Oly Whites vs Romania | Wednesday 28th July | 8.30pm | Hokkaido, Japan

over 3 years
Feeling like knowing Reid was injury prone, when Boxall initially took the injury we should have just replaced him with Tim Payne. We would have been a far better defensive unit yesterday had Payne been in the side, frustrating really. 
Was Tim Payne in the extended squad? When Boxall was injured we could only replace him with those who we had on reserve.

Nah that turned out to be not the case, and we could have replaced him, as Germany named their squad on the 7th and replaced two players on 10th (Boxall was injured on the 4th), but they had hoped he would recover. Seems parties were bit at odds, Minnesota didn’t want him to go, whereas Boxall obviously very much wanted so was probably suggesting he could make it, but in hindsight a move to replace him with Payne or Tuiloma should’ve been the trick.
almost 14 years
Feeling like knowing Reid was injury prone, when Boxall initially took the injury we should have just replaced him with Tim Payne. We would have been a far better defensive unit yesterday had Payne been in the side, frustrating really. 
Was Tim Payne in the extended squad? When Boxall was injured we could only replace him with those who we had on reserve.

Nah that turned out to be not the case, and we could have replaced him, as Germany named their squad on the 7th and replaced two players on 10th (Boxall was injured on the 4th), but they had hoped he would recover. Seems parties were bit at odds, Minnesota didn’t want him to go, whereas Boxall obviously very much wanted so was probably suggesting he could make it, but in hindsight a move to replace him with Payne or Tuiloma should’ve been the trick.
Well and truly a fudge up then.
Phoenix Academy
over 5 years
All I'm wanting from Hay in this game is an extra man in midfield, someone who is able to pick up the ball between the lines and move it forward. This is what we have been lacking in the two games IMO. 433 perfect for this. I personally would drop Lewis and move Stensness into midfield with Bell then either one of McCowatt, Just, or Stamenic into the pocket. Can still have our fullbacks attack in a 4 across the back we just need one of the midfielders to sit when we attack. I have a lot of sympathy for Wood who must've thought the days of Hudson ball were behind him. The man is the only outlet we have and all we have been doing in the previous two games is pumping it long and hoping someone wins the flick on off him. Bring on Wednesday.. 

Alternatively more midfield cover might give Lewis the chance to hit his stride? We know he’s a quality player. Stamenic is a young guy who hasn’t been playing much. Did fly into some tackles in his second run out though which was good from my point of view! 
Just and McCowwatt in the front 3? Or use McCowatt as impact and start Waine? 
Or won’t change tactics and personal outside the keeper and injury change?
More midfield cover for Lewis?  Lewis is supposed to be, the midfield cover.
As for Lewis being a "quality player"?  Maybe at small town level but he has had at least 2 hours, not including friendlies, of very recent football to show some international "quality".   For me he has shown none.
No matter for his supporters, as the coach has shown he has no idea what "quality" is, so Lewis will likely not be replaced.  
As for Stamenic...  This is the Olympics, not some neighbourhood kiddie game where everyone gets a turn.  Training is over.  It's time to perform.

Phoenix Academy
over 5 years
I have no belief in Hay and his system but will remain positive in the hopes that we get through this match as winners or drawers.
But the style of play is like that of a 3rd rate football country like India, which they park the bus because their players are quite poor technic wise and i don't mean that in a bad way its just that while we have players playing all over the world we can only resort to 8 men at the back> parking the bus, How>?

Roll on the Haystacks. 
about 12 years
This Hay bashing is a little over the top... more to do with Buckingham not having the job than anything probably.

We beat S. Korea... a pre tournament favourite and should have beaten Hondorus. We clearly have not been that bad, nor that defensive.

Comparing u20 and u24 levels is silly. Players are completely different (in personal generally with NZ being the exception because of our small player pool) to the fact that they have had 4 more years to develop. And unlike us (NZ) in the hardened European environment, not NZ/Aus.

