Starting XI
over 17 years

good point svader, but being professional would definitely improve the standard of the team, not necessarily with the current players on board

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Most of them are pro's but just done under disguise 

over 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

I read a similar article on Stuff. Some many lols as well questions and thoughts on it. 

1: Has Vuksich not given Ramon the company line that they have to 'appear' to be amateur for regulations reasons?

2: His players work 8 hour days. Ha

3: Even if they were professional, how would it benefit NZ players with a team filled largely with imports?

4: Even if they were professional, the tactics are now being questioned because like Declans mob, possession alone does not win you games.

5: It was a largely uninspired performance against a team that sat off of them because with the ball, ACFC never threatened and anyone that watched the game knew that it could/should have been more than 1 goal. Ironically, pretty much all of their performances this year have been uninspired (Otago, HBU, Waitak...) so I guess with all the money they throw at the team, it doesn't make them that much better. See back to point 4

6: For some of these 'exceptional imports' yet again, Esposito can't deliver at the next level and once again, did nothing at a CWC. Being professional is going to change that?


Totally agree.  I thought AC would have thrown the kitchen sink after going 1-0 but still sat back.  I think Ramon gave the boys negative tactics to play with aiming for a 0-0 draw and fluking the shootout.  AC didn't start attacking until the last 5-10 mins.  Not good enough Ramon. 

Lets not forget Hiroshima are NOT Asia's best team.  Auckland held their own.  Maybe Auckland need Posa back (what's happened to him by the way?)

All that aside I thought Ivan looked as solid as ever, you'd never guess he's 35/36, saved AC a few times, looked sharp and had good vision compared with most of the rest (Tamati's kicks for instance (he kept very well though)).

Starting XI
over 17 years

OtagoRooster wrote:

Most of them are pro's but just done under disguise 

i don't disagree, but i would suggest that auckland's structure is still some way off that of an a-league franchise
almost 16 years

reg22 wrote:

OtagoRooster wrote:

Most of them are pro's but just done under disguise 

i don't disagree, but i would suggest that auckland's structure is still some way off that of an a-league franchise

Until it starts a "Sack Tribulietx" thread in it's fan forum and takes home games down to Dunedin, it can't even be remotely considered A-League material. 

Starting XI
over 17 years

if posa is available i would consider sacking the coach based on that performance

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

reg22 wrote:

OtagoRooster wrote:

Most of them are pro's but just done under disguise 

i don't disagree, but i would suggest that auckland's structure is still some way off that of an a-league franchise

Not true lads, sorry. Some are paid full time to train youngsters, but the majority of the squad hold down jobs as well. I know as I've talked to players about how hard it is to keep up ACFC's rigorous training programme and hold a day job.

ACFC is a long way off a professional A League structure, even if it's more semi-pro than most of the other cash-strapped ASBP teams.  

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

How much do some of them get paid, more than the average kiwi wage I would expect 

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

reg22 wrote:

good point svader, but being professional would definitely improve the standard of the team, not necessarily with the current players on board

No question that ACFC being fully professional would improve the team simply because they'd be training full time and could attract good players. The question is - who is going to put up all the money, if they can no longer draw on Trust sponsorship and O League winnings (for which you have to be sort of amateur)? And in what league would a professional ACFC play? They can't play in the ASBP nor the O League (nor CWC) so that only leaves the A League. But if ACFC compete in the A League (presuming they find a backer with very deep pockets) then they kiss goodbye to the O League and the Club World Cup and even if they win the A League they can't compete in Asia.

We're stuck where we are and I like supporting local football. I just think we should try to play to our strengths like Paul Posa had us doing in 2009 and not try to emulate (often badly) a certain European powerhouse. 

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

OtagoRooster wrote:

How much do some of them get paid, more than the average kiwi wage I would expect 

Yes, some do. But again, the majority of the squad hold down day jobs. The club actually spends a lot of its own money trying to compete properly in the O League and Club World Cup. Fifa only pays fares on the first squad and basic staff to go to Japan for a few days to compete. There is considerable extra cost to ACFC going for a week before hand to properly acclamitize and get in a warm up match and it's born by the club. Likewise every away game in the O League also costs the club extra because Fifa only pay the bare costs. If Team Wellington ever qualify for the O League they're in for a shock as to how much it costs to properly compete in the O League and fly to games in Tahiti, New Caledonia and the Solomon Islands. 

