles definitely aint too bad either. 

When I look at Everton, I just think that sort of cash would be waaaay better spent in other areas of the pitch. 

about 17 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

Jaume wrote:

paulm wrote:

Don't understand the Hart rumours when you have Stekelenburg and Robles. I'd keep that cash in my pocket... 

Cause neither of them are that good. They've both specialised in having careers as backup keepers. Stekelenburg was a God in the 2010 World Cup, and then for the next three to five years no one even heard of him... because his form dropped massively. He may have had a pretty decent debut with Everton but he's on the last years of his career (34 next month). 

Starting in the 2012–13 season he's played sweet fudge all. 19 appearances in 2012–13 for Roma, 19 appearances in 2013–14 for Fulham, 1 appearance in 2014–15 for Monaco, 17 appearances for Southampton in 2015–16 (because of Forster's injury only, and he wasn't that good during his matches there). Surely Everton are looking for a starting keeper that has made more than an average of 14 appearances per season for the last 4 seasons. 

Robles has always had a career as a backup keeper. Last season he had a personal best record of 13 appearances in the league. Last time he did that was in 2011–12 for Rayo Vallecano, one of the sharktest La Liga clubs... oh, they're currently in Segunda Division. Apart from twice having 13 appearances he's had an average of 5.1 league appearances per season across 9 seasons—not good enough to be a starter.

Surely Everton want a keeper with actual experience on the field rather than experience warming the bench? And Joe Hart is one of the best 20 keepers in the world in my opinion, and best English keeper who will probably continue to get international caps, who has gotten a bit of stick for a recent "bad" season or two. He's still world class, only dropped because of Pep's need for keepers to not be standard old school keepers but sweeper keepers. He may not be good with his feet, but he's bloody good with his hand and that'll be all that matters for Everton.

Neither is Hart, he is starting to appear like a Rob Green Ver 2....who was like a Calamity James Ver 2

Looks like the entire EPL agrees with us LG, rumours that he is going on loan to... wait for it... ... ... 


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