over 11 years

n bomb

please don't associate this decision with Waikato FC .Last seasons Waikato FC has no affiliation to the new entity .This decision was made by the Federation who have taken over the running of WaiBop Utd

almost 16 years

don't know the guy, but surely employees should learn their employment status via personal disscussion not the Waikato Times. 

Starting XI
about 14 years

Brendon wrote:

n bomb

please don't associate this decision with Waikato FC .Last seasons Waikato FC has no affiliation to the new entity .This decision was made by the Federation who have taken over the running of WaiBop Utd

Yeah I was making a point about last year moving into this year, just talking about the past. This decision has made it all the more obvious that WaiBOP want to distance themselves from the past, and I think that is slightly unfortunate.
about 15 years


Regardless whether they are separating and doing their own thing or whatever, Mark deserved a call. He stepped in last min for the benefit of Waikato football after twatface fucked off and took the team with him. Considering the job he did, he AT LEAST deserved that. That's what you call burning bridges. In NZ, you cannot afford to do that.

Phoenix Academy
almost 14 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

...twatface fucked off...

The dying art of the insult in this PC world...

about 15 years

Thank you sir.

I kinda think that regardless whether you like Mark or not, had he not stepped in, there would have not been a Waikato team to continue the season for which this new entity could then base itself off.

over 11 years

I totally agree.Mark did a fantastic job last year under challenging 

almost 17 years

Hello there.
I thought Mark Cossey did a very good job in exceptionally difficult circumstances at Waikato FC. 
Mark and myself were from the opposite sides of town at winter level, but I was full of admiration for the manner in which he stepped up to the plate at NZFC level. 
I can't recall a new coach facing a similar situation in the history of the national league and he worked incredibly hard and networked non-stop to try and build a competitive unit out of the ashes. The new board is entitled to set out its stall based on its own principles and values but regardless of that, Waikato followers should acknowledge the job Cossey did over the second half of the summer.
The new WaiBOP entity has made it clear they didn't want a club-aligned coach. I can understand the thinking behind that but the irony is that it may cause more problems than it solves. During the second half of the season it was the Wanderers stalwarts who really got behind Waikato FC and filled the vacuum in 101 ways. I guess there may be a real risk they may not do so again, should they feel as wounded as Cossey (their winter coach).
New coach Peter Smith will be stepping in the deep end, and we can only wish him well, with a limited CV at senior level. If we count the very brief (a few weeks) spells by Ray Pooley and Kevin Fallon, he will become the 10th Waikato coach in the NZFC-ASB Premiership era.
No disrespect to the new team, but one of the biggest disappointments for me is that, for whatever reason, Nobby Nobilo is no longer team manager. Nobby was an excellent manager, organised, influential and intelligent. A real leader. He will be a very hard act to follow. 
almost 12 years

Hello there.
No disrespect to the new team, but one of the biggest disappointments for me is that, for whatever reason, Nobby Nobilo is no longer team manager. Nobby was an excellent manager, organised, influential and intelligent. A real leader. He will be a very hard act to follow. 


With a name like that, he'll be impossible to follow! Keep him on!

Phoenix Academy
over 15 years

Terrible form from WaiBop IF its true Cossey didn't get a call or email before it was released in the Waikato Times.

To be honest though a new coach was needed! But seriously Peter Smith.. Didn't this guy totally ruin Tauranga a few years back? And he is still working towards his NZ level 3 coaching badge.. They give those away with Weetbix.. Look at the coaches other teams employ, UEFA A License coaches, former national age group coaches etc.. And WaiBop gets a working towards NZ level 3..

I am guessing this decision has been based around money as usual but seriously if WaiBop were serious about running this team, sights should have been set higher!

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

Off topic a bit but I watched the St Peters Cambridge school team play at a tournament over the weekend. Was very impressed by the football they played and thought it was hard to pick standouts although after watching a few games Ruben Parker (GK) and Reid Drake looked like they will become very good players. Do any of these players have any current involvement at Waikato FC?

Starting XI
about 14 years

There may have been one or two games with Waikato FC youth but apart from that no. I think Parker is the Wanderers back-up, while Drake has come off the bench for Ngarua this season. Promising players (Parker more so I think) but may be a while before we see them in a Waikato representative side.

about 13 years

Pretty shite not even contacting Cossey....... , he did a good job on what he had to choose from....

over 17 years

Any news on Waibop.... Crap name BTW

Starting XI
about 14 years

Big news, Aaron Scott signs on for WaiBOP, something Waikato FC hadn't managed to achieve for a while. A big statement of intent, and could get others to sign on as well - obviously his talent is undisputed and should form a fairly solid back-line.

Btw mods - can we change the thread name?. Done *thumbs up emoticon*

almost 12 years
N-Bomb wrote:

Big news, Aaron Scott signs on for WaiBOP, something Waikato FC hadn't managed to achieve for a while. A big statement of intent, and could get others to sign on as well - obviously his talent is undisputed and should form a fairly solid back-line.

Btw mods - can we change the thread name?. Done *thumbs up emoticon*

N-Bomb, I think it's sexy name  WaiBoP-y : )
I kinda like it...
Blue Cod
over 14 years
AlanFord wrote:
N-Bomb wrote:

Big news, Aaron Scott signs on for WaiBOP, something Waikato FC hadn't managed to achieve for a while. A big statement of intent, and could get others to sign on as well - obviously his talent is undisputed and should form a fairly solid back-line.