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Must be a lot of very understanding bosses, to let there workers take time of for football

Life and death
over 17 years

OtagoRooster wrote:

Must be a lot of very understanding bosses, to let there workers take time of for football

there always has been for most players at most levels. Even today 5 weeks holiday isn't unusual, and because you're not at work doesn't mean you're still getting paid.
Must try harder
over 17 years

reg22 wrote:

if posa is available i would consider sacking the coach based on that performance

if Posa was coach we'ed still be in Japan...
Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

But his boss is not making any money from his employee, that's what the player has to think about when he stops playing football or any sport

about 15 years

Trueblue wrote:

reg22 wrote:

good point svader, but being professional would definitely improve the standard of the team, not necessarily with the current players on board

No question that ACFC being fully professional would improve the team simply because they'd be training full time and could attract good players. The question is - who is going to put up all the money, if they can no longer draw on Trust sponsorship and O League winnings (for which you have to be sort of amateur)? And in what league would a professional ACFC play? They can't play in the ASBP nor the O League (nor CWC) so that only leaves the A League. But if ACFC compete in the A League (presuming they find a backer with very deep pockets) then they kiss goodbye to the O League and the Club World Cup and even if they win the A League they can't compete in Asia.

We're stuck where we are and I like supporting local football. I just think we should try to play to our strengths like Paul Posa had us doing in 2009 and not try to emulate (often badly) a certain European powerhouse. 

Thats a frank an honest assessment and I have to say, refreshing. Good post.

I have no issue with the ambition that ACFC have. To want to win it all is natural but the constraints that you have written above a there for all to see. Does Ramon really need to have it spelt out to him? Does he not read about the issues the Phoenix have with most of those you write about above? Surely he has to realise that this talk of professionalism is going to fall on deaf ears because essentially a lack of funding (and probably a dearth of quality players to go with it) is the main reason it will not work. As a comparison (and its not great) the NZRFU and their provinces are finding out the cost of professionalism and its mismanagement when it has too many teams in their premier comp and players living on a gravy train to try and reign it in. They could, but they don't want to make the tough calls to alienate the meager paying public they have so they have gone to their last bastion and thats selling their shirt to pay for it. I doubt that would happen with our premier comp but I was more illustrating that even professional sport is having its pitfalls right now and that points back to money.

The reality will not be changing soon however I do agree that the tactics need to change and pretty quick. Even ASB teams have figured out that 10 men on the 18y will stop ACFC because as Declan found out, 90% possession does not win you games, just gets you column inches about why possession did not pay handsomely.

While Mulligan had a down year year or was less than flash over winter, he did provide the team with someone that could play with directness that you now so badly need.
Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Trueblue wrote:

reg22 wrote:

good point svader, but being professional would definitely improve the standard of the team, not necessarily with the current players on board

No question that ACFC being fully professional would improve the team simply because they'd be training full time and could attract good players. The question is - who is going to put up all the money, if they can no longer draw on Trust sponsorship and O League winnings (for which you have to be sort of amateur)? And in what league would a professional ACFC play? They can't play in the ASBP nor the O League (nor CWC) so that only leaves the A League. But if ACFC compete in the A League (presuming they find a backer with very deep pockets) then they kiss goodbye to the O League and the Club World Cup and even if they win the A League they can't compete in Asia.

We're stuck where we are and I like supporting local football. I just think we should try to play to our strengths like Paul Posa had us doing in 2009 and not try to emulate (often badly) a certain European powerhouse. 

Thats a frank an honest assessment and I have to say, refreshing. Good post.

I have no issue with the ambition that ACFC have. To want to win it all is natural but the constraints that you have written above a there for all to see. Does Ramon really need to have it spelt out to him? Does he not read about the issues the Phoenix have with most of those you write about above? Surely he has to realise that this talk of professionalism is going to fall on deaf ears because essentially a lack of funding (and probably a dearth of quality players to go with it) is the main reason it will not work. As a comparison (and its not great) the NZRFU and their provinces are finding out the cost of professionalism and its mismanagement when it has too many teams in their premier comp and players living on a gravy train to try and reign it in. They could, but they don't want to make the tough calls to alienate the meager paying public they have so they have gone to their last bastion and thats selling their shirt to pay for it. I doubt that would happen with our premier comp but I was more illustrating that even professional sport is having its pitfalls right now and that points back to money.

