First Team Squad
almost 2 years
For all the people who have called me ignorant and stupid in this thread, I'm genuinely hoping it wasn't the n word. I think it could be very embarrassing if it was revealed that a white captain of a team called the All Whites (of whom most are white and none are black) from a predominantly white country led his team to boycott a football game and in the process accuse, in the most public of ways, a black man of being racist for using the n word. I thought it was pretty much settled that, while most of us should not ever use the n word, those who are black can?

Can't we all stop for a minute, take a step back, and think about how much of the rest of the world might see this? It could be about the most humiliating thing you could be associated with in 2023. We could be the laughing stock of the footballing world for a long time. I'm honestly starting to get a little worried. 
almost 17 years
Napier Phoenix
The referee will be covering his own ass too. 
Rusty Dunks
I don’t have a link/haven’t found one, but apparently Austrian news network ORF Burgenland did an interview with referee Manuel Schuttengrubber where he confirmed it was the n-word

Just Googled it, and could find this whereby the ref tells the news outlet "I know nothing......nothing!" (I'm really hoping he said it in a Sgt Schultz voice)

From a google translate:

At half-time, the captain of the New Zealanders announced that they did not want to continue playing. "I was then surprised. I was then told that there was a racist insult, it was about the N-word," says Schüttengruber. 

Which seems, well, odd, if you watch the game footage including Joe Bell talking to the ref. 

Oh absolutely- can’t think anything you’d want anywhere near you less as a ref doing a friendly for a Qatar game.
almost 17 years
For all the people who have called me ignorant and stupid in this thread, I'm genuinely hoping it wasn't the n word. I think it could be very embarrassing if it was revealed that a white captain of a team called the All Whites (of whom most are white and none are black) from a predominantly white country led his team to boycott a football game and in the process accuse, in the most public of ways, a black man of being racist for using the n word. I thought it was pretty much settled that, while most of us should not ever use the n word, those who are black can?

Can't we all stop for a minute, take a step back, and think about how much of the rest of the world might see this? It could be about the most humiliating thing you could be associated with in 2023. We could be the laughing stock of the footballing world for a long time. I'm honestly starting to get a little worried. 

Hopefully that will be something that gets some clear minded discussion as a result. The kiwis seem clear that it was used as a racial insult. 

Trolls guna troll. Those that wanna know about NZ and Polynesia are guna, those that don’t won’t. 
over 9 years
For all the people who have called me ignorant and stupid in this thread, I'm genuinely hoping it wasn't the n word. I think it could be very embarrassing if it was revealed that a white captain of a team called the All Whites (of whom most are white and none are black) from a predominantly white country led his team to boycott a football game and in the process accuse, in the most public of ways, a black man of being racist for using the n word. I thought it was pretty much settled that, while most of us should not ever use the n word, those who are black can?

Can't we all stop for a minute, take a step back, and think about how much of the rest of the world might see this? It could be about the most humiliating thing you could be associated with in 2023. We could be the laughing stock of the footballing world for a long time. I'm honestly starting to get a little worried. 

Boxall is half Samoan, as is Marko Seufatu Stamenić. Tuiloma is Samoan & Mata is Maori/Cook Island mix. All those guys heard the remark and all showed immediate visible offence & anger. Maxime Teremoana Crocombe I think is part Cooks as well. 

Despite the team moniker the national team is actually pretty multicultural, especially that starting 11 against Qatar. It's not just a bunch of white guys. Hopefully any accurate world reporting of the game picks up on that. 

The N word is a very offensive one in Western culture. If it was the N word why would the Qatari direct it at Boxall if he didn't know he was brown skinned.
Phoenix Academy
about 2 years
For all the people who have called me ignorant and stupid in this thread, I'm genuinely hoping it wasn't the n word. I think it could be very embarrassing if it was revealed that a white captain of a team called the All Whites (of whom most are white and none are black) from a predominantly white country led his team to boycott a football game and in the process accuse, in the most public of ways, a black man of being racist for using the n word. I thought it was pretty much settled that, while most of us should not ever use the n word, those who are black can?