Have an opinion, but don't be Trumpish (say something enough times loud enough you actually begin to believe the lie). Not saying your liars, but that you have some big blinkers on.
Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years
we've had 12 shots over 2 games but conceded 32 shots. We've had about 50% less possession in both games. Please tell me how we haven't been defensive. 
and 3 others
about 9 years
Does anyone actually on here know Hay well? Involved say at Eastern Suburbs when he was coaching there (his most recent gig before coaching AWs)? What is his coaching philosophy.

Is a few on here who seem to know Des. Through either his time at the Nix, or having him regularly on Yellow Fever pod since. And it does seem a constant theme that he is a very selfless, likeable guy. But it's naturally easier to like someone you know a bit, and have met a few times, than someone you don't personally know at all. A natural bias.

That U20 2019 team did play with some great football at times, but Buckingham benefited from a very long lead in with the core of that team through the preceding Handy Prem season (most players being either at Weenix or ES), with plenty of contact time with his players. Plus OFC U19 tourney before that. He also had Singh.
Phoenix Academy
almost 3 years
Does anyone actually on here know Hay well? Involved say at Eastern Suburbs when he was coaching there (his most recent gig before coaching AWs)? What is his coaching philosophy.

Is a few on here who seem to know Des. Through either his time at the Nix, or having him regularly on Yellow Fever pod since. And it does seem a constant theme that he is a very selfless, likeable guy. But it's naturally easier to like someone you know a bit, and have met a few times, than someone you don't personally know at all. A natural bias.

That U20 2019 team did play with some great football at times, but Buckingham benefited from a very long lead in with the core of that team through the preceding Handy Prem season (most players being either at Weenix or ES), with plenty of contact time with his players. Plus OFC U19 tourney before that. He also had Singh.

Are you taking the piss? Every player in the squad players pro football except a few however they do not play a defensive 6 -3 -1 or 8-1-1 or the 5-4-1 for their club sides as we have seen at the Olympics with the Olywhites.
These guys are not armatures, The Nix boys know how to play football not this defensive park the bus stuff Hay is making them play.
Its ugly football the kids could be playing so much better and getting the results.
The first game i felt it was Hays tactics to just park the bus and frustrate the Koreans into making mistakes to counter on.
The 2nd game was the same thing all but a little more press, playing 5 at the back means you have no belief in your defenders let alone squad to get a result or hold it for 20min.
Surely New Zealand has evolved ala the football has evolved from playing a defensive back 5/6 team into something more modern. Hate to see what the All Whites will play like.
over 17 years
This is the biggest NZ men's football match since the 2010 World Cup don't @ me
about 12 years
Playing 5 at the back is not automatically defensive. If Lewis could actually hit a pass in either game then Cacace would have had a huge amount of ball in advanced areas instead of the other team getting possession and a throw in.
Phoenix Academy
about 9 years
Does anyone actually on here know Hay well? Involved say at Eastern Suburbs when he was coaching there (his most recent gig before coaching AWs)? What is his coaching philosophy.

Is a few on here who seem to know Des. Through either his time at the Nix, or having him regularly on Yellow Fever pod since. And it does seem a constant theme that he is a very selfless, likeable guy. But it's naturally easier to like someone you know a bit, and have met a few times, than someone you don't personally know at all. A natural bias.

That U20 2019 team did play with some great football at times, but Buckingham benefited from a very long lead in with the core of that team through the preceding Handy Prem season (most players being either at Weenix or ES), with plenty of contact time with his players. Plus OFC U19 tourney before that. He also had Singh.

Are you taking the piss? Every player in the squad players pro football except a few however they do not play a defensive 6 -3 -1 or 8-1-1 or the 5-4-1 for their club sides as we have seen at the Olympics with the Olywhites.
These guys are not armatures, The Nix boys know how to play football not this defensive park the bus stuff Hay is making them play.
Its ugly football the kids could be playing so much better and getting the results.
The first game i felt it was Hays tactics to just park the bus and frustrate the Koreans into making mistakes to counter on.
The 2nd game was the same thing all but a little more press, playing 5 at the back means you have no belief in your defenders let alone squad to get a result or hold it for 20min.
Surely New Zealand has evolved ala the football has evolved from playing a defensive back 5/6 team into something more modern. Hate to see what the All Whites will play like.
"Armatures"? The rotating coil or coils of a dynamo or electric motor.
I suppose I have to agree with you there.
about 11 years
To be honest most of my frustration stems from NZF consistent inability to capitalize on the momentum built when things go well. I really thought that things were changing in our style of play with how the nix are and how the u20 played. Seems like Hay is content with this style of play - it may not be designed to be defensive but we only play on the counter, so that involves a fair whack of defending (which you can see in the possession stats). Feels like we are going to be wasting some generational talent in Cacace, Bell and Singh if this style carries over to the All Whites. We don't get to see NZ play much, and when we do they consistently produce this dull shark when we currently have the players to do a bit more. Im looking forwarded to us struggling against the pacific island nations in qualifying and then blaming the heat for like the 10th time in a row lol.