The reality will not be changing soon however I do agree that the tactics need to change and pretty quick. Even ASB teams have figured out that 10 men on the 18y will stop ACFC because as Declan found out, 90% possession does not win you games, just gets you column inches about why possession did not pay handsomely.

While Mulligan had a down year year or was less than flash over winter, he did provide the team with someone that could play with directness that you now so badly need.

Crikey JV, we're going to have to stop agreeing with each other. If we keep this up the gods will notice.

Like you I suspect, I hanker for the Paul Posa days of more attacking football.

Starting XI
over 17 years

get a room boys

i very rarely disagree with either of you, so i'm glad it's all worked out well in the end

over 13 years

Trueblue wrote:

 and I like supporting local football.

This is the crux of it for me. I'm not bothered that the league is not professional. I like that it is national (available to the majority of NZ residents), of a reasonable standard, attracts OK crowds (could be way better) and is easy to identify with.

Starting XI
over 17 years

hey auckland fans, what happened to pedro garcia

had a good pedrigree and presumably he was bought in for the club world cup, but he didn't get on the pitch

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

reg22 wrote:

hey auckland fans, what happened to pedro garcia

had a good pedrigree and presumably he was bought in for the club world cup, but he didn't get on the pitch

Waste of money probably. The little I've seen of him on the pitch doesn't get the juices flowing. He's certainly no Andreau, more just a journeyman. Better tell Ricki there's another one in the country he can snap up.

about 15 years

Don't you mean he is out here on holiday *cough*

Starting XI
over 17 years

andreau was quality in japan last year, he gave the team it's shape

yeah, sounds like garcia was a waste of time and money

over 13 years

reg22 wrote:

hey auckland fans, what happened to pedro garcia

had a good pedrigree and presumably he was bought in for the club world cup, but he didn't get on the pitch

Can't even think of him playing in the ASBP games - mustn't of been great if he has played. Also, was Hicks playing in Japan? Can't remember him getting a mention?
about 15 years

I think Garcia came on against Canty. Can't say he stood out.

I am surprised how far Jason Hicks has fallen in the pecking order. I think he is a real talent and should be playing. He has an educated left foot, vision, pace and is young. These are the players that should be getting game time. I would suggest that the reason he is probably not playing is because he doesn't get stuck in and I guess why Feneredis somehow holds his spot.

Starting XI
almost 14 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

I think Garcia came on against Canty. Can't say he stood out.

I am surprised how far Jason Hicks has fallen in the pecking order. I think he is a real talent and should be playing. He has an educated left foot, vision, pace and is young. These are the players that should be getting game time. I would suggest that the reason he is probably not playing is because he doesn't get stuck in and I guess why Feneredis somehow holds his spot.

This. In my opinion Hicks is legitimately on the level of Clapham, Keat etc ,certaintly better than Coombes, and could be one of those All Whites squad filler guys if he got game time, I was disappointed he left Waikato but I can certainly see his reasoning, just a pity Ramon doesn't play him.
Must try harder
over 17 years

 Disappointed Hicks didnt get a run in Japan...very skilled,but not one to commit himself , he is young and will { I hope ) only get better ...Garcia appears so far to aspire to the role of "Journeyman " and may ( with effort ) become  very ordinary ....Alex looks to have become comfortable with his play and cant be bothered  improving .... Coombs and Mully leaving I have no problems with...

over 12 years

FU BLU wrote:

 Disappointed Hicks didnt get a run in Japan...very skilled,but not one to commit himself , he is young and will { I hope ) only get better ...Garcia appears so far to aspire to the role of "Journeyman " and may ( with effort ) become  very ordinary ....Alex looks to have become comfortable with his play and cant be bothered  improving .... Coombs and Mully leaving I have no problems with...

Don't know what games you've been watching but.......
Hicks so far this season has been very average. ONLY has a left foot, very readable and won't/can't shoot for gaol. Having said that, he is still a teenager, so time will tell whether he can/will develop further............but surely needs to get involved in the final third and use his right peg to be taken seriously.
Garcia or Mulligan? Future blood letting to follow. Huge loss to their closest opposition with a point to prove.
Alex....just don't get his selection (anywhere on the park)
ACFC went to Japan with absolutely no cover for their right sided defence because Chad and Mully were no longer wanted. Predictably Pritch goes AWOL and Ramon throws left sided Milne in the deep end as fill in for RB (Milne did very well under the circumstances) The fact is Chad should have been there from the start and Milne selected as preferred left back.