Can't we all stop for a minute, take a step back, and think about how much of the rest of the world might see this? It could be about the most humiliating thing you could be associated with in 2023. We could be the laughing stock of the footballing world for a long time. I'm honestly starting to get a little worried. 
I think that there is literally no chance of that happening. Mainly because it is simply not that big of a deal to the footballing world. There is next to no media coverage on it aside from us here in NZ. Even if what you say happens people would just forget about it by the next international window. 

Oh, not to mention that if it was a big story Fifa would never come out and say you get a pass on using the N word as a racial slur because of your skin color. That opens up an even larger can of worms for them. Better for them to just ignore two football minnows bickering
almost 17 years
Khalil Media
This is an interesting take on the incident, and some of the problems that could come with it.
Petulant Brats or Innocent Victims of Racism?

An interesting take yes, but he's wrong. Perhaps not surprising the author is in Canterbury.

This incident is another part of a much wider issue of racial abuse in the beautiful game. As someone else posted until you have been racially abused it's simply impossible to know how serious, hurtful an issue it is. A few years back I wandering around downtown built up Cape Town (was getting late), and it just suddenly dawned on me that there were no white people around me at all - and I was very much the odd one out. Was a sudden weird feeling. Like how a black African walking around Wellington or Christchurch would feel ever day. Like all eyes are on you, and your skin colour. A mini epihany. To just be kicking a football around whilst thousands of cowards chant monkey noises or whatever in the stands, directly at you, must be incredibly hurtful.

Do agree somewhat that the local Austrian referee was in between a rock & a hard place. What was he to do, send the Qatari off? What if he genuinely didn't hear the slur? He was probably in a relaxed mood officiating a soon forgotten friendly in front of no one, then suddenly in the blinl of an eye he's in the midst of a shark storm. Human nature in a way just to hope it all went away.
I was intrigued by the way the blog author posted the pics of the people involved... 

Read through this argument and his comments do a lot of revealing the community he’s writing for:

For soccer players read “the cyclists of ballsports”.
I do note that both the players involved are brown skinned but not to worry, whitey will still get the blame.

Afterall our very team name . all whites, is racist. I guess we could run a comp for a new name “The Petals” “Pussies from New Zealand”
Oh dear….

I cannot disagree Major, sticks and stones, whatever.

You do wonder if this is studied from 1970 British sitcoms as most of Spike Milligan’s comrades in arms are no longer with us! 

Can’t help thinking I would have appreciated his refereeing. However, about half the article was about how big names had paid him no respect as a ref in the local comp and there’s really no skin off his nose to have an opinion on the national team. 

Unlike Boxall and Bell, he’s really not taking much of a risk here. Perhaps Boxall less so than Bell, as he’s done a lot of his career, but he may look to stay in and around the game after he retires. 
over 13 years
Unless NZ football come out and say word for word what was said then abandoning a game simply is bullshark.

Going silent on this is hypocritical 


over 9 years
Don't think this has been posted yet. An important point I think the team really only had 15-20 mins to come up with a decision, in a situation no one had experienced before. Pus dealing with language barriers with the Qataris. So yes with relection they may have just asked Qatar to remove their player, but again was a messy situation and they had to make a decision on the fly & fast.

But the thing about that is even if there was a better way to react (and, frankly, there may not have been) these guys had mere minutes to figure out their course. Did people expect them to have a perfect response ready to go? They didn’t have a PR team to advise them in the changing sheds. The Vinicius situation alluded to the same thing where it’s only when he finally snapped that the spotlight went on what he was suffering. The bottom line here is that it is the responsibility of the match officials to lay down the law, or at least give some impression of giving a damn, and it was only when that didn’t happen that the All Whites felt they had to do something themselves. Actually, it was because that didn’t happen.
about 7 years
almost 17 years
Unless NZ football come out and say word for word what was said then abandoning a game simply is bullshark.

Going silent on this is hypocritical 


No it isn’t and no they don’t? 
and 5 others
almost 17 years
“The footage of the game clearly shows several of our players responding in unison to something offensive being said and the racial slur was heard widely by a number of players on the field.