I really think I have stockholm syndrome for NZF, i am still excited for the game tonight.
and 1 other
almost 17 years
that has been the way since our fist world cup appearance, we came back heads held high with high hopes for the future of NZ football, and then nothing until the next world cup appearance in 2010. Not surprisingly the same thing happened,  the team returned, NZF had loads of cash and big plans, there were some improvements and some promising signs and then we entered a phase of no football for the mens team of over 2 years. 
about 17 years
To be fair there were almost 8 years between our return from South Africa and our men's national team hiatus from playing games. The cash had been used up by then anyway, and if I'm honest I didn't see a whole lot of improvement across the board since then. The Ferns had some good moments, sone $ was invested into grassroots, pay-parity (did that actually happen? I hope so) but nothing to really carry on the momentum of a team that had left the WC unbeaten.. 
Starting XI
almost 6 years
To be fair there were almost 8 years between our return from South Africa and our men's national team hiatus from playing games. The cash had been used up by then anyway, and if I'm honest I didn't see a whole lot of improvement across the board since then. The Ferns had some good moments, sone $ was invested into grassroots, pay-parity (did that actually happen? I hope so) but nothing to really carry on the momentum of a team that had left the WC unbeaten.. 
Have a listen to Ryan Nelsons between 2 beers podcast. Sounds like back in 2010 NZF were so super budget it was embarrassing. Most of that money likely just went into dragging them into the 21st century organisation wise.
Starting XI
over 17 years
The more I think about it, the more infuriated I get ;-)

We play a back 5 with 4 others pegged up against it. We allow the opposition to dominate the ball and bring it to us. When/if we win the ball we have one outlet, Wood. The next two possible outlets are Just and McCowatt and they are so deep they have little chance to transition forwards in time to form a counter attack. On top of that, they are not the paciest of players.

So, we have set up to counter attack, with one player, in a team that otherwise does not have the attributes to conter. In the current formation, or a 4-3-3, those wide two have to be much closer to Wood.

We've literally taken the strongest part of our team, wood, and isolated him, rendering him half as effective. Imagine if one of the wide guys played close to him, either running off his shoulder or in space behind his hold up play. Imagine if, heaven forbid, we played a second striker and they worked the opposition defence as a pair.
and 8 others
about 9 years
To be fair there were almost 8 years between our return from South Africa and our men's national team hiatus from playing games. The cash had been used up by then anyway, and if I'm honest I didn't see a whole lot of improvement across the board since then. The Ferns had some good moments, sone $ was invested into grassroots, pay-parity (did that actually happen? I hope so) but nothing to really carry on the momentum of a team that had left the WC unbeaten.. 
Have a listen to Ryan Nelsons between 2 beers podcast. Sounds like back in 2010 NZF were so super budget it was embarrassing. Most of that money likely just went into dragging them into the 21st century organisation wise.
From what I’ve read 2010 WC cash plus Mexico TV rights cash that followed 3 years later, have made up the International Teams Fund. Used to fund senior and under age teams men’s and women’s. Sounds like the fund is still sizeable but NZF are always mindful if AWs miss Qatar no likely cash injection again until 2026 WC.

The fact NZF tried to schedule games late last year England and Belgium at least showed some intent. They sat on their hands post 2017 Peru games until late November 2019 (attention was more on Football Ferns who played pretty regularly into 2019 Women’s WC) but since then Covid has really fudgeed things up for AWs.