Must try harder
over 17 years

 Mully and Chad not that happy being squad players , agree on Milne , personally would have liked to see some effort put into keeping tabs on Ian Hogg will be very interesting to see how they go this sunday ....

Starting XI
almost 14 years

FU BLU wrote:

 Disappointed Hicks didnt get a run in Japan...very skilled,but not one to commit himself , he is young and will { I hope ) only get better ...Garcia appears so far to aspire to the role of "Journeyman " and may ( with effort ) become  very ordinary ....Alex looks to have become comfortable with his play and cant be bothered  improving .... Coombs and Mully leaving I have no problems with...

Don't know what games you've been watching but.......
Hicks so far this season has been very average. ONLY has a left foot, very readable and won't/can't shoot for gaol. Having said that, he is still a teenager, so time will tell whether he can/will develop further............but surely needs to get involved in the final third and use his right peg to be taken seriously.
Garcia or Mulligan? Future blood letting to follow. Huge loss to their closest opposition with a point to prove.
Alex....just don't get his selection (anywhere on the park)
ACFC went to Japan with absolutely no cover for their right sided defence because Chad and Mully were no longer wanted. Predictably Pritch goes AWOL and Ramon throws left sided Milne in the deep end as fill in for RB (Milne did very well under the circumstances) The fact is Chad should have been there from the start and Milne selected as preferred left back.
Hicks is 23 and has routinely scored rippers for both Waikato and central, which player are you watching?
Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

N-Bomb wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

I think Garcia came on against Canty. Can't say he stood out.

I am surprised how far Jason Hicks has fallen in the pecking order. I think he is a real talent and should be playing. He has an educated left foot, vision, pace and is young. These are the players that should be getting game time. I would suggest that the reason he is probably not playing is because he doesn't get stuck in and I guess why Feneredis somehow holds his spot.

This. In my opinion Hicks is legitimately on the level of Clapham, Keat etc ,certaintly better than Coombes, and could be one of those All Whites squad filler guys if he got game time, I was disappointed he left Waikato but I can certainly see his reasoning, just a pity Ramon doesn't play him.

Can't understand why Ramon didn't put Hicks on for at least the last 30 minutes against Hiroshima, likewise Corrales and Tade (they came on far too late). We didn't even use all three subs! Has he been watching too much of Herbert's game plans? That was timid  judgement in my view and we were extremely lucky to only lose 1-0. At least Paul Posa played all our subs in 2009 and it reaped rewards. I'd prefer Hicks at the moment to a fading Exposito whose hopes of resurrecting his professional career have gone.

I hope we don't lose an underused Hicks from ACFC like we have so many other promising young NZ talents. I like the combative Feneridis in midfield.

about 15 years

Jesus we must stop agreeing. I think the only reason why Alex is holding his spot is because he is more grunt than finesse and you gotta have a ball winner somewhere..

Exposito is not performing this year. The only ones that are, are the keepers.

Echo what n-bomb said

almost 12 years

 Auckland City have not improved in any department this year.

I think their 'keeping of possession'' has dropped away. Citys dominance in games is not noticeable this season.

They did not top up their squad very well this season. Swapped Mulligan for a lesser player in Bale. Lost Hogg and went for a safe approach in signing the Asian lad who is a no thrills player and very conservative. Still persisting with Expositio who has been in holiday mode, i can not understand how Tade or Corrales haven't been given the running start.

Have got Hicks but now he is sweating for game time when most expect him to be out their getting things going.

Other clubs are giving opportunities to younger players but City are holding back. A kid like David Browne if given some game time could be a breathe of fresh air to the club but City choose to talk about him in the media and not throw him out there (ticking a few boxes in terms of ''youth approach'').

We need City doing well and keeping football in this country on the world map. However this season it seems they are just trickling along in hope of better performances, one feels they might not come, or come a little to late.

Starting XI
over 17 years

koprivcic was disappointing for me at the WCC

i haven't seen him play much since he switched from a centre forward to a midfielder, but i must say i have never seen a great performance from him in either position

he's certainly not a right winger that's for sure

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Playmaker1 wrote:

 Auckland City have not improved in any department this year.

I think their 'keeping of possession'' has dropped away. Citys dominance in games is not noticeable this season.

