almost 13 years

Assuming Rob Sherman is only temporary, who's our next high performance director? Wynton? Ricki? Declan? The possibilities are endless

about 14 years

The TV interview on the news (TV3) tonight was rather telling - the previous (old) chairman of the board saying "the eligibility rules are not new, they were changed years ago and we knew them, so homework on Declan Wynne should have been done by the current people in time". I read it as a veiled message that nobody in the old guard reads it as a "honest mistake".  

And it was nice to read the newspaper item with Kevin Fallon thanking FDJ for his work and not kicking the guy sprawled on the ground.

almost 14 years
Rob Sherman is probably the smartest football person we have at NZF. Only been there a year. Want to keep him at least another 2 years. In that time he should be given his head to put good systems and people in place.
almost 17 years

Rob Sherman was with NZF as High Performance manager in 2007-08, you may recall. :-)

Reinventing the wheel, etc.

about 9 years

His son is currently the coach of the Cook Islands.

about 15 years

Rob is a very smart mind and a good pick up for NZF. I question if he is currently being utilised to the organisation best needs. HP director could be a step in the right direction.

over 10 years

After the stuff ups of recent years and the arrogance of  NZ Football its good to see those Board Members who were up for  re election get voted out. The remainder should re consider their positions as they are likely suffer the same fate

First Team Squad
almost 17 years

Wow, the winds of change are blowing for football on both sides of the Tasman.

Thoughts on what this all means? And anyone know more about the new people: John Ormond, Garry Carnachan and Johanna Wood? 

over 17 years

loving the coup. Dunno who the newbies are though- hopefully they are voice of the Feds

First Team Squad
over 17 years

John Ormond is a real coup for NZF, highly respected and great football heritage, son of Iain, nephew of Duncan, grandson of Bert. Not sure of the others.

over 17 years

The Jam wrote:

John Ormond is a real coup for NZF, highly respected and great football heritage, son of Iain, nephew of Duncan, grandson of Bert. Not sure of the others.

surely there is more to him than 'son of'? detail?

First Team Squad
over 17 years

Yes, he's a highly respected business man.

over 17 years

Feverish wrote:

The Jam wrote:

John Ormond is a real coup for NZF, highly respected and great football heritage, son of Iain, nephew of Duncan, grandson of Bert. Not sure of the others.

surely there is more to him than 'son of'? detail?

I know Jon through work but had no idea of any interest in football.  Extremely good operator, well connected in Auckland business circles, no idea about his football involvement but he is very smart

Starting XI
over 9 years

scribbler wrote:

Wow, the winds of change are blowing for football on both sides of the Tasman.

Thoughts on what this all means? And anyone know more about the new people: John Ormond, Garry Carnachan and Johanna Wood? 

Garry Carnachan is the executive director of the NZ Secondary School Sports Council

over 17 years

james dean wrote:

Feverish wrote:

The Jam wrote:

John Ormond is a real coup for NZF, highly respected and great football heritage, son of Iain, nephew of Duncan, grandson of Bert. Not sure of the others.

surely there is more to him than 'son of'? detail?

I know Jon through work but had no idea of any interest in football.  Extremely good operator, well connected in Auckland business circles, no idea about his football involvement but he is very smart

do you know Anderson?

Life and death
over 17 years

The Jam wrote:

Yes, he's a highly respected business man.

Like the Nix owners
over 17 years

The Jam wrote:

Yes, he's a highly respected business man.

Like the Nix owners

Also a very talented player from all accounts, so has a history in the game

over 17 years

Feverish wrote:

james dean wrote:

Feverish wrote:

The Jam wrote:

John Ormond is a real coup for NZF, highly respected and great football heritage, son of Iain, nephew of Duncan, grandson of Bert. Not sure of the others.

surely there is more to him than 'son of'? detail?

I know Jon through work but had no idea of any interest in football.  Extremely good operator, well connected in Auckland business circles, no idea about his football involvement but he is very smart

do you know Anderson?

No I don’t. John is a pretty down to earth guy and in my limited dealings seemed ready to give people a fair hearing. He’s had some big jobs so he’s certainly capable of it. This actually feels like quite a big deal, the federations revolting against nag, including over coaching appointments is a pretty big deal. There were some comments a while ago about how there would be repercussions if Herat appointed “one of his mates” which were Pooh poohed but seem to have come to pass!

