Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years
I think that one could come back to bite in 36 games time...
almost 17 years

We'll see but it's relevant at the moment :)

tradition and history
about 17 years

We'll see but it's relevant at the moment :)

Of course you guys have been fantastic in the Champions League.

Remind me how many you have won:)

over 17 years

There go those scum fans again, unable to take a bit of banter.

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years
Are you serious? It was friendly banter in return from me. You're a worry mate.
First Team Squad
over 15 years

Buffon II wrote:

There go those scum fans again, unable to take a bit of banter.

The irony.

about 8 years
First Team Squad
over 15 years
almost 17 years

Great comeback line.

about 17 years
about 17 years
over 15 years

Meanwhile, this is Steau's owner:

Yep, Facist scum trying to reshape the hideous Iron Guard. 

tradition and history
about 17 years

foal30 wrote:

Meanwhile, this is Steau's owner:

Yep, Facist scum trying to reshape the hideous Iron Guard. 

As bad as the communist scum in Russia that killed over 50 million people.

almost 13 years

Leggy wrote:

foal30 wrote:

Meanwhile, this is Steau's owner:

Yep, Facist scum trying to reshape the hideous Iron Guard. 

As bad as the communist scum in Russia that killed over 50 million people.

What's that got to do with it? Are you implying that Foal being anti-fascist makes him pro-Stalinist?
tradition and history
about 17 years

Leggy wrote:

foal30 wrote:

Meanwhile, this is Steau's owner:

Yep, Facist scum trying to reshape the hideous Iron Guard. 

As bad as the communist scum in Russia that killed over 50 million people.

What's that got to do with it? Are you implying that Foal being anti-fascist makes him pro-Stalinist?

Actually I was not. 

Just that  fascists and communists are as bad as each other. Both are similar in effect but different in ideological aspects. Both are a type of socialism,  but one is exclusive and one inclusive. 

He does trot out the 'comrade' a few times. :)

almost 13 years

Leggy wrote:

Leggy wrote:

foal30 wrote:

Meanwhile, this is Steau's owner:

Yep, Facist scum trying to reshape the hideous Iron Guard. 

As bad as the communist scum in Russia that killed over 50 million people.

What's that got to do with it? Are you implying that Foal being anti-fascist makes him pro-Stalinist?

Actually I was not. 

Just that  fascists and communists are as bad as each other. Both are similar in effect but different in ideological aspects. Both are a type of socialism,  but one is exclusive and one inclusive.

Yeah, I don't disagree with you. Any utopian ideology which people kill for(fascism, communism, extreme religious or nationalist movements etc) is as bad as the others.

I just thought it was an odd comment, because this guy has openly stated he's a fan of a fascist organisation and communism wasn't mentioned at all. 

about 8 years

Very random to immediately go ahead and defend fascism. We all know they're both awful, so pointing out that someone is a fascist doesn't need someone to say communists are equally as bad. It's obvious, unnecessary, and overall just strange in the context.

about 17 years

 Any utopian ideology which people kill for(fascism, communism, extreme religious or nationalist movements etc) is as bad as the others.

People kill for almost all ideologies

Capitalist democracies included

about 17 years
almost 13 years

paulm wrote:

 Any utopian ideology which people kill for(fascism, communism, extreme religious or nationalist movements etc) is as bad as the others.

People kill for almost all ideologies

Capitalist democracies included

True, although there's a danger of making a false equivalence there. Our way of government has its flaws but I can't think of an example of a modern capitalist democracy committing widespread and systemic murder of its citizens on ideological grounds. Liberal democracy as an ideology includes the concepts of rule of law and the primacy of individual rights over collective whims, even if in practice those concepts may sometimes get chucked out the window.

Anyway, getting way off topic as always. I just think that Steaua owner is a massive fudgewit.

almost 13 years

Transfer window roundup

about 17 years

paulm wrote:

 Any utopian ideology which people kill for(fascism, communism, extreme religious or nationalist movements etc) is as bad as the others.

People kill for almost all ideologies

Capitalist democracies included

True, although there's a danger of making a false equivalence there. Our way of government has its flaws but I can't think of an example of a modern capitalist democracy committing widespread and systemic murder of its citizens on ideological grounds. Liberal democracy as an ideology includes the concepts of rule of law and the primacy of individual rights over collective whims, even if in practice those concepts may sometimes get chucked out the window.