They did not top up their squad very well this season. Swapped Mulligan for a lesser player in Bale. Lost Hogg and went for a safe approach in signing the Asian lad who is a no thrills player and very conservative. Still persisting with Expositio who has been in holiday mode, i can not understand how Tade or Corrales haven't been given the running start.

Have got Hicks but now he is sweating for game time when most expect him to be out their getting things going.

Other clubs are giving opportunities to younger players but City are holding back. A kid like David Browne if given some game time could be a breathe of fresh air to the club but City choose to talk about him in the media and not throw him out there (ticking a few boxes in terms of ''youth approach'').

We need City doing well and keeping football in this country on the world map. However this season it seems they are just trickling along in hope of better performances, one feels they might not come, or come a little to late.

Have to say I agree with above. I think the Japanese lad was taken on largely for the CWC, but now what? The loss of Ian Hogg has left a serious gap. I think the team may well struggle more this season. Would like to see Browne and Hicks get more game time but suspect we'll be seeing more of Pedro and Exposito. I think Danko should play further forward and Tade and Corrales should be starters. Also any player who turns around and punts it back to the keeper when over half way should be slapped. Might take a few bruised cheeks to cure the malaise but it would be worth it.

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

reg22 wrote:

koprivcic was disappointing for me at the WCC

i haven't seen him play much since he switched from a centre forward to a midfielder, but i must say i have never seen a great performance from him in either position

he's certainly not a right winger that's for sure

The really disappointing thing for me is we went to the CWC this year with the intention of not losing too badly. It was even more depressing than last year when we at least created more than one real scoring chance. The evidence was clear in the clubhouse watching the game live. We had precious little to cheer about. In 2009 we set out to win a game and in fact won two and TP Mazembe were a better team than Hiroshima.Loved that!

about 15 years

I think Daniel Saric was tried against Waitak and while that is 'the clash' he was out of his depth and the the half time sub was the right move. You can look at it 2 ways

1: The kids are not up to that level so don't get played

2: The kids are not up to that level because they don't get played. I am not sure which it is.

Ian Hogg really is missing and while I did not rate him 2 years ago, the last 18, he really stepped up and matured and you can see what they miss. I also think that Pritchett is now more mouth that output and while there is no one pushing the RB spot, he is getting it by default. You can't really fault the two CBs in Ivan and Angel as they would be the best 2 in the comp. Spoonley has had a good year but having exams has allowed Tamati to play and he has played well. Auckland are blessed with 2 keepers in form.

I'm not a Riera fan. I know others rate him but I simply don't. I don't see any graft and its always sideways football with him. Alex is the ball winner and that keeps him his spot but as Manny is finding out this year, you gotta bring more than that. Exposito is cruising (or he has been figured out), Danko has not really performed at a level he can and is out of position in the midfield when he has been a striker (and one on the better ones) all his career. I agree that Tade has been delivering consistently but I still think he is a 20 min footballer. Granted its hard to tell when he does not get 90 but if he had 90 mins in him, surely he must play. I agree Bale is a downgrade from Mulligan but he is playing better at Auckland than he did at Waitak so you've got a Bale 2.0. I've always thought Dickinson was a thug and really a waste of a footballer. Its easy to label him a typical scouse but I ask the Auckland faithful to just watch him and what he really brings to the team other than mouth and being a hitman. In this league, there is no call for it cause there are no other hard men playing. Corrales has focused more on playing in the structure rather than rolling around like a pig in shit and calling his own number and he is looking better for it. He is getting the looks because he is letting the game come to him rather than going and looking for it.

It sounds like a negative rag on them but with the players they have, they are playing down to the level of the comp. 2 draws (which probably should have been a loss to Waitakere), a get out of jail at Otago and the 5-2 against Canty was flattering. It could be the eye on the CWC and to a degree, I hope it was because I just want to go watch good football rather than the pile of steaming turd that is served up as curtain raisers to the Nix.

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Appalling play by play commentary on ASB Premiership website for the Auckland Manawatu game!

about 15 years

That's ok. The fans are still saying that they know they are the champions of Africa..

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

A Spanish team based in Auckland nz that are champions of Africa. Yet the Phoenix aren't even allowed in the ACL, hardly seems fair!

Must try harder
over 17 years

 Yeah Mr Morgan and the welnix are finding ... IT Pays to read things before you sign them ...

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