Btw mods - can we change the thread name?. Done *thumbs up emoticon*

N-Bomb, I think it's sexy name  WaiBoP-y : )
I kinda like it...

I don't know why they didn't go the whole way and call it WaiBOPalulu, it has more of a ring to it.

about 15 years
almost 12 years
Jeff Vader wrote:


Brilliant! MMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Come on you heifers!

Starting XI
about 14 years

Scott Hilliar has signed on for WaiBOP, hearing that we could be seeing guys like Adam Luque, John Irving and co. also joining Adam Scott in the back-line, which would be fairly solid.

Starting XI
about 14 years

Luque and Hilliar confirmed, as well as Federico Marquez, Josh Nelson, Mark Jones and Ray How. Guessing half of that lot will be bench/squad players.

about 11 years

Sounds like some decent depth. Who else is in? What about the other boys from Ngara? the English boy etc?

Starting XI
about 14 years

Yeah it hasn't been confirmed yet on Irving, obviously he'd be ridiculously good at the level and a great signing for the club but I'm guessing that he's attracted interest from other clubs, Welly, Waitak maybe. 

As for the other Ngara lads, I quite like Habib but our depth at CB is quite good so unsure if he'll make it, maybe Danyon will get the gloves? He's certainly the youngest and biggest talent currently keeping in the Waikato, so unless they get an out-of-towner he's a chance.

Possibly could be room in the squad for the likes of Vasson/Frewen/Kautai etc, they would all make for handy squad players or replacements if there are un-availabilities etc.

about 11 years

Sam Jasper back at all? Is Irving right back? Is he that good? Yeah, might be time for Danyon to stake his claim for the gloves.

Starting XI
about 14 years

I'd happily take the likes of Jasper, Hobson-McVeigh and especially Hicks back, it's just a question of whether the coaching staff wants a very Waikato/BOP-based side, in which case we might not see many Aucklanders. I hope they're sensible enough to add a few guys in to be competitive.

As for Irving, he can play RB or CB, just a great player and one who I'm sure won't let his side down as ASPB level.

Starting XI
about 14 years

Hearing Drake will sign for WaiBOP

about 13 years

Don't think any of the Birkenhead lads are back..... Think one is going to another ASB team . 

Gwyther from Glenfield would be a  good signing....

over 17 years

Coombes and Hayne in the mix?

Starting XI
about 14 years

No I don't think Birko will be back either, the new crew in charge are very keen on a WaiBOP flavour.

So in the case of Coombes and Mayne?, if they do come it wouldn't be for money, I guess it'd be a dislike of the new coach. But that'd be a pretty extreme move so I'm saying it's unlikely atm. 

about 13 years

It's probably more the travel for Auckland based players ...that's why some of them  arn'tinterested 

There are enough Waikato based players to put up a good fight if organized  , cossey at hamilton has done a great job All good enough in my opinion

Starting XI
about 14 years

Some news on the best player at a Waikato club, John Irving, and what he's likely to do at the end of this post:

Would be a massive asset to WaiBOP but it seems money will be a problem.

about 15 years

Naturally. There should not be any. 

No offence to you N-Bomb but I laugh at statements like this because it's a blatant rip of an AMATEUR league

Starting XI
about 14 years

It is true, how on earth will the league ever be competitive without financial parity, all the best players will just make a never-ending line to Auckland. I don't really mind some teams spending more if it improves the quality of the league, but if so there needs to be more clarity

about 15 years

Well with all the talk of Waitakere, everyone is migrating to ACFC anyway.

Starting XI
about 14 years

Which now is most likely going to make it a one-team league. *Sigh*.

Anyway, I am really on board with what WaiBOP are doing, they're far more onto it and professional than Waikato FC were, sure they have some ideas which will never be anything more than pipe dreams, but at least they have these dreams and ideas, Waikato FC couldn't even summon up a Twitter or Facebook account to keep people up with the news. Hopefully WaiBOP keep up with how they've started off, because to become a big club, you have to start acting like one.

over 11 years
N-Bomb wrote:

Which now is most likely going to make it a one-team league. *Sigh*.

Anyway, I am really on board with what WaiBOP are doing, they're far more onto it and professional than Waikato FC were, sure they have some ideas which will never be anything more than pipe dreams, but at least they have these dreams and ideas, Waikato FC couldn't even summon up a Twitter or Facebook account to keep people up with the news. Hopefully WaiBOP keep up with how they've started off, because to become a big club, you have to start acting like one.

Where are they going to play this year?
Starting XI
about 14 years

Hasn't been confirmed yet. I'm assuming it'd be a mix of Porritt, Centennial, and whatever the best pitch is in the Bay (I'm not aware). They're definitely keen in getting out to the BOP to promote the club.

almost 14 years

Wasn't the Waikato coach keen on all the Birko boys again? Although heard Hobson could be moving elsewhere. Not sure if the rest of them are too keen after last year..

Starting XI
about 14 years

I would say it's lower on their priority list to get these guys again, they do want to get a local core. Clearly some of the likes of Jasper/Parkinson/Margetts etc won't be getting contracts with Waitakere so could be keen, but I'd say there'd be a fair bit of relutance from both parties. Still could happen though.

over 17 years

Have they got a keeper? Heard about a Scottish guy coming out to Waikato 

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