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

ladies and gentlemen lets get control of our game her in NZ. Lets get Kiwi's running our game not some rugby plonker who obviously knows nothing about the game. All of the present coaching staff need to go and i mean Heraf, Schmid Turnbull Buckingham Jose Temple the whole F...king lot i really do feel sorry for those Kiwi coaches who have put in the hard work to get their badges and not get a look in.Beazley and Emblem will be back soon how's Martin going to fit two more arse lickers in. I hope this new board member Ormond has the balls to make the big calls that the game here needs.All this bad press is killing the beautiful game here in beautiful NZ

over 17 years

charger1 wrote:

ladies and gentlemen lets get control of our game her in NZ. Lets get Kiwi's running our game not some rugby plonker who obviously knows nothing about the game. All of the present coaching staff need to go and i mean Heraf, Schmid Turnbull Buckingham Jose Temple the whole F...king lot i really do feel sorry for those Kiwi coaches who have put in the hard work to get their badges and not get a look in.Beazley and Emblem will be back soon how's Martin going to fit two more arse lickers in. I hope this new board member Ormond has the balls to make the big calls that the game here needs.All this bad press is killing the beautiful game here in beautiful NZ

Turnbull IS a kiwi coach who has put in the hard work

Starting XI
almost 17 years

Jose may have originally come from the UK, but he has done the hard yards here as well. Came to NZ about 15 years ago I think. Besides, the problem is the obsession with Pro Licenses to the very top jobs, which automatically rules out any local coaches because the OFC/NZF Pro License still only exists in theory. That's how we end up with a guy like Heraf who doesn't get the kiwi psyche.

First Team Squad
almost 17 years

Jose may have originally come from the UK, but he has done the hard yards here as well. Came to NZ about 15 years ago I think. Besides, the problem is the obsession with Pro Licenses to the very top jobs, which automatically rules out any local coaches because the OFC/NZF Pro License still only exists in theory. That's how we end up with a guy like Heraf who doesn't get the kiwi psyche.

That's what the Nix did last season and look how well that went. Maybe time to look closer to home for our top coaches, although I think Schmid might turn out to be okay and an exception to that rule. 

Starting XI
over 17 years

I don't really buy in to the 'kiwi psyche' thing. We're not the only people in the world who prefer to at least say that we will do our best no matter what the odds. I think in the case of both Kalezic and Heraf it's simply coaching style and perhaps coaching ability too

Starting XI
almost 17 years

I'm not saying we're completely unique, but as a pretty limited country in a lot of ways we have invested a lot into the idea that we can compete in the sporting world. I don't think I can ever recall hearing a kiwi coach say "can't" or "never"; We like to willfully delude ourselves about our chances. A lot of people from Western Europe would consider what Heraf said brutal honesty, but to a New Zealander he broke the cardinal rule of sport, NEVER say never. In our minds we're always Rambo taking on the Vietcong single-handedly.

Starting XI
over 17 years
Life and death
over 17 years

Anyone can coach someone to kick a ball or play a certain way. The very best coaches know how to handle people to get the best out of them. Part of that is knowing what makes them tick. He doesn't seem to have a clue. We do have a NZ sports psyche and that is what makes us over achieve in all manner of things. You can't cut a knife through that and completely discard it to the 4 winds and expect success.

almost 11 years

Anyone want to make Twitter hashtag go viral, just a simple #MartinOut #HerafOut should suffice. This Martin fool is delusional, Heraf does not care

about 13 years

NZ Football - PANTS

over 17 years

I don't have a lot of time for Reason's usual opinion pieces where he seems to deliberately troll for views/comments (a la. Rattue), but if this rare piece of actual journalism from the article is true then NZF really does have a lot to answer for, and in no way lessens my worry that we are headed right back to appointing just another Martin type.

"Whatever happened to due diligence. It took me one phone call to talk to London Irish, the Martian's previous employers.

They told me they were about to boot Martin out. They said that Martin was kept away from all playing matters, that debt had increased in his time at the club, and that he had put together a huge commercial team who had now all been removed."

Edit:  Also, his suggested replacement for Martin is a very good one on the face of it, if she is willing to step down (sideways?) from FIFA.

almost 7 years

OK here is my view and sorry if I go in a few different directions with this ! The best coaches need to be teaching our best players !!! It is that simple and where you are from should not come into it.