“Rather than New Zealand Football or the Qatar Football Association commenting further, we have referred this matter to FIFA to investigate due to the seriousness of its nature.”

about 3 years
Unfortunately I don't see anything coming of this now, NZ simply isn't a big enough country and football is far too diverse and global a game for anyone to really care. And if it was that word that we are hearing reported there will simply be a lot of people that will say that the Qatari player is allowed to say it because he's black. Is that right or wrong? I really don't know.

It does open up a wider issue to me though, I've heard players up and down this country say things just as bad things as that during football matches, some have been involved in national setups. We're gonna need to take a good hard look at attitudes and languages in football in this country moving forward too.
over 9 years
Unfortunately I don't see anything coming of this now, NZ simply isn't a big enough country and football is far too diverse and global a game for anyone to really care. And if it was that word that we are hearing reported there will simply be a lot of people that will say that the Qatari player is allowed to say it because he's black. Is that right or wrong? I really don't know.

It does open up a wider issue to me though, I've heard players up and down this country say things just as bad things as that during football matches, some have been involved in national setups. We're gonna need to take a good hard look at attitudes and languages in football in this country moving forward too.

I also wonder about a couple of things;
1) Following on from you Monto, what if one of our national team players let slip with an insult in a future game? 
2) It's one thing to walk off in a friendly played in front off two men and a dog - and this is a hypothetical - would the same outcome happen in a World Cup Qualifier? Could that lead to, say, a Fijian player saying something to provoke a walk-off that is unheard by the referee which would likely lead to a default 0-3 loss?

BTW: I support what was done, and now thinking of unintended consequences. 
almost 17 years
For all the people who have called me ignorant and stupid in this thread, I'm genuinely hoping it wasn't the n word. I think it could be very embarrassing if it was revealed that a white captain of a team called the All Whites (of whom most are white and none are black) from a predominantly white country led his team to boycott a football game and in the process accuse, in the most public of ways, a black man of being racist for using the n word. I thought it was pretty much settled that, while most of us should not ever use the n word, those who are black can?

Can't we all stop for a minute, take a step back, and think about how much of the rest of the world might see this? It could be about the most humiliating thing you could be associated with in 2023. We could be the laughing stock of the footballing world for a long time. I'm honestly starting to get a little worried. 

Bell maybe white, but the player who was abused is not - he is of Samoan decent - so the 'n' word is just as offensive to him as anyone else - except maybe white people. Bell lead the boycott as a leader not because he was offended himself.
over 17 years
Rusty Dunks
Unfortunately I don't see anything coming of this now, NZ simply isn't a big enough country and football is far too diverse and global a game for anyone to really care. And if it was that word that we are hearing reported there will simply be a lot of people that will say that the Qatari player is allowed to say it because he's black. Is that right or wrong? I really don't know.

It does open up a wider issue to me though, I've heard players up and down this country say things just as bad things as that during football matches, some have been involved in national setups. We're gonna need to take a good hard look at attitudes and languages in football in this country moving forward too.

I also wonder about a couple of things;
1) Following on from you Monto, what if one of our national team players let slip with an insult in a future game? 
2) It's one thing to walk off in a friendly played in front off two men and a dog - and this is a hypothetical - would the same outcome happen in a World Cup Qualifier? Could that lead to, say, a Fijian player saying something to provoke a walk-off that is unheard by the referee which would likely lead to a default 0-3 loss?

BTW: I support what was done, and now thinking of unintended consequences. 

I don't think they would do it in a match of real consequence. 

If World Cup qualification was on the line and millions of dollars were at stake they would keep playing. File a complaint and kick off about it sure, maybe two foot the cod(s) that said something disgusting, but they would finish the game.

Money talks lads and lasses.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Events like this walk off force people to re-consider their own attitudes and often also their own past behaviour.

Many of the comments, excuses, imaginery scenarios, reasons and analysis in this thread betray a feeling that many just wished the walk off never happened. 

Quite a few are squirming their way through this, looking to deflect or double down. 

This is why the walk off was a bold statement. It has forced players, officials and the public in to an uncomfortable situation where they have to think about it and to question their own belief structures. 