Anyway, getting way off topic as always. I just think that Steaua owner is a massive fudgewit.

In concept, fascism and communism shouldn't involve killing either, but the actual practice over history has been another matter. 

Same goes with capitalist democracy. Plenty of killing done in the name of that. 

Ironically many fascist and communist governments over history, and now, are heavily supported by capitalist democracies simply because it's in their best financial interests. 

Bottom line is that whatever system you're bought up in, you're going to say that's the best one, and all others are terrible. Human nature I guess. 

almost 13 years

paulm wrote:

paulm wrote:

 Any utopian ideology which people kill for(fascism, communism, extreme religious or nationalist movements etc) is as bad as the others.

People kill for almost all ideologies

Capitalist democracies included

True, although there's a danger of making a false equivalence there. Our way of government has its flaws but I can't think of an example of a modern capitalist democracy committing widespread and systemic murder of its citizens on ideological grounds. Liberal democracy as an ideology includes the concepts of rule of law and the primacy of individual rights over collective whims, even if in practice those concepts may sometimes get chucked out the window.

Anyway, getting way off topic as always. I just think that Steaua owner is a massive fudgewit.

In concept, fascism and communism shouldn't involve killing either, but the actual practice over history has been another matter. 

Same goes with capitalist democracy. Plenty of killing done in the name of that. 

Ironically many fascist and communist governments over history, and now, are heavily supported by capitalist democracies simply because it's in their best financial interests. 

Bottom line is that whatever system you're bought up in, you're going to say that's the best one, and all others are terrible. Human nature I guess. 

I don't agree that last bit - if that was the case Russia would still have a Tsar and France would still have a king and South Africa would still have white minority rule and liberal democracy wouldn't have spread so much in the first place.

I do agree largely with your first bit, but I do think that the reason that liberal democracy is the best political system we've tried so far is because domestically at least it has mechanisms to allow for dissent and minority rights. Those mechanisms are weak or non-existent between states at an international level so the actions of liberal democracies outside their own borders is a different thing altogether. Power corrupts, especially when it's wielded by someone acting ideologically rather than pragmatically,and the liberal democracy model puts checks and balances on that power in a way that other systems haven't been able to do. 

almost 17 years
Best thread high jack ever.
almost 13 years

kwlap wrote:
Best thread high jack ever.
almost 17 years
Don't be. This is great reading.
over 15 years

Russia's gone back to having a Tsar, his name is Putin.

I don't believe this was an informed decision by the populace either, rather like the so called Western Democracies, Liberty, freedom and genuine access to political voicing and change is meaningless. 

over 15 years

In fact Stalin also acted like a Tsar. Despite the name of each system being different the actual manifestation of reality for the 'worker' remains remarkably constant.

about 17 years

paulm wrote:

paulm wrote:

 Any utopian ideology which people kill for(fascism, communism, extreme religious or nationalist movements etc) is as bad as the others.

People kill for almost all ideologies

Capitalist democracies included

True, although there's a danger of making a false equivalence there. Our way of government has its flaws but I can't think of an example of a modern capitalist democracy committing widespread and systemic murder of its citizens on ideological grounds. Liberal democracy as an ideology includes the concepts of rule of law and the primacy of individual rights over collective whims, even if in practice those concepts may sometimes get chucked out the window.

Anyway, getting way off topic as always. I just think that Steaua owner is a massive fudgewit.

In concept, fascism and communism shouldn't involve killing either, but the actual practice over history has been another matter. 

Same goes with capitalist democracy. Plenty of killing done in the name of that. 

Ironically many fascist and communist governments over history, and now, are heavily supported by capitalist democracies simply because it's in their best financial interests. 

Bottom line is that whatever system you're bought up in, you're going to say that's the best one, and all others are terrible. Human nature I guess. 

I don't agree that last bit - if that was the case Russia would still have a Tsar and France would still have a king and South Africa would still have white minority rule and liberal democracy wouldn't have spread so much in the first place.