One of the issues that has been discussed is around Heraf. The book fully stops here with Andy Martin. Heraf has worked at a high level for a number of years in the game but now he is in NZ he is all of a sudden a bully but never a mention of anything similar in the past ........ Well I do not buy that. The football culture here in NZ is quiet different than most of the world in my opinion so Andy Martin should have went into detail with Heraf around what what he was coming into.The fact he did not probably tells you he does not understand it himself which is a real worry. Then to allow your technical director to become so invested in the women's team when his job is to overlook the game as a whole and develop it was a bonkers decision !

Heraf clearly went for the straight talking approach with the players and with his lack of knowledge around the culture there was no way back for him. This approach im sure was acceptable for him in Europe in a professional environment which NZ is not but he needed a more tactful approach here and to try implement change over time. I believe he meant no harm with his honest view and approach but it was definitely not the right way to do things and it has clearly backfired on him. Again why did Andy Martin not advise him better ? Again because Andy Martin does not understand the culture !

I could get into the NZ football culture but i would need to write a book : )

One in a million
over 17 years

Fred wrote:

OK here is my view and sorry if I go in a few different directions with this ! The best coaches need to be teaching our best players !!! It is that simple and where you are from should not come into it.

One of the issues that has been discussed is around Heraf. The book fully stops here with Andy Martin. Heraf has worked at a high level for a number of years in the game but now he is in NZ he is all of a sudden a bully but never a mention of anything similar in the past ........ Well I do not buy that. The football culture here in NZ is quiet different than most of the world in my opinion so Andy Martin should have went into detail with Heraf around what what he was coming into.The fact he did not probably tells you he does not understand it himself which is a real worry. Then to allow your technical director to become so invested in the women's team when his job is to overlook the game as a whole and develop it was a bonkers decision !

Heraf clearly went for the straight talking approach with the players and with his lack of knowledge around the culture there was no way back for him. This approach im sure was acceptable for him in Europe in a professional environment which NZ is not but he needed a more tactful approach here and to try implement change over time. I believe he meant no harm with his honest view and approach but it was definitely not the right way to do things and it has clearly backfired on him. Again why did Andy Martin not advise him better ? Again because Andy Martin does not understand the culture !

I could get into the NZ football culture but i would need to write a book : )

NZF could do with a book

over 17 years

aitkenmike wrote:

I don't have a lot of time for Reason's usual opinion pieces where he seems to deliberately troll for views/comments (a la. Rattue), but if this rare piece of actual journalism from the article is true then NZF really does have a lot to answer for, and in no way lessens my worry that we are headed right back to appointing just another Martin type.

"Whatever happened to due diligence. It took me one phone call to talk to London Irish, the Martian's previous employers.

They told me they were about to boot Martin out. They said that Martin was kept away from all playing matters, that debt had increased in his time at the club, and that he had put together a huge commercial team who had now all been removed."

Edit:  Also, his suggested replacement for Martin is a very good one on the face of it, if she is willing to step down (sideways?) from FIFA.

I think it was poorly written, plus it’s one thing to run an FA in the country the size of Samoa going nowhere fast and and other, NZs size.  Likewise what has she actually done while at FIFA?

over 9 years

Reason also accuses Martin of forcing out Tony Readings as Ferns coach. Is there any actual evidence of that?

almost 14 years

Independent review. It’s time. Who is running this show? 

about 13 years
First Team Squad
almost 17 years

Blew.2 wrote:

Andy Martin, in answer to questions from the media in respect of matters raised by a former New Zealand Football staff member, stated that the matters were linked to a “performance management issue around the individual”.

his statement was factually totally incorrect. There were no performance management issues as they relate to this former New Zealand Football staff member.

Come on guys, give the man some credit. Martin obviously 'mis-spoke' when asked that question and he can clear up any misunderstanding when he talks to whoever is named to investigate the Heraf mess. (Yeah, right!)

Life and death
over 17 years

Blew.2 wrote:

Andy Martin, in answer to questions from the media in respect of matters raised by a former New Zealand Football staff member, stated that the matters were linked to a “performance management issue around the individual”.

his statement was factually totally incorrect. There were no performance management issues as they relate to this former New Zealand Football staff member.

Could of been according to Heraf, who would of told his side of the story to Martin. Again it would show the danger of having him in both of those positions at the same time.

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