So, it doesn't really mater what FIFA say. Why would anyone look to an organisation like that for validation? We've made our statement and it's having a positive effect.
and 3 others
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
Unless NZ football come out and say word for word what was said then abandoning a game simply is bullshark.

Going silent on this is hypocritical 


I'm going to ask again. If it wasn't an absolutely out-of-bounds thing to say, then why do you think the team abandoned the match when they were 1-0 up? I assume the answer will be "woke woke wokity wokesters", which just raises more questions than it answers
Life and death
over 17 years
Remembering too that Box and Bill play in the US where the N word is certainly divisive and they are not obviously “white” in that environment. They may have experienced this before personally so their reaction was immediate and heart felt. Even though The word is used in rap music and in street vernacular, it is quite obvious when it is used as and meant to be offensive. I can’t think of how it could have been used in any other way than offensive in this case.  
For all the people who have called me ignorant and stupid in this thread, I'm genuinely hoping it wasn't the n word. I think it could be very embarrassing if it was revealed that a white captain of a team called the All Whites (of whom most are white and none are black) from a predominantly white country led his team to boycott a football game and in the process accuse, in the most public of ways, a black man of being racist for using the n word. I thought it was pretty much settled that, while most of us should not ever use the n word, those who are black can?

Can't we all stop for a minute, take a step back, and think about how much of the rest of the world might see this? It could be about the most humiliating thing you could be associated with in 2023. We could be the laughing stock of the footballing world for a long time. I'm honestly starting to get a little worried. 

Bell maybe white, but the player who was abused is not - he is of Samoan decent - so the 'n' word is just as offensive to him as anyone else - except maybe white people. Bell lead the boycott as a leader not because he was offended himself.
Life and death
over 17 years
I sincerely hope you are wrong and suspect that you would be. If the situation is serious enough to make a stand, the status of the game is irrelevant. I am sure FIFA don’t operate on those principles however. 
Buffon II
Rusty Dunks
Unfortunately I don't see anything coming of this now, NZ simply isn't a big enough country and football is far too diverse and global a game for anyone to really care. And if it was that word that we are hearing reported there will simply be a lot of people that will say that the Qatari player is allowed to say it because he's black. Is that right or wrong? I really don't know.

It does open up a wider issue to me though, I've heard players up and down this country say things just as bad things as that during football matches, some have been involved in national setups. We're gonna need to take a good hard look at attitudes and languages in football in this country moving forward too.

I also wonder about a couple of things;
1) Following on from you Monto, what if one of our national team players let slip with an insult in a future game? 
2) It's one thing to walk off in a friendly played in front off two men and a dog - and this is a hypothetical - would the same outcome happen in a World Cup Qualifier? Could that lead to, say, a Fijian player saying something to provoke a walk-off that is unheard by the referee which would likely lead to a default 0-3 loss?

BTW: I support what was done, and now thinking of unintended consequences. 

I don't think they would do it in a match of real consequence. 

If World Cup qualification was on the line and millions of dollars were at stake they would keep playing. File a complaint and kick off about it sure, maybe two foot the cod(s) that said something disgusting, but they would finish the game.

Money talks lads and lasses.
almost 17 years
The other thing to look at is that there is a global movement right at this moment lead by a Real Madrid star. The head of FIFA, though probably not imagining this circumstance said games should be stopped for racist abuse. There was another game on the same day where this happened. 

Individually these actions may stun people into self reflection, but also currently they are part of a more collective move to attempt once more to draw a line in the sand. Hopefully not by VAR though. Jokes, woo. 

The hope is that come that WC qualifier, god forbid, the ref knows exactly how to handle the situation as a result of this action here and no players are forced to choose between the WC and allowing their teammates to be abused with impunity. 

IIRC though, particularly to Pasty and Smeltzy, Fiji weren’t partial to attacking players verbally…

about 7 years
First Team Squad
almost 2 years
Am I crazy? In what world would a black person use the words "black n***" to attempt to racially abuse someone who is not black? Just why? Why are we going along with such a story, even as a hypothetical? It is ridiculous on its face. 
Phoenix Academy
about 2 years
Am I crazy? In what world would a black person use the words "black n***" to attempt to racially abuse someone who is not black? Just why? Why are we going along with such a story, even as a hypothetical? It is ridiculous on its face. 
if you genuinely believe that I assume you think that an albino African American can't be racially abused with a hard R.