A gate changer would be a future AFC/OFC Nations League will possible meaningful games against Aus, Korea, Japan etc etc
almost 3 years
The more I think about it, the more infuriated I get ;-)

We play a back 5 with 4 others pegged up against it. We allow the opposition to dominate the ball and bring it to us. When/if we win the ball we have one outlet, Wood. The next two possible outlets are Just and McCowatt and they are so deep they have little chance to transition forwards in time to form a counter attack. On top of that, they are not the paciest of players.

So, we have set up to counter attack, with one player, in a team that otherwise does not have the attributes to conter. In the current formation, or a 4-3-3, those wide two have to be much closer to Wood.

We've literally taken the strongest part of our team, wood, and isolated him, rendering him half as effective. Imagine if one of the wide guys played close to him, either running off his shoulder or in space behind his hold up play. Imagine if, heaven forbid, we played a second striker and they worked the opposition defence as a pair.

I think you've given this more thought than Hay has. I agree though, a good manager would play to the abilities of his players he's got rather than hoping they can play in a way that isn't comfortable for them.
almost 17 years
it's seems pretty obvious that Hay has a set plan in mind and the players are having to adapt, rather than the manager designing a style to suit his players abilities. Who was the women's coach who tried that, said we'd lose to Japan really badly so basically set up super defensive.
Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years
it's seems pretty obvious that Hay has a set plan in mind and the players are having to adapt, rather than the manager designing a style to suit his players abilities. Who was the women's coach who tried that, said we'd lose to Japan really badly so basically set up super defensive.
But the weird thing is that his normal go to is 433. I wonder if he changed it up with no Singh and he wasn't comfortable using Lewis in there instead. 

over 13 years
My major concern is if would is playing today
I will not watch the game if he is - My mental health could not handle it
almost 14 years
Hay has already said he's playing - my bet is he'll be a lot more decisive and won't make those mistakes again.
over 13 years
Well if Hay does play him then I will agree with the majority here and that he is a shark coach.

You can not play someone after that performance 

about 17 years
Looks like this one isn't on TV1. Please post good streams if you find any
over 17 years
Confirmed line ups and Woud is starting. Please don't let that bite us in the a*se again...
Starting XI
about 7 years

stunned by the amount of people who have never heard of Woud before these Olympics and assume he’s trash because of one horror game, not realising that overall he’s one of the standout GK prospects in recent New Zealand history
and 4 others
over 13 years
Don’t belittle any one who criticises him for that shark performance on here by pretending to be more knowledgeable. I’ve heard of him and followed his progress and seen him play before. I’ve also watched the worse game of goal keeping I’ve seen and know you don’t start a goal keeper after that 

stunned by the amount of people who have never heard of Woud before these Olympics and assume he’s trash because of one horror game, not realising that overall he’s one of the standout GK prospects in recent New Zealand history
about 17 years
Well if Hay does play him then I will agree with the majority here and that he is a shark coach.

You can not play someone after that performance 

 You can if you think he is the best keeper available, and he just had a one off shocker.
and 2 others
Starting XI
over 17 years
Here we go! Fingers crossed we are on top of our game tonight!!
about 17 years
here we go again..
over 11 years
about 11 years
over 6 years
Lets hope our keeper steps up, can’t believe he’s started…
Starting XI
over 17 years
good lineup
good start :-)
about 17 years
Im more worried about the commentary than the keeper.
Life and death
about 17 years
Except for Would, it seems Hay has made the personel changes you guys have been bleating for
almost 3 years
Napier Phoenix
Except for Would, it seems Hay has made the personel changes you guys have been bleating for
 Must be a member here.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Napier Phoenix
Except for Would, it seems Hay has made the personel changes you guys have been bleating for
 he seems to have made the tactical changes i have been bleating for. good boy danny.
Life and death
about 17 years
Oh oh, Would was late down to that one…. There’s always been something that unnerved me about him and I just realised what it was. He is too casual. Wind back to the lead up to that shot off the post. He is just standing there, not in a ready crouch or anything and doesn’t react until the play gets almost upon him. He’s not prepared enough for what is happening around him.

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