I do agree largely with your first bit, but I do think that the reason that liberal democracy is the best political system we've tried so far is because domestically at least it has mechanisms to allow for dissent and minority rights. Those mechanisms are weak or non-existent between states at an international level so the actions of liberal democracies outside their own borders is a different thing altogether. Power corrupts, especially when it's wielded by someone acting ideologically rather than pragmatically,and the liberal democracy model puts checks and balances on that power in a way that other systems haven't been able to do. 

Yea agree with that on the most part. 

My issue with all of it these days is that a democracy is supposed to prioritise the people and what they want to have happen, but instead, money welds undue influence. We think we're voting for someone and their values, but we're only voting for their financial backers. 

They tell us they believe in this, they believe in that, but all they really believe in is whomever is primarily funding them.

Would much prefer a government of actual experts, in actual fields, not just experts in winning elections. 

Sick and tired of campaign budgets, lobbying, and career politicians.

Alright alright I better stop this or I'll get the banstick

almost 13 years

My last contribution on this topic:

almost 17 years

And what a brilliant way to finish it off with. That is a classic picture.

almost 11 years
about 8 years

Not really, I was just sharing something funny I read in which the humour didn't apply to any other team. I can choose to laugh at what I want, and thought other people here might find that funny.

Just because I sometimes post in the Arsenal thread a dissenting opinion doesn't mean I'm obsessed with them; sometimes I'd like some actual discussion. However since my second last post where an abrasive comment was directed at me for believing second string Arsenal midfielders aren't up to scratch (but when an Arsenal fan posts that it's all good) I have learnt my lesson to no longer post in that thread there from now on as any sort of back and forth discussion cannot be had there; anyone is allowed to praise Arsenal in that thread but if you think they do something wrong and you're not an Arsenal fan you better not post there. Fair enough, definitely won't be posting a critical opinion there again.

I've criticised other teams' tactical and transfer decisions too you know.

almost 11 years

Jaume wrote:

Not really, I was just sharing something funny I read in which the humour didn't apply to any other team. I can choose to laugh at what I want, and thought other people here might find that funny.

Just because I sometimes post in the Arsenal thread a dissenting opinion doesn't mean I'm obsessed with them; sometimes I'd like some actual discussion. However since my second last post where an abrasive comment was directed at me for believing second string Arsenal midfielders aren't up to scratch (but when an Arsenal fan posts that it's all good) I have learnt my lesson to no longer post in that thread there from now on as any sort of back and forth discussion cannot be had there; anyone is allowed to praise Arsenal in that thread but if you think they do something wrong and you're not an Arsenal fan you better not post there. Fair enough, definitely won't be posting a critical opinion there again.

I've criticised other teams' tactical and transfer decisions too you know.

I didn't mean to twist your nips that far, sorry about that. Sadly I can certainly see the humour in the post, that's for sure. I should have put a lol or winky face to show my non-threatening stance ;) xx

about 8 years

Hawk Wasp wrote:

Jaume wrote:

Not really, I was just sharing something funny I read in which the humour didn't apply to any other team. I can choose to laugh at what I want, and thought other people here might find that funny.

Just because I sometimes post in the Arsenal thread a dissenting opinion doesn't mean I'm obsessed with them; sometimes I'd like some actual discussion. However since my second last post where an abrasive comment was directed at me for believing second string Arsenal midfielders aren't up to scratch (but when an Arsenal fan posts that it's all good) I have learnt my lesson to no longer post in that thread there from now on as any sort of back and forth discussion cannot be had there; anyone is allowed to praise Arsenal in that thread but if you think they do something wrong and you're not an Arsenal fan you better not post there. Fair enough, definitely won't be posting a critical opinion there again.

I've criticised other teams' tactical and transfer decisions too you know.

I didn't mean to twist your nips that far, sorry about that. Sadly I can certainly see the humour in the post, that's for sure. I should have put a lol or winky face to show my non-threatening stance ;) xx

Huh, that went better than expected. My bad, I guess I did take that too seriously and immediately went on the defensive... As we all know it can sometimes be hard to know the intended tone of someone else's post online! All good then.
Bossi Insider
almost 16 years
tradition and history
about 17 years

RR wrote:

At least she got it correct.

over 17 years

Reminds me of this beauty

Starting XI
about 10 years

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