In all seriousness though I traveled through parts of Africa and the Middle East with a Maori friend of mine and he was called a f***ing N on a couple of occasions if we didn't take a locals cab or some shark like that. Those locals were darker skinned than my mate. 

I've come to understand racists don't use logic. Racists just see their race as superior and so degrade others they view as below them with degrading language. So yes, duh of course its racist. 

I really can't believe you're assessing his use of racist terminology lol 
and 1 other
First Team Squad
almost 2 years
Which parts of Africa? South Africa? Zimbabwe? 
Phoenix Academy
about 2 years
Which parts of Africa? South Africa? Zimbabwe? 
all over really bit of a classic OE trip. Spent the most time in Egypt and the Kruger National Park. Feels like a long time ago now before covid 
about 12 years
Am I crazy? In what world would a black person use the words "black n***" to attempt to racially abuse someone who is not black? Just why? Why are we going along with such a story, even as a hypothetical? It is ridiculous on its face. 

You don't listen... or read.

The use of the term nigg.. has less to do with colour than a sense of superiority. The word nigg.. was not designed to point out someone's colour but their inferiority.
They didn't say it as a reminder to that individual that they were black, but to let them know that in their eyes they were less the human - see AA history in the states where the questioned giving half a vote instead of a full vote to recognise this.

Stop saying he can't use the word because he is darker. It's ignorant and offensive to anyone with any understanding of history and justice.

And its beginning to piss me off.
about 12 years
Why has NZF not released a statement saying what was said...

hmmm - to not give further breadth to an ideology that deserves to fade away in the darkness.

hmmm - to not be accused of defamation, if they say it publicly they have to prove it or could be lible for defamation.

hmmm - to not influence the proceedings, but to allow them to go through due process.

hmmm - because the player involved has their right to privacy and maybe doesn't want all the added attention that would go his way if it was stated.

We don't need to know, we just want to know.
about 12 years
One in a million
over 17 years
Refusing to play is all the players can do to try and stamp out this crap. It is not fair to think that Boxall and Co should have just smashed the offender in the next tackles, which they could have done. These days with tv footage and VAR, means they would then be banned for a long time. Not helpful to their careers or to NZ football. Refusing to play was their only option.
First Team Squad
over 3 years
For all the people who have called me ignorant and stupid in this thread, I'm genuinely hoping it wasn't the n word. I think it could be very embarrassing if it was revealed that a white captain of a team called the All Whites (of whom most are white and none are black) from a predominantly white country led his team to boycott a football game and in the process accuse, in the most public of ways, a black man of being racist for using the n word. I thought it was pretty much settled that, while most of us should not ever use the n word, those who are black can?

Can't we all stop for a minute, take a step back, and think about how much of the rest of the world might see this? It could be about the most humiliating thing you could be associated with in 2023. We could be the laughing stock of the footballing world for a long time. I'm honestly starting to get a little worried. 
For the second time in this thread - consider the god damn context.

- It was to a player of a different ethnicity of his own
- It was to a player that he and his teammates did not know or meet before
- It was targeted at a single individual rather than as a generic plural
- It was used in an aggressive adversarial context

All of which is VERY different to a couple of mates using it among themselves, or an African-American rapper using it in their song. Context is key and it shows that if that was the word said, it's still not okay in the situation. 
over 9 years
Am I crazy? In what world would a black person use the words "black n***" to attempt to racially abuse someone who is not black? Just why? Why are we going along with such a story, even as a hypothetical? It is ridiculous on its face. 
if you genuinely believe that I assume you think that an albino African American can't be racially abused with a hard R.

In all seriousness though I traveled through parts of Africa and the Middle East with a Maori friend of mine and he was called a f***ing N on a couple of occasions if we didn't take a locals cab or some shark like that. Those locals were darker skinned than my mate. 

I've come to understand racists don't use logic. Racists just see their race as superior and so degrade others they view as below them with degrading language. So yes, duh of course its racist. 

I really can't believe you're assessing his use of racist terminology lol 

This is an enlightening little yarn, and provides some real context into what the Qatari player likely intended (though yes we will never know for sure) if it was the N word. You are beneath me you brown skinned......

Basically rubbishes the idea a black man can't insult a lighter skinned person, by call them a n*gger. May seem a bit of a strange concept to a Westerner, but hey much of the world operates differently.

Life and death
over 17 years
I’m not certain that  wiki agrees with you
Am I crazy? In what world would a black person use the words "black n***" to attempt to racially abuse someone who is not black? Just why? Why are we going along with such a story, even as a hypothetical? It is ridiculous on its face. 

You don't listen... or read.

The use of the term nigg.. has less to do with colour than a sense of superiority. The word nigg.. was not designed to point out someone's colour but their inferiority.
They didn't say it as a reminder to that individual that they were black, but to let them know that in their eyes they were less the human - see AA history in the states where the questioned giving half a vote instead of a full vote to recognise this.

Stop saying he can't use the word because he is darker. It's ignorant and offensive to anyone with any understanding of history and justice.

And its beginning to piss me off.
about 12 years
I will take my degree in history and political studies, years of teaching experience covering black civil rights and history plus my working experience in the middle east over an open editable page on Wikipedia.

But for argument sake... let's just agree that whatever was said was clearly upsetting and move on.
almost 14 years
Wikipedia is accurate and you can see the cited sources, but the English language Wikipedia will focus more from a US and wider English speaking diaspora perspective so will not paint a picture or the nuances of using that word in Qatar.
First Team Squad
almost 2 years
On Friday, Boxall did not reveal exactly what was said to him. He said the comment wasn't specifically a racial slur about his Samoan heritage, but called it unacceptable.

"It's one of those things, I'm pretty competitive and I say a lot of things that I wouldn't want my kids to hear, but that's certainly crossing the line," he said. "It's not something I'd ever say."

"I didn't really take great offense to it, but I think it's one of those things you can't allow on a football field," he added. "I'm sure it's a slur he uses colloquially every day, but when it's directed at another player on the field, you can't get away with that.

First Team Squad
almost 2 years
There is no way on earth there will be any punishment to Qatar over this. FIFA could never punish a black person for using the n word. If anything, NZ would be punished for not completing a game without due cause, though we will probably get away with it because it is such a meaningless friendly and because the fact that it is a racism related incident they will probably be cautious and sensitive about any possible sanctions. On the other hand, Qatar may want retribution for the unwanted attention and coverage and may try to force FIFA's hand in the issue. 
over 13 years
Where did he say this - can you post a link?
On Friday, Boxall did not reveal exactly what was said to him. He said the comment wasn't specifically a racial slur about his Samoan heritage, but called it unacceptable.

"It's one of those things, I'm pretty competitive and I say a lot of things that I wouldn't want my kids to hear, but that's certainly crossing the line," he said. "It's not something I'd ever say."

"I didn't really take great offense to it, but I think it's one of those things you can't allow on a football field," he added. "I'm sure it's a slur he uses colloquially every day, but when it's directed at another player on the field, you can't get away with that.

First Team Squad
almost 2 years
over 9 years
There is no way on earth there will be any punishment to Qatar over this. FIFA could never punish a black person for using the n word. If anything, NZ would be punished for not completing a game without due cause, though we will probably get away with it because it is such a meaningless friendly and because the fact that it is a racism related incident they will probably be cautious and sensitive about any possible sanctions. On the other hand, Qatar may want retribution for the unwanted attention and coverage and may try to force FIFA's hand in the issue. 

Maybe you are right, but it's important to remember an almost identical incident happened only about 2 hours earlier. The Irish FA (FAI) just like NZF it seems, haven't disclosed the exact remark either. They haven't even named the player targeted, just that it was a replacement.

Sounds like their coach came onto the field and actually lead his U21 team off, after what was said (heard by a number of his players) was explained